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Everything posted by dreams

  1. Strict teachers are not so good. But at least you learn a lot ^^ First three are my favourite too As long as you have books and movies to watch My schedual is pretty much the same,that's why we lprobably don't have clubs. You know I will
  2. I will try to make it once. I love baking You have cookery as a subject? That's so sool! Looks like all the schools in other countries are cooler that here. Clubs seem awesome! Wish we had some too. Are you in any?
  3. So many posts... It will be on TV and I will try to film it Dont worry. Even if you would go with him there is no time for him trying anything if you want to gt out Does he like you? I could come! Haha one day I will go to Sweden again and we can meet and go together I showed WAG to some friends and they were kind of freaked out too.. Like "what even is that?" But they adventually admitted that the song is good. None said a word since then. ^^ Has anyone seen the 'uncensored' video? I think there was a threat about this, but I don't know where anymore. It's hilarous.
  4. Guys I went to escape room today!!!!! This was soooooo awesome!!!! Aaaah! I'm still enthusiastic! First they put us in a small space like an elevator and closed it, so it was suppose to be the time mashine to take us in 1634. And there were lights and smoke and it really looked like it haha Then the door on the other side opened and we were in the room. And we started searching around, until we found a key or two and opened some boxes and a closet. Then the camera man went out and left us alone. It was so cool! We had to solve different riddles and we did very good. We had to open 2 closets, 3 boxes, solve 5 riddles and once we were stuck with something, lady in the speakers gave us a clue. The thing was, that we already had the code, but we didnt find what it opens. Because there were no more locks in the room. And that lady thought we didnt have the code and gave us clues to get it, untill one of my friends shouted in the camera that we know the code! Then she gave us a hint where we should use it and we found it with no problem. But we lost 15 minutes looking for the stupid lock, that we didnt even know was a lock. And then we got the note that said we should knock on the door in the rhytm and we did and nothing happened, so we were really confused. And the lady said "the door is open" and we were like Wooo we made it! We tried to open it, but it didn't work. Then she said it again and we turned around, looking for another door, when we saw that the picture on the wall was actually the secret passage to ANOTHER room, now open for us. I was like... **** we're so not gonna get out. We had only 9.30 minutes left. Luckily we worked really fast and as a good team we finished another 3 riddles,a map and opened 5 locks and we found the final key in 6 minutes. So at the end, we came out 3.19 minutes before the time would run out! I'm so hyped and will definitely search for those rooms everywhere I go now! I suggest that if you can, go and try it cause it's super fun and it's a great experience for a group of friends. It really connects you
  5. I'm waiting for Beautiful disaster too! Have you heard the fedez version? What do you think? I thiught that rap would annoy me more, but if it would be in english it actually wouldn't. I really like the beat! <3 But I believe Mika version will be 1000% more beautiful! OMG yes! A video would be great! I thought he will make one for all she wants too ^^ If it willl be avalibke in Germany I will go ther eand buy it. We had NPIH only in one store in the capital city. Which is 2 hours drive from me. :/ I don't understand why. He is good! I really hope that I will be able to order it or something
  6. I bought it on google play and recently wated to order an actual CD, but now I decided to wait for the remaked version... or OSM part of it
  7. Lucky you! That's cool! I danced ballet for 5 years, then had to quit so I could focus on flute. But I still find it very beautiful to watch Good choise ahah, That's just like me when someone asks me this question!
  8. I actually like it! Even the rap part doesn't bother me so much. Though, I can't wait to hear only Mika version
  9. Those here are the coolest indeed. If nothing else, I will write you all a card I love making things like that LIke I said... Mysterious creatures they are. I agree about the smile. Just look at Mika. I'm sure you will do more than just pass. I sould be studying right now too- Chat we miss you! Days should have 36 hours to make everyting you want and sleep enough
  10. You stood in line for 10 hours??? Dd you get a good spot? I was happy the venue in Zurich was really small, so eventhough I arrived there 1.5 hour earlier, I got a spot in about 7th row Your mom must be very patient. Mine was wining after 30 minutes. Haha.How cool! What kind of dance do you dance? I play flute. I have my examinatin exams in spring to go to the college. I hope I do good
  11. I believe it was! I went to Zurich 2 weeks ago. It already feels like forever. I went with my friend and also my mum. I had to dragg her too, but at the end she really enjoyed it and said that she had no idea he is such a good singer. To be honest, I had no idea either. Mika live is just awesome! The history of music. I'm on misic high school. It's the most annoying subject ever. You have to know the songs like Mozart... and then a lot about their style and stuff. It doesn't make any sense. Anyways.
  12. Oh I know the PDM thing. I have it too. It hit me HARD! Like you, I spent most of my time watching Mika videos, which is not good, since I have an exam tomorrow. But I'll manage. I miss hollidays. I wish at least weekends would be longer. Did you do any interesting things?
  13. Oh no! Don't stop studying because of me.. I will have to blame myself if you won't be happy with your grades I hope he does. I don't know why he didn't say it untill now. I mean, he could have told me that 2 years ago ahah Weird creatures are those boys. ^^ I wish you gooooood luck on your exams! I believe in you!!! I see you all as my friends. And it is very interesting that with you I can talk about more personal things than with some people around me. Emojjis are the best! The only thing that botheres me, is that I have no idea how to use them on my pphone Christmas!!! My favourite holliday! Are you guys joining the MFC christmas cards this year? I did it last year and it was so sweet! Maybe you just remembered the feelings you had for him... I have no idea. I am certanly not good with giving advices about relationship... ^^ Uuuu enjoy your hollidays! I start them on october 24. I miss those evnings on chat... it was so fun! Now all I do is study. Ew. Wooo! Do you like it?
  14. Hi! Welcome here!!! I met a lot of internet friends on this thread, so I hope you will too It is nice to hear, that Mika helped you too. He has a huge influence on all of us in a good way I hope you will enjoy the forum and if you'd like joing is on chat in the evenings. I'll try to be there a bit every evening, because I realised, that my next day os way better after I chat with you!
  15. I got a hoodie ona concet.... It is good, that your friend understands you. I have a friend like that too now. We know eacother for I think about 5 years and she is one of the lightest perosns in my life . I got told today, that we will be on TV in something like 2 weeks. Yeah, my crush will be there too We are actually talking a lot there days, and today something incredibe happened in the morning. I was sitting on the hallway before the school starten with one more classmate, when he came and sat down next to me. In a while he started whistling a mellody, which cought my attention emediately and then he started singing LOVE TODAY!!! ! And I looked at him in shock and he told me, that he used to listen to Mika back in 2009/10. So yeah! Awesome! He said, he always thought he is cool and used to scream and try to reach the high notes My parents like his music too. Specially my dad. He said, that now finally he is able to listen to good music when I put it on. I don't get, why people get drunk. Drunk means your stomach hurts and then usually they have to puke. And this makes them weak and its gross and then they go to sleep. Next day they have a bad headache.... so on... What is the point of this? Why would I wan't to suffer, if I can have fun ? Hahah, I did sit infront of her Introverts are cool. People just have a wrong oppinion about us. They think we are anti social, or that I have a hard time making friends. But no! I make friends very easily, just not by getting drunk with them or fool around. I know people that think they are friends, but all they do is fight. Real drama queens. Ofcourse they feel close- there are rumors they all kissed eacother. And as far as I know them, I'd say it could be true. You guys are the best! When do you have hollidays? I have them last week of october and will be able to go on chat then By the way, am I the only one who thinks that those emojis here are the most epic things ever?!
  16. I guess she was jelous. Or she just enjoys making peoples lives miserable and watching them be hurt. She is a complete drama queen and attention seeker. And I am the complete opposite. I hate being in the center of attention - I guess I am an introverted person. And some people don't get us. It doesn't mean we dont talk... It just means, that when I feel something, I feel it inside and don't show it on outside so much. I sent her a snapchat and she hasn't really said anything to me since I came back. She just watched me and my Mika hoodie, which I proudly wore to school. Haha Yeah, he is in the same class that I am. And I will send you a video, if there will be a possibility! I will defenitely snap a lot ahaha maybe not in there, but before and after Out professor is going in this suneday. He said he has to 'check the field'... Guy is awesome! He infact reminds me of Mika a lot No, I am not so smart, I am just an average student. But he said I am good with team work and I don't panick and that he thinks I woukd like it Thank you! I will enjoy! I feel you. I feel like you guys mean more to me than some of people I know personaly and my whole life. And Mika. I can't express how mush he means to me, his music that inspired me to became a musician myself, though in a different way. His actions, that always make me proud to be his fan. My mom is sometimes angry, because I spent my time watching or listening to him, but a lot of ma schoolmates are out there, drinking and smoking. I think fangiling is my only crime
  17. One girl at my school that we were once best friends started making fun of me, when I started listening to Mika. That was almost 4 years ago. And she made me cry many times and she didn't stop controling my life.. and I was very shy back then. Then I joined MFC as an active member and met you guys and my kife literally chainged. I became more cinfident and Mika tgought me that it'd okay to be who you are. So I told her what bothered me and now we don't speak much anymore. She also said to me once, that I will never see him live. Because I don't deserve it and that I'm crazy to think that. Guess what Aww thank you! I hope Mika will get better soon! The thing is: do you know escape rooms? A group of people gets locked into a room and they have to find a way out, solving different clues and riddles. Our history professor choce 5 people from my class, and we will be locked into one. Its also the first one in our city and we will be filmen and on TV I can't wait! But it will be a big fail, if we don't get out in time haha We always have eacother! That's the moat important thing. I wish I will be able to meet all of you one day!
  18. Exactly. Mika's personality is my goal. If I will be half loke him when I am 30, I will be happy. This world need more Mika and people are just too selfish and judging to see it. Okay. Now this will sound really weird, but I am going to be locked in a room with my cursh next week, not able to get out. I can't tel you the details yet, but I promisse I will!! And no. Its not creepy.
  19. True. They don't even look at his talent. And the worst thing is, they sometimes make fun of you because of it. It's not fair. :/ I get over many things with Mika's mzsic. I wish one day I could tell him, how he helped me. I think he has no idea how much he helped us or made our lives better I hate Mikahaters, and I always stand up to them ahah
  20. Hey... I'm shy too and there's nothing wrong with that. And I'm sure you are pretty There's no need if asking if he knows Mika. Because he doesn't. Noone here does. I feel lik I'm the only person in this toen that even knows who he is. Even when you tell people, they are like "isn't he gay?" And I'm like, so what? He is an amazing artist! I hate when people judge him. But sadly, most of my friends do :/
  21. Thank you. And yes! The only real love we have is Mika and he will never let us down. I will always come back to him hahahah:DIm sorry to hear about your crush.
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