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Log lady

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Posts posted by Log lady

  1. Thank you, Anne! :huglove:

    :thumb_yello: Thanks a million for your translation ! :huglove: I think all the discussions and speculations we've had here at MFC, about his "strange" decisions, is answered by MIKA himself in two words: "one changes" :blush-anim-cl: Yes, exactly, that's what we all do throughout life!! Luckily he's a totally normal and healthy young man, who makes other choices and decisions now at the age of 30, than he did when he was 23 y.o. I experience just the same with my own two "kids" - who are at the same age as MIKA, 29 and 31 y.o. It's nothing mysterious about it at all. So in spite of the fact that most of us fell in love with "the old MIKA" seven years ago, we couldn't expect him to be "frozen" in that pattern forever ...:wink2:


    I like this interview, and I feel it confirms, as so many times before, that MIKA is a reflected and wise young man - someone I look forward to follow, for a long time yet ...:wub2:





    I love what you said :wink2:

  2. 4x02: IT WAS AWESOME.

    Any thoughts? I think they've made a little too obvious who's guilty. Beside that, I loved the episode. I just wish they'd develop more Jaime's character (one of my absolute favourites), as it's done in the books. He's not as relatable if they don't clarify what is (and has been) behind his actions.

  3. I think we all try to be decent human beings, you know? And I always try to put myself in the other person's place, and think how I would like to be treated.

    I put myself in the other person's place. I know I wouldn't want to be stalked by paparazzi or even fans simply because of who my brother is, or who my boyfriend is. :dunno:


    That's exactly how I see it. And the attitude towards this matter is one of the reasons I'm very proud to be part of this community (and regret I didn't decide to join years ago). I don't like to sound cheesy, but you are beautiful people. :blush-anim-cl:Ok I'm going to hide now.

  4. X factor è un tema caldo, perfino più controverso delle foto rubate :naughty:

    Temo che sia difficile trovare un punto comune tra noi, mi sembra che (in buona fede, ovviamente) ciascuno abbia un'opinione forte e istintiva, quasi come la fede calcistica

    La cosa buona, perchè mi piace trovare qualcosa di buono (i drammi della vita sono ben altri!), è questo è il segno del nostro affetto :mika3:


    Vero. :group_hug:

  5. I didn't watch XFactor last season. Will non-Italian people be able to watch on live feeds, or download it like we are doing with The Voice? Hope so:crossed:

    The live streaming is available only on the pay tv site, I'm afraid :( The day after, however, there are usually plenty of streaming and download links!


    Thank you for this post, I agree and even if I'm not so active in the mfc (because of my writing English abilities) I feel the same as many of you. It's because we care about him and we know his real value that we prefer him not to sit behind a desk but expressing himself on a stage or doing whatever directly connected to his music. It's out of any doubt that he will enrich any tv show he take part to and that other positive things will happen (he's not dead, hes not going to, and he's not in the middle of a human sacrifice etc). Even if someone doesn't understand his decision it doesn't mean they're not loving him anymore. A bit of disappointment doesn't mean putting a cross on him. Untill any other reasons take me away from him, I will always support him, but that doesn't mean that I agree with every decision he takes.

    I'm happy for the ones who are happy, we're not entitled to judge anyone, we're here to say what we think and even if we disagree we're here for the same reason: we love him. In different ways, of course, but it doesn't matter, his music unites so many people in the world, I'm honored to be a recipient of his art but it doesn't mean I always agree with him. We're here because we love him and this is what matters. And most of all the discussions enrich us, always.



    Agreed :thumb_yello:

  6. So far, good. People are going to hate Mika's suit, but it's better than last week. He's been quiet so far. Jenifer is actually looking pregnant, and lovely. Petit Romething was really good, and Wesley was awesome. That's about it.


    As ceebs said, he was all calm and quiet for half the show - except when he was b*tching out, nothing was good enough for him, every song was badly chosen etc etc. Florent Pagny was like "wow, he's on top form tonight" xd. But we just went through his team and it has apparently switch him on again. The jumping everywhere is back, and so is the giggling and the full package. Truth is he is allowed to, his team really ruled tonight.

    He also sang Elle me dit with his team, from a technical point of view it was a real mess (We couln't really hear their voices, I don't know but it's like there was something wrong with the mics.. well I don't know I need to watch it again but it sounded weird) but they managed to put the set on fire no matter what so.... yeah!


    Him being in a bad mood was expected... About the performance, maybe he hasn't recovered his voice yet? I'm looking forward to seeing the video tomorrow. Thank you :huglove:

  7. Thank you very much for the translation and especially for the explanations, Marta :huglove:


    So the Street Clerks are the studio band there now? :original:


    Yes, they are. I'm not a fan but I'm happy for them 'cause they're good :) they were nice to us, the drummer was hugging everyone so I stayed away from him.:naughty: I had a very short chat with the singer who was shy and I sympathized with him:blush-anim-cl:

  8. Thanks a lot for your report too!! :huglove: You don't write bad English, and I really love it - such an honest and cute report, about your first time really close to MIKA - with all its mixed feelings !! :wub2: Now that he'll be a lot in Milan, I'm sure you'll have a new chance to meet him properly - and probably also experience his gigs ...:mikadas:





    Yeah, I'll keep praying for a gig!


    :blush-anim-cl: Right after I wrote the post I thought "What have I done?? This is way too personal"! But that's the reason I'm here, to speak my mind without fearing other people’s judgement, for a change. So it means a lot to me that you liked it :huglove:

  9. Elwendin, your report is very funny and clever, you're an amazing writer :)

    My impression is that he came, collected stuff from people and went away (he didn’t even signed things nor take pics, thank God!!!!!!!) . I don’t think it lasted more than three minutes, and I suspect it was even shorter. He didn’t chat a bit as he did after Le Invasioni Barbariche. Now. This impression of mine can be caused by:

    - Me being so focused on my missions that I wasn’t able to perceive anything else, then after I said something to him I immediately moved away to let place for other mfcers.

    - People not asking him anything worthy a chat (me included, I already had too much to handle for my first speaking time)

    - Him really being too quick and not interested in chatting(apparently he always has a flight to catch immediately after :naughty:)

    :dunno: maybe someone else could tell if anything more happened.


    I had the same impression. Also, he seemed very tired and sick to me, he looked like he didn't feel well at all.


    I won’t talk about how I feel about apocalypse right now.

    But I’ll talk about how I feel about me. I just got upgraded to version 2.3. First time I saw him huuuuuuuge starstruck. Second time starstruck. Third time little starstruck but managed to deliver little awesome biscuits. Fourth time no starstruck and eventually talked. And it’s not really about having an emotional breakdown over a quick meeting. It’s about me learning to drive around and don’t minding to get lost (or to have any food so far), and it’s about me not being intimidated by a crowd (work in progress) and ultimately it’s about me getting more and more confident. So, little-fan-growing -award for me. I’m dedicating this award to all the people who are training and coaching me, I love you, you are doing a great job, be prepared cause the road is so so so long, I still could use a little talkative skills and some other stuff.


    First step: feeling non existent

    Second step: feeling lame (yes, he looked at me and I was pathetic :aah:). But still. I made it. I just hope he won't remember , which is luckly 100% expected.


    I'm happy for your fan-upgrade, you'll see, it's going to be better and better every time :thumb_yello:

    You expressed some of my feelings perfectly. I can't write as good as you do, but I'll try to write a few words in my bad English to tell how it was from my point of view. First of all, I was very self-conscious about my social skills, a real mess. I wasn't able to say a word when he came to us. The setting made me uncomfortable, I felt non existent and lame, as you put it... Also, seeing him in a hurry, tired and unkeen to talk made me feel very intrusive. Not to mention the starstruck: it made my usually awkward and insecure self even more shy. I felt like an idiot when he left :doh:

    Other than that, I enjoyed the show, though the TV environment makes me a little sick and confused, but this event was quiet and not crowded so I could handle it. Obviously, seeing Mika was wonderful (I was the quiet one sitting behind you girls, and btw, we had the best view of the game! It was almost too much for me :aah:), only I was disappointed he didn't sing. The "apocalypse" wasn't good news for me, but I had seen it coming, and after all, it's his life, certainly I'm not entitled to say what he has to do. I can hope for some gig in Milan, at least.

    I'm so happy I met other fans and MFCers, nice people who have no issues speaking to other human beings, especially for the first time! :aah: And Lucrezia, say hi to your mom for me! :wink2:


    It was great. I came back feeling dazed and still am.


    Thank you for your reports girls, it was nice reliving the experience from your point of view. The picture with Cattelan and our fan Aba was taken from my phone, if you'd like to have it I'll sent it to you!

  10. Would wedge heels help?

    I would wear those if I couldn't wear sneakers.

    They would do, unfortunately I don't own them :teehee:

    :blush-anim-cl: Good luck tonight - to you and all MFCers going to the show, whatever outfits you "create" for the event :naughty: I hope you'll have a lot of fun, and that MIKA will annonce something really exciting for you Italiens - I still have the feeling that he'll soon give an amazing concert as a "thank you for everything" - after his successful XF adventure last year ...:wub2:





    Yes, but that's going to happen only in my wildest dreams, I'm afraid :naughty:

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