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Posts posted by Presci1108

  1. Oh, what a fun idea ! Hard, but fun! 


    So here is mine, in no particular order: 


    1. Relax (I would place it first, like it was the case in my first concerts)

    2. Tomorrow (I loved it so much in the Revelation Tour) 

    3. Tiny Love (same) 

    4. I see you  ( I heard it only one time live and I was a crying mess) 

    5. My Interpretation (because it's the only song from LICM i didn't hear, and unfortunately, it's also one of my fav) And those three last would be great with the piano !)

    6. Promiseland (we said "dream"...)

    7. Jane Birkin (he can sing it as much he wants in France, I'm definitely in love... La, la, la...)

    8. Good Guys

    9. Origin of love

    10. Underwater (I love to be a star...) 

    11. Overrated (Neither version... But a mix of the two would be perfect !)

    12. No place in heaven

    13.  JSQJT (I imagine he will sing it in Orange, and I absolutely wants someone to register it if that's the case)

    14. All she wants

    15. Stardust

    16. Happy Ending (I admit it would be hard to imagine a concert without it)

    17. Passager (I loved 30 secondes, but I prefered add a song he never sang live. And it's one of my favorites)

    18. Good Wife

    19. Love Today (I adore when I think I can't dance anymore and then, there's this super-long Love Today that comes and I start again and feel more alive than ever)


    And for the Encore

    20. Hurts (I could not survive it, though... )

    21. WAG (for me, this ending is just perfect, so I keep it, but honestly the succession AOW/WAG was perfect for me, so it's really because I never heard Hurts in live)


    • Like 4
  2. 10 minutes ago, mellody said:

    I'm sure that if we posted about it in an Insta story, people on Tiktok and X would complain. Or those who happen to be offline for those 24 hours, or are not interested in checking the MFC stories all the time. If there is a numbers system for the queue, those who don't like it will complain. We had that often enough as well, queueing numbers being defined as oppression by the fan club, tho it's usual practice at many gigs. We didn't invent that. In short, it's simply not possible to please everyone.







    I'm neither a new fan, neither one of the people who have seen Mika the most, and honestly, there is ALWAYS drama, always complaints when people aren't in something. I understand the feeling when you're passed by other people, I'v been here, we all were at a moment or another. It's pretty common, and it happened to me this week, for example. I missed the 2013's M&G, but that's no the end of the world, it made me learn about my "error" and now, I'm RSVP for each concert in case there's something. 


    Actually, the only time I could live a privileged moment with Mika because something was organised, I wasn't even in the MFC ! It depends on the "rule" for entering the event, but in any case, the people who aren't in are sad. it's understandable, but we must learn to rely also on luck, and accept the fact sometime, we don't have the good information. From my POV, I know MFC makes all it can to offers great moments to fans. :hug:




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  3. Here is one of my famous gig reports... I'm kidding :lol3:  But I have a very serious question to ask to the people who're making 5, 10 gig in one tour... How do you survive when it's finished ? No, because the more I go and the more I'm depressed after.  :tears:


    Obviously, that was very good to see the show as Mika wasn't ill, very good to return in the standing area and at the first row, and very good to be there again and appreciate the fact I was here, simply. Each gig is a victory for me, so being able to make the three I planned, was indeed a big victory, and I guess it played a role in the intensity of this evening for me. But the biggest part was Mika himself of course... 


    It didn't start well. First, problems in the road between some traffic jams and difficulties to organise the departure with my brother's work resulting in a 30 mn delay on what was planned. Then, difficulties with numbers with the usual mess/complaining people. My luck being what it is, I managed to fall with a security checker who was extremely long and the time she agreed to let us pass, 10 or 15 people passed us by in the other lines, and only because we started to complain. Result, I lost at least 15  places in regard to my number and was way more on the side that I should have been. And finally, the realisation the sound of the venue wasn't at all what I remembered it was (but what happened ? :shocked: ) So, yes, before the concert started, I was moderately pissed off, and I had difficulties to enter in the ambiance. I felt only fatigue, stress and some vague murder desire  :lol3:  Fortunately, the view was great, I was fortunately still at first row, I wasn't too much on the side either, and... well, it was a good place anyway, so I quickly felt better on that regard. I always saw Mika, after all, so all was well, and he often came by us anyway. 


    I still adore the introduction with "Bougez". Knowing it was the last time, I took a big glimpse of it, trying to engrave in my memories the most subtle detail of the big cage, our favorite fire bird, and more generally the intense feeling of relief I usually feel when Mika comes on the stage. This instant where all the stress, all the eventual deceptions, all the muscular pain disappear, is not unique to this tour, but what I find particulary beautiful is that moment makes some echo with the freeing of Mika, and that's like if we all are freed at the same time, him from his cage, and us, from our little or bigger problems. At that moment, his magic starts and it never let me until the end. ^_^ 


    Of course, having see this show only when Mika was ill, the difference was obvious. He could be, and therefore was, really at his best. He told us he loved this venue very much because there wasn't sitting areas, and especially this time. He told in Paris, the fact it was filmed was a little stressful for him, the musicians and the crew, and so, at the Rockhal, he wanted to enjoy himself, dance and see us dancing, and it showed. He didn't stop to laugh and tell funny anecdotes between the songs. He said at the beginning he wanted to make Luxembourg first and then Paris, because of the fact it was filmed and therefore asked him a lot, but finally, it was better that way because we gave him energy again ("la pêche", french expression). Actually he was totally in it, excellent, and obviously enjoyed himself, so it was great. 


    There was a lot of little anecdotes and funny things, like when he teased the people in the upper (VIP ?) area who didn't sing very strongly (he called them angels, but added they "didn't sing like angels", and then, asked them to make the light of their phones on and prayed to their like if they were stars and asked if they could grant his wish even if they weren't very loud), and he also compared some very loud fans who were screaming with a little too much insistance with Chucky (adding he "didn't want to be mean, but it's a nightmare")  :lol3:. He also told us the story of Billy Brown like being about a man his sister was in love with, but he felt like there was some "problem", so he wrote Billy Brown, sang it at Christmas, and they weren't very happy, especially the guy who never talked to him after that. He added it was a shame, because he found this song nice for a guy who didn't find himself yet, telling that with some sulky tone and a laugh that killed me :lol3: There was a lot of other funny things, since he was in a talkative and playful mood, but if I tell all, this report will be a novel. 


    I was happy to be there for the return of Billy Brown I didn't hear since a while, I just would have preferred it would not replace 30 Secondes I adore. Well, at least, he played more the piano, and I LOVE when he's playing piano, and found it was maybe what missed a little in this tour. I would have love to have the two :naughty:


    My favorites moments are now clear : the intro, Feels like fire, Underwate of course, followed by a relax who never fails to give a crazy ambiance, Jane Birkin, and the final full of hope, and Happy Ending...  


    Speaking of Happy Ending, I can't exactly find the words for it, but I found his performance extremeley beautiful in Luxembourg. It was too at Strasbourg but, maybe because I was too far away or he was sill ill, it wasn't the same. Yesterday, his voice was so beautiful I felt moved. :wub2: There was also another moment where he made some of his vibratos I'm deeply in love with, but I don't remember what song it was (Underwater ?). I had goosebumps for these two moments. 


    For Big Girl, he came nearby when he came in the crowd, actually more than never for me :wub2: but the best moment was very personnal. At a moment he came sing in my area, our eyes met and he smiled :swoon:It was incredibly brief , but my heart skipped a beat, and for the first time of the concert, I was moved.  :cloud:


    Actually, for whatever reason, I found this gig so joyful, so good, so wonderful I finished it with tears in my eyes. It started with Happy Ending because it touched me in the heart ( don't know why. I mean, I heard it 10 times live before, even with A Capella parts, so I don't know why THIS time was so strong for me). But the fact is, I knew it was my last from the tour. I was painfully aware of that. Being recognized by him, the greatness and the magic of the concert, and the fact it was my last until the summer hited too hard. I totally lost it at Any Other World, a song I deeply love, with an intense meaning, who already made me cry in live, it was the moment I had to fight against tears and lose. Tears that stayed at the edge for We are golden... And tears that I couldn't retain anymore after the concert... The last time I left  a gig in that state of emotion, I'm not even sure when it was. I don't even explain why this one moved me so much. It was just totally wonderful from the beginning to the end.


    The thing is, I'm never as well than when I'm at Mika's concerts. The only places in the world where I can feel myself and at the same time integrated... The fact is, I still wanted to stress, to asking myself why I'm making all that and remember it at the instant the concert begins. I still wanted to speak a bad english, then french, with people I don't even know, exchange smiles and laughters with strangers. I still wanted to have my ears ringing in the night, and cry for whatever obscure reason, and feels happy for weeks just because I feel like I belong in Mika's world. But I know I physically can't. And even if I could, I'm sure it would not be enough anyway. It could never be enough. 


    The fact is I never want this to stop, I never want this to end... 


    Post-concert depression hit hard, but I feel also extremely gratefuland happy for this month...








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  4. 1 hour ago, krysady said:


    He could have cut EMD or Banana,



    Yeah, I would have also loved he to cut Banana and not 30 secondes that I love so much, but for EMD, it's probably nearly impossible since the song was one of his greatest hits in France (or even the biggest ? I don't remember, I'm not really a big fan of EMD actually) so people probably really waits for it...

    And he  can still suprises you for the next gigs, even years after... like he made when talk about you came back, or included feels like fire in the setlist althrough it's totally unknown...


    That said, even if I regret a little the absence of this song yesterday, at least I had it before, so I will not complain. Especially since yesterday gig was absolutely great. I left with tears in the eyes, something that didn't happen to me since years, I don't know what happened exactly, but there was some magic in the air, and I will try to make a report that will express it the best I can in a further post...

  5. 17 minutes ago, Kumazzz said:




    His words moved me so much...




    Hier, j'avais 12 ans. Je te vois avec ton pull bleu et l'ensemble rouge de Grâce Kelly. Tous les matins, me reveiller à 6h pour traquer tes clips.

    Si tu existais dans ma télé, dans ma réalité, dans mon quotidien, alors moi aussi je pouvais exister. Je pouvais être libre comme toi. Mettre un pantalon blanc moulant, danser et crier qu'aujourd'hui on s'aime.

    Ce soir, j'ai 28 ans. Et j'ai pleuré de te voir danser et crier qu'on pouvait toujours s'aimer. Je ne sais pas combien d'enfants de ma génération tes chansons ont pu toucher. Mais tu resteras le premier pour moi. La première représentation d'une homosexualité libérée.

    Et à 12 ans, on ne veut pas la nommer cette homosexualité. Je me rappelle que tu n'abordais pas la question. Et c'est ce dont j'avais besoin : ne pas mettre un mot dessus, mais savoir que c'était possible. Qu'on pouvait être libre d'aller chercher dans les rayons femmes un pantalon rouge skinny (oui, je faisais une fixation sur les pantalons), qu'on pouvait sauter pour danser sans se demander si nos mouvements étaient assez virils, qu'on avait le droit a la couleur, qu'on était autorisé de ne pas contrôler sa voix et la laisser monter.

    Merci Mika pour ses premières fois. Et même si cela paraît niais. Même si ce n'est pas la vision a la mode de l'homosexualité déprimée ou en colère. Tu es populaire et l'a toujours été, et ça m'a aidé.


    :uk: Google translation

    Yesterday I was 12 years old. I see you with your blue sweater and Grace Kelly's red outfit. Every morning, wake up at 6 a.m. to track down your clips.


    If you existed on my TV, in my reality, in my daily life, then I too could exist. I could be free like you. Put on tight white pants, dance and shout that today we love each other.


    Tonight I am 28 years old. And I cried to see you dancing and screaming that we could still love each other. I don't know how many children of my generation your songs were able to touch. But you will remain first for me. The first representation of liberated homosexuality.


    And at 12 years old, we don't want to call this homosexuality. I remember you didn't address the issue. And that's what I needed: not to put a word on it, but to know that it was possible. That we could be free to go and look for skinny red pants in the women's section (yes, I was obsessed with pants), that we could jump up and dance without wondering if our movements were manly enough, that we had the right to color, that we were allowed not to control our voice and let it rise.


    Thank you Mika for his first times. And even if it seems silly. Even if it's not the fashionable vision of depressed or angry homosexuality. You're popular and always have been, and that's helped me.




    Oh, that's so beautiful, it moves me very much, too :heart: 


    I'm from his generation and he exactly described what it was to be a teenager in 2006 or 2007 and discover Mika, and with him, that we had the right to be free to exist even when other, and even ourselves, wanted to make us think he contrary... (even if in my case, it wasn't homosexuality, I feel it very strongly) 


    I wish this guy's words to reach Mika, and I wish one day, this man will have the opportunity to meet him :hug:

    • Like 3
  6. Ok, so. Strasbourg. My first experince in the sitting area, because I really wanted to make the two gigs, and I also absolutely knew I couldn't physically make the two in the standing area. Well, I also was sitting in Colmar in 2010, but since this time was followed by the Meet and Greet, I just don't remember the concert itself at all. Basically, I'm now absolutely certain I'm made for the pit :naughty: but being in the sitting area wasn't as frustrating as I was afraid it could be.


    This time, I came with my parents, my teenage brother and my little sister. We had places front row, so we relaxed before the concert and took all the time of the world, I took my time for buying my limited tour book (and I'm very happy to have it :wub2:). It was very strange to go at a concert without the stress of the opening of doors, to the point my body started to stress without any reason at the hour I habitually stress :lol3: 


    Entering the venue, seeing again the curtain some hours after Nancy, was a strongly strange feeling. It was like a wonderful dream, a dream without end, and a dream I didn't want to see ending. Yeah, I was a little away, but nothing could replace this feeling : I was at home again, for the second time in two days.


    Clearly, being in family was pretty nice. It was an occasion to share a part of my life with them. What was annoying was in our area, people were just like, static. They seemed to attend a classical concert, and so for the first songs, there was, in our area, only five people dancing : us. :annoyed: And in those people, there was three women of different ages who were absolutely crazy : my mother, my sister and me. But we totally ignored that and enjoyed ourselves like we always do, and after some songs, fortunately, thanks to Mika's words about "singing with our ass", the other finally joined us, and we felt less alone, so we danced even more like crazy. At different points of the concerts, Mika looked in our direction, and it seems he told (I didn't hear it, though, my mother told me, maybe she heard wrong) there was also some crazy people in the sitting area :lol3:  For once, we were together (usually, they  go sitting and I go standing alone) so basically, we just enjoyed : we improvised some choregraphies for most of the songs and there was a moment where my sister and I finished jumping our arms around the other's shoulder, all of that as the others were "only" dancing and singing normally, so it would not be that surprising. That's why I'm definitely made for the pit, at least, we're all crazy. That and the fact I was too away from Mika, excepted during his speech for Big Girls, where he was sitting not away, with just the stairs between us. :wub2:


    But the concert was great. Once again, Mika wasn't as well as we would love to, and once again, he gave everything he had anyway. He told us he had a nearly sleepless night before, but then, he felt better, but cough finally got him again on stage.  Strangely, being more away, I noticed more easily his instants of weakness in his voice. At Nancy, I was in a corner where everybody sang, so even if I noticed it, there were also instances where I noticed only in videos. Anyway, he offered us a great show once again. 


    One of the advantages to be in this part of the sitting area is that, being the only crazy people there, we could concentrate better on the purely musical aspects of the concert. So I could really feel all the emotions of more moments, especially in the slow-paced songs, and I noticed some musical developpements I didn't notice the first time, being too much in the instant. Same thing for the decors, since I got a better general view of the scene. I enjoyed the thing entirely differently, but enjoyed it anyway. 


    For Jane Birkin, the crowd sang the "la, la, la" in a very spontanous way, and so, he told us this touched him a lot because, when he was writing his last album, he wanted to write a song the crowd would sing like that. That was a nice moment. Also, in "Moi, Andy et Paris", he sang "Je reviendrais vous voir, Strasbourg", and I don't think he sang that at Nancy, (maybe on other dates, since I didn't look at videos before the concerts, I don't know), and it made me smile. If that's the case, I'll be there. :wub2:


    I don't know what I can write more, since essentially, the concert was the same, except there was no fan on the stage this time, and some speech differences I don't remember well enough (I definitely must rewatch some videos). But a thing is true, it was as amazing as always. The proof : my sister came home with merch, so I'm definitely pretty happy.  :cheer:


    Really, all of that was like a dream and this time, after Strasbourg, I couldn't help to feel a little sad. This week-end was absolutely crazy for me, too good to be true, and the return at normal life is hard today. The fatigue of the last two days fell on me and I can't walk normally because of my poor legs, but how great it was ! It was just incredible, and I'm already longing for the next... 



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  7. OK, so, I will try to express what was this concert, but it will not be easy, since it was very special... 


    Let's start by the context. For the first time in my life, I went at two concerts in two days. So this entire week-end was like a wonderful dream, and I didn't want to wake up, except it was real and I don't know if I totally realise it. The 14 y.o me  would probably not believe it if I could tell her... :cloud:


    It's even more unbelievable since I nearly abandonned Nancy. Saturday, I felt atrocely bad, my head was spinning like crazy in the night, I felt helpless and thought, well, if I feel like that, I will not be able to make it. But in the morning, despite always feeling like that, I decided I would go anyway and see, like that, I would not have regret. I didn't have any regret, since my bad condition miraculously disappeared  at the exact instant Mika entered the stage. And it's not the first time. :lol3:


    But for now, let's return at the queuing. It was a lot more fun for me because this time, I managed to find myself a little group of three to spend the day with. The time fly definitely faster when you can talk and laugh with some others people. I'm used to be alone, so already at this moment, things were deliciously better than usual. It's also easier to fight the stress of doors opening when we can cheer each others.  


    I had a pretty good place for a girl who couldn't run at her best, second row, a little to the left. Actually, in front of the place where the piano would be, a thing that made me smile when the piano appeared, since that's my place since my very first concert, and I can make all I want, I always finish by being in front of the piano. :lol3: No complaining here, but it's still funny. 


    The concert was... well, is there a word strong enough for describing it ? I loved every second of it, and it's not because Mika looked at me (nooo... not at all... well, maybe a little.... :wub2: ). I didn't look at the videos until the day. It's something I make every time there's a tour for keeping the live versions a surprise. I knew there was this incredible beginning with Mika in his phoenix suit, and the "club apocalypso" because of pics, but I wasn't prepared to discover it in addition of the music, the costumes, the songs he sang, the screens behind him, the musicians on the moving platforms, the total harmony of all of this together. I took it fully with my ears, and my eyes, and it was great from the beginning to the end. Just a word : WOW !


    We knew he was still ill, but he also said he absolutely wanted to be there and each time his voice was weaker, each time we saw it was hard, we sang for him. Actually, this rapidly created a magical connection between him and us. He made this gig despite not feeling as well as we wished he was, so all we could make was to support him the best we could. From where I was, there was moments we didn't even hear him anymore, his voice covered by our singing. For exemple, at the end of Underwater, he said since the next song would ask him a lot of energy, and since we sang for him, he would let us finish the song alone. Like @mellody said, he owned it, we all knew the deal, and made our best to thank him to be there, sing very well despite all that, and offering us an incredible energy for someone who's "drunk from Toplexil" (personally, I stopped to take that, because it always makes me feel even more bad than the illness itself, so, infinite respect, Mika, for being able to perform like that with that sh*t ). 


    I adored to discover the live version of the new songs, like Bougez, because the beginning of the show and the phoenix suit are just magic, Jane Birkin because it's one of my fav... and 30 secondes. Oh gosh, how I loved 30 seconds. Even if he totally messed up the beginning twice (or maybe even more because of that ?). He laughed and said to us something like"Listen, that's amazing. At the beginning you gave me paper sheets when I messed up my lyrics, then it was you phones and now, you downright sing its to me, it's amazing !" And it was at 30 Secondes that, at a moment, he  looked at me for the first time. It was not as strong as at Strasbourg in 2020 when he directly sang while looking me directly in the eyes, but any look from him is special, asolutely priceless :wub2: 


    What else ? Like I said, I loved every bit of each song, so... Well, he talked about the fact his father and Yasmine were there, and explained that his sister came from New-York, rented a car from Paris to go see him in Brest, then accompagnied him at Nancy. He said without her, he could maybe not being able to perform at Nancy, so we cheered her. I laughed like crazy when he explained that, if the standing area sang stronger, it was because for singing, we must use our body, our heart, and our ass, and we can't sing when our ass is sitting on a chair. :lol3: (a thing I can pratically confirm after my experience in the sitting area yesterday).  

    In fact, I never enjoyed myself like this night, and that means a lot. I also really appreciated the instrumental interludes while Mika was changing, the diffusion of Tehu's soundtrack, and even, the instrumental version of I see you... 


    The concert could not finish on a better note, for me, since Any Other World and We Are Golden are two songs who means a lot for me, had a considerable impact on some moments, and are connected to each other when it comes to the feelings I have with songs. It was like some therapy for me :lol3:  And I'm very happy to hear Any Other World again :cloud:


    I didn't feel sad after the gig because I knew I would return in a few hours, so it was perfect. Yeah, absolutely. Nancy was phenomenal. :wub2:


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  8. 56 minutes ago, TTel20 said:

    Only travelled to France to see him performing in Nancy. Leaving France in the 11th March and won’t be able to come back. I hope he won’t postpone: of course, health first. 


     Fingers crossed for you, Mika, and the others who must travel from away. :hug:


    I have a strong "déjà-vu" since yesterday evening. The exact same thing happened the last time he came at Nancy. This time, though, he felt better and could perform, though it was pretty much incertain until the afternoon. I hope for everyone that will be the case this time too. 


    • Like 1
  9. 19 hours ago, Lexa said:

    Hi there, so here it is only either the additional VIP option or the standard standing ticket. And no front of stage tickets - correct?


    Yes, it is. And if you want the VIP option, who doesn't necessarly gives nearly access, you must buy regular ticket in addition. There isn't any front stage tickets. At least it's what I understood from the explications. 



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  10. 51 minutes ago, mellody said:



    Found the setlist on Twitter:

      Hide contents



    Wow, some unusual choices?! :shocked: seems he wanted to make sure no one got the first 5 right for the competition? :lmfao:


    Wow ! Totally unexpected, and I find that really great ! That's nice he's trying more rare songs ! If thatdoesn't change, half of the setlist will be songs I never heard live, or songs I didn't hear since veeery long. A totally new experience of a Mika gig, that's just incredibly great ! It didn't happen since the Symphonic in another category, or simply my fist concerts in 2010. Wow ! 


    Well, I regret a little the absence of Passager, Je sais que je t'aime, or at least, tiny love or OOL, but Mika has pretty much a lot of songs now, so obviously, there is still at least one song that I miss now ... But Feels like fire, and the return of that tear-jerker of mine, Any other world are pretty good choices too from my pov. ^_^



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    It's the moment, there it is !  The apocalypse calypso tour begins ! :cheer:  Gosh, I can't wait to have the complete setlist, the first reviews... I love what I see (but I don't hear, I don't want to hear the live versions of the tour before I'm here myself) I really can't wait to have the first impressions on this Apocalypse Calypso Tour ! :lol:


    I wondered why there was a different hour for the Strasbourg and Lille ones, but I think I know : it's maybe because that's the end of winter holidays. Well, I don't care why he's making that, all I know is I now will be able to wait after the show in case Mika says hello, even if my brother and sister are back to school the day after. And that's great. :yes:


    Also, I'm surprised there is "Popular song", I never heard it live yet so... I don't say no. 

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  12. There's so much touching interviews those last months, I wasn't ready for this one. :tears: At the same time it breaks my heart, and at the same time, I find this tribute beautiful...


    I think the fact he and his brother/sisters painted the coffin is the most beautiful hommage they could make for their mother, that's so beautiful in the middle of all the sadness and loss they should have all feel...  

    • Like 11
  13. I knew it since the snippets, but Passager is my favorite song from this album... ex aequo with Je sais que je t'aime. (I can't say which one I love the most, the two gives me goosebumps...) I find it so touching in its lyrics, so beautiful, this song is just perfect. :wub2:


    36 minutes ago, krysady said:

    I checked on YT and the last lyrics are missing :sad: 


    That's true. Here they are


    Et je pleure 

    And I cry

    De passage

    In passing

    Car j'ai peur

    Because I'm afraid 

    De passage

    In passing

    Que ma vie

    That my life

    De passage 

    In passing

    Puisse me dépasser 

    Could pass me by


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  14. 38 minutes ago, sarinaa said:


    My first thought when I listened to it was, "It's like I See You, but make it French and 2023 Mika", and then I checked the lyrics, and he literally sings "Si tu me vois, moi je te vois" – "If you see me, I see you". It's like a response song to I See You, from the perspective of the person that's looked at for me! Absolutely in love with this song, probably my favorite alongside some others :lustslow: 


    You're right, there's really an I see you vibe there ! And that probably explains why I love 30 secondes so much (it's one of my fav from the album too) : I see you was my absolute favorite from TBWKTM, and I must admit that, as much as I love last albums, I missed a little  simple slow-paced piano music, so I'm beyond happy there's one in this album ! :wub2: (and yes, I have a mellow heart when it comes to love/romantic songs) 

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  15. "Ils eurent souhaité que nous bougeassions !"    :roftl: 


    We heard less for this one, or that's me ? The only thing certain is it will makes me move a way more than their publicity phrases :roftl:  

    This song somehow makes me think of things he usually do only for the gigs. Like an introduction of a concert, or a part of a final song (like he often made for Love Today). Maybe because of the drop... It will probably not be my fav, but I like this little snippet anyway. Strong retro vibes in this one ! 


    And in the end of this video, I find Mika especially adorable, his little dance, his smile, his "I like this one" and his enthusiasm... :wub2:


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  16. OK, this one is just wonderful, too. :wub2:  Probably one of my fav too, the entire songs will determine it. Anyway, this album seems like a real gem for slow-paced songs at least. That's rare there's absolutely no snippet I'm dubitative about, but that's the case for the moment and the wait until friday (well, thursday night) seems more and more unbearable. And me who was a little afraid about an entire french album because I usually largely prefer english ones... My fears are definitely washed away... 


     I don't think I'm wrong hearing oriental instruments ? Anyway, this snippet is really beautiful :swoon:

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