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Everything posted by Tulun♥23

  1. Hey guys (: Just wanted to let you know Lollipop161 and I are trying to get this project to the Israeli media's attention ^^ We'll let you know soon.
  2. I agree, I'm so amazingly happy, but it would be even more amazing if the MFC mods could help us make sure Mika knows it was brought up by Israeli fans. After all, I think our porject brought everyone closer together and really helped the MFC get new members, right? It would be so great if we could just get this
  3. I HATE paparazzi. It's a complete invasion of someone's privacy! I think it's even more wrong and upsetting when it's being done to someone who never calls out for attention, like Mika. It's different when it's someone like Bieber or Miley Cyrus, but... paparazzi can't break people. Remember, princess Diana died because her car was chased by paprazzi photographers. The whole "profession" makes me sick...
  4. I woke up with the biggest smile on my face... everything we wanted with this project - we got. I personally feel like there's nothing we can't achieve when it comes to Mika. For him, I'll do anything. There aren't enough words to describe how much I love every one who took a part in the project... we couldn't do this without you! It took me a while but I really feel now that I have a place - which is with all of you ♥ The only thing we ask for, is if you could please tweet Mika about the porject and mention that it was brought up by ISRAELI fans - we just want him to know we love him so much... and that's why we want him to come soon. So please help us let Mika know (: We really can't thank you enough... #MikaPeaceProject FOREVER!!! x
  5. Unlike this lovely girl here, I wasn't sure he'll respond to it... It made me feel kinda sad and I felt it'll never happen.. And then I got an SMS "he twitted!!!!!!" and suddnley I remembered WHY I love him so much - because he cares. Everything we've done this past year was so we can get to this point where he tells us he's proud of us. I really don't need anything more than that. Just that. And I'll be happy forever. An hour ago, all I could think of was "What will I do if he won't respond". Now... there are no words to describe my feelings right now. Thank god that I found him.
  6. EVERYBODY - We're glad to announce that the collage is DONE and SENT! Mika's team should be posting it on facebook by the next few days. We would like to thank EVERYONE who took part of it. We really are the best fans ever. ♥ ♥ ♥
  7. Thanks guys, but we've already decided on "This is love, not war" on top and "So we're making it worth fighting for" on the bottom... or maybe the entire phrase above, we don't know yet. I hope today we'll finish it (:
  8. I totally understand you. I'm 16 and I opened my fb account about a year ago, and it was only so I could be updated with the newest Mika news. Then I did the mistake of recieving friend requests...
  9. Well, Mika's fb team asked us to send them the collage first, so they'll have lots of likes for it. If people will see it outside of facebook, it won't be so exciting anymore. But as soon as they post it there, we'll post here too.
  10. Hey (: The people on the list are MFC users. But the collage contains EVERYONE'S pics! We promise! OMG I can't believe people are tweeting about it!
  11. Maybe you forgot to mention your MFC username so we put you under the "NOT MFC" label? If you give us your real name we can search your name in the inbox.
  12. We're both not religious but still... the entire country is quiet. Everybody's resting for me, it's a vacation from school Which I don't really get to enjoy of, because I have a math test on sunday. Thank you so much!!! we've been working very hard but when I see it now, I realize it was all worth it. But the hard part is still ahead of us...
  13. Hey everyone We are aware that you sent your pics, we got them all! The thing is, today is our new year's eve, so we're both very busy and in a tight scheduele. We'll update the list ASAP, we promise!
  14. I know, right?? We are so nervous about HOW on earth will we put together all of these... And there are more! The people on the list are the ones with MFC users, the are dozens who don't have an account at all!
  15. We got both of your pics, and you're on the list. Thank you for participating! Mika has the BEST fans ever.
  16. Thank you so much!!! It's a real hard work, but me and Lollipop161 have everything under control at least that's what we say to oursleves! Just kidding, we will send it to Mika, and he'll be very proud
  17. People, the list is UPDATED! Check if you're there, and if not, let us know via PRIVATE MESSAGE!!!
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