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Posts posted by charlie20

  1. At "La Chanson de l'année 2013/2014":


    Ritwittato da Nikos Aliagas

    Aurelie Montalan


    On continue #LCDLA avec Mika et Kendji cc @nikosaliagas http://t.co/1mipp5FKYh





    Nikos Aliagas


    #paris now sur le tournage de #lcdla diffusee ce samedi @mikasounds @GIRACKENDJI mes potos de #thevoice http://t.co/JAPXoKZZG1





    EDIT: I add this too:



    “@KendjiFan: #PHOTO Kendji et @mikasounds hier soir (@KendjiFan 11 giu) sur le plateau de #LCDLA ! http://t.co/4ii7S7rmU9



  2. thank youuuuuu!!


    and don't forget....it's LGBT PRIDE MONTH!!!


    thank you Mika :wub2:


    But this is a completely different song, a love freedom anthem, shouted out loud to the world. And a summer hit :wink2:


    Am I the only one to find this extract one of the most romantic 90 seconds he ever wrote?

    I left a little boy at Heaven, whispering his statement of freedom, twisting his fingers, with a palpable embarrass, and I find now a man shouting all his love to the world.

    I am so touched.

    It will never be a catchy summer song for me.


    Damn'd Penniman.:blush-anim-cl:


    I like it a lot and I agree with you, this song is clearly "a love freedom anthem (for him and his man), shouted out loud to the world".


    Ok I love it! And I thought I already lost him...:wub2::wub2:

    One question... can you tell in French who is his partner for the Boum Boum action? :mf_rosetinted::mf_rosetinted:

    I mean, a girl or a boy? :teehee::teehee:

    I was just thinking about the press and stuff :mikacool:


    Anyway, everybody knows already :das:


    Yes, by now these questions or doubts there shouldn't be more and who doesn't accept it, well, it's their problem. And the cover is telling :naughty:


    "Pas besoin d'un zoom quand toi et moi on fait boum boum boum"

    "Not to need a zoom when you and I make bang bang bang"


    I like this phrase, very meaningful :teehee:

  3. Not that it matters, since it probably won't be released in the UK, and even if it is, it's in French, its not being promoted, so it won't be a hit here.


    Actually in some article both Italian and French being told that the new single will also be released in North America (Canada and US) and UK.

    For example this:

    "Boum Boum Boum" sera disponible dès mercredi en téléchargement légal en France et dans de nombreux pays, avant une sortie américaine et britannique le 17 juin prochain.



    I hope so!

  4. Curious to see what kind of circus it is! I wonder how the level will be... I mean there are bad entries as well? It's not like the Voice where the contestants were pre-selected?


    Maybe. Not sure.

    I have no idea, but there was a kind of bus touring Italy and looking for contestants, I hope they did some sort of selection weeks ago. Even if I do believe that there were some weird/bad singers on purpose just to make it fun.

    At least last year there were. :dunno:


    In this regard, in this video of last year's edition, Alessandro Cattelan (the presenter of the live shows) unveils and explains how works the casting of XFactor, and it's interesting:


    I can do the translation tomorrow if anyone is interested.




    That's why I like The Voice more than XF.


    The Voice France was nice, but The Voice of Italy (or I should say The Voice of Vatican?) was :wags_finger:

  5. I think we all agree on the meaning of "Quand toi et moi on fait boum boum boum"...Am I right ???:naughty:


    Well, seems clear to me who are the two naked men on the cover :naughty:


    The thing is that I'm almost sure half of the people (even French) don't get that there is obviously sex in this sentence, especially the youngs. I read on Twitter a young French girl quite chocked of herself for thinking that Boum Boum Boum could maybe mean it :mf_rosetinted:


    I don't get how people can think he is "pure" (and virgin as say Ingie), reading his lyrics, watching him on stage (the hips dance in Napoli JUST AFTER the "tu sei bellissimo" from the public :naughty:), it's obvious that he loves to play and sex is part of it :fisch:

    But all this is always made in a very natural way, there is nothing chocking me, nothing "unrespectful".

    And especially the drawing is "only" a naïve drawing, I think it was not at all a problem for Yasmine to draw a penis, even if it was supposed to be Mika's one :wink2:


    Yes, and then there's the small detail that he has a relationship with his partner that lasts since eight years! :fisch::teehee:

  6. There's a new interview of Mika for Vanity Fair. Here's a piece of it:




    Publiée Aujourd'hui, Le Mercredi 28 Mai 2014 à 15:05


    Actuellement en plein enregistrement de son nouvel album, Mika se prête au jeu de l'interview pour Vanity Fair. L'occasion d'en savoir plus sur son concept de la beauté et sur les passions un peu honteuses du juré de "The Voice".


    Excentrique et passionné, Mika a déboulé comme un boulet de canon dans la saison 3 de "The Voice". Chouchou sur le plateau et aux coeurs de tensions avérées ou fantasmées entre les coachs, il n'a pas sa langue dans sa poche et le prouve une fois de plus en se confiant au magazine Vanity Fair.


    L'occasion d'en savoir plus sur la façon dont la star se perçoit. Et le moins que l'on puisse dire, c'est qu'il ne manque pas de recul sur lui-même. Ainsi, quand le magazine lui demande à qui il ressemblerait dans dix ans, Mika répond, pince-sans-rire. "J'ai utilisé une application sur mon iPhone pour me vieillir : apparemment, j'aurai l'air d'un personnage de "La Planète des singes". Lui préférait nettement ressembler à l'ex-agent 007, Pierce Brosnan.


    Le chanteur d'origine libanaise confie avoir une "tête comme un chou-fleur" au réveil, et qu'il rêverait de ressembler à l'une de ses grandes stars devenues des icônes. "J'adorerais ressembler à James Dean, mais apparemment la beauté n'apporte que peines et problèmes. Mais bon, ça ne me dérangerait pas de ressembler à Alain Delon dans 'Plein Soleil'".


    Plutôt que de le craindre, lui préfère compter sur le temps qui passe : "C'est quelque chose de fiable et de toujours utilie. On en a besoin pour arranger les choses et pour apaiser la douleur." Quand il a besoin de souffler, le coach de "The Voice" qu'on a dit le mieux payé aime "fuir la ville dès que possible et cuisiner de la sauce tomate". Des plaisirs simples, comme rire, qui est pour lui la meilleur façon d'être beau, "même quand vous êtes moche et sale".


    Le chanteur, qui se dit très inspiré par Nina Simone ("Elle m'a appris que les chansons les plus tristes pouvaient être malgré tout merveilleuses et pleines d'espoir.") avoue qu'il a un drôle de remède pour gérer le trac : "Je me brosse les dents."


    Une dernière confidence ? Mika partage sa passion honteuse : "'Cougar Town', sans doute la pire série télé au monde. Mais j'en suis dingue."


    I'll check out the magazine to see if there will be the full interview :wink2:


    Thank you Lucrezia! This is very funny!

  7. Elodie talks about Mika:



    Comme tu le disais, les quatre coachs se sont retournés pendant ton audition et tu as choisi Mika. Pourquoi ?

    Quand je suis montée sur scène, j'étais partie pour aller chez Florent Pagny. Une fois sur scène, j'ai eu une sorte de feeling, un déclic avec Mika que je n'arrive pas à définir, ni à expliquer. C'était dans son regard, dans son sourire... Il n'a pas dit grand-chose pendant le débrief. Les téléspectateurs voient une version montée d'une minute et quelques. Evidemment, ça dure plus longtemps dans la réalité. Pour moi ça a dû durer sept minutes. Pendant tout ce temps Jenifer et Florent Pagny ont beaucoup parlé, beaucoup argumenté. Garou moins et Mika lançait juste des petits mots comme ça. J'ai trouvé ça intelligent. Il ne fallait pas beaucoup parler car j'étais déjà submergée par les émotions. Du coup je suis allée vers le truc le plus simple et le plus cool.


    Après quand je suis sortie de scène, je me suis dit, attends, tu as choisi Mika ? Pourquoi ? Parce qu'il faut savoir que quand je fais une prestation, je ne m'en souviens jamais. Je fais des blackout complets. Et en sortant de scène je me suis dit mais qu'est-ce qui s'est passé ? Quand j'ai revu Mika, j'ai compris pourquoi, il est extra. Il est pertinent, il comprend les gens, il est sincère, cool. Bref il est top !


    Vous êtes restés en contact depuis la fin de l'aventure ?

    Je l'ai revu pour la finale. On a discuté. Après non, on n'est pas restés en contact car c'est quelqu'un qui court partout. Il n'a pas le temps de rester en contact, même s'il l'aurait peut-être voulu, je ne sais pas, après je ne suis pas dans sa tête. Il ne faut surtout pas prendre ça pour de l'ingratitude car on fait fausse route. C'est quelqu'un qui est un jour à New-York, l'autre à Londres, qui repart à Paris et va faire un tour dans le sud. Tu ne peux pas en vouloir à une personne comme ça s'il ne garde pas contact, c'est normal !


    Thank you!

    I've always liked Elodie, from the auditions.I think she is an highly talented and very intelligent girl.

  8. It seems that Mika (and Kendji :aah:) will appear in a TV show "La chanson de l'année" (Best song of the year) in the evening of the 14th of June, on TF1. Mika has no song nominated, so either they will give the prize or make some "host job", or they will sing as "guests". We don't know anything more yet, no idea if it will be worth it :mf_rosetinted:

    It's possible to attend the recording of the show, on Tuesday 10th of June (7:30PM) in Zenith de Paris. Registration through Cassandra website, as for The Voice.

    (As for The Voice, it's not because you register that you are sure to get invitations, I say it especially for people not living in France :wink2: don't book anything until you get an invitation :teehee:)


    I found this:



    Mika et Kendji, le coach et le talent vainqueurs de la saison 3 de The Voice, seront de retour sur scène pour un duo exceptionnel !


    Mika and Kendji, coach and talent winners of Season 3 of The Voice will be back on stage for an exceptional duo!

  9. It seems that Mika (and Kendji :aah:) will appear in a TV show "La chanson de l'année" (Best song of the year) in the evening of the 14th of June, on TF1. Mika has no song nominated, so either they will give the prize or make some "host job", or they will sing as "guests". We don't know anything more yet, no idea if it will be worth it :mf_rosetinted:

    It's possible to attend the recording of the show, on Tuesday 10th of June (7:30PM) in Zenith de Paris. Registration through Cassandra website, as for The Voice.

    (As for The Voice, it's not because you register that you are sure to get invitations, I say it especially for people not living in France :wink2: don't book anything until you get an invitation :teehee:)


    Maybe they will sing "L'Aigle Noir"? :original:

  10. you can watch the replay here (I hope it's ok from every country):


    From 20 minutes 20''


    No :sneaky2:




    You can watch the video with Mika's interview here:




    Thank you very much to http://www.mikawebsite.com/ and Antoine! :original::thumb_yello:


    Edit: I'm sorry Alireine, I had not seen your post!Thank you for the news!!

  11. Robertina was too polite ...


    He is huge among the teenagers along with Emis Killa and partners with J Ax , who is becoming famous again with the Voice Italy, in a rap project/record company.:fisch:


    He songs are about political and social issues but he is not Chuck D or any one from the old school and my friend , who is into that sort of music, told me he is not even good.:blush-anim-cl:


    I have no way to judge this.:teehee:

    He was in the program last year as guest...

    Let's way and see if the little ones will be charmed by him

    :naughty: :naughty: :naughty:


    I'm not interested in rappers and my opinion about them is: you remember Mika's reaction and expression when Fréro Delavega said to him they wanted to sing Pimp of 50 Cent? That!

    And italian rappers aren't good, but now there is a real invasion of them on the Italian music market/Italian recording industry, the press, television, web, etc.. and unfortunately also in the talent shows, as judges / coachs and competitors. The pair JAx/Fedez seems to be everywhere and somewhat a common denominator :fisch: : their friends/collaborators are often competitors in these shows (for example, Moreno Donadoni, last year's winner of "Amici", a talent show on Canale 5, a private network of Mediaset, company owned by Berlusconi, and now coach :blink: in it).

    What I know about Fedez is that he receives a lot of criticism like: "a rain of superficiality, criticisms made of clichés, easy rhymes, horrible pop ritornellos and abuse of autotune".From what I've seen there are a lot of negative comments to his participation as a judge in XF8.Read this:

    Gaia (가야) @gaiajeanne

    Fedez giudice di #XF8? No, scusate, ma mia nonna non è stata considerata per il ruolo? E poi Mika: la classe e Fedez: il buzzurro. Anche no.

    Fedez judge of XF8? No, excuse me, but my grandmother was not considered for the role? And then Mika: the class and Fedez: the boor. No way. :lol3:


    He (his friend JAx,too) is known to be one who doesn't mince his words and for the numerous sarcastic barbs, often offensive and aggressive, made ​​through Twitter.In fact he had some altercation (/argument or quarrel) with several people.Just recently with Luca Argentero, an actor who participated as a judge in an episode of "Amici".He had made ​​a not positive and ironic comment on the performance of Fedez (as a guest) with two competitors, one of which Fedez's friend and protégé.Following the elimination of the two, Fedez posted an offensive comment towards Argentero.He and JAx are now very popular and they likes to provoke and to react on socials in this way toward those who do or say something that is not pleasing to them and this also unleashes the "comments" of their fans towards their "targets".

  12. I don't know why but I always thought you were French... :aah:


    Really? Well, yes, I'm Italian, but I had the fortune to study both English and French, although I must admit that I know English better. I understand very well the French written, less well the spoken , so with The Voice France I made a nice refresher. :original:


    Part 2:


    So, my opinion on the various subjects that were already discussed here and on Twitter:

    - I loved to see him on stage again, to see the showman again, he was doing more "seducing" things than usual in my opinion (the hips dance :mf_rosetinted:) and I found it really funny :teehee:

    - Italian talking and Italian versions in Italy are fine for me. I think it's interesting actually, as someone said, that was something new in a show that we are used to (but I was not bored at all, even if I knew already all the funny parts and the order of the songs :naughty: it was like seeing an old friend who I missed deeply). But I understand why some of you don't like the Italian / with a girl duet "Origin of Love". You are right that it doesn't really make sense like that.

    - As I said, I can't really talk about his voice yet, but I could see that he lost his breath on "Love Today". I think it's normal as he has made no shows in a long time, I like that he said it himself (I felt it was like a "private joke" he was doing to the fans who think he should not do TV shows :teehee:) and I hope he will exercise more for the next show (with or without bf, Ingie :mf_rosetinted:).



    Thank you for sharing your opinion! :thumb_yello:


    about the hips dance :biggrin2:


    I'm sure he prefer with :naughty:

  13. Here's the transcription in French of this interview, please someone can translate it in english I don't trust myself. :pray: It starts when Mika talk. Before they are just talking about Caroline and nothing really new about Mika (beside this videoclip story)


    I can try to do it if no one else is available, from the written text is easier for me. But I can do it tomorrow.Is it okay for you?


    There are also these other interviews of Kendji.If anyone is interested I can do the translation of the parts where they talk about Mika :




    Télé Star's interview (thank you/merci to Team Kendji Girac! :thumb_yello:):












    This article,where Kendji does an homage to Mika:





    Kendji à Bergerac remercie Mika et ses fans!






    ENORME MERCI d'être venus aussi nombreux à Bergerac, je vous aime!!! @mikasounds c'est pour toi ;-))) !!!


    Et encore merci pour tout à Mika...on n'entend pas très bien mais le coeur y est!!!!

  14. Thanks for translation:huglove::huglove:hm, some respect would be nice from other persons, too:fisch:


    Thank you Charlie20, for your translation!! It's good to know that these people are so pleased with MIKA, and his coaching, and the respect they now have for him! I wish them good luck in the music business...





    Yes, thank you, Charlie!


    I was going through the groups in a rush yesterday, before I left, sorry I'm late in telling you!


    You are welcome! :original:

    And yes, it is nice to see that these guys (boys and girls :D) appreciate the artistic side and the human side of Mika.

    The italian girls coached by him said, and they say, even now, exactly the same thing.

  15. Caroline Savoie: de l'anonymat au star système



    The part of the article that talks about Mika:


    Tout juste rentrée de Paris, l'ex-étudiante de l'École nationale de la chanson a fait un détour pour saluer ses camarades de classe avant de rentrer à Dieppe au Nouveau-Brunswick. À peine remise du décalage horaire, la jeune femme a accepté de nous raconter son aventure au sein de l'Équipe Mika.


    «Au début, je ne voulais pas y aller, mais je l'aurais regretté! C'est très formateur, sans l'être. Il faut toujours être prêt, il y a toujours des caméras qui filment, on donne toujours des entrevues», raconte celle qui a atteint la cinquième ronde.


    Une expérience enrichie par les conseils de son coach Mika. «J'ai eu un gros coup de cœur artistique pour Mika. C'est quelqu'un de très direct. Il ne te chouchoute pas, il dit son opinion et c'est ça. Je déteste me faire chouchouter!», lance l'Acadienne.


    Sa relation professionnelle avec le chanteur britannique francophile pourrait même se prolonger. «Quand j'ai été éliminée, on a parlé une bonne trentaine de minutes. Il sait que je suis une auteure-compositrice et que je n'ai jamais vraiment collaboré. Il m'a dit d'être ouverte à collaborer. Je pense qu'il y a de belles choses qui s'en viennent», confie Caroline.


    Kendji (The Voice 3) : "J'aimerais que Mika écrive pour moi"



    Samedi soir, Kendji et Mika interprétaient ensemble pour la finale "L'aigle Noir", de Barbara. Un duo sans fioriture pour ce tandem dont la complicité pourrait bien se prolonger en dehors des plateaux. C'est du moins ce qu'espère le jeune artiste de 17 ans.


    "C'est une chanson qui est très importante pour moi. Bon je fais même des reprises de Barbara pendant mes concerts, devant beaucoup de personnes. Je demande que tout le monde soit silencieux et je chante par exemple "La solitude". Alors pouvoir chanter quelque chose comme ça sur ce plateau, c'était très important et ça me faisait vraiment peur. Je crois que ce soir, j'étais beaucoup plus nerveux que Kendji" a déclaré Mika après leur performance.


    L'interprète de "Relax" ne tarit pas d'éloges sur son talent depuis le début de l'aventure. Talent auquel il était le seul à croire au moment des sélections, tout comme Stephan Rizon que seul Florent Pagny avait buzzé, et qui avait remporté la première saison du show. Pour son poulain, il se montre bienveillant et impliqué :


    "J'ai seulement une chose à lui souhaiter, c'est qu'il continue à changer et en même temps qu'il comprenne les parties de sa vie, les parties de son âme et de sa personnalité qu'il ne doivent jamais changer, et ça c'est l'équilibre qu'il doit trouver" déclarait-il en live, samedi soir, au micro de Nikos.


    Une complicité artistique et humaine que Kendji aimerait voir se prolonger. S'il ne sait pas encore vers quel univers musical il souhaite se diriger, il a envie de collaborer avec Mika :


    "J'aimerais des styles de musique un peu mélangés. Je n'ai jamais essayé de composer. Je vais essayer, si j'arrive ça me plairait. Je veux aussi qu'on écrive des chansons pour moi. Et si Mika pouvait en composer quelques-unes...", lance-t-il comme un appel à son coach.


    I'll post the translation tomorrow.


    The translation:



    Caroline Savoie:from anonymity to the star system



    Caroline Savoie nous a raconté son épopée française le temps d'un café.

    THE VOICE. Caroline Savoie peut siroter un café en compagnie de GranbyExpress.com dans un total anonymat, mais la situation est bien différente à Paris. Depuis son brillant parcours à l'émission française The Voice, la jeune femme voit une belle carrière se profiler à l'horizon.


    Caroline Savoie told us her French epic for the time of a coffee.

    THE VOICE. Caroline Savoie can sip a coffee with GranbyExpress.com in total anonymity, but the situation is quite different in Paris. Since her brilliant course/path at the French show The Voice, the young woman sees a beautiful career on the horizon.


    Just returned from Paris, the former student of the National School of the song made a detour to greet her classmates before returning to Dieppe, New Brunswick. Barely recovered from jet lag, the young woman agreed to tell her adventure in the Team Mika.


    «At first I didn't want to go, but I would have regretted it! It is very educational, without being so. One must always be ready, there is always cameras filming, we always gives interviews», says the one who reached the fifth round.


    An experience enriched by the advice of her coach Mika. «I had a big coup de cœur (/crush) artistic for Mika. He is someone very direct. He doesn't pampers you, he says his opinion and that's it. I hate to be pampered/spoiled!», says the Acadian.


    Her professional relationship with the Francophile British singer could even extend. «When I was eliminated, we talked a good thirty minutes. He knows that I'm a songwriter and I've never really collaborated. He told me to be open to collaborate. I think there are good things that are coming», says Caroline.


    Kendji (The Voice 3) : "I would like/wish Mika to write for me"



    Saturday night Kendji and Mika interpreted together for the final "L'aigle Noir", of Barbara. A duo with no frills for this tandem whose complicity could well extend outside of the stages. This is at least what hope the young artist of 17 years.


    "This is a song that is very important for me. Well, I even do cover versions of Barbara during my concerts, in front of many people. I ask that everyone be quiet and I sing for example " La Solitude. "So being able to sing something like that on this set/stage, it was very important and it made me really scared. I think tonight, I was much more nervous than Kendji " Mika said after their performance.


    The interpreter of "Relax" was full of praise for his talent since the beginning of the adventure. Talent in whom he was the only one to believe at the time of selection, as Stephan Rizon that only Florent Pagny had buzzed, and who won the first season of the show. For his protégé, he shows himself/appear to be benevolent and involved:


    "I have only one thing to wish him, is that he continues to change and at the same time that he understands the parts of his life, the parts of his soul and his personality that should never change , and that's the balance that he must (/needs to) find " he declared live, on Saturday night, at the micro of Nikos.


    An artistic and human complicity that Kendji would like to see continue. If he does not know yet to which musical universe he wants/wishes to lead/head for, he wants/craves to work/collaborate with Mika:


    "I'd like styles of music a bit mixed. I never tried to compose. I'll try, if I can I would like that. I also wants/(I would also like) someone to write songs for me. And if Mika could compose/write some..", he says as a call(/appeal) to his coach.


    Elodie and Fréro Delavega have said something similar.It is very nice to see the impact Mika has had on them and the respect they feel towards him. I liked the Addams Family! :original:

  16. Caroline Savoie: de l'anonymat au star système



    The part of the article that talks about Mika:


    Tout juste rentrée de Paris, l'ex-étudiante de l'École nationale de la chanson a fait un détour pour saluer ses camarades de classe avant de rentrer à Dieppe au Nouveau-Brunswick. À peine remise du décalage horaire, la jeune femme a accepté de nous raconter son aventure au sein de l'Équipe Mika.


    «Au début, je ne voulais pas y aller, mais je l'aurais regretté! C'est très formateur, sans l'être. Il faut toujours être prêt, il y a toujours des caméras qui filment, on donne toujours des entrevues», raconte celle qui a atteint la cinquième ronde.


    Une expérience enrichie par les conseils de son coach Mika. «J'ai eu un gros coup de cœur artistique pour Mika. C'est quelqu'un de très direct. Il ne te chouchoute pas, il dit son opinion et c'est ça. Je déteste me faire chouchouter!», lance l'Acadienne.


    Sa relation professionnelle avec le chanteur britannique francophile pourrait même se prolonger. «Quand j'ai été éliminée, on a parlé une bonne trentaine de minutes. Il sait que je suis une auteure-compositrice et que je n'ai jamais vraiment collaboré. Il m'a dit d'être ouverte à collaborer. Je pense qu'il y a de belles choses qui s'en viennent», confie Caroline.


    Kendji (The Voice 3) : "J'aimerais que Mika écrive pour moi"



    Samedi soir, Kendji et Mika interprétaient ensemble pour la finale "L'aigle Noir", de Barbara. Un duo sans fioriture pour ce tandem dont la complicité pourrait bien se prolonger en dehors des plateaux. C'est du moins ce qu'espère le jeune artiste de 17 ans.


    "C'est une chanson qui est très importante pour moi. Bon je fais même des reprises de Barbara pendant mes concerts, devant beaucoup de personnes. Je demande que tout le monde soit silencieux et je chante par exemple "La solitude". Alors pouvoir chanter quelque chose comme ça sur ce plateau, c'était très important et ça me faisait vraiment peur. Je crois que ce soir, j'étais beaucoup plus nerveux que Kendji" a déclaré Mika après leur performance.


    L'interprète de "Relax" ne tarit pas d'éloges sur son talent depuis le début de l'aventure. Talent auquel il était le seul à croire au moment des sélections, tout comme Stephan Rizon que seul Florent Pagny avait buzzé, et qui avait remporté la première saison du show. Pour son poulain, il se montre bienveillant et impliqué :


    "J'ai seulement une chose à lui souhaiter, c'est qu'il continue à changer et en même temps qu'il comprenne les parties de sa vie, les parties de son âme et de sa personnalité qu'il ne doivent jamais changer, et ça c'est l'équilibre qu'il doit trouver" déclarait-il en live, samedi soir, au micro de Nikos.


    Une complicité artistique et humaine que Kendji aimerait voir se prolonger. S'il ne sait pas encore vers quel univers musical il souhaite se diriger, il a envie de collaborer avec Mika :


    "J'aimerais des styles de musique un peu mélangés. Je n'ai jamais essayé de composer. Je vais essayer, si j'arrive ça me plairait. Je veux aussi qu'on écrive des chansons pour moi. Et si Mika pouvait en composer quelques-unes...", lance-t-il comme un appel à son coach.


    I'll post the translation tomorrow.

  17. On Saturday night, Mika joined Salma Hayek on the red carpet at this year's prestigious Cannes Film Fesitval to celebrate the launch of her new animated film of 'The Prophet', the world renowned book of poetry by best selling Lebanese author Kahlil Gibran. The culmination of a 3 year project by Hayek, the movie will play to both adults and children and features voiceovers from international talent such as Liam Neeson, John Krasinski and of course Hayek herself. Mika and Salma also co-hosted a post screening event before Mika flew to Naples for his huge concert the following day.



    what has he got to do with this production? music or what? :blink:


    I don't know if he got to do with this production.Maybe the connection is only Kahlil Gibran and the lebanese culture.In Lebanon, he is still celebrated as a literary hero.

    (Gibran is the third best-selling poet of all time, behind Shakespeare and Laozi. wow!).And Salma Hayek's paternal grandfather was Lebanese.Was he just her guest? :dunno:

  18. Yes it is in the deluxe edition


    Yes, I know and in fact I'm Italian but I preferred to buy the International Deluxe Edition with the original versions.



    Im very disappointed what he did with Origin of Love, and Lollipop. I understand he sang Stardust and even Lollipop but I cant understand why a song so deeply and with such a special meaning for him had to translate some parts of it...I cant understand and I didnt like it, and I wasnt the only one with that opinion. I had the opportunity to speak with a huge italian fans and they think the same.


    I'm italian and I think exactly the same about it! Especially Origin of Love sung in duet with a girl doesn't make sense.

  19. Am I the only one who find is voice so strange and different when he speaks in italian?

    I like a lot when he speaks italian during XF or during interviews but during the gig I find it weird ..I prefer english or freanch..maybe is just because I'm not used to him and his italian.


    I think the same! For his music english and french are better.


    I really enjoyed watching him on stage. It was good to see he really enjoyed it too, even though boyfriend has to intensify that workout:naughty:.




    I wasn't a big fan of the Italianised version of TOOL. It just felt like too many words were crammed into the rhythm and it didn't fit. And I'm not really a fan of Chiara's voice. I've seen her Xfactor audition and I liked her voice there, but on Mika's songs, her voice just sounds a bit screechy, which is not my thing.


    I agree with you! And sorry, but I also don't like it sung with a girl.


    Apart from that, it was good to see him back where he belongs.:wub2:


    Yes, it was good! :original:

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