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About maggie112

  • Birthday 12/01/1991


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    I've gone identity mad!

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  1. I genuinely think that since it happens rarely that being on the rsvp list actually gives benefits (I am on MFC for more than 11 years and maybe I can count on one hand? Maybe 2, Anyway never at events where I was going 😂) and it is unpredictable, that people are not used to that 🤔 or I don’t see any other explanations since as you say, when there is a presale code to use, people seem to be aware of how it works
  2. Just my perspective: I have always been used to forums since I actually was using them in 2005/2010 when it was the social media of the time, but I can understand that for many fans, most of them teens or young adults now, it's not the same, so I get why many of them just don't visit this one and just rely on IG/Twitter/TikTok. I remember that during the years I have linked threads to fans who I went to gigs with to always click on rsvp list because if something happen, that's usually (always?) the way people get in (even if actually during all these years I've never been to an event where I got any benefit, like once I missed by one date going to the date before ) and I saw how many of them just don't visit the forum themselves and would have just not known otherwise (For context story: I learnt myself about having to click on the rsvp list reading on Twitter about a drama happened in August 2013 in Colmar where there was a M&G and also then, some fans were unhappy because they didn't know about the list or the forum at all) So, I get what they say when they feel this way, on the other hand, maybe how these (rare) initiative work could be shared more on "regular" social media so it will be easy for new fans to be aware of how it works Also because, and here I don't want to start a worse drama myself, because it's a *very nuanced* concept, that goes beyond the "MFC" thing but it is specific to people, the impression that we often hear from several fans, is that there is a part of the community that tries to gatekeep as much as possible. Again, it is not strictly related to MFC, sometimes we have seen drama happening in situations where it had nothing to do, I actually came to the conclusion that it's common to any fandom where there are actually occasions to get close to the artists (while I see quite difficult in something like Taylor Swift community, I know there are m&g's but it's compared to win the national lottery) But I mean, on this topic, the only thing that I could suggest is that communication is key (I mean if it an MFC event, if not, the discussion could have the same root, but does not belong here) , to avoid rumors to spread and make stuff and people look worse than what it actually is
  3. That’s me 🤗 I will add few more snippets later 😃 it was also me going around giving away friendship bracelets, anyway I see that apart from fans in the first rows, most of the audience doesn’t know them at all and some of them looked pretty confused when I offered some (like they could have thought I was asking for money 🤣) I have more to give away in Lucca this July 🤗 anyway, loved the gig, happy to see new visuals and hear new songs arrangements ❤️
  4. Hi everyone! Hope it’s not the wrong section to start this new thread, since it’s specific to the tour 😄 Since I have seen many people are starting bringing friendship bracelets to any concert (not only Taylor Swift ones where it all started) and I also started doing them Mika -themed 😎 is someone going to do them as well? I plan to bring them at Grenoble and then Lucca this Summer, the idea is to exchange them with other fans, but in the past I also handed them “for free” 😄 these are few of mine
  5. also because I would like to make Summer plans
  6. Another article was mentioning going to sing in Syracuse in Sicily, but it's not in the announced Italian dates list, so who knows
  7. So, ok that's an interview for the French market anyway, but he talks about just one album, and in French Wondering if that means that the "other" album will come out more "mikasoon" than expected
  8. As you have already mentioned me I am uploading my videos on my youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO0GAdN0rxpk2j1nwdR5AQg I have been very happy to be there, and in such a good spot. Setlist wasn't anything different than what we heard this Summer, but it was quite expected since there is no new album, hoping next year we will have more new content Arena is such a beautiful venue and he really deserved to perform a full show there, I hope we will be able to see it recorded (do we have any official about it? I didn't get if they were recording for something "big" or maybe just a promo collage for his Youtube channel)
  9. I haven’t watched the tv show. Some friends are telling me they saw these people sitting there wearing some kind of badge of the event, so maybe they were invited or as you said, friends of someone
  10. Exactly. I read that also in Bari they were going to add 3 rows in the front, but then it got cancelled so the discussion didn’t even start anyway
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