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Posts posted by maggie112

  1. We shouted out loud that we were about to take a pic, and waited a few minutes, no one wanted to exclude you :dunno:

    Don't take it personal, come on.


    me and Valeria (WeAreStrong!) escaped as soon as the gig ended because we really needed to go to the toilet :mf_rosetinted: I'm sorry for not having been able to greet you and other fellows MFCers, I hope sometimes (not in a too far future!) there will be more meetings :huglove:

  2. Ok, finally back home in Rome.

    This is my experience (I didn't read all the previous posts, so maybe I'm repeating something) : I arrived at 11 AM, many people were already there but many were queueing for free Nutella and games for kids, so I found a pretty good place, and I could seat on floor too. From 1 PM more and more people arrived, and many tried (and many succeded) to skip the "queue"... thanks god I succeded to go to the toilet at about 3 PM because it became impossible later. when the gig began with the first artists, people started pushing more and more... the worst moments were when the men who sell drinks and water walked through the crowd with their hand-cart....

    and more and more pushing until Mika arrived.

    I arrived at about 8th row in front of the stage so I had a pretty good spot, when Mika arrived, I was really tired but it was amazing! The sound was not perfect, but I really enjoyed the whole show and I'm so sad about thinking how long we will have to wait to see him live again.

    About the pushing and screaming crowd... I had experienced a Green Day's parterre gig with about 20K fans, and the crowd was awful,really really really worse than yesterday's, I know that the music is really different than Mika's, and the audience too,so it's not the best comparison, but yesterday I knew I was going to a free gig, when Mika is a huge star because of Xfactor, so I was ready to a similar, or even worse situation.

    Of course I got annoyed about peopled who didn't respect the lines, and pushed each other, but, I'm sorry to say that...in Italy it's common. There are everywhere people breaking simple rules of respecting each other and don't caring, and, the bigger is the crowd, the worst is.

    I was pretty lucky to don't get hurt by the crowd, so I enjoyed a lot the gig, and I'm very happy to have been there, it was my 2nd Mika gig after the Rome 2012 one (when there were less than 2k people...) and I loved that even more than the first time ;)

  3. Ragazze, un po' di sano divertimento farà bene anche ai vostri studi!

    Se non staccate un po' rischiate l'esplosione, e secondo me questa sarà un'occaione fantastica. Già vi immagino tutte lì in piazza.... :groupwave:



    fa solo che bene un concertino tra un esame e un altro :wink2:

  4. I think I will be coming too, looking for someone to share a room / a place with :blush-anim-cl:

    I think I can only come on Sunday morning, but I'm planning to do some sightseeing on Monday and Tuesday morning :wub2:


    me too, I'm travelling from Roma and I will be there at about 10 AM on Sunday (if the train is in time :mf_rosetinted: ) and visit the city on Monday... if I'm still alive :naughty:


    Ladies Naples will be conquered by Mfcers:huglove:


    can't wait to meet the all of you! :blush-anim-cl:

  5. :floor: sì, ce ne sarebbero tante da raccogliere e tramandare ai posteri in un piccolo manuale per illusionisti...

    "Ti dico che l'album uscirà presto mentre ti stordisco col mio sorriso" - sostituire la prima parte della frase con "tour", "foto", "amo questo Paese perché qui c'è qualcosa di speciale (inserire il nome dello stato in cui ti trovi)". Condire con qualche mezza verità come "sono dislessico e non so leggere l'orologio", "sono libanese" e servire sbattendo le lunghissime ciglia. :mikadas:

    E queste sono solo quelle che mi vengono in mente in questo momento...

    Ahahahah ma noi lo amiamo lo stesso :naughty:


    o anche riguardo il pentagramma.... ci sono foto in cui, per suonare le canzoni nuove nell'Intimate tour, ha davanti un Ipad con lo spartito... quindi dubito che non lo sappia leggere *per niente* come dice sempre :mf_rosetinted:

  6. before you all go nuts(ella) about it...have you read? A guest among guests! :naughty:


    It depends how many guests will be there... It seems he would be the most important, so he would be the last one and I hope he'd sing more than just a couple of songs ..... :wink2:

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