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Posts posted by charlie20

  1. Where did you learn that?


    I read this a week or two ago in an article in French on web that spoke of his reservedness away from the stage and discretion about his private life,making reference to the Paris Match interview, and said that there was, however, someone who did not respect his privacy because he found paparazzi outside his apartment in London and Mika, gently but firmly sent them away.

    I'll try to find that article again.

  2. This was just posted in the French thread.


    It's beginning to seem these pictures were no accident.


    In it there is written clearly that "the coach of the Voice made an exception to the rule to remain very discreet about his relationship, and granted an interview to TV Star 100% confessions".

    Maybe to avoid further stalkings. French paparazzi are very obstinate.

  3. News from Télé Star:

    Mika parle de son amoureux Andy : "On a des jours avec et des jours sans"



    There will be a full interview in Télé Star next Monday, April 14.


    If you want or someone interested want to, I can do the translation of this interview's anticipation, because it is an interview authorized and granted by Mika (he saw that the paparazzi followed him and also found them stationed outside his house in London!!).

    But for the full interview someone in France has to scan it.

  4. Here we are.

    I can speak my mind now.

    I enjoyed more the interview now on tv than there at the studio, I always miss some parts when I'm in the audience (yeah, while I never miss a thing when I am in the crowd in a meeting with him :doh: ). Some remarks are demanded:


    - when your fans are yelling hints to you, take them. We know better and you would have won (please anyone feel free to have his own intepretation about this thought :teehee: )

    - you better thank fate that the people sitting behind your back during the game were mostly cool and wise mfcers. We don't give a fudge about that view. At least, I don't.

    - you kick ass when it comes to withold secrets. “I rent the home from a famous actor, we are friends, I signed a deal not to disclose his name” - “Orlando Bloom rented the house to me, I didn't know it was his.” Well done :thumb_yello:

    - you should hang out at Oktober fest a way more, wtf. :cheers:


    Now. I was sitting on the floor in front of him (pink shirt on the right, behind the camera man). When Cattelan started to ask about XF, the camera man was right between me and Mika, so I twisted my neck like the Exorcist child, almost hugged his legs and managed to see his face perfectly.

    I had the same reaction that I had watching the Red Wedding in the Rains of Castamere, I swear (I'm done, I'm not going to see this series again, ffs!). I spent the next minutes quite upset moaning at poor Lucrezia.

    What do you think I did when the premiere of the next season of Game of Thrones got out a few days ago?


    I'm still sticking to GOT. I'll still stick to Mika.

    They both upset me in good and bad ways, and this only can happen because they involve me deeply. I won't be here writing (a few XD) lines every day, and we all won't be here spending so much time to stand up for him or to blame him. One way or another we all are deeply involved with him and this is what is all about.

    I'm a way too young fan to give up just because he does choices I don't like. Of course I want his new album and gigs, I may be the only one here who hasn't see a gig of his yet. And of course I get upset when I have to find my way among a crowd screaming “you are so handsoooooommmmeeeee” to him. And of course I feel the longing for the old gone days, when he was interested in really meeting his fans and his fans were really interested in his music and not in his face/butt (yeah, I know I wasn't there at that time but I do have eyes to read reports). And of course I think it's all about money: when I first landed here on MFC I was claiming that he did XF to get some hype. Then I thought “Well, now everybody knows who he is, he's done with it, I'm attending his gigs all over the Europe in summer”. I started to doubt when I learnt he was doing this show with Cattelan, cause it seemed the perfect event to annouce his next XF. So I now think it's all about money. Money for XF, some more money for interviews and some more more money for tv shows. I'm not sure I would toss away so much money if someone would propose it to me.

    In my Rains of Castamere mood I claimed “I'm not driving again to this freaking town to chase him around”. I suppose my Chiara b**** navigator had a role in that. And I also was disappointed with him leaving so soon, leaving me sitting on a cold floor behind a camera man, with all my missions unaccomplished.

    But then I poured it all out (Lucrezia's never ever sitting close to me again), and as I got out in the spring sun and I saw he still was there, a felt a bit better.

    I don't know whether he waited for us to get out of the studio (about an hour later) or if it was just a coincidence. But the truth is that as soon as we joined the group which was already waiting for him, he got out and reached us, like he was actually waiting for us. We won't ever know.

    And when I managed to have my win, to success in my goals (yes, I have very low standards, step by step I'll improve), I felt awesome.

    Would I give up on feeling that way? Nope. This is not just about Mika doing the right choices for his career. This is not about a popstar who won't ever get to know me. This is about how I feel, about how I'm changing, about the friends I'm making. Without all this stuff, I just would be a total nuts chasing a celebrity. Someone please shoot me if I'll ever turn into that.

    So, yes. I'm coming back to Risottoland. I'm getting lost again, I'm meeting again friends, I'm trying again to have Mika talk to me, even if it comes to XF.

    I will wait for him to be back to his music, and I will enjoy the waiting in the process.

    You may say he won't ever be back and you may be right.

    But I'm not losing all this, not yet. I have plenty of time in the future to get sick and tired and leave, in the future, if you'll still be right.

    For now, I'm staying. Moaning a bit, kidding a lot, fooling around and making amazing friends.


    By the way, I forgot to mention the hysterical side of all this drama I just wrote: I got to know him thanks to XF7. Back then it was just the one who sang Relax, GC and the Swatch ad ( I actually have to tell I was pretty much into that ad because of the song but still. I never watched XF before but then he once was talking on my tv while I was doing chores and I decided to listen in order to get to know the Swatch song guy. )


    I really liked your reports and your point of view, thanks for sharing them ( and your positivity)!


    We may not like it but why he is doing these TV shows is not a mystery: money and promotion for his music. He said it several times, and especially in his speech at Bocconi University.

    If he wants to make his music, produce his albums, make videos and promote it/them without waiting for permission from the record company, he needs money to do it. Is right that an artist like him has to do this? Of course not, but the reality is this.Then it's possible that he likes coaching, he is very good at it, and use his knowledge of music in these shows.

  5. Can anyone do the translation of the parts (live show and Suite) where there are Mika and his team talking, please?

    There are also some funny parts of La Suite, like when Caroline talks and a scene where everyone laughs because Florent Pagny says something while Jenifer is talking, but they speak too fast to understand.Would be nice to translate them.

    Thank you in advance! :original:


    Also Fréro Delavega's rehearsals video, please! It's on Vimeo, too (thanks a lot to Ysa!)



    If someone can write at least the conversations in French, I can then do the translation in English. :original:

  6. Thank you, girls, for your reports, I appreciated it a lot! :thumb_yello:


    :thumb_yello::thumb_yello: You express my thoughts excatly - thank you !! :huglove: : And whatever the reports soon will tell us, I soo agree with Sabine too!:blush-anim-cl:

    I'll consentrate on my own life - and deal with the real "problems" - as I've always done. What MIKA might give me/us of positive things, I consider as a big bonus ...:wub2:





    I agree with you, indeed the term "disappointed" may be too much, but I thought that he would not have decided to do it again, after the final of last year.I was wrong.

    I liked him in XF7 (in the Voice France, too), especially watching him coaching the girls, his competence and professionality, his behavior throughout the program, certainly not because he spoke a strange, inaccurate Italian, and mispronounced a few words.But I didn’t like anything else.Obviously it's his decision and I’m sure he has his reasons. I respect that and, as I said earlier if there will be other people in the show it could be more pleasant.I hope it.

    So it's ok and you can count on me for translations, ecc. :original:

  7. Can anyone do the translation of the parts (live show and Suite) where there are Mika and his team talking, please?

    There are also some funny parts of La Suite, like when Caroline talks and a scene where everyone laughs because Florent Pagny says something while Jenifer is talking, but they speak too fast to understand.Would be nice to translate them.

    Thank you in advance! :original:

  8. so here we go, even if I'm afraid you won't find anything romantic in this story...

    On December the 12th 1969 a bomb exploded in Milan, causing the death of 17 persons. The police asked to a man called Giuseppe Pinelli, known as an anarchist, to go to the police place to be interrogated and kept him there for a few days without permission. He was completely innocent and finally died falling from a window. Subsequently the policemen stated that Pinelli threw himself out of the window committing suicide, while a large part of public opinion thought that Pinelli was tortured and accidentally fell during a "non-orthodox" interrogation.

    The play "Accidental death of an anarchist" is about what happened in this police place, embracing the idea of abuse by police officers. One of these officers, Mr Luigi Calabresi, the highest in degree, was considered responsible of the death of Giuseppe Pinelli by some extremist political groups and murdered three years later.

    In 1997 four people were judged resposible of the death of Mr Calabresi, and among these people were Adriano Sofri, who is Daria Bignardi's father-in-law (she is married to his son Luca, a journalist).

    Adriano Sofri is widely considered a sensitive intellectual, he has always claimed his innocence and he obtained the support of many intellectuals, politicians and journalists.

    I think Daria believes as well that her father-in-law is innocent and appreciated Mika's interest in this old and tragic Italian fact (even if i'm not sure of Mika's full awareness about the political depth of Fo's play) and wanted to acknowledge his deep interest in Italian culture and history.

    Obviously this is only a summary and I tried to be as objective as possible, and just for the record Luca Sofri mentioned "TOOL" as one of the best songs of the year back in 2012 in his Vanity Fair column so I think Daria already knew about Mika before the whole X Factor thing :thumb_yello:


    Those were very difficult and complicated times for Italy.

    However Sofri in an interview with Corriere della Sera and in his book, although continuing to proclaim himself innocent from the material point of view (of the murder of the commissioner Calabresi), he admitted a "moral" responsibility.

    And I agree.I appreciate/appreciated his statement because at least he had the courage to do it.

    There was a media campaign with very violent tones against Calabresi, and very shameful because, whatever happened in that room, the only sure thing is that Calabresi was not there.And then Luigi Calabresi was murdered outside his home in Milan by a group of two men, who fired a shot behind his back and one to the head.

    All very sad.

  9. There is a video of Mika with Caroline (he has chosen "Somewhere only we know" of Keane for her):




    On vimeo for people outside of France, thanks a lot to Ysa who posted it! :




    He is very good, I like to see him to coach!

    Can anyone translate it, please? :original:

  10. That's what he said as a comment some secs before picking her. It's just a comment, I wouldn't overthink over it. Besides, we can't know how the producers mixed the records.

    Anyway, what's the relevance in the order he picks people which? I don't think it's the first picked, the better....

    I may not have got your question, if so, I'm sorry, ignore me.


    Don't worry, it doesn't matter. It was just a curiosity :original:

  11. :france:

    from 02:45 to 07:30: Mika semble la voix aimée, ses collègues, elles aiment beaucoup Mika (proche de Caroline).

    Marina: Mika a dit que s'il y a une personne avec qui il voudrait travailler dès demain .. et il m'a choisie du coup, beh....

    Mika: Caroline c'est une bombe atomique qui qui qui...ouais... (Nikos: qui n'a pas encora explosé), ouais Caroline pour moi c'est clair (Pagny: si elle est une bombe atomique il faut pas qu'elle explose) Elle est un feu d'artifice, c'est démonstratif mais aussi c'est fragile. C'est moderne, c'est folk, c'est super, j'adore. Et aussi le personnage, cette fille, elle est exactement come elle est, quand elle chante, c'est une exageration de son personnage, vraiment, sa voix, c'est son personnage.


    from 11:43 to 12:10: Si je devais imiter mon coach … Est ce que tu me choisissera , ça c'est la phrase qu'il m'a dit. Si moi j'étais en train de faire une audition pour toi est ce que tu me choisissera?

    Mika fait toujour ça, je sais pas comment il fait, parce que il est plus flexible que moi

    J'adore ce que tu fais – il n'est pas un bon imitateur.





    from 02:45 to 07:30: Mika seems the beloved voice, her coworkers, they love him very much. (Caroline's relative)

    Marina: Mika said that if there's a person he'd want to work with since tomorrow.... and he chose me hence, well....

    Mika: Caroline is a nuclear bomb which which which, yeah... (Nikos: which didn't explose yet), yeah, Caroline to me it's clear (Pagny: if she's a nuclear bomb, she better wouldn't explose). She's a firework, it's demonstrative but fragile. It's modern, it's folk, it's super, I adore it. And also the character, this girl, she's exactly like she is, when she sings, it's and exaggeration of her character, really, her voice is her character.


    from 08:55 to 09:24 just some mistakes he did while speaking in french


    from 10:22 10:51: he teasing garou saying ok with an accent, then an highlight on the guy in the audience acting like a meerkat. The coaches bloopers were super. I got the better of it. (Le betisier des coaches c'était... super. Je m'en suis sortis bien.)


    from 11:43 to 12:10: if I had to imitate my coach .. Will you choose me, this is what he said to me. “If I was doing an audiction for you, will you choose me?” (he really said will you, and not would you).

    Mika always does this, I don't know how he does it, cause he's more flexible than me

    I love what you do – he's not a good imitator


    Thank you very much!! :thumb_yello:


    I didn't understand a thing:

    "Marina: Mika said that if there's a person he'd want to work with since tomorrow.... and he chose me hence, well...."


    But he did not choose Caroline for the first, after saying that phrase? or I misunderstood?

  12. I'm wondering if I missed something. I noticed he did some looks just for the cameras (IMO), but they weren't childish or funny, they were more likely to highlitght or to communicate stuff. So, did I skip something? Please say I didn't.


    You have done a fantastic job, as always!!! :thumb_yello::flowers2:

  13. Ok, thanks for the hints, I'm doing it tomorrow. :wink2:


    I'm wondering if I missed something. I noticed he did some looks just for the cameras (IMO), but they weren't childish or funny, they were more likely to highlitght or to communicate stuff. So, did I skip something? Please say I didn't.


    I don't think so right now, but I'll double check carefully and then let you know later or tomorrow.

  14. Now I'm translating it into english and will edit this post with the english translation as soon as I'm done with it (I can't promise it will be tonight though).




    I can do it, but I need you to tell me where it is. I watched the aftershow just to enjoy it, so I skipped most of it.


    Thanks, you're very kind, as usual!! :flowers2: Take your time, don't worry :original:

    These are the parts where Mika speaks or others talk about him in La Suite (http://www.mikawebsite.com/):

    from 02:45 to 07:30, from 08:55 to 09:24, from 10:22 10:51 and from 11:43 to 12:10

  15. Here we go.


    Mika and Carolina reharsal:




    How do you do


    smack smack

    How do you do




    Caroline: yeah, I'm a bit stressed

    Mika: Why?

    C: I don't know

    M: you have to have fun. Have fun. Make the most. Make the most of all this.

    C: ok

    M: ok? I am a bit stressed cause I want to see what you chose. So you are singing in.. english?

    C: french

    M: ok and what is it?

    C: Vancouver

    M: euh?

    C: Vancouver by veronique sanson

    M: really? It's class. I adore veronique sanson

    C: oui but I chose a song that I'm not used to do. Usually I do songs more... ?continuous?

    M: (sorry I don't know)

    C: (sorry again, something about a challenge I suppose)

    M: what is good in this song is that in 1.45 minute you can show 3 different feelings so for you it's good. Ok? It split a bit your feelings, that means you can use all the parts of your voice and disclose to us what you can do. Tonight I'm Caroline, I sing class songs. Show us.

    All the energies you put in your legs during this first part of the song, you are wasting them cause this energy should be put in your voice and breathing. Your movement there, you know what it is? It's not a choreography, it's an excuse. Don't do excuses, you have an amazing voice and we can see it in the end. Relax, really. Ok, it's cool, you sing super well, I wish I sang like you

    C: Beh, no!!!! (we neither !!!!)

    M: there, show us your charm. A bit more lullaby.

    C: How should I move?

    M: I'm showing you. You don't. You sing. You comunicate with your mouth nd your eyes but there push a bit more on this line, and there even less (then explanations on where to push and where to go soft) ; even close your eyes. And use your hand. Go. No, when you use your hand on stage. If you do that, it's not a movement. It's there, it's always there. (more explanations on where to put that hand :aah:)



    Mika and Frero


    how do you do

    yes, fine

    and you


    M: who chose the song?

    F: we both

    M: what is it?

    F: it's rap

    M: it's rap??? No!

    F: yes

    M: why!

    F: it's not like we are going to rap

    M: what is it

    F: Pimp , 50 cent. We want to surprise avec pimp

    M: can I listen?

    F yes, sure

    M: I can't believe this

    M: ok, it's …

    F: long, it's long but this is something else.

    M No, it's fine. Well, we are going to sort it out, but first of all, I adore it. I adore it and also the style. It's good, it's really good. In the general context as well, it impresses me. But I can't get the words. I understand nothing here. I understand the words when I read them but it's like you are speaking a bit like this but I don't know why. Sing like you sang the vanessa paradis song.

    And also, don't isolate yourself cause you're super when the two of you are together, so even when you sing to him, you sing to him, when you sing to the camera, you sing to the camera but you need to have more direction. And keep to be together as well, cause it's weird, especially when you repeat pimp pimp one more time, play with each other and play with the audience together, a bit more complicity, don't lose it, I know you are nervous cause it's the first time that you do this. But really, it's good, it's top, I think you are going immediatly to see a reaction. You have to find the strenght in between you, this is your strenght. You are together. But spit the words, cause there you are crushing them. And, don't you turn your back. Don't do this. He's there, looking at you and you do this. It doesn't work, you can't. It's the complicity between the two of you which is beautiful, we are saving it.

    …. more, if you think it's dumb, for us it's good. It helps, form over there, it's super, I swear.


    Thank you very much!! :thumb_yello::original:

  16. Well. Thank you very much. Now I'm framed. :sneaky2:

    Just kidding, I'm doing the translation tomorrow. Thank you very much :wink2:

    Btw, can you see the vk vids? I was wondering if it's an italian issue...


    Io posso vederli,così non è un problema italiano.Hai provato a vederli sia con google chrome che con internet explorer?Comunque, se altri vk video verranno messi su Vimeo (e se li trovo,ovviamente) li posterò qui.

    I can see the vk vids, too.So it isn't an italian issue.:dunno:

    Have you tried to see them with google chrome and with internet explorer?

    Anyway, if other vk videos will be available on Vimeo (and I find them,obviously), I'll post them here.

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