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Everything posted by dreams

  1. Did you already post it anywhere? Lollie's idea is great and maybe you could add something really awakward like... someone comes in and thinks he is her boyfriend or something. Dunno Find me too! I'm urskaklancar
  2. *Jumps into marshmallows* weeee! So soooooft!*Ads a fire pit next to the fountain we're all in, and throws crackers at everyone* SMORES FIGHT!
  3. *is now covered in slimy texture, throws tomato in Lollie and pours honey over Fiona and Hanne* We can make a cake out of ourselves later. XD It's fine by me too
  4. *helps you clean, but attacks you with flour* FOOD FIGHT! I guess I am clean... Though I do the ...'ika' thing too But haven't heard anything about the virus. Ahaha tha rat poison. How couldn't I think of that? Ofcourse something was missing in my morning coffee. Very infectious and I'm affraid there's no cure.
  5. I join you!! *builds it across from Hanne and Lollie*I want to have a small pretty one with garden, so I can invite you all for a tea or picknick Can mine be wooden?
  6. GIRLS YOU MADE MY HEART MELT! You are now my inspiration ans I love you both! I wish one day you both get to sing with Mika, cause you deserve it! Otherwise I'll bother him untill he notices!
  7. Hi Dee! Haven't seen you there before! Yes thag can be hilarious! Did you play the fake version online or the original? What's the difference anyway? XD
  8. Well thank you! Yes! It would be perfect! There was a vard that said 'in pubertity you start develop a string interest in ________. But don't worry it'd normal.' And I went with 'Oversized lollipops' and noone thought it was funny. There's a fake version online. It's called Cards against humanity - pretend you are a yxxz or soemthing like that. We play that one.
  9. Probably: something like that. My mom wouldlock me in the dark room and I wouldn't be allowed to see the world again. #momthedictator *throws Lollie in the air, she makes a beautifull move, cathches her with ease*
  10. For me, just anyhthing you will upload will be perfect Though I agree about Underwater
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