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Everything posted by dreams

  1. Aaha I feel you! My reaction was the same His music is something that makes the deepest feelings in me wake up. It takes to you to another world while listening to it. It's just perfect. Even the parts when you can hear that it's nit completely perfect. It's perfect. (Okay... that was weird) Where did you download the Como concert?
  2. Same here... If I dream about him, it is always like he is my best friend
  3. A random number is trolling me on my phone and I don't know who it is, and when I asked who, he answered with santa. So i wrote that I want a blue unicorn. :')
  4. Same... But I sometimes completely foget to do it. There are days, when I could go to school in my PY Ofcourse it never happened... I'll keep that on my mind It would me awesome!!! Honestly, I think that if I'd meet one of you, I wouldn't neeed anything else, but just a space where we could talk... ahah Now I'm really getting excited!
  5. Daydreaming is a part of my everyday too Im in music school, so I often can't help myself thinking what if Mika eould show up there one day. And my imagination continues throughout all the classes, thinking how it would be if he would teach me the piano... and then at home it's homework time - i should be doing it, but I think about the concerts or something... I always had a good imagination and like you, I imagine all the details and go completely off- in my own world I sm also writing a fanfiction, and I have a whole bunch of 'one chapter' stories or moments based on Mika
  6. Umm... I was thinking about something Northern like Sweden, Norway, Scotland... UK I've been in London before, but I would go again But maybe they will decide. They know my wishes and I trust them with their decision. But thrn again, I'd rather just wait till Mika posts some more dayes and go then- that way I could go to his concert and see the place where it would be... two in one- bingo! Aa for the presents for parents.... I have no idea. We could all help eacother out! I bought my mom a necklace last year. Now I am lost. And about grandmas too :/ I agree about Mika tickets! About the travel - just read what I posted up there
  7. Ahahah I'm glad I'm not the only one. I have exams at the end of the school year and my "quick pop on MFC" usually lasts at least an hour :')
  8. I hope for you! I actually have no idea... I kind of have this thing, that last 3 years when I got to high school I don't get material presents, but my parents invite me for a trip. Vacaton somewhere they know I'd like to go. Or they find it tinteresting. And since I loooooove traveling I think it's the perfect present for me. So I have no idea what this year will bring.
  9. I miss being a child too. Everything was so easy back then. You could be whoever you wanted to be and you didn't have to think about future or what's going on in the world... But then I like the teenager part too... it just botheres me that it is changing so quickly.People I know often say that I am a bit of a child at my heart... well it's yrue. I think everyone neds an inner child to come out once in a while. It makes things more interesting. I mean, where would we be in everyone would just be serious all the time?
  10. The one which always get me in a good mood and I can't get enough is Love today. But I can relate to NPIH or Happy ending.... It's impossible for me to just choose 1
  11. The symphonic versions are beautiful! My best friends is a gemini... I wonder what it says now I sometimes wear it at home, when I'm sure I can't dstroy it. Or when I'm sad... It brings back positive energy Haaahah, what did he say then? Maybe. I can't loose anything I wear my hoodie to school too... Let people see that i'm a mikafreak ahah Though, it's too big for me.
  12. Yeah... my number of listenings grew a lot since thursday I hope you get it! And the shirt! Your parents must be relly nice My mom would never buy a shirt to me... she thinks ut's crazy. Ahaha that must be funny! Though my parents are the same... My geminini is libra... thoigh I don't know much about those things. Maybe you will get it once !
  13. I've been asking myself the same question for a while...
  14. My Mikasoon happened on time! I recieved my copy today and listened through it 2 times already.... Is this mad? I am absolutely in love with OSM tracks
  15. Yeah! I'D BE THE HAPPIEST PERSONE ALIVE! If I could spent hours in line with you guys and just talk and have fun! My friend said that too... but like you said. I don't thinks she hit mh plans right ahaha Ofcourse I would hike around and be a proper tourist once it's nit that day for the gig, but the gig day... it's the gig day
  16. Not yet... I'm struggling with them ahah I will pm you I hope to figure then out
  17. I was planing some things with mh friends too, but have the same problem... what if he chooses some places that are quite close to me? Then I'd want to go to all of them... thiugb ny parents probably wouldn't let me.. :/
  18. Hi guys! I'm not sure, but I think I know the fours for underwater... I can somehow pm you to show you if you want I figured it out from the gigs videos
  19. You don't like rain? Well I don't love either, but I love winter!!! We have really nice weather here, I'm sending you some sunshine
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