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Posts posted by charlie20

  1. Ok.I post this here, too.

    So I liked the concert!Especially Underwater was amazing and I also liked his words after Love Today: the honest admission he was out of breath because he had done too much television and not concerts with f..k at the end :naughty: and the sincere exclamation of how much he missed doing concerts/gigs. :original:

    There was only one thing that I don't really liked (but obviously he can do what he wants of his songs.It's just that I prefer some of the songs, one in particular, for its meaning, in the original version).Apart from that all very positive.

  2. Ok.So I liked the concert!Especially Underwater was amazing and I liked his words after Love Today,too: the honest admission he was out of breath because he had done too much television and not concerts with f..k at the end :naughty: and the sincere exclamation of how much he missed doing concerts/gigs. :original:

    There was only one thing that I don't really liked (but obviously he can do what he wants of his songs.It's just that I prefer some of the songs, one in particular, in the original version).Apart from that all very positive.

  3. Julie Gayet is a French film actress and film producer and she is/was President Francois Hollande's alleged lover.But now it seems their relationship to be over by her.




    I was wondering the same thing. I'm also trying to figure out why he's hanging with Salma Hayek. Are they just friends or was it something professional? How are all these people in the pictures tied together.

    That little girl looks grouchy. I don't think she knows how lucky she is!

    Another question. Is Grace Kelly actually played in the Grace Kelly movie, or is it just having a moment because of the movie?

    I think Mika looked lovely in both the suits. It's nice to see so many pictures of him. Hopefully people will notice.

    Nice to see the jeans and t-shirt Twitter picture as well!




    Stars mobilise for abducted Nigeria girls on Cannes red carpet


    Mexican film star Salma Hayek and French actress Julie Gayet branded signs saying #BringBackOurGirls on Cannes' red carpet Saturday, joining global calls to free 223 schoolgirls kidnapped by Islamist militants in Nigeria.

    Hayek and Gayet posed with the signs for a long time before climbing up the steps to the festival hall in the French Riviera resort.

    They are the first stars at the Cannes Film Festival to publicly take a stand for the schoolgirls using the now world-famous hashtag on Twitter also promoted by US First Lady Michelle Obama earlier this month.

    Islamist group Boko Haram abducted 276 girls in restive northern Nigeria on April 14, and while some subsequently escaped, 223 are still missing.

    The kidnapping sparked global outrage and the girls' fate has since become the focus of a global campaign.



    And the other woman with Julie Gayet is the director Lisa Azuelos, which in turn showed to the audience the appeal in favor of the young kidnapped.

    There is another connection between the two actresses:



    The Festival de Cannes has decided to dedicate a special screening for a tribute to animated films, by being the venue for the first images of Kahlil Ghibran’s The Prophet, produced by the actress Salma Hayek who will be here to host the evening. The film directors, Roger Allers, Gaëtan and Paul Brizzi, Joan C. Gratz, Mohammed Saeed Harib, Tomm Moore, Nina Paley, Bill Plympton, Joann Sfar and Michal Socha, all great stars in the world of animation, will explain their participation in the film by showing extracts and poems which illustrate the film.

    The screening will be held in the presence of many guests, including Salma Hayek, who also plays one of the voices in the film, and Julie Gayet who will read extracts from Kahlil Ghibran’s text

  4. Mika is on Il Mattino.

    Napoli, ok al concerto della Nutella. Mika al Mattino: «Piazza Plebiscito, arrivo»


    Mika pronto per piazza del Plebiscito: «Un onore e un orgoglio»



    Thank you - GRAZIE! - to everyone who takes the time to translate. You bring more happiness to this ol' lady than you will ever know.


    Here the translation:



    Naples, ok to the concert of Nutella. Mika to "Mattino" (the Morning):«Piazza Plebiscito,I'm coming!»

    The man who will reopen Piazza del Plebiscito to the music («but it's a paradox that Bruce Springsteen could pass as the one who has closed it») is in Paris, where he is recording his new album.He interrupts the session to talk about his participation, on May 18, at the feast of Naples for 50 years of Nutella: has just came the news of peace - that looks like an armed truce - with superintendence.

    The concert can be done, Mika.

    «Good. I know little about the issue, I was informed of the problems encountered, I can't go into the contents of the matter, but I can say some things about it».


    «I come to Naples, a city of art and culture with respect and emotion, with responsibility and pride of who knows that will perform in the parlor of the city, in the past granted to popes, rock stars and political leaders and more recently denied.But I come to Naples with the awareness that famous monuments such as the Eiffel Tower, turned (/were transformed) to my child's eyes when I lived them as a frame of a show dear to me.I don't want, we don't want to take anything away from the history and art of Naples, but add joy, fun, my voice, my songs».

    Let's talk about the show, then. How will it be?

    «It's not my show, and, given the setlist/schedule that includes other guests, among which is Arisa, that I love and I'm glad to find her again, I will perform for just 75 minutes, trying to concentrate the best of my will/desire to perform».



    Mika ready for Piazza del Plebiscito: «An honor and (a) pride»

    The pop star tells the projects for the concert in Naples: "Joy and music add to the monuments, don't take away/detract"


    The first part is the same of the article above.This is the other part:


    Will you prepare something special for Naples?

    «Yes and no. No, because I'll be true to myself. Yes, because the energy that will come back to me, the vibrations of the Piazza del Plebiscito, will make the difference. This will be my only summer concert, thank you of the invitation and I hope it will become outstanding for the audience as it already is for me».

    You don't know Naples, but you have been to Positano.

    «Sure, and I've realized how many different Italie (Italys or Italies) exist.For work I tended to confuse Italy with Milan and Rome, but a summer trip has allowed me to go through all the Boot in the car and I realized that there are important differences, of climate, of food, of warmth.I wanted to give me a vacation by car from London and to stop where I wanted, had to be a few days with four people, have become four weeks with 24 people, including family and friends, with a caravan of cars.We left London on the route by Switzerland, we stopped in Santo Stefano Belbo, in Tuscany and then to Positano: here, in a small hotel, I enjoyed the best days of the past ten years.The sea, the cooking/cuisine, but also the warmth/welcoming of the people: in Switzerland when they saw our parade of cars closed the windows, you did not even noticed (/give any attention to) what we were doing.My roots Lebanese have made me feel at home. At a party there was also a group that has given us a concert of Neapolitan songs: beautiful, but I was at a party, I can not remember what».

    Let's talk about the album you're recording in Paris, the fourth of your career after "Life in Cartoon Motion" (the dazzling debut in 2007 with the superhit "Grace Kelly"), "The Boy who knew too much" (2009) and "the Origin of Love "(2012), not to mention the anthology last year's" Songbook vol. 1 ".

    «We are focusing on the single, but the entire album is ready. I wrote it in my own way, in one go/on the spot, free from any conditioning (influence/bias) now begins the most difficult one in which I have to share with others my project, accept or reject suggestions or compromises, deal with showbusiness».

    Ready for the new round of 'X-Factor Italy'?

    «Sure. Even in TV the initial is the most exciting phase: the competitors do the program/show. If you find good (competitors) you'll go strong, otherwise ...Here, I had done television, but before the talent show for Sky I had never got my hands dirty. When they have proposed it to me I have taken them for fools, but I realized that they were serious and I quickly said yes.In a language I didn't know, in a country that I love a lot and I know little... it was just perfect to force me to be myself.I did it and I do/did not regret it and if I've done other tv, "The voice of France" for example, it was because I had already broken the ice.And so, even compared to the record companies, I am free to follow my creative intuition».

  5. Elodie, on her facebook page:




    4 maggio alle ore 20.30 ·


    Hey!! Salut à tous :) Voilà, c'est une page qui se tourne mais aussi une nouvelle aventure qui commence!

    J'ai quelques messages importants à faire passer si vous le voulez bien ;)

    En tout premier lieu, je voudrais vous remercier tous autant que vous êtes de m'avoir porté jusqu'ici et de m'avoir soutenu à fond! ‪#‎HUGS‬ Je ne me suis jamais sentie seule ou abandonnée durant cette aventure même au moment des résultats et ceci est une promesse! :D

    Je profite pour remercier mes amis et ma famille de m'avoir soutenu jusqu'au bout de cette aventure merveilleuse <3 ♥ (des que je reviens PÉTANQUE et j'exige de gagner mouhahahaha)

    Dans un second temps je veux ABSOLUMENT remercier TOUS les Techniciens (aux lights, au son, au car, en plateau, etc...♥)

    Les Stylistes qui m'ont permis de porter de superbes tenues que je n'aurais jamais eu l'occasion d'acheter ^^ (ou alors dans trèèèèèèèès longtemps hihi) Merci de m'avoir rendue fière et alaise dans mon corps, merci de m'avoir écouté et de m'avoir permis de ne JAMAIS me trahir!!!

    Merci à nos conducteurs hors-pairs qui ont fait des milliers d'aller-retours pour nous amener et nous ramener ^^

    Merci à la prod pour leur bonne humeur et nos moments de fous-rire

    Merci à l'équipe Web que j'aime de tout mon coeur et qui m'ont soutenu tout au long de l'émission!! (on doit toujours se jouer Kikapoo au faite ;))

    Merci à la Ps2: AAAAAACTIIIIIIIIIOOOOOOONNNNNNN!!!! kalif tu seras ;)

    Merci à la PS1, pour toutes ces heures d'interviews <3 ♥

    Merci à Sarah en qui j'aurais trouvé un vrai guide et une vraie amie, pour toutes ces heures passées à bosser ensemble et à papoter pour se détendre :) <3 ♥

    Merci évidement à monsieur Florent Pagny, Garou, Jenifer ;)

    Un merci très spécial pour mon coach Mika qui est vraiment un homme formidable, perfectionniste, plein de fraîcheur, d'humour, de force et d'une sensibilité juste folle!

    Et troisièmement juste quelques mots car je suis triste pour Kendji et ce qu'il pourrais lire un peu partout, je me permet de donner mon avis (et je n'ai vraiment pas le temps de dire des choses que je ne pense pas, il est plus de 20h et j'ai faim :D) Ce garçon m'a épaté, laissée sur le postérieur je dois dire, je m'explique: j'ai vu une vraie envie d'apprendre et de repousser ses limites, j'ai entendu une voix extrêmement mature pour son âge, j'ai vu un p'tit gars respectueux et toujours au top avec la banane en permanence qui ne loupe jamais une occasion de rigoler. Je trouvais qu'il était important que je vous donne mon avis car il est objectif et qu'il mérite tout ce qui lui arrive :)

    Et le mot de la fin pour ces magnifiques rencontres Flo, Charlie, Max, Stacey, Igit, Caroline, les freros, Manon, Natacha, Fabienne, Kendji, etc... que de bons moments passés tous ensemble de belles amitiés qui se sont crées <3 ♥

    MERCI <3 ♥

    ‪#‎KeepOnSmiling‬ ‪#‎OnVaPouvoirSeReposerAvantLaTournée‬


    This girl is really a lovely and mature person!!

  6. whaaaaaaat???? My flight can't be cancelled, I really hope that there will be a gig (and a gig with Mika :mf_rosetinted:).


    Don't worry.I think that in the end of this controversy, unless there are big complications or surprises, the concert there will be (I hope so, at least!).

    But this is an example of politics and bureaucracy in Italy.Even the shopkeepers of Plebiscito square are angry with this Superintendent!But he will say yes, you'll see!

  7. The rest of the translation:


    NAPOLI - «The green light will come when we will receive the documentation that will explain in more detail what the City and the organization intend to do, that is for the concert as for the whole». It was stated by the Superintendent for Architectural Heritage of Naples Giorgio Cozzolino reopening the controversy with the City of Naples on the organization of the event to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Nutella with attached/annexed Mika concert."The ok to the event there is not yet - Cozzolino said on the sidelines of the ceremony for the honorary citizenship to Servillo -. We received from the City an envelope of a few pages with a list of incomprehensible measures and graphics where it was said of a series of events and not all are adequate to Piazza Plebiscito».The Superintendency is, therefore, expected that/waiting for the City sends a «new documentation».

    «At a time when - adds Cozzolino - they present a more in-depth documentation, we will evaluate it and (we) will do our observations».

    In the meeting that took place last Monday between the regional director of the Cultural Heritage Angelini and the councilor for urban policies of the City Piscopo, Cozzolino explained that have been «clarified the need to be able to arrive at the result/outcome.We - he continued - are technicians and we must have the proper documentation.I spoke yesterday with the municipal offices - said the superintendent - and they told me they will present the documentation in the next few days».


    To the City of Naples say they are «appalled» by the statements of the Superintendent Giorgio Cozzolino who actually have reopened the controversy with the City of Naples on the organization of the event to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Nutella with adjoining concert by Mika.«Now, the only goal should be to strive for an event that the city awaits.Especially shocked/appalled because these statements appear to be contrary to the spirit of cooperation required by the institutional role of the two institutions.Also appear out of context especially if put in relation with the meeting on Monday between the Director and the Regional Angelini city councilor Piscopo, following also the statements by the Minister Franceschini », continue from St James's Palace.«The additional documentation to which the Superintendent Cozzolino refers to is the one that was decided to hand after the meeting on Monday, so it is a supplement recently requested.Since February began informal dialogue about the event and decided to understanding that the detailed design would be delivered later, dealing with the Superintendent on the basis of a spirit of cooperation, to take account of its indications.Piscopo in fact met in months, the Superintendent, as the organizers have brought forth a constant dialogue with the Office of the Superintendent.Therefore, the Superintendent was updated on the project either by the municipality that the organizers.Coming to the documentation: April 15 was sent an envelope containing detailed technical specifications and even the name of the artist primarily involved, namely Mika.So much so that the discussion was limited to the type of writing to be included in the manifest and the characterization of the initiative, which was then chosen to define the terms of trade with non-availability of the organizers to not sell any product and give everything for free» conclude the City.


    30 aprile 2014


    Benvenuti in Italia!

    Welcome to Italy!

  8. http://corrieredelmezzogiorno.corriere.it/napoli/notizie/arte_e_cultura/2014/30-aprile-2014/nutella-mika-soprintendente-gelail-comune-via-libera-non-c-ancora--223151731538.shtml



    Nutella-Mika, il soprintendente «gela»

    il Comune: il via libera non c'è ancora

    Cozzolino: «Il via libera arriverà quando riceveremo

    la documentazione con spiegazioni articolate di ciò che

    si vuole fare». La replica del Comune: «Siamo allibiti»




    Il concerto di Mika in occasione della festa-Nutella è ancora in dubbio


    NAPOLI - «Il via libera arriverà quando riceveremo la documentazione in cui si spiegherà in modo più articolato quello che il Comune e l'organizzazione intendono fare, vale per il concerto come per tutto». Lo ha detto il Soprintendente per i Beni Architettonici di Napoli Giorgio Cozzolino riaprendo la querelle con il Comune di Napoli in merito all'organizzazione della manifestazione per i festeggiamenti per i 50 anni di Nutella con annesso concerto di Mika. «L'ok alla manifestazione non c'è ancora - ha detto Cozzolino, a margine della cerimonia per la cittadinanza onoraria a Servillo -. Abbiamo ricevuto dal Comune un plico di poche pagine con un elenco di misure e di grafici incomprensibili dove si diceva di una serie di manifestazioni e non tutte sono adeguate a piazza Plebiscito». La Soprintendenza è, dunque, in attesa che il Comune invii una «nuova documentazione».

    «Nel momento in cui - aggiunge Cozzolino - presenteranno una documentazione più approfondita, la valuteremo e faremo le nostre osservazioni». Nell'incontro che si è svolto lunedì scorso tra il direttore regionale dei Beni culturali Angelini e l'assessore alle politiche urbane del Comune Piscopo, Cozzolino ha spiegato che sono state «chiarite le necessità per poter approdare all'esito. Noi - ha proseguito - siamo dei tecnici e dobbiamo avere la documentazione adeguata. Ho parlato ieri con gli uffici dell'amministrazione comunale - ha proseguito il soprintendente - e mi hanno detto che presenteranno la documentazione nei prossimi giorni».


    Al Comune di Napoli si dicono «allibiti» dalle dichiarazioni del Sovrintendente Giorgio Cozzolino che hanno di fatto hanno riaperto la querelle con il Comune di Napoli in merito all'organizzazione della manifestazione per i festeggiamenti per i 50 anni di Nutella con annesso concerto di Mika «Adesso, l'unico obiettivo dovrebbe essere quello di impegnarsi per un evento che la città attende. Allibiti soprattutto perché queste dichiarazioni appaiono contrarie allo spirito di collaborazione istituzionale richiesto dal ruolo delle due istituzioni. Appaiono anche decontestualizzate soprattutto se messe in relazione con l'incontro di lunedì tra il direttore Regionale Angelini e l'assessore comunale Piscopo, a seguito anche delle dichiarazioni dello stesso ministro Franceschini», proseguono da Palazzo San Giacomo. «La documentazione integrativa a cui il Sovrintendente Cozzolino fa riferimento è quella che si è deciso di consegnare dopo l'incontro di lunedì, dunque si tratta di un supplemento recentemente richiesto. Da febbraio è iniziata interlocuzione informale in merito all'evento, decidendo di intesa che si sarebbe consegnato successivamente il progetto dettagliato, confrontandosi con la Sovrintendenza proprio sulla base di uno spirito di collaborazione, per tener conto delle sue indicazioni. Piscopo infatti ha incontrato, nei mesi, il Sovrintendente, come gli stessi organizzatori hanno portato avanti una interlocuzione costante con gli uffici della Sovrintendenza. Dunque la Sovrintendenza era aggiornata sul progetto sia da parte del Comune che degli organizzatori. Venendo alla documentazione: il 15 aprile è stato inviato un plico contenente schede tecniche dettagliate e perfino il nome dell'artista principalmente coinvolto, cioè Mika. Tanto è vero che la discussione era limitata alla tipologia di scritta da inserire nel manifesto e dalla caratterizzazione dell'iniziativa, che poi si è scelto di definire nei termini di non commerciale con la disponibilità degli organizzatori a non vendere alcun prodotto e concedere tutto gratuitamente», concludono al Comune.


    30 aprile 2014




    Controversy REOPENED

    Nutella-Mika, the superintendent 'freezes'

    the City: the green light is not there yet

    Cozzolino, «The green light will come when we will receive

    documentation with articulated explanations of what

    they want to do». The replica of the City: «We are appalled»


    Mika's concert on the occasion of the feast-Nutella is still in doubt.

  9. Mika would have said yes to The Voice 4 (France) according to this article (their source is a gossip magazine called 'public'):




    The Voice : La saison 4 confirmée mais sans Jenifer

    Le 18/02/2014 à 19:42, dans le dossier The Voice 3 : candidats, finale, gagnant, Mika

    Nos confrères de Public ont révélé une information de taille concernant The Voice 4. Découvrez la sans plus attendre.

    L'information vient de tomber et elle est à mettre au crédit de nos confrères de Public. Selon les journalistes du magazine people qui paraît tous les vendredis, TF1 aurait prévu de continuer l'aventure The Voice avec une saison 4. Le télé-crochet présenté par Nikos Aliagas et dont les audiences cartonnent serait donc reconduit en 2015. Malheureusement pour les téléspectateurs du programme, cette bonne nouvelle est accompagnée d'une information qui ne plaira pas à tout le monde. Toujours selon Public, Jenifer devrait quitter son fauteuil rouge à la fin de la saison 3.


    La jeune femme qui a remporté la saison 1 de la Star Academy avait il y a quelques semaines dit ne pas être sûre de signer pour une quatrième salve d'épisodes dans les colonnes de Métronews : "On verra. Ça dépend vraiment de ce que je ressentirais à la fin de cette saison 3". Visiblement, elle a décidé de ne pas attendre la fin de la saison pour prendre sa décision. De leurs côtés et contrairement à elle, les trois hommes de The Voice, Florent Pagny, Garou et Mika qui en fait parfois un peu trop ont donné leur accord à la chaîne et à la société de production Shine pour une saison 4.

    L'information concernant le départ de Jenifer tombe à quelques jours seulement des premières battles et le jour où nous vous livrons notre pronostic concernant les potentiels gagnants de The Voice 3. Un timing parfait ou presque pour préparer la succession de Jenifer. L'interprète de Au soleil qui est la seule femme coach du programme sera sans doute remplacée par une autre femme. Le choix de celle-ci ne va pas être évident puisque comme à l'international, il faut des pointures dans les fauteuils rouges mais aussi parce que de son côté M6 est en train de contacter de nombreux potentiels jurés pour Rising Star. La concurrence va être rude mais faisons confiance à la Une qui a prouvé qu'elle s'avait dénicher la perle rare avec Mika !


    "Public" is absolutely not credible. Until now they have said a bunch of rubbish about Mika.

    Jenifer's manager had said some time ago that any decision on the renewal of contract would be taken by her and the other judges/coachs only after the end of the program.So it's better to wait and see.

  10. In the after, while debriefing his candidates' performances, I think!


    I'll go with Alireine, it's more offensive than shut up and it is rude (in intensity it would be closer to "shut the f**k up", maybe. Or somewhere between the two, let's say), but he didn't mean it as an insult. But then it still is a bad word and they aren't allowed to swear on the show (also if I remember he said it very loudly xD), hence Nikos interrupting him to say something like "sorry did you just say 'ta gueule'?" . The joys of Live Television :teehee:


    He said it this week, I'd say it was near the end of the aftershow but I'm not sure. If I remember well it was when he discovered he has won the... well I don't know what he has won, he doesn't know what he has won, I don't think anybody knows what it was but he has won it :aah:


    Edit: just checked, it is approx 15 minutes before the end of the after ;)


    Thank you very much! :thumb_yello:

  11. I absolutely love the article. It says exactly what I mean when I say he's not just a popstar. He's made to write music and sing, of this there is no doubt, but he's also capable of so much more.

    This is why I'm not against Mika doing the kind of shows where we see the whole person. I think the beginning of the article, where the author says that they always loved Mika's music, but now they are falling for the person. This is really good, and it will translate into album sales.

    I don't see Mika as feminine. He's not a butch man either. I tend to think of him as a very unique person. He has the best qualities of sensitivity and letting his emotions show, that, along with his fashion sense, are associated with women. But he also has determination and a commanding presence, associated with men. But his commanding presence is in no way threatening, because it's part of his charisma, that is associated with his humanity.

    There is no one else like Mika, and I think that's what the author is trying to say

    I absolutely love the article.


    Thanks for finding and translating this article!

    Anyway I don't think Mika is androgyn, he sums up so called femine and masculine traits just as every other human being. Unless we want to stick to the latin macho stereotype (none of my interest, too predictable imo...)


    I agree with you :thumb_yello:


    And thanks a lot Anne!! :original:

  12. Can anyone translate the parts where there is Mika's Team from 99:14, if it's possible, but especially the parts of La Suite from 01:24 to 06:11 and from 13:10 to 18:05 (http://www.mikawebsite.com/video-the-voice-prime-n15-the-voice-suite-episode-n15/), please?

    Or at least what they say in French (it is easier to translate from written French , while when you listen you can never understand all the words)? :pray:


    The part of the circus was very funny!! :mfr_lol:

  13. It's okay, thanks for looking. I was just wondering if you had read somewhere that Mika had actually said that he authorized an interview BECAUSE he knew the pics would leak but it sounds like that is still unclear at this point


    No, I had only read about the paparazzi outside his home in London.

    You're right, we'll see when the interview comes out.

  14. I read this a week or two ago in an article in French on web that spoke of his reservedness away from the stage and discretion about his private life,making reference to the Paris Match interview, and said that there was, however, someone who did not respect his privacy because he found paparazzi outside his apartment in London and Mika, gently but firmly sent them away.

    I'll try to find that article again.


    Sorry, I did not find it. Recently I did the cleaning on my pc and almost all chronology has been deleted.

    It was on a blog (which I found by chance while I was looking for something else), where there was a collection of articles about The Voice.

    I think it was a scan of a paper magazine, it was a nice article, just saying that unlike his image of colorful and effervescent showman from the tv or his stage performances, in his private life he is tranquil and reserved, but recently his privacy was disrupted.I’ll try to search it again, but I’m not sure to find it again.


    About Telestar, you all are right, it's better to wait the real article/interview, even if , - and I say this without any desire to polemic or controversy, but just what I understood, but of course I may be very wrong - what is written there does not seem the same as what Mika's said previously in other interviews, in my opinion.Clarifications more than anything else, and small additions (moreover sensible and reasonable).But in the anticipation and cover no paparazzi photos.It says that it's an interview given by him to the magazine, so if it isn't true they are very dishonest.So we'll wait and see.

    I think if this was his decision maybe it was to rid those "vultures" of them , agreeing to an interview if they left him alone and his partner.But there are other vultures, obviously.Just an hypothesis :dunno:

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