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Log lady

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Posts posted by Log lady

  1. Thank you both, that's what I was looking for! :thumb_yello:


    One more question....have any Italian speakers translated this video?




    (You can tell I'm researching the whole X Factor thing at the momment xD )


    Here you go:

    "Now is Mika’s turn, he’s the judge of the under 25 girls.

    M: You’re a very interesting singer, but it is difficult for me, 'cause your music style is a discographic challenge. It’s important that I can imagine your performance without an ukulele... do you understand?

    Violetta: Yes

    M: With a style, which is important to develop (he uses Mika Italian here, “developpare”)

    V: Sviluppare

    M: I want to make this bet with you. It’s a yes.

    V: Thank you very much!

    M: Excuse my Italian, my s***ty Italian, I can’t speak!

    I’m more nervous than them.

    V: I’ve gone crazy! What Mika proposed to me is a big challenge, I’ll do everything to prove him I can do it.


    Second girl: I’ve come so far and I feel like I deserve it. I think I have something inside that other people don’t. I’m only interested in what I communicate, I don’t think my voice is better than anybody else's.

    M: Hi! How are you?

    SG: Good, a bit nervous.

    M: What do you think about this experience?

    SG: I think it made me grow up as a human, in a personal way and now I’m just anxious.

    M: It’s all new, yes. Your voice is not a voice we can hear everywhere, it’s very special, but you have to learn more and develop a style. Your future is very interesting, but now this adventure ends here for you.

    SG: Thanks anyway, of course I’m going to try again.

    M: Ok, see you next time, in the future.

    SG: I feel I'm still young, still not ready, cause I think the TV’s world is not easy and I think you must be able to defend yourself. I feel bad 'cause I like to sing, but I can improve myself, I can try again and this thought helps.


    Violetta: In my opinion, Gaia should pass 'cause she’s good and she has a lot of personality, she deserves it.

    M: Your voice is a good voice, your tone is very interesting but you lack a very strong technique. Your look is quite sophisticated and this scares me a bit, 'cause I want to know whether the look is more important than the vocal technique, the singing and the music, I’m afraid you like your style more than music.

    Gaia: I am like this, as you see me.

    M: I want you to join me on the X Factor stage.

    G: You can’t say it like that!

    M: Absolutely, in my team…

    G: You can’t do that!

    M: Yes!

    G: That’s a bad joke, it ain’t right, at all!

    M: I need you, I need you! We must work together, with tight clothes. (?)

    Violetta: She can be a serious rival of course, but may the best man win!

    G: It’s like a ball I’ve been bearing in my stomach exploding suddenly and in this moment everything I have inside can get out, I’m sure of it. It’s awesome, oh Violetta!!


    M: Hello, how are you?

    Roberta: Fine

    M: And today?

    R: It’s been awesome.

    M: For me your performance at your first audition was wonderful, you sang in a natural way. I played a joke on your name, but after you sang everyone was astonished, me too. I don’t want to joke anymore now: this X Factor adventure ends here. I was in the same situation for many years, even today I experience many situations where people tell me ‘no’, but this doesn’t change me. Ok? Thank you for everything.

    R: Thank you.

    He said nice words to me, the same that everybody has always said to me.

    M: It’s not the first time for her, this is awful.

    R: I never succeed, so maybe I don’t deserve it enough, I don’t know. That door will eventually open.


    Girl: The longest journey of my life.

    Valentina: Yeah.

    M: Still smiling, always. Hi

    Gaia: He called them both

    Violetta: It’s weird.

    M: Now is the moment, there's only one spot left. (To Valentina) When you sang at the Bootcamp I liked it very much. Today’s performance wasn’t as good as that one. (To the other girl) You’re 16, you’re absolutely young, for you this experience is completely new. I think this experience is too new for you right now. For this reason I say no, your adventure with X Factor ends here, but your adventure with your voice- a good voice- and your fantastic energy doesn’t end, not at all, I’m sure. Ok? Thank you very much for everything. Bye

    Valentina: Thank you so much!!

    M: But I didn’t tell you anything!

    Now I’m alone at my house, my evil huge house, with no one.

    Girl: I must breathe.


    M: Hello, evil house!"


    Sorry for the mistakes.

  2. What I will remember is not the willy incident, or the funny things Mika did... It's his deep understanding and knowledge of music and what you need to do to be a better performer. He always amazes me.


    I couldn't agree more. Though I enjoyed the funny bits, the most remarkable thing is what an amazing coach he was to his girls, always tough but considerate, passionate and caring. He caused me great ammiration :mikalove:

  3. I always think I have the rules figured out, but then something comes along that doesn't fit the pattern and I'm all confused again. So most of the time I just use del. It seems to work a lot. I have a learn Italian app, and is very good. Likewise, I can help with English questions as well.

    OK, here's one-does it matter if I use ma or bensi, or are they interchangable?


    They both can be used as adversative conjunctions, but "bensì" is only used after a negation, it's like "but rather". For example, "Non voglio fare quello, bensì questo": here "bensì" and "ma" are interchangeable. However, "ma" has a much wider use, it's not only adversative, it can also be used after a sentence to introduce a new subject, or before an exclamation. So, when in doubt use "ma" and you can't go wrong :thumb_yello:

  4. Can someone tell me how many times Mika was a guest performer on X Factor? I know he performed a duet with Chiara in 2013, but were there any other times? :loco:


    With regard to X-Factor Italy, earlier that year he also performed "Grace Kelly" with the contestants http://video.sky.it/xfactor/puntate/mika_e_i_talenti_di_x_factor_aprono_la_semifinale/v142790.vid

    And in 2009 he performed "We are golden"

    I don't know if he made any other appearances besides these.

  5. Yes! Actually studying Spanish at the moment, I'm having an essay in Italian to prepare for next course also :mf_rosetinted: I'd be a pleasure to help you in English! PM me anytime also!


    It's very kind of you, thank you! I'd help you with pleasure with the Italian essay. Good work!


    That doesn't really matter to me though, just write them for myself. And thank you. :blush-anim-cl:


  6. I'm trying to learn a little Italian too, and I'm just confounded by prepositions-like dai, del, dal dallo dei. I never know which to use when. The rest is going pretty good, but this? I'm at a loss.


    Italian is very insidious, especially for English and Asian speakers, it takes some time. It's great that you're already quite good!

    The use of propositions changes from time to time, it depends on the sentence. If you have any questions I'd be happy to help! I understand your frustration, it's the same for me with English! Very often I want to say something but I don't know how to phrase it, so I end up changing the whole sentence or saying nothing at all :blowup:

  7. Grazie mille :huglove:


    Ho anche un'altra domanda. So che non c'è una risposta chiara, è una domando piuttosto teoretica, ma ho pensato qualche volta su questo. Non è molto complicato e duro per un transessuale parlare l'italiano? E molto di più complicato per un intersessuale? Perché spesso io non posso parlare di me senza usare una desinenza maschile o femminile in italiano. Suppongo che un transessuale "out" usa la desinenza che concorda con il suo sesso interno? Ma facendo questo lui "dice" più o meno a chiunque che lui è transessuale, se lui vuole o non vuole. E quando lui non è ancora "out" è più duro per lui che nelle altre lingue, no? E questo fa un intersessuale?


    Certo, questo è molto complicato in italiano. È come dici tu, un intersessuale (o un transessuale) che parla in italiano si riferisce a se stesso al maschile o al femminile a seconda della propria identità sessuale e non del sesso "esterno". Ma se non è ancora "out", allora usa la desinenza che si accorda con i propri caratteri sessuali fisici. È una domanda davvero interessante!

  8. Yay! Siamo due! Sono felice anche! E tu, perchè hai deciso imparare l'italiano? (no lo so si dico: a imparare o imparare solamente senza un preposizione?)


    Con una preposizione, "di imparare" (si dice "decidere di")

    Comunque scrivi bene, complimenti! :original:

  9. Ciao Raya :original: Anch'io sto imparando l'italiano. Sono contenta vedere un'altra persona che sta imparando questa lingua qui :D


    Grazie mille per le correzioni, Paola! Anche per me le erano molto utili.


    Però non capisco il termine "io mi gaso" che Flavia ha usato. Qualcuno può spiegarmi per favore? :blush-anim-cl:


    Che bello raga, tutta questa gente che vuole imparare l'italiano! :aah:

    Ciao DerMoment! "Mi gaso" è una espressione informale che vuol dire "Mi entustiasmo molto", "I'm excited"

  10. Ciao ragazzi, voglio practicare il mio italiano perchè sono una studente in una programma di lingue ... Potete includere me? È perchè mi piace la lingua molto molto... Oh e per favore dimmi si le mie parole non sono corretti... Grazie mille!


    Ciao! Una canadese che vuole imparare l'italiano è una bella novità :welcomeani:

  11. Welcome Melyssa!

    Wow, your English is perfect, I'm jealous! I can't explain myself in English and all I have been able to write in my introduction was pretty much "I heard Grace Kelly, I love Mika, hee hee" like a complete idiot! :naughty:

    What you wrote made me smile, we have very much in common. However, I'm not a Battlestar Galactica fan, not yet at least, just 'cause I really need a degree right now and you know, I get easily obsessed about fantasy fiction (who am I kidding, I become easily obsessed, period)!

    And by the way, have we already mentioned we loved your video? :naughty:

  12. Here's the english one. I had a pretty hard time cause I get the meaning of the lyrics but I can't really find my way to say it in english tonight.



    Pagny: I will be happy when you'll be dead

    (Mika: it isn't kind this one)

    old rascal

    I will be happy when you'll be dead

    old rascal

    (Mika: we too)

    Garou: You ain't losing anything for waiting

    I will know well how to put you down

    I'll be happy to get your skin

    old camel


    Jenifer I received you with open arms

    (Pagny: ah beh, it's Jenifer)

    old rascal

    You always got your place setting at the table

    old rascal

    (Pagny: Oh yeah, to eat is needed )

    Mika: You stripped all my rugs

    You smoked in my bed (does Pagny smoke?)

    (Pagny: I confirm it)

    and you stole all my whisky

    old bandit


    Garou: Then I introduced you to my wife

    old rascal

    (Mika: oh yeah, she's bang@bl

    Pagny: non on dit elle est belle)

    Then I introduced you to my wife

    old rascal

    (Mika: yes, this is true)

    Pagny: You smooth talked (hot air, it does fit lol... but you're so full of hot air... )

    You kissed her in the corners

    As soon as I turned my back

    old camel


    Mika:Then I left with her (original lyrics: you left)

    old rascal

    (Garou: where?

    Pagny: wasn't you?)

    oui I left with her

    old rascal

    (Garou: what you did, what you did?)

    Jenifer: taking the crockery

    the lace bedspread,

    your tapes, your tape recorder

    old camel

    (Jenifer: yeah, guys, me, I know a not quite bad kind of canaille

    Mika: yeah yeah, it ends by os

    Pagny: you mean, you mean an old canaillos

    Jenifer: exactly

    Garou: Nikos de Mikonos)

    Mika: But I got my rifle

    old rascal

    Jenifer: But I got my rifle

    old rascal

    Pagny: and when I would have you

    I will laugh

    Garou and I will quickly ice you

    old Pagny


    Pagny: We will put you in a grave

    old rascal

    Jenifer: and I will have a great time

    old rascal

    Garou: by way of little glasses of booze

    Mika: The most beautiful bender of my life

    will be for your funeral

    old rascal

    old rascal

    old camel



    And now I can't help but picture in my mind Jennifer being married with Garou and cheating on him with Mika in a dark alley, then taking all the sheets and the crockery and run away with him :floor:

    This is funny, thank you :wink2:

    Oh, in italy they cut him not that much and we heard a way worse. He told a contestant that he was singing like he was at a children party, and some other pretty sincere comments on others I can't remember now, he told a coach that she did a ****ty choice (litterally) and I think no one will ever forget the willy willy willy snippet (of course he explained clearly what that means). And the more he got tired, the more nasty and vulgar. :aah:

    And yes, we all love him when he does. :mf_rosetinted:



  13. (Sorry, I didn't introduce myself - I will but I ended up on this thread by traking down the statistics of my video so I registered just to say thanks for the comments, I'm really happy to see that it makes people smile :blush-anim-cl: )




    It did indeed. Took me about a month at one or 2 hours/day (and Studio Vegas with a slow computer is a nightmare), but it was also a LOT of fun to do :D (I think the first draft was about 30 minutes long though - it was so hard to cut xD)





    Well, the Animaniacs didn't really care about his opinion apparently :aah:. This song was the origin of everything actually, I heard it and my brain went mad :fisch:





    Thank you, it took some time too so a comment like this is always warmful. I hope I didn't make too many mistakes but as long as it's understandable, I consider my mission accomplished :cheerful_h4h:



    (Yeah, sorry for the Top Gun thing. I kinda died doing it too).

    Thank you thank you thank you!! I laughed so hard I cried :bow::bow:

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