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Log lady

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Posts posted by Log lady

  1. No sneakers??? :shocked: Don't tell me!!! I don't want shoes with heels.


    Can't you get away with ballet flats or something? No sneakers doesn't mean you have to wear stilettos :naughty:

    Definitely, I'm not going to wear stilettos! :shocked: I was rather thinking about a big fat heel :naughty:

    We are a kind of dwarfs. We need to find extra height somewhere.

    My father taught to me how to use these http://www.mondotroll.it/blog/wp-content/uploads/trampoli-da-mano-professionali-4.jpg

    I could wear them. Take that, crowd.


    Perfect!! :lmfao:

  2. Buona sera :original: Ho di nuovo una domanda della grammatica. Voglio scrivere alla mia insegnante la frase "Thank you that you have sent me the homework" e sono un po' confusa adesso. Ho scritto "Grazie mille che tu me li [i compiti] hai inviati". Questo è corretto? Ci sono troppi casi eccezionali per me :aah:


    Avere o essere?

    - è "hai inviato"

    - ma è "mi hai inviato" o "mi sei inviata"? Devo usare "essere" al posto di "avere" solamente se uso i verbi riflessivi ("mi sono innamorata" per esempio), ma non se uso "mi" come pronome, quindi è "mi hai inviato", giusto?


    Se "mi hai inviato" è giusto: Inviato o inviati con "li"?

    - è "mi hai inviato" e "li hai inviati"

    - ma è "me li hai inviati" o "me li hai inviato"? È ancora concordanza fra "li" e "inviato", anche con "me" davanti a "li"?


    E se ho un verbo riflessivo con "li"?

    - è "mi sono lavata i denti" (perché sono una donna)

    - ma è "me li sono lavata" o "me li sono lavati"? È concordanza fra "me" e "lavato" o concordanza fra "li" e "lavato"?


    -Ciao! La frase andrebbe bene, ma sarebbe più corretto scrivere "Grazie mille per avermeli inviati", noi diciamo "Grazie per"+verbo all'infinito passato


    -Giusto, "essere" va usato con verbi riflessivi. Ma in questo caso è "hai inviato", perché "mi sei inviata" è un'azione dal significato passivo, vuol dire "you are sent to me".


    -Sono giuste, si dice "mi hai inviato" e "me li hai inviati". In quest'ultima frase si concordano il verbo e il pronome "li", che è l'oggetto dell'azione, mentre "me" davanti a questi pronomi che esprimono un complemento oggetto (li, lo, la) resta così.


    -È corretto, "mi sono lavata" (il verbo concorda con il soggetto dell'azione, in questo caso una donna :aah:)

    -Sono giusti entrambi, io preferisco "me li sono lavati"


    Spero di essere stata chiara! Queste sono delle regole veramente difficili, se sei già a questo livello i miei complimenti! :thumb_yello:

  3. When I say they are Mikaish, just me, it's that it is something unexpected, not your everyday thing, nothing more than that. It's not that I'm saying it's better or worse or whatever, it just is what it is. I like the fabric because I love butterflies and I love a little something wild and out there.


    I prefer the older stuff as well, but I know people's clothing changes quite a lot over the years. It may well be just a phase for the time being... and if it is, well, that's great.


    In general I quite like his style, a mix of classy and edgy (I agree with you about the "Mikaish" definition). I don't like the butterfly suit at all, but it doesn't really bother me seeing him in it, he's lucky enough to be able to pull off almost any hideous outfit actually :naughty:

    I absolutely love the stage costumes of the past few years! Also, it's interesting that he constantly goes from one style to another, rather than strictly sticking to one only.

    But... honestly, I don't mind what he wears! :naughty:

  4. Guys, I'm in.

    The ways of the Mika are infinite. :mf_popeanim::lmao:


    Now I have a huuuuuuuge problem. Really.

    Quite snazzy dress code is demanded. I swear I just have jeans and no elegant shirt or whatever. I just have a lilac one but they don't allow me to wear it.

    So God help me, I have to go shopping. :overreact:


    I'll try to rob my sister's closet :naughty: but the shoes are the real issue, I can't wear sneakers, I suppose, so I have to wear high-heeled boots? :doh:

  5. so here we go, even if I'm afraid you won't find anything romantic in this story...

    On December the 12th 1969 a bomb exploded in Milan, causing the death of 17 persons. The police asked to a man called Giuseppe Pinelli, known as an anarchist, to go to the police place to be interrogated and kept him there for a few days without permission. He was completely innocent and finally died falling from a window. Subsequently the policemen stated that Pinelli threw himself out of the window committing suicide, while a large part of public opinion thought that Pinelli was tortured and accidentally fell during a "non-orthodox" interrogation.

    The play "Accidental death of an anarchist" is about what happened in this police place, embracing the idea of abuse by police officers. One of these officers, Mr Luigi Calabresi, the highest in degree, was considered responsible of the death of Giuseppe Pinelli by some extremist political groups and murdered three years later.

    In 1997 four people were judged resposible of the death of Mr Calabresi, and among these people were Adriano Sofri, who is Daria Bignardi's father-in-law (she is married to his son Luca, a journalist).

    Adriano Sofri is widely considered a sensitive intellectual, he has always claimed his innocence and he obtained the support of many intellectuals, politicians and journalists.

    I think Daria believes as well that her father-in-law is innocent and appreciated Mika's interest in this old and tragic Italian fact (even if i'm not sure of Mika's full awareness about the political depth of Fo's play) and wanted to acknowledge his deep interest in Italian culture and history.

    Obviously this is only a summary and I tried to be as objective as possible, and just for the record Luca Sofri mentioned "TOOL" as one of the best songs of the year back in 2012 in his Vanity Fair column so I think Daria already knew about Mika before the whole X Factor thing :thumb_yello:

    I feel a little ashamed, I admit I don't know much of the "strage di piazza Fontana" events, so this was very interesting for me, thank you :huglove:

  6. Probably Daria Bignardi (the host of "Invasioni barbariche") was pretty surprised by Mika's knowledge as well, and I think she worked hard to arrange the meeting of the two also because of personal reasons concerning her husband's family (as you probably know the play "Morte accidentale di un anarchico" is based on real facts, in case someone of you is interested I'll try to explain the connection between the play and Daria's father in law)


    I didn't know that, tell us everything, Zia xD

  7. It's a kind of joyful anarchy. I like the idea of being an 'enfant terrible'. Actually I love the absurd, I see it everywhere, in my daily life. In this respect I'm obsessed with the writer Dario Fo. For me, he is a hero. I'm seeing him next week to work on something. I can't say anything yet... This man is the archetype of the enfant terrible. Committed, but very funny at the same time.


    So, he will come back in Italy? To work with Dario Fo?? Wow! :shocked:


    Wow, this is interesting! Can't wait to see what they're working on!

  8. Hi! I'm new! My name is Cristina and I'm Italian, from Florence. First of all I have to confess that I didn't know Mika before his partecipation to some italian talk shows ("che tempo che fa" and "le invasioni barbariche"). I was very impressed by his interwiews and his live performances and so I began to search more about him..... and I discorevered a really great artist and a very addicting person :blush-anim-cl: ....

    I'm not a teenager (I'm fifty....:fisch:) and usually i listen different kind of music but i really think that Mika's music is so interesting and the lyrics are real poetry.


    Happy to be here and forgive me for my really bad english :wink2:


    Ciao Cristina! Hai ragione, non avrei saputo dirlo meglio! E quella con Daria Bignardi è stata un'intervista bellissima, è vero :) Benvenuta!

  9. Yes . . . :drinks_wine::partytime2:


    I did read that, and will share my thoughts in light blue text so people who aren't reading the books can easily skip over it without getting spoiled . . .

    Yes! My thoughts exactly! I really hope her storyline will move forward in a totally different way, I used to love her chapters

    I guess all we can do is settle for the episodes while waiting!

    Elwendyn, if Mika is a Lannister he always pays his debts! So give us the album already!! :mikadas:

  10. Yeah, I read the books last summer and loved them! I know everyone's name now, but before reading the books I was like that trailer "wait, who is that? isn't that the same guy?" :aah:

    And I'm super excited for the show now, because I know what's going to happen! Episode twoooooooo! (That's not a spoiler, since you don't know what it is I'm looking forward to!) :naughty:


    Yes, the same guy who has an entire chapter on the book has one minute on screen and then disappears for several episodes, no wonder people get confused! :naughty:

    So "the pigeon pie" is going to happen on episode 2? :wink2: I only hope Martin "doesn't eat himself to death" because I can't wait to read The Winds of Winter! Here is a chapter recently released, in case you haven't read it http://www.georgerrmartin.com/excerpt-from-the-winds-of-winter/

    Though I'm not enthusiastic about it, honestly. Let me know what you think :wink2:

  11. Only five more days until season four! Who's excited? :excite:


    This "Honest Trailer" is hilarious . . . but spoilery through the first three seasons.



    This cracked me up! :floor: Totally honest! Except for the fact I remember the names, why shouldn't I? It's like a history test, but with dragons, and b bs! :aah:

    "Dada dada dada... God that sounds cool!" --> I still do it every time

    You can tell I'm excited! Have you read the books too?

    Btw, I just discovered this thread... God I love MFC more and more everyday!


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