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Posts posted by NowTheDreamsWontDo

  1. As the bronze medal match is from 19:00 to 20:00 UK-time and the gold medal match is from 21:00 to 22:00 UK-time I assume Mika will play probably in the "gap" between 20:00 and 21:00. But I don't think they will broadcast if no one is playing Beachvolleyball (I'm hoping I'm wrong of course :mf_rosetinted:)


    One hour of Mika with about 1000 cameras ready to roll and nobody is recording it? Please tell me that doesn't make sense? I've checked the Dutch live broadcast on the official website, but they (should've) stopped broadcasting 2 mins ago... :(

  2. Loved to know he listens to portuguese artists (that was actually one of my questions, and he ended up answering it without knowing! LOL). :thumb_yello:


    For anyone interested, here's the Mariza he talked about:



    Goooood loooord she's amazing! Was very pleasantly surprised to hear him mention Fado, but hadn't caught the name of artist. Went to a Christina Branco concert once with my mother and grandparents... It is all so gorgeous <3

  3. Me too! Actually, I didn't even notice they skipped that part until I saw it written here. :teehee:



    I have the first 23 minutes of the interview (I had to switched SD cards in the middle of it), do you want me to upload it somewhere? (not youtube, I don't have an account, but somewhere you can download it from, like sendspace or something. )


    Yes please! I missed some parts due to my computer refusing to just record and play XD


    I've actually got an account for one of those sites that you can borrow...?

  4. Loved the interview and the acoustic version of The Origin Of Love :fangurls:


    Now, i read on twitter that there will be a mika's gig tonight but does anyone knows something about it?


    I know there always is beach volley late at night (from 10ish) and he is going to play on that field, but other than that I have no clue. Thought this was going to be it actually... :P

  5. I think the clip will be available at this YouTube channel later as well, the one of pixie lot(t?) and whatshisname are as well. I can't watch them tho, proxtube says it has something to do with them not being available in the us or something? Anyways if one of you English people could try and download it via keepvid.com when The time comes...? :)

  6. I missed some of the interview cause of customers but I'm trying to export the full recording now. :thumb_yello: I absolutely loved it when Mika did the latin part :aah: incredible! But what the heck did he do to Celebrate? :sneaky2: It was short enough as it was, why cut Pharrell's part completely out?

    Please shame your customers into never ever coming in again :) thank you!

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