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Posts posted by charlie20

  1. If anyone has watched XFDaily has seen the competence and professionalism with which Mika has coached and helped the girls to improve (especially two of them have improved during the program) and know exactly in which direction they wanted to go, an identity, or as he called it, a musical manifesto. A not so small thing, a real gift, as Rossana Casale said in an interview, for girls so young. And he used kindness, but also severity (once again Rossana Casale’s words) and with Violetta at one point he was quite hard.

    It’s obvious that (both in X Factor and in The Voice) you can not see everything that happens during the preparation and rehearsals of the competing singers (the same thing applies for the auditions), the production shows on television only a very small part of them (and what they want, this is very clear and evident). But not everything is necessarily false/fake.

    The daily was actually the part that I preferred and, from what I have seen, my opinion of course, the part dedicated to Mika and her girls was the best because it seemed a world apart, it was completely different from those of the others because he devoted his attention to and talked exclusively about the music and helped the girls to improve, to deal with the real world outside from there, criticizing, and not only praising and/or encouraging, when he had to do it.

    Mika himself has always said in interviews that television is an artificial and not true world, poisonous even if you're not careful.

    I've always thought that, even though he has been very good in the live shows, with all the difficulties with the language, with the very egocentric personalities involved and the real/actual structure of the show, he was like an alien in there with his own attitude and irony, expertise and professional approach, and this was very evident when he was with the girls and his work with them.

    You don't have to like these shows and I also would not have watched them if it were not for Mika's presence. But I like how he is himself in them and his very good job.


    About The Voice, until now I liked a lot his behavior, his musical knowledge and professionalism are out of the question both during the auditions, in the choice of competitors/singers and the analysis of their performances, and during the coaching and rehearsals of his team.Waiting for the next battles, the definitive choices for his team and the live shows (to have more accurate opinions).

    It's to keep in mind that he has done all this at the same time, in two different languages, ​​dividing his time between the two programs and other commitments and, spending the very little time he had left with his family and his partner. (he breathed every now and then, I hope? :teehee:).

    I admire him for this.:)

  2. in a nut shell...


    Garou says that one of his strength is his freshness. He also says that Mika is energetic, it's his first season, that he goes full speed.


    Florent says that Mika is a showman that he likes to be seen, he is full of energy, jumps and dances all over the place and he envies him.



    Florent says that one of Mika's weakness is that Mika goes too far too fast and perhaps some contestants do not wish for him to jump into their intimicy so soon


    Garou says that Mika sounds like a psychiatrist when he talks to the contestants on stage



    Thank you very much for your translation guylainem123!! :)

  3. Originally Posted by ~TheLoveYouBreathe http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/images/tbwktm/buttons/viewpost.gif

    From mikawebsite.com


    Mika aurait donné son accord pour participer à la saison 4 de « The Voice »


    Ce n’est pas encore officiel mais nous pouvons d’ors et déjà vous annoncer qu’il y aura bien une saison 4 de The Voice. Au vu des bonnes audiences – 8 millions de téléspectateurs en moyenne chaque samedi soir -, la chaîne a donc décidé de remettre à l’antenne son programme phare l’an prochain.

    Tous les coachs ont en effet donné leur accord pour participer à cette nouvelle saison y compris Mika. Le retour de Louis Bertignac n’est donc pas au programme. Mais il va y avoir du changement puisque contrairement aux trois garçons, Jenifer, elle, n’a pas donné son accord pour participer à cette nouvelle édition.


    Interrogée il y a quelques semaines sur sa participation à une éventuelle nouvelle saison, la chanteuse avait déjà émis quelques réserves. « On verra. Ça dépend vraiment de ce que je ressentirais à la fin de cette saison 3, mais également de mon planning d’artiste et de ce que j’aurais envie de faire » déclarait-elle dans Métronews. Et d’ajouter « Est-ce que je ne vais pas avoir envie de remonter sur scène comme Louis Bertignac par exemple ?«


    La production lui cherche donc activement une remplaçante. Plusieurs chanteuses ont déjà été contactées. Pour savoir qui tient la corde, rendez-vous dans votre prochain numéro de Public en kiosques ce vendredi 21 février.


    "The Voice sans Jenifer, c'est n'importe quoi"

    Par: Céline Bayet

    20/02/14 - 15h19

    Le manager de Jenifer a démenti les rumeurs selon lesquelles Jenifer aurait décidé de ne pas rempiler pour la quatrième saison de "The Voice".

    Au lendemain de l'annonce par le magazine Public d'une probable saison 4 de "The Voice" sans Jenifer, Franck Véron, le manager de la chanteuse a formellement démenti ces rumeurs. "Ça sort de nulle part, c'est n'importe quoi", a-t-il confié à Télé 2 Semaines.


    Interrogé sur les récents propos de Jenifer qui s'était montrée hésitante quant à sa participation à la prochaine saison du tél, Franck Véron s'est expliqué. "La production demande aux coachs de rester vagues quand ils parlent de la saison suivante, afin de prendre la main quand ils le souhaitent pour annoncer eux-mêmes les choses quand bon leur semble".


    "Cette année encore, c'est à la fin de la saison 3 que les coachs diront s'ils sont partants ou pas pour la saison 4. Mais absolument rien avant! Il y a une saison 3 à finir, et après on verra bien".






    "The Voice without Jenifer, is anything (nothing)"

    The manager of Jenifer has denied rumors that Jenifer has decided not to re-enlist for the fourth season of "The Voice".

    Following the announcement by the Public magazine of a likely season 4 of "The Voice" without Jenifer, Franck Véron, the manager of the singer vehemently denied these rumors. "It comes out of nowhere, it was nothing," He told to Télé 2 Semaines (TV 2 Weeks).

    Questioned about the recent news of Jenifer who had been hesitant about participating in the next season of The Voice, Franck Véron explained."The production asks the coaches to remain vague when they talk about the next season, to take control when they want to announce things when they wish/please themselves."

    "This year, it's in the end of season 3 that coaches say they are leaving or not ,for season 4. But nothing before! There is a 3 season to finish, and then we'll see ".

    I hope to have translated it right.


    In other words, and obviously it's only my opinion, rumors (and publicity) for a very seen tv show, without knowing anything specific or sure, for now.Moreover it is not strange to see the usual little games behind the scenes and/or talks to attract the attention,like these:

    http://www.7sur7.be/7s7/fr/1540/TV/article/detail/1797624/2014/02/20/Gregoire-se-confie-Mika-a-pris-ma-place.dhtml (the comments are interesting :teehee:)



  4. It happens. Before he came out to me, my best guy friend in college made himself sick for days, worrying about my reaction, when I'd known for ages. He'd expected me to freak out, when I simply waited a second and said, "Well, now we can check out guys together, and you don't have to pretend you aren't doing it. " He was so relieved, he nearly cried, and our relationship was better for it. It can't be easy for anyone, no matter how famous or confident they seem. It can be scary when you worry about losing relationships with friends and family. And I agree that the Yasmine comment has got to be a joke.


    Yes,I agree, it happens and can be scary,the fear of not being accepted by the people closest to you.Thanks for sharing with us the story of your friend with us,Very sweet!:)

  5. I don't think anyone is saying it was easy for him. Just that it's not very plausible that his immediate family didn't know regardless of whether he made a formal statement or not. At least not during the past few years anyway. None of us have any idea what was going on in his life when he was 18 but when he was 25, etc...


    I agree with you.What I meant is that perhaps they had never faced each other the topic openly and he naively thought that his family did not know and was afraid of their reaction, so he delayed and delayed "the great revelation" (he thought it such!:teehee:).But it was still a step that he had to do for himself.

    And who knows what the journalist understood about Yasmine!

  6. Although I think his family, those closest to him knew it already, it's completely another thing to say in front of them openly and “officially/formally” that you are gay and you love another man.

    Just as he has officially said it to the fans and the press, “a freedom statement”, do you remember?

    If there is anyone who believes this is easy for someone, whoever he or she is, well, it is absolutely not the case.Our society, even now, does not make it possible, unfortunately.If I'm not mistaken Mika said some time ago that he had been afraid to tell his relatives, because no one else in his extended family, besides him, was gay and therefore he never had a reference point and did not know how they would react.

    About Yasmine, I don’t know if he was being serious, or if maybe it was a joking and ironic sentence of which the journalist has completely missed the irony or she wanted to make it (the article and the coming out story) “more interesting”, it would not be the first time!

    If no one has yet seen/watched the coming out of Ellen Page, I heartily recommend it to you, it’s very interesting and moving and can make better understand gay people’s feelings:




  7. You are welcome, crazyaboutmika, I'm glad to have been of help to you! You have been and you're very good at translating, thank you very much for your work! It was the journalist to be unclear in the article, in fact I think it is likely she took some other freedoms and made other mistakes in the article.

  8. Originally Posted by crazyaboutmika View Post

    Why did you want to talk about your homosexuality in your songs?



    It's not an easy subject to bring up...my mother had understood a long time ago: my songs are about life and identity, I never came out via my lyrics but I never forbid myself to deal with that topic . However I did it to my family two years ago. My sister Jasmina was the only one who was surprised.


    Could it be that instead of "two years ago", the translation and/or the meaning of that phrase is "two years before (previously,earlier) the "official" coming out?Because I have found these other articles reporting the interview

    in Paris Match:




    and they say:

    "Le jeune homme a fait coming out auprès de sa famille deux ans avant de dédier sa chanson «The Origin of Love» à l’homme qu'il aime. Sa maman, elle, «avait compris depuis longtemps»."

    "Son coming out, il l’a réalisé auprès de sa famille deux ans avant de dédier sa chanson The Origin of Love à l’homme qui partage sa vie, même si « [sa] mère avait compris depuis longtemps »…"

    "Avant de révéler son homosexualité au public en 2012, le chanteur s'était déjà confié à ses proches : "Je l'avais déjà fait avec ma famille deux ans auparavant", expliquant même que sa mère avait tout compris depuis bien longtemps !"

    "The young man did coming out with his family two years before dedicating his song "The Origin of Love" to the man he loves. His mother, she "had long understood."

    "His coming out, he realized it with his family two years before dedicating his song The Origin of Love to the man who shares his life, even if «[his] mother had long understood»…"

    "Before revealing his homosexuality to the public in 2012, the singer had already told his family: "I had already done with my family two years before," explaining that even his mother had understood for a long time!".



    Oh sorry,Camille, I had not seen your reply!But I agree with you.

  9. Thanks for explaining,I understand what you mean :thumb_yello: You're right,I'm sure it's not easy for the Italian judges to be overshadowed by a stranger in their own country,and I'm sure they had no idea at the beginning how big influence Mika will have on the audience.Maybe Simona thought she'll be able to manipulate him like a puppy,since he's doing this job for the first time,in a foreign country,and in a new language.And I'm sure this is the strategy of the Italian judges,to get rid of the best contestants from the rival teams.All I wanted to say is that until now things went pretty fair and normal in my opinion,and probably Mika had his role on that.It seems he's out of those games,and I hope he'll remain like this as much is possible.I see him focused only on music and I hope he'll manage to raise a little the level of the show this year.


    I haven't seen that XDaily vid with Simona,but it's obvious that things are not so sweet between Mika and her anymore :teehee:


    Yes,and today,in the anticipations for tomorrow episode of XDaily, she was back on the warpath against Elio, who according to her, betrayed her Thursdays.

    Two twitters on sky.it:

    la Roby @malaRoby

    #XF7 l anno prox se non ci sarà Elio ricordatevi le parole di @Simo_Ventura #tantofalafinediArisa #goodbyeElio

    next year if there is no Elio remember the words of @Simo_Ventura #tantofalafinediArisa oh well, he’ll end up like Arisa #goodbyeElio


    Emanuele Atzori @Ema_poet

    #XF7 Simona è una iena #namobene sono curioso di vedere il Daily domani..

    she is a hyena #namobene better and better! (ironic) I'm curious to see the daily tomorrow...





    And I definitely did not want to return to this topic, but since the reaction:




    Mika destroys Simona Ventura

    Mika goes up and up in the consideration of the whole world: last night he said nonchalantly to Simona Ventura what everyone thinks but no one had the courage to tell her in 10 years.

    Someone make him a saint immediately! Mika is perhaps the only person who was able to say on television to Simona Ventura what many think, but no one has ever had the courage to say. The incriminated sentence, pronounced yesterday evening live on X Factor is: "Simona, you do choices of s ***."("Simona, fai scelte di m***a".)

    Because let's face it, over the years the Ventura has become more and more a mastiff, and a person really hard to criticize. We all remember for example the outburst last year with Arisa, guilty of having said to her that “she was false," and that – guardacaso well,really! - this year is no longer part of the program. But boycott Mika is much more difficult to begin with because he is an international star, and then because he’s earning the respect and veneration of the fans of X Factor, resulting in the end the most credible figure among the judges. But what happened? Very simple: Simona Ventura has managed to debase yet another competitor with his choices pop at all costs (many would call them extremely trivial/banal, or just plain wrong). The band in question is that of Street Clerks, with the sounds inspired to the indie band Mumford & Sons, to which Ventura did not find anything better to do that a song by Britney Spears.

    Mika said without preamble what many - even from home - were thinking: "Simona, you do choices of s..t.".Ventura tried to react with a certain aplomb, even if she was not able to camouflage the furious gaze. Meanwhile, Morgan and Elio (who had never ventured much) gloated visibly, and Elio has annotated saying that Mika is like Virna Lisi (and therefore, as it was in an old promotion service, "with that mouth can say what he wants.").

    In short ovation and appreciation growing for Mika, who finally gave to Simona Ventura a judgment outspoken/bluntly.




    Evviva Mika! Il cantante, giudice si X Factor 7, è stato il protagonista di un feroce siparietto con uno degli altri giudici, Simona Ventura.

    “Nel corso dell’ultima puntata Mika ha tranquillamente detto a Simona Ventura quello che nessuno ha mai avuto il coraggio di dirle (ma che tutti avrebbero voluto dire) probabilmente nel corso degli ultimi dieci anni.

    La Ventura aveva assegnato un pezzo pop di Britney Spears a uno dei suoi gruppi, gli Street Clerks: l’esecuzione è stata piuttosto discussa e non apprezzata soprattutto da Mika che rivolgendosi a Simona le ha detto “Simona, fai scelte di m...a!”.

    Applausi e risate dal pubblico, e sgomento negli occhi della Ventura che non ha controbattuto, ma che p (poi è rimasta,io suppongo) rimasta notevolmente alterata… ma d’altra parte lo scorso anno i litigi fra la Ventura e Arisa hanno fatto audience (e hanno favorito la sostituzione di Arisa). Quest’anno sembra però che la Ventura possa fare ben poco contro Mika, la rivelazione del talent, amatissimo dal pubblico. Evviva Mika e la sua spontaneità…”










    “(Simona Ventura)È stata oggetto di critica (in particolar modo da parte del pubblico) per la sua poca professionalità e capacità nel gestire la presenza di ospiti quali Lady Gaga, Oasis e Muse, dimostrando di non conoscere i suoi ospiti (durante una puntata di Quelli che il calcio il gruppo musicale dei Muse ha suonato in playback, i componenti si sono invertiti i ruoli) e ponendo domande di dubbia rilevanza.”

    “She was the subject of criticism (especially from the audience) for her lack of professionalism and ability to manage the presence of guests such as Lady Gaga, Oasis and Muse, proving she does not know her guests (during an episode of Those that football the band Muse has played in playback, the components were in reversed roles), and ask questions of dubious relevance.”





    Muse,Lady Gaga,Kesha,Oasis:








    and Mika:



    He talks about it with Radio DeeJay at 04:00:



    And about Morgan,you ask to Marco Mengoni,Jessica Mazzoli,(una delle concorrenti di X Factor 5),one of X factor 5 competitors,Vasco Rossi,for example.


    And Alessandro Cattelan,the presenter, before the first auditions episode in July said this:




    + la volpe e l’uva=the fox and the grapes proverb that he couldn't understand,what was said in Extrafactor, the raging glances, the accusations of being favored by the production,the completely changed attitude towards him after months they say only positive things and praises...


    Yes, it's just my imagination! (if someone makes a translation you/everyone can have an opinion on their own).Believe what you want.We'll see.And this for me is permanently closed..

    Sorry if i said it and if I brought this to the attention.

  10. Okay,now I've watched the whole thing,and honestly,I couldn't see any conspiracy.

    I know we are watching this show because of Mika,but I think we should remain a little objective on this,not everything happens is a sabotage or conspiracy against him


    AGAIN (and, I promise, I say it for the last time), the conspiracy theory is not that against Mika and his girls, but it is in favor of Mika and the girls, expressed by the Italian judges.The “all against Mika” is not my opinion, but of the media,insiders, by many viewers on twitter and/or on facebook and has a very clear motivation because here you know these people and what happens/happened in XFactor Italy and in much of the world of the Italian television.The purpose of the program should be to find the best talent possible that could have a future in the music industry as singer/pop star, but in reality the game of the judges is to make to win one of their team by eliminating the most talented singers of the other teams, of the other judges because they,for their ego,want to win.Their comments on the performances are almost never honest just because is part of the game to want to influence the vote of the public.This is what they do here in Italy and the fights between the judges are in a sense encouraged by the production because they animate the program attracting the kind of viewers who like the trash --> see the stupid disguises/costumes of the judges.Simona Ventura and Morgan, which are very good friends for a long time, made six editions of the program so far between RAI (the state television where it was transmitted in the beginning) and Sky, and Elio has made four editions, so they know exactly what they have to say and do and the game plan is always the same (have you seen XDaily of the last week in which Simona declared war and the other two were attacking the comments of the other judges, while Mika was all about music?Their intentions were very clear). What you see and what they say is that they are making a scene,they are putting on a performance/show,they pretend. The thing has remained latent until now, perhaps because the production really wanted to raise the level of quality with an international pop star, but what they can not stand is the popularity of Mika that has obscured their need to always have the attention, their self-centeredness and leadership (and if you want I can also give examples of how little Simona Ventura understands of music, everyone here knows this and knows that everything she says is nonsense). Mika has captivated audience and media with the honesty,expertise and professionalism, with pleasantness,charm and strong personality without arrogance and conceit, things very rare in the Italian television and show-business.If people, girls/women and boys/men, appreciate him so much is not just because he has a pretty face. Believe me,this is a huge thing in a very homophobic country like Italy.

    No one is claiming that one of the girls of Mika's team must win by force, but any of those competitors should be able to win for their talent, not for stupid strategies or resentments.(however, I think the winner has already been decided, unless something unexpected).That's it.

  11. Just to clarify a couple of things that maybe there is some confusion.

    The three italian judges said the conspiracy theory, and, to tell the truth, it is something that some people were saying when the team by all, insiders, media, etc., considered the strongest, was assigned to Mika : Mika was the favorite to win the competition because he had the team of girls and not vice versa (the other way), that one of the girls would have definitely won because her judge was him. The article is very clear and tells the truth (and there are others who say more or less the same things), also based on what has always happened in the other editions of the show, always dominated by the personalities of Simona Ventura (who,by the way, like all here in Italy knows, has not a real musical competence) and Morgan, another particular character/persona discussed because of some scandals and behaviours.

    Now the real competition has begun, and it is not the competition between the competitors/singers, but among the judges because that's what it always was. And the “all against Mika”, led by Simona Ventura and followed by the other two, and the things said on the so-called advantage that Mika and his girls have because he likes so much to the public, are simply excuses, some of which are part of game strategies, some are actually personal resentment, envy and jealousy. Simona's behavior has changed completely after the third live, when Mika said impulsively and honestly what he thought of her choices of songs. As I have already said, no one has ever dared to tell her such a thing, although many people think and thought it. For her it was a public humiliation and when there is someone who contrasts and does not get along with her for any reason she takes revenge.

    The way Mika see the music and what he sees in those girls, their potential, it isn’t very much in line with the Italian tradition. And of course everyone has their musical preferences. It is not easy for anyone to have a future in the music-industry, even if you win these talent shows (or the Sanremo Festival here in Italy), you have to be lucky enough to have a good producer and good songwriters, personality and your own precise identity. This applies to everyone, winners and non-winners.These girls probably will not win, but certainly get valuable advices from Mika to improve themselves, especially to deal with the real world that is out there and not the artifact world of the TV show, it's a good thing.

  12. 1. the production of the program wanted a pop star of the international level like Mika to raise the bar in terms of quality, to break away from the provincialism of Italian music.Simona Ventura agreed to this and was “excited” to have Mika in the show because he was a resource that could add a precius value.She has done a million of interviews saying this and has always done “the great friend” with him.Until he contrasted her and dared to criticize her choices and her groups.And Morgan declared that he had decided to continue to make the show even in the seventh edition just because there was Mika.

    2. All, first of all the judges and before Simon Cowell did the assignments, said that the women were the best, the most prepared and the strongest-ever of all the competitors and all of them wanted the under women team.In fact Morgan was very disappointed.So now they are strong just because there is Mika,right?

    3. They were not prepared and did not expect that he learned so quickly the Italian and that he showed such a personality and charisma, as well as expertise, to completely overshadow them.Everyone has seen this right away from the first auditions. For people so self-centered and full of himself, always to have the undivided attention of anyone and to exercise considerable control in their shows,with media and public, is very difficult to accept it. TOTAL PERSONALITY CLASH.

    4.Simona Ventura in the third live saved Aba and in the forth live she eliminated Roberta because there are too much female singers in the discography.Coherence!

    And the proverb about la volpe e l’uva= the Fox and the Grapes was stupid and offensive.


    5.Morgan is very clever,he knows how to manipulate the public/audience and said a bunch of crap and nonsense. About choreographies,if you have seen XDAILY before the live show you know what he said was totally BS.Tommassini and his collaborators had prepared several choreographies for Andrea, but none worked and in the end they decided to do nothing, along with Morgan.And by the way,the girls were 3 because they just eliminated Roberta.


    You can believe what you want, but this is the reality of things.They can not harm Mika personally and his musical career,but they are definitely damaging those girls and others (as has already been done and how it will be done again) and perhaps their musical future with no care at all.Their egos is more important.Mika can not do for them more than what he is already doing.What is sure that a good and honest person like him is out of place in a television environment with people like those.And don't worry,unless something unexpected happens he and his girls will not win.Morgan probably will.Again.

  13. This is the translation of this article:http://www.optimaitalia.com/blog/2013/11/15/tutti-contro-mika-esplode-la-polemica-ma-e-lui-la-chiave-del-successo-di-x-factor-7/118053


    All/Everyone against Mika : explodes the controversy, but he is the key to the success of X Factor 7.

    venerdì, 15 novembre, 2013 13:04 di Claudia Gagliardi


    If at first were mostly veiled digs, nice bickerings, some outburst immediately returned, now the judges of X Factor 7 don’t mince their words : all against Mika in the fourth live show of the program, the one that saw eliminated Roberta Pompa and Street Clerks. All against the Lebanese artist that already on the eve of the first episode and then was referred to as the great revelation of this year. Feared for the great musical competence and the quality of decisions, the ability to captivate the audience, but mostly because the assignment of the categories for this year has meant that he would find himself with competitors considered the strongest in the race/competition.


    The fourth live show of X Factor 7 has seen explode all the controversy so far in the latent: Mika is the favorite to win this edition of the talent show (although it would be more correct to speak in terms of competitors and not of judges, but it is known that the identification is automatic and inevitabile), by now everyone is convinced of it. Not only the bookmakers, the public who comment on Twitter, the other aspiring talents in the competition, by now so do the judges and they no longer make mistery of not digest this real or presumed supremacy of the international pop star.


    To fling with determination against Mika is especially Simona Ventura, now left with only one group in the competition after the elimination of Street Clerks: “I accept the audience response.It's obvious that in the strength of the judges Mika has a strength which is certainly different from mine - she said in an argumentative tone during the Xtra Factor - . It’s obvious this, that his being a singer beloved by everyone has a weight”. The analysis of Simona Ventura, who sees the popularity of Mika among the public a penalizing factor for other competitors, is also agreed by Elio: “The (girls) singers of Mika start already advantaged by the fact that Mika is their judge.Because Mika has a following unmanageable - the judge said - So for us other three is much harder this year”. Elio complains that the other judges start at a disadvantage, forced to "convince the public only with the strength of the performance”. That then, wanting to clarify, the goal is that: it’s to be rewarded the artist’s performance and certainly not the judge. But the theory of Ventura and Elio is that there is a surplus of favor from the public to the Under Women only because captained by Mika.


    The truth is that X Factor 7 owe a lot to Mika, perhaps in general all the success of this edition, which has chalked up record numbers in terms of share for a satellite network and interactions on social networks.It is no coincidence that his arrival in Milan as a judge of the program was greeted with an impressive enthusiasm, confident that his stylish and ironic personality would bring only benefits to the show. And so it was: we began/started talking about a "style Mika", a way of doing TV which combines entertainment and culture, an approach that has nothing to do with the trash that we have also seen in the X Factor past editions. A personality able to bring new life to a format that, like everyone/everything else, over the years has inevitably exposed to the attrition risk. But the discontent began to spread quickly and now has come out with arrogance.


    Even Morgan, who defended Mika declaring disagree with the thesis of Simona Ventura (he that of X Factor has won as many as 5 and maybe even a little thanks to the personality factor that today is recognized in Mika), do not let it slip the opportunity to denounce an alleged favoritism towards the popstar. Dressed in style John Lennon, has set aside the mood "Love and Peace" to lash out at the production after the performance of Gaia, he said much more organized of the other at the scenic level:

    "When they delivered the backing tracks (basi musicali) to Mika, three months ago? You can not be so unfair. The Mona Lisa with the laser and mine singing Grease alone in the middle of the stage with nothing. It seems to me too much, Mika has four competitors and I two. You should distribute the amount of scenographies based on the number of singers, "Morgan said after the performance of Gaia, which still went to the ballot. Then the clarification: "If I were Morgan tonight I would talk in other terms. And this message goes to the whole production, not to Tommassini that he has busted his a**. "


    In short, while the web protests the elimination of Roberta Pompa and Mika faces his first loss, come out all the contradictions and frustrations that in these first few episodes had remained in the shadows, hidden by the sparkle of the show on the stage of X Factor 7. On the other hand, was to be the evening of the Hell Factor. And it was.

  14. @Sabine64 The final is on December 12.There are still 4 live shows.


    @DerMoment1608 This isn't only my opinion,media and fans say this,after the week seen in XDaily,and after the confrontation between Simona Ventura and Mika of the third live it was obvious.Sorry,but you don't know the italian television and XFactor Italy,that it is always been dominated from the beginning by Morgan and Simona Ventura,a very powerful and vindictive show-woman in the italian tv.It's not the first time it happens.What she is doing and will continue to do against Mika with the help of the other two, she has already done to others.No one has ever dared to oppose to her openly as Mika did,with his honesty.All in the Italian media were shocked by that.I can assure you that the last live and yesterday she was livid and furious.

  15. @Graciosa Ok.I do the translation and I'll post it tomorrow.:)


    Simona Ventura have been extremely rude, aggressive and resentful towards Mika, also in an unfair manner, using an Italian proverb that he obviously did not understand.But Morgan and Elio too attacked him.Not anymore just a competition between singers,but a "war" between the three italian judges and Mika.The hostility is evident.

  16. @Dreamy_Queen I don't know about votes falsification,but it's a possibility.Yesterday there were two manches/rounds with 5 singers in each. The two singers with less votes of each round immediately went into runoff,singing again before the judges,who decided the eliminated.

    Roberta and Fabio in the first with Roberta eliminated from the three judges,Gaia and Streetclerks in the second with Streetclerks eliminated from the public because the clever Morgan called the TILT.

  17. Hello!I'm new here and I'm italian,so i wanted to express an opinion about Xfactor of yesterday: it was a farsa/pagliacciata= farce,slapstick comedy. The other three judges have joined forces against Mika,as it was clear from what they had said and done during the week in Xdaily.Especially Simona Ventura is against him,but they all eventually threw the mask showing all jealousy and envy against the one that has attracted the attention and esteem of the public and the media, becoming the favorite to win with his girls and obscuring them and their power within the show.They have eliminated Roberta (but it could be any one of the four girls) for this reason.

    Now I think that they will do anything to eliminate all the girls before the final and yesterday in Xtrafactor they have sparked the controversy that the girls are advantaged only because of Mika's popularity with the public and not for their talent.They are trying to push the public to vote against Mika and his girls.Welcome to XFactor Italy!




    If you want I can translate it tomorrow.

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