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Everything posted by Tulun♥23

  1. We did, thank you ♥x Wherever you want to, as long as you see it
  2. Why not? A lot of the fans do! It's all for Mika, you don't want to disappoint him, don't you?
  3. get well soon, yasi!!! LOVE FROM ISRAEL!!! ♥ ♥ ♥
  4. Guys, you're amazing! The project is really developing and getting on its tracks!!! We're so proud! MikaFreaks are truly the best fans ever... ♥ x
  5. Awwww so happy for him! (: I wish his tweet about the present was more specific, though... But it makes me so happy to think that I'm one of the reasons for his happiness ♥ Being a part of the photo album present was so amazing and I'm so glad he loves it
  6. Hey everyone We remind you again that the dead line is September 4, but that doesn't mean we don't need your pics ASAP! Remember, the sooner you send your photo, the sooner Mika gets it and we will accomplish our goal ^^ Thank you ♥ x
  7. It won't be streamed live. Unless someone found something. DAMN IT! I'm ok with not being yet in any concert, but this is his last for this year, and it's a day before his birtdhay! SO WHY??? I'm so done.
  8. מתלהבים, מתלהבים. הייתי מתלהבת יותר אם לא היו לי ייסורי מצפון. מזל"ט ((:
  9. Can't seem to find it... :/ It's beautiful ♥ thank you very much! x
  10. Same here (: Can someone please give him a warm "Happy birthday" from the Israeli fans pleeease?? Oh and will this show be streamed live?
  11. Omg my thread is working Do you know where can I get TOOL's instrumentals? I'm dying to hear "Underwater", I bet it's amazing.
  12. This thread is about Special version of Mika's song, for example if you found a really good karoke version, you can post it here (: I've found some amazing instrumental version for some of Mika's songs: Relax - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nsnV_UrXyo Grace Kelly- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YaszRV-lZyM Over my shoulder- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMPE_K3AFPE Rain- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=paNOWFKPoUM Happy ending- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meDEgLHU49s Any other world- Erase- Enjoy!
  13. Made today What do you think? And could someone PLEASE tell me how do you upload a picture in its original size without that annoying thumbnail? thanks ♥
  14. Hey there!! ♥ welcome to the MFC! if you need anything, send me a message, i'll be happy to help! (= xoxo
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