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dreams last won the day on July 25 2016

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About dreams

  • Birthday 09/29/1997


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    *lives in Mika world*

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    Urška Klančar

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    Faculty of Arts

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  1. Hello British people! It's been a while since I've logged on here, (and I'm not British) but I came here because I don't really know where else to write this. In my uni department, I have a subject called British society and culture, and last week, we got a homework that is quiet nasty. We need to reach out to people living in the UK an ask them a few questions, so if anyone sees this and has a bit of time, please pm me. Help would be very appreciated . (ps. I'm not interested in your age, gender or anything like that, I just have a funny question ) Thanks in advance!
  2. I just finished the series. I'm late. I got the first book for my birthday when it came out, but I was too young to understand it then (or read). So after years of trying to iginore it, I decided to give it a chance. AND I LOVED IT! <3 Is anyone else so eager to know what will happen in the next season? I have so many questions that have to be explained.
  3. Does anyone know in which countries they will be available?
  4. Yes, sure. I think I'd have a really hard time choosing. Johnny was my idol since I was a small kid and I've always watched his movies with mom. And then Mika came after but it's still about 8 years. So... I'd really have a hard time choosing ahaha
  5. Thanks for the reply. ♥
  6. OMG I don't speak french but would he choose Johny as a person to stand a day with? Did he say why? I see now we have concurrence 😎 I'd share him with Mika tho 😂
  7. So yesterday my roommate, who doesn't speak Italian and is not even a Mika fan decided to watch it with me. And she did it till the end without any complains. She really is the best roommate and she already downloaded few songs. Looks like we have a newbie in the fandom😎
  8. Thank you Dee! Even though I figured I can watch it on the computer thingy connected to my tv package 🙂
  9. Does anyone have a streaming link? I'm sorry if it's somewhere in the thread XD
  10. yes, that's where she got my attention. She is unique and really knows how to deal with the crowd.
  11. Hey everyone! I'm planning a trip to London in spring. Does anyone know any affordable/cheap places to stay in? I'd be really grateful for some ideas! Thanks :)

    1. silver


      Well, generally I usually stay at one of the many Travelodges.  But I know there are cheaper places to stay, try this site https://www.visitlondon.com/where-to-stay/cheap-accommodation#iq7mMgWEdZimcMPh.97


      Do you know what area you want to stay in?  What are you hoping to do in London?

    2. dreams


      Oooh thank you @silver! We will just go as tourists. See the city, walk around, go to some museums, musical... things like that :)

  12. omg she does! aahaha I saw LP this summer on the festival. She sang really good her
  13. I don't have a favourite one, I think I love them as a group. But if I had to choose.... I think I'd go with Dustin Keep watching (I'm not a good person to keep a realistic mind and tell you to not binge watch) hahaha. SAME. Dustin is awesome. And I also binge watched that XD I grew fond of Max too
  14. I haven't been on MFC for a while, but after watching CasaMIka on tuesday, I forgot how much I missed him. And how much I missed this community and friends that I made here. I really liked the show, I watched it with my parents and even though none of us speaks fluent Italian, we had a wonderful evening. I'd say there was a bit of the show for each one of us. I'm reallly looking forward for the next week and I am really excited to be back here too
  15. ooooooooooooooooh my god I am totally not binge watching the second season XD I really like the show! I think it's creepy enough for me, as someone who doesn't watch horror movies. But this is very good.
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