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Posts posted by Melyssa

  1. (I am sorry if there still is some * in there, don't know why a million appeared when I copied/pasted. And again sorry for the mistakes. They were already there before copy/paste)


    Roll on round 2:


    Let's say it: the star of the night wasn't Zazie anymore. Nor Mika. Nor Jenifer or Florent or even Nikos.


    Nope, the star was our very welcome new fifth judge. She is quite hairy, and she could bark after the contestants like no one else. Hello Melachi!

    We apparently went through a bit of drama with her, it seems that they had lost her during the first break, but the story ended well and he was quite proud to come back on set with her after break 2. Put her on his seat, made her push the buzzer, told us she was «preparing for a bigger role»... Some photograph was trying to take a pic of them standing with a «serious face» on the seat but she kept wanting Mika to hug her (oh yes, I know you can hear the «ooowwww» that came out of the audience as if you were there). She also won't stop yawning without putting her paw in front of her mouth, same master same dog :naughty:.

    He then put her on Florent's seat (he still hadn't come back from break), left her there and go back to his place. I am not sure the gift was adequately appreciated when Florent came back xD. (It was funny though, Jenifer was trying to call her, to make her react, and Mel was just staring at her blankly :aah: . She was probably a bit gutted, knowing how instantaneously Mel obbeys to Mika :teehee:). Off she went (after almost falling off the main stage) but as he told us later, we're gonna see her again: from now on she's going everywhere with him.


    And yes, I am fully aware I just made quite a long opening talking about a dog.


    For the rest, I'll be honest, it's quite a blur. I think my brain was too full already (told you it was tiny in there). I'd say the atmosphere was a bit different – not in a bad way (neither a good one, just a different one). First they were more relaxed, quite obviously now that the first one is done, and second he interracted a bit less with Zazie and a bit more with Jenifer and Florent tonight (which wasn't that hard as he mostly ignored them on saturday). Also he came back to be the one wining so his confidence went up – I think he won the first two ones against everyone as the four of them had turned. It was Zazie this time who spent half the night with no one coming in her team.


    Already cutting to randomness, sorry:


    I don't know if you remember the jungle book thingy from last year, but last night he gave us the 2015 version of it, and this time it is Cinderella's turn: Jenifer and Zazie are the two mean sisters, Florent is Cinderella (:aah:) and he declared himself the white knight, no less!

    Later there was also an incursion of the wizard of Oz in a complete mess, as he was trying to convince a contestant by going mad and scaring him :doh:


    He was also talking far, far too much. He wouldn't stop, and even when he had to talk first and so the three others had to chat after, he still tried to talk again at the end. He even once took the floor without anything to say and ended up with a big silence xD. So the three others kept trying to keep him short and prevent him to talk a second time for every contestant, and I think at a point even the production team came to ask him to keep it short. I think he really didn't care tho :aah: (and also later him and Zazie were scold by producer for chatting to much as the contestants were about to sing so he was on a very chatty mood indeed).

    Talking about it, at a point Zazie told the three others the order had changed for them to talk during debrief, and from now on Mika would be the last one to talk. He went on «Ah, finally things are as they should be, and I am the one having the last word!»


    And ironically chatty boy managed to win a talent with the smallest argumentation ever (meaning no argumentation at all in fact). The guy was using a stage name and Mika asked for his real name, He told him «I can tell you mine if you want mine is Michael Holbrook Penniman»… and the guy answered «yes I knew that». From this point he knew he had won already and litterally said nothing (for once xD) as the other went on trying to win him (all of them had turned). But they could have done everything, the guy still went with Mika without a second thought.


    As classics go the girls tried to strangle him «let's strangle him softly» "i have a lot of sisters you are not scaring me!" and he engaged a «leg fight» with Jenifer in the middle of the stage, «you know this game where you have to cross your legs with the other person very quickly?» she told us, «well, he's is always loosing! He's terrible at it!»

    Jenifer at a point tried to push his buzzer as he was the only one not having turned for a singer yet, but he really didn't want to. They began to fight and their movement just activated the thing and the seat turned, he was gutted! He then had to pretend in front of the singer that he wanted her but found his way to make her not wanting to go with him by being quite mean about the song choice :aah:, and when they turned back he mimed to us «do you see what she has done (Jenifer)? You can testify?» and then passed his thumb on his throat in a «I am gonna cut her head off» way.


    He almost ended up blind when hair styler lady put some hair spray on his head without warning «*ok wow you could have warned me!».


    And oh he is back to buzzing with his feet and jumping on the seat by the way. He found a new way to press the button with his shoe by actually removing the shoe and using it as a hammer .


    A little girl in the audience had a bracelet for him, so he jumped on the stairs, went to her, took his gift and went back on stage. Then people told him he could have at least give her a kiss, so he went up again to kiss her, happy lucky child.


    At the beginning of the show (so obviously I talk about it last) they sang their opening song again, twice (well twice and a half as a light issue interrupted them). We saw right from this moment that they were quite excited, they were jumping everywhere in the wait of the song to begin, playing child games and running all over the place, and the producer asked the audience to stay calm and quiet but we were behaving, they were the one going bunkers :shun:


    Also Kendji came to sing, and when commenting Mika made an incidental innuendo, ending with everyone asking him why he would want to show his parties to Kendji and Mika was completely lost, poor thing :aah:


    I know a lot of other things happened, and it's terrible I can feel them floating in my head but I am unable to reach them. So if anything worth it comes back I'll tell you but for now that's all I can remember clearly enough.



    So end of the show, off we go (he went to see the people on the side). We really didn't expect him to stop at the end as there were a lot of people (and scary people in fact, they kept shouting at him as he was still inside). So it was kind of unexpected to have him standing there all of a sudden, but again that was very sweet of him (by the way he asks everyone to stop feeding him for a while as his suit is already too tight for him XD).


    That's all for now for round 2. Stay brave, white suit, still 4 rounds to go.



  2. (I am sorry if there still is some * in there, don't know why a million appeared when I copied/pasted. And again sorry for the mistakes. They were already there before copy/paste)


    Roll on round 2:


    Let's say it: the star of the night wasn't Zazie anymore. Nor Mika. Nor Jenifer or Florent or even Nikos.


    Nope, the star was our very welcome new fifth judge. She is quite hairy, and she could bark after the contestants like no one else. Hello Melachi!

    We apparently went through a bit of drama with her, it seems that they had lost her during the first break, but the story ended well and he was quite proud to come back on set with her after break 2. Put her on his seat, made her push the buzzer, told us she was «preparing for a bigger role»... Some photograph was trying to take a pic of them standing with a «serious face» on the seat but she kept wanting Mika to hug her (oh yes, I know you can hear the «ooowwww» that came out of the audience as if you were there). She also won't stop yawning without putting her paw in front of her mouth, same master same dog :naughty:.

    He then put her on Florent's seat (he still hadn't come back from break), left her there and go back to his place. I am not sure the gift was adequately appreciated when Florent came back xD. (It was funny though, Jenifer was trying to call her, to make her react, and Mel was just staring at her blankly :aah: . She was probably a bit gutted, knowing how instantaneously Mel obbeys to Mika :teehee:). Off she went (after almost falling off the main stage) but as he told us later, we're gonna see her again: from now on she's going everywhere with him.


    And yes, I am fully aware I just made quite a long opening talking about a dog.


    For the rest, I'll be honest, it's quite a blur. I think my brain was too full already (told you it was tiny in there). I'd say the atmosphere was a bit different – not in a bad way (neither a good one, just a different one). First they were more relaxed, quite obviously now that the first one is done, and second he interracted a bit less with Zazie and a bit more with Jenifer and Florent tonight (which wasn't that hard as he mostly ignored them on saturday). Also he came back to be the one wining so his confidence went up – I think he won the first two ones against everyone as the four of them had turned. It was Zazie this time who spent half the night with no one coming in her team.


    Already cutting to randomness, sorry:


    I don't know if you remember the jungle book thingy from last year, but last night he gave us the 2015 version of it, and this time it is Cinderella's turn: Jenifer and Zazie are the two mean sisters, Florent is Cinderella (:aah:) and he declared himself the white knight, no less!

    Later there was also an incursion of the wizard of Oz in a complete mess, as he was trying to convince a contestant by going mad and scaring him :doh:


    He was also talking far, far too much. He wouldn't stop, and even when he had to talk first and so the three others had to chat after, he still tried to talk again at the end. He even once took the floor without anything to say and ended up with a big silence xD. So the three others kept trying to keep him short and prevent him to talk a second time for every contestant, and I think at a point even the production team came to ask him to keep it short. I think he really didn't care tho :aah: (and also later him and Zazie were scold by producer for chatting to much as the contestants were about to sing so he was on a very chatty mood indeed).

    Talking about it, at a point Zazie told the three others the order had changed for them to talk during debrief, and from now on Mika would be the last one to talk. He went on «Ah, finally things are as they should be, and I am the one having the last word!»


    And ironically chatty boy managed to win a talent with the smallest argumentation ever (meaning no argumentation at all in fact). The guy was using a stage name and Mika asked for his real name, He told him «I can tell you mine if you want mine is Michael Holbrook Penniman»… and the guy answered «yes I knew that». From this point he knew he had won already and litterally said nothing (for once xD) as the other went on trying to win him (all of them had turned). But they could have done everything, the guy still went with Mika without a second thought.


    As classics go the girls tried to strangle him «let's strangle him softly» "i have a lot of sisters you are not scaring me!" and he engaged a «leg fight» with Jenifer in the middle of the stage, «you know this game where you have to cross your legs with the other person very quickly?» she told us, «well, he's is always loosing! He's terrible at it!»

    Jenifer at a point tried to push his buzzer as he was the only one not having turned for a singer yet, but he really didn't want to. They began to fight and their movement just activated the thing and the seat turned, he was gutted! He then had to pretend in front of the singer that he wanted her but found his way to make her not wanting to go with him by being quite mean about the song choice :aah:, and when they turned back he mimed to us «do you see what she has done (Jenifer)? You can testify?» and then passed his thumb on his throat in a «I am gonna cut her head off» way.


    He almost ended up blind when hair styler lady put some hair spray on his head without warning «*ok wow you could have warned me!».


    And oh he is back to buzzing with his feet and jumping on the seat by the way. He found a new way to press the button with his shoe by actually removing the shoe and using it as a hammer .


    A little girl in the audience had a bracelet for him, so he jumped on the stairs, went to her, took his gift and went back on stage. Then people told him he could have at least give her a kiss, so he went up again to kiss her, happy lucky child.


    At the beginning of the show (so obviously I talk about it last) they sang their opening song again, twice (well twice and a half as a light issue interrupted them). We saw right from this moment that they were quite excited, they were jumping everywhere in the wait of the song to begin, playing child games and running all over the place, and the producer asked the audience to stay calm and quiet but we were behaving, they were the one going bunkers :shun:


    Also Kendji came to sing, and when commenting Mika made an incidental innuendo, ending with everyone asking him why he would want to show his parties to Kendji and Mika was completely lost, poor thing :aah:


    I know a lot of other things happened, and it's terrible I can feel them floating in my head but I am unable to reach them. So if anything worth it comes back I'll tell you but for now that's all I can remember clearly enough.



    So end of the show, off we go (he went to see the people on the side). We really didn't expect him to stop at the end as there were a lot of people (and scary people in fact, they kept shouting at him as he was still inside). So it was kind of unexpected to have him standing there all of a sudden, but again that was very sweet of him (by the way he asks everyone to stop feeding him for a while as his suit is already too tight for him XD).


    That's all for now for round 2. Stay brave, white suit, still 4 rounds to go.



  3. Je reposte ici la traduction de mon petit bazar:


    Vu que je ne sais fichtre pas ce qui va être gardé de ce qui va être coupé, si vous voulez vraiment rester vierges avant de voir l'émission, passez chemin. Si vous voulez bien quelques anecdotes sans révélations aucune sur les talents, mais avec un bout des bêtises du jury, vous pouvez y aller.



    En prenant en compte le temps passé à congeler dehors - dont une partie SANS nos manteaux, et comme il fait chaud à l'intérieur, voici un spoiler: cette histoire a des chances de finir par un rhume.


    Mais avant ça on s'amuse beaucoup.


    Comme je le disais je ne vais pas beaucoup parler des candidats. Déjà parce qu'il est assez certain qu'ils vont faire la route jusqu'à la télé donc je vais me concentrer sur ce qui risque d'être coupé - ou pas - et ensuite parce que je dois avouer en avoir déjà oublié la moitié à cette heure :doh:


    Donc, la saison 4 est lancée, et Mika va devoir se faire à l'idée qu'il n'est plus le roi de la place. Combien de temps est-il resté sans être choisi par personne alors que les autres avaient tous déjà au moins 2 candidats? Le pauvre faisait de la peine, on a fini par espérer que quelqu'un le choisisse par charité xD. "P*tain, 3 d'affilée!" qu'il s'exclame après 3 échecs consécutifs. Ca le change un peu de la première session de l'an dernier.


    Parce que la nouvelle attraction cette année s'appelle Zazie, et c'est une sacrée attraction. En fait je ne m'inquiétais pas trop à son sujet, je sais qu'elle a une intelligence bien affûtée et qu'elle maîtrise très bien son sujet. J'ai aussi vu l'un de ses spectacles une fois et c'était presque une pièce de théâtre - elle sait comment emmener le public avec elle quand elle parle. Pas de surprise donc de la voir remplir aussi bien son rôle, de très bonnes argumentations, et elle semble également aussi bien calibrée que Mika pour récupérer tous les "cas étranges". C'est donc arrivé assez souvent qu'ils se retournent pour le même candidat, et... et bien elle est visiblement tout à fait capable de l'écraser assez facilement xD. D'où Mika qui à la fin de l'émission sort à Nikos avec sa voix d'enfant "Je l'aime pas. Elle est méchante! Vous pouvez pas la reprendre?" :lool:

    Mais en vérité, ils ont beau se battre toutes les 5 minutes, ils s'entendent aussi comme 2 larrons en foire et pourraient bien être le nouveau "couple" de l'émission. En cours de route on s'est quand même retrouvés avec eux deux installés par terre au milieu de la scène, puis avec Zazie sur les genoux de Mika, puis Mika sur ceux de Zazie (vache t'es grand je vois plus rien"). Et vu que parfois les accidents arrivent au milieu de ce bazar elle a arraché le bouton de la veste de Mika et il s'est retrouvé à finir l'émission à essayer d'avoir l'air naturel en la maintenant fermée avec la main (aussi on a dû le téléguider pour retrouver son bouton par terre. Accessoirement à un autre moment il a pris une candidate dans ses bras et s'est retrouvé avec du maquillage plein la veste donc en gros après une émission le truc ne ressemblait déjà plus à rien. Bonne chance pour le garder en un seul morceau et pour maintenir la couleur d'origine jusqu'à la fin).

    Zazie est aussi très drôle et Mika n'est pas le dernier pour jouer avec elle. Et quand elle est à court d'argument elle dit simplement "je ne sais plus quoi dire alors je vais arrêter de respirer jusqu'à ce que tu me choisisses". Donc évidemment un peu plus tard lorsqu'elle parle trop, Mika lui renvoie "oh tais-toi, arrête de respirer!"



    Et à partir de là c'est du gros "ça me passe par la tête, en vrac"


    Mika a probablement dans son équipe le plus grand et le plus petit talent en course. Donc il était tout fier d'aller à chaque fois de planter aurpès d'eux, le premier étant un poil plus grand que lui, la seconde lui arrivant à peu près à la hanche :D


    Soeur Cristina (la gagnante de the voice italie) était invitée pour l'after prime ( et donc la séquence a été enregistrée au début parce que c'est plus drôle) et donc Mika est devenu à nouveau le traducteur italien officiel. Et une seconde fois pour une candidate italienne (sauf qu'il a pris un raccourci en lui disant que les autres juges ne l'aimaient pas - ce qui était faux :P). On a eu aussi des morceaux d'arabe et une incursion de japonais - donc je dirais que pour les autres coachs il est maintenant un google translator avec des jambes (et en piste cachée à la fin de l'album on a même eu je crois du portuguais quand il est sorti après l'émission).


    A un moment une candidate a dit jeter ses tripes sur la table quand elle chantait. A l'évidence il ne connait pas l'expression et son "tu mets tes tripes sur la table? beurk!) a été dit d'une façon suffisamment comique pour devenir l'une des citations en vogue de la soirée. Pagny s'en est servi comme argument "il aime pas tes tripes sur la table, moi oui, viens chez moi" et après que la candidate soit partie Mika marmonnait toujours tout seul dans son coin "ben il aime les tripes et j'aime pas les tripes c'est tout..." Sympatique histoire de boyaux pour passer le temps.


    Il continue de bailler sans mettre la main devant la bouche, si vous vous le demandiez.


    Il a réinventé Mélissa métisse d'Ibiza en remplaçant Melissa par Melachi et a réussi à se débrouiller pour que tous les coachs chantent avec lui... avant de les interrompre "ok, en fait on est entrain de parler de mon chien" et puis il éclate de rire. Et à nouveau, ça n'a sûrement pas l'air quand on le lit mais à voir c'était mignon *baf*


    De la collégiale, je ne peux vous dire qu'une chose: ils ont dû la refaire parce que quelqu'un s'est complètement vautré sur les paroles. Je vous donne un indice: c'était le plus grand des quatre.


    Parce que Zazie n'arrêtait pas de le teaser parce qu'il perdait et qu'elle gagnait; et qu'elle baragouinait je ne sais quoi en anglais, il lui a sorti comme une revanche "mais pourquoi tu me parles en anglais? Arrête, franchement il est pourri ton anglais!".


    Ok, c'était vraiment du vrac, désolée.


    Il est resté un peu dans le studio une fois l'émission finie, ce qui bien sûr était très sympa, et il a beau revenir souvent il fait quand même toujours plaisir son "c'est vraiment chouette de vous avoir là encore une fois, ça m'aide vraiment", etc. Un charmant petit "allez tout le monde au lit, bonne nuit" et le voilà parti.



    Et puis nous étions dehors et c'était fini, et ça papotait de façon tout à fait sympathique quand ce type est sorti de sa voiture et est venu nous interrompre, le gougnafier. Sais pas qui c'est.




    Il est resté un moment, sourire aux lèvres et plein de gentillesse, il a distribué du bonheur un peu partout, puis il nous a souhaité bonne nuit et a filé.


    Quant à moi: mal à la gorge nez qui coule et maux de tête. J'ai un sacré talent pour choper les rhumes. On va dire que si on peut considérer qu'un rhume "vaut le coup" alors ça doit être le cas de celui-là.

  4. I need to put an addendum to my report, because I forgot the very essential. I am sure you are all keeping your breath in the wait to know what were his first words when he sat for the first time last night, his official first words of season 4, obviously it had to be something spiritual and all, as we are all going serious now, it is beginning, etc.




    So it couldn't be anything else than "arf, I ate too much!!"

  5. I need to put an addendum to my report, because I forgot the very essential. I am sure you are all keeping your breath in the wait to know what were his first words when he sat for the first time last night, his official first words of season 4, obviously it had to be something spiritual and all, as we are all going serious now, it is beginning, etc.




    So it couldn't be anything else than "arf, I ate too much!!"


    Is this Zazie Zaz, the singer of "Je veux"? I like that song very much. She sounds very funny, I think I'll enjoy this new season.


    No, that's another one, she's been famous for a very long time in here (more than 20 years now), as a singer but also as a songwriter (she is brilliant with words actually)


    Here is for example the videoclip of the song the judges sang last night (again, very good text in here) ->


    Is this Zazie Zaz, the singer of "Je veux"? I like that song very much. She sounds very funny, I think I'll enjoy this new season.


    No, that's another one, she's been famous for a very long time in here (more than 20 years now), as a singer but also as a songwriter (she is brilliant with words actually)


    Here is for example the videoclip of the song the judges sang last night (again, very good text in here) ->

  8. So, first recording session, here we go. Every english mistake being offered by me :blush-anim-cl:



    Considering how long you stay up freezing outside - and for the last hour WITHOUT your coat, and how hot it is inside, here is a spoiler alert: this story will probably end up with a massive cold.



    But there is a lot of fun in the middle.


    I won't talk that much about the candidates, first because they obviously will make it to the television so I'll try to focus on the bits that might end up being cut, and also because none of them especially stayed in my mind (oh I am so sorry to say that when they went outside at the end of the show, I already couln't remember half of them :shocked:). I'd say not all of it is worth mentioning but I'll still put it here before it goes out of my very teeny tiny memory:


    So, season 4 is up, and Mika will have to get used not to be the king of it anymore. How long did he stay without anyone choosing him when the three others already had at least 2 talents each? Poor guy, we were waiting for someone to choose him as an act of charity xD. "P*tain, 3 d'affilée!" (f**k, three in a row) he just exclaimed after loosing 3 times in a row. Quite a change from last year's first session.


    Because this year the new attraction is Zazie, and she's quite an attraction indeed. In fact I wasn't worried about her, I knew she was quite smart and knew well what she would be talking about. I also saw one of her shows once and it was almost done like a theater play - she knows how to take the audience with her when she talks. So without a surprise she did the job very well, very good at arguing and all, and seems to be as well fitted for the "weird ones" than Mika. So it was often than both would turn for the same person, and, well... she seems to be able to crush him quite easily :teehee:. Hence him ending the show saying to Nikos, with his child's voice "I don't like her! She's mean! Can't you take her back?"

    But truth is, even if they are fighting every five minutes, she and Mika are getting along very well and it easily might be the "new couple" of the show. We ended up with them lying together on the floor, and then with Zazie on Mika's lap, and then Mika on her lap ('heck you're too tall I can't see anything!'). And then as accidents happens in the middle of this mess she ripped appart the button on Mika's jacket and he had to end the show casually maintaining it closed with one hand (after the audience having to guide him because he couldn't find the said button on the floor). (Also at a point he hugged a candidate and ended up with make up on his jacket so basically after only one show the thing is already a mess, good luck with trying to keep it white and in one piece until the end).

    She is also very funny and Mika is not the last one to go and play with her. Like at a point (ok, I am fully aware it'll gonna be far less funny without images but still) she tried to convince a talent by getting up, and going near each judge, near Florent saying "he has such a voice, you'll gonna have a complex and won't be able to focus". And then near Jenifer "She is so beautiful, you won't be able to focus". And then near Mika... except he had then sneaked out of his seat and was hiding in its back... "and Mika is... where??" They almost started to run around the seat trying to catch each other and as I said it just seems childish and stupid when said but to see it was funny :aah:.

    When she runs out of argument she just says "I don't know what to say so I'm just gonna stop breathing until you choose me". So of course, later when she was arguing too much Mika just went "oh, shut up, just stop breathing please!"


    And so it was with Zazie that we opened the show as the judge's opening song is one of hers, Rue de la paix. Which they had to do twice because someone f*cked up the lyrics (I give you a clue: it was the tallest one). No complaint from us though, they could have sing it five times if it pleased them, especially considering that we just had to go through more than an hour of Nikos recording lauchings for "the next three years, at least", as he said. So them singing was even more welcomed, if such a thing is possible.




    So, from now on it's the "bits that are crossing my mind in a complete mess" extravaganza.


    Mika probably has in his team the tallest and the smallest talent so far. So he was very happy to go and stand near them, the first one being slightly taller than him and the second arriving at around his hip :aah:.


    Sister Cristina was a guest tonight, and so Mika was official italian translator again. And again another time for an Italian contestant (except he took a shortcut and just said to her that the others didn't like her. Which wasn't true :aah:). There were also some bits of Arabic and a little intrusion of Japaneese, so I'd say for the other judges he kind of is a giant google translator with legs now. ( and as a hidden bonus track I think we were treated with some bits of portuguese when he came out after the show).


    At a point a contestant said that she was putting her guts on the table when she sang and obviously he doesn't know this expression and was quite chocked by it, and his revolted "you put your guts on the table???!! urg!" was said in a funny enough way to become one of the quotes of the night. It ended up becoming an argument for Pagny "you put your guts on the table he finds it disgusting I think it's awesome so come with me" and after the candidate was gone Mika was still rambling "I don't like guts and he like guts, that's all..." . Lovely guts story.


    He keeps yawning without putting his hand, in case you were wondering. And as he was quite tired, it happened a lot. So at a point some in the audience began to tell him hey, your hand, remember? But all he coud hear was people "complaining" and he assumed it was after Zazie, so he asked her what she had done to make us upset before realising it was for him "what, me? whyyyy? what have I done???" (had his answer but it didn't keep him from doing it again :mf_rosetinted:)


    We have a song in french, going "Melissa métisse d'Ibiza". He came with a new version of it, Melissa becoming Melachi, and managed to get all the judges singing it, before stopping it "ok, we're actually talking about my dog" and then bursted into laugh. And again, it certainly doesn't seem so when reading it but in fact it was ridiculously cute xD.


    Ok, that really was very random. Sorry.


    He stayed and chat with fans for a little while after the show ended, which was very nice obviously, going on with the always pleasing "it is so nice to have you all here again, helps a lot", etc. Some sweet 'now go to sleep you lot, goodnight' and he was out of stage.



    And then it was all over, and we were outside chatting nicely, and then this guy just went out of his car and interrupted us, so rude, dunno who that was.




    He stayed for a while, was kind and sweet and smiling, made some people very happy, wished us all good night and off he went.


    And he will probably make even more people very happy when they'll know the answer to the "what about gigs?" question. I think it was Camille who asked, wasn't it? Anyway, the answer looked like it: "soon. And lots. LOTS. Far too much in fact, I don't know if I'm gonna get through this!"


    (and casual: a song is called Rio in the next album. Yeppa. Also, no Ma Jeunesse )



    As for me: throat hurts runny nose and headache. Still so talended at cold catching. Let's say if a cold can ever be "worth it", this one has to be.

    • Like 1
  9. So, first recording session, here we go. Every english mistake being offered by me :blush-anim-cl:



    Considering how long you stay up freezing outside - and for the last hour WITHOUT your coat, and how hot it is inside, here is a spoiler alert: this story will probably end up with a massive cold.



    But there is a lot of fun in the middle.


    I won't talk that much about the candidates, first because they obviously will make it to the television so I'll try to focus on the bits that might end up being cut, and also because none of them especially stayed in my mind (oh I am so sorry to say that when they went outside at the end of the show, I already couln't remember half of them :shocked:). I'd say not all of it is worth mentioning but I'll still put it here before it goes out of my very teeny tiny memory:


    So, season 4 is up, and Mika will have to get used not to be the king of it anymore. How long did he stay without anyone choosing him when the three others already had at least 2 talents each? Poor guy, we were waiting for someone to choose him as an act of charity xD. "P*tain, 3 d'affilée!" (f**k, three in a row) he just exclaimed after loosing 3 times in a row. Quite a change from last year's first session.


    Because this year the new attraction is Zazie, and she's quite an attraction indeed. In fact I wasn't worried about her, I knew she was quite smart and knew well what she would be talking about. I also saw one of her shows once and it was almost done like a theater play - she knows how to take the audience with her when she talks. So without a surprise she did the job very well, very good at arguing and all, and seems to be as well fitted for the "weird ones" than Mika. So it was often than both would turn for the same person, and, well... she seems to be able to crush him quite easily :teehee:. Hence him ending the show saying to Nikos, with his child's voice "I don't like her! She's mean! Can't you take her back?"

    But truth is, even if they are fighting every five minutes, she and Mika are getting along very well and it easily might be the "new couple" of the show. We ended up with them lying together on the floor, and then with Zazie on Mika's lap, and then Mika on her lap ('heck you're too tall I can't see anything!'). And then as accidents happens in the middle of this mess she ripped appart the button on Mika's jacket and he had to end the show casually maintaining it closed with one hand (after the audience having to guide him because he couldn't find the said button on the floor). (Also at a point he hugged a candidate and ended up with make up on his jacket so basically after only one show the thing is already a mess, good luck with trying to keep it white and in one piece until the end).

    She is also very funny and Mika is not the last one to go and play with her. Like at a point (ok, I am fully aware it'll gonna be far less funny without images but still) she tried to convince a talent by getting up, and going near each judge, near Florent saying "he has such a voice, you'll gonna have a complex and won't be able to focus". And then near Jenifer "She is so beautiful, you won't be able to focus". And then near Mika... except he had then sneaked out of his seat and was hiding in its back... "and Mika is... where??" They almost started to run around the seat trying to catch each other and as I said it just seems childish and stupid when said but to see it was funny :aah:.

    When she runs out of argument she just says "I don't know what to say so I'm just gonna stop breathing until you choose me". So of course, later when she was arguing too much Mika just went "oh, shut up, just stop breathing please!"


    And so it was with Zazie that we opened the show as the judge's opening song is one of hers, Rue de la paix. Which they had to do twice because someone f*cked up the lyrics (I give you a clue: it was the tallest one). No complaint from us though, they could have sing it five times if it pleased them, especially considering that we just had to go through more than an hour of Nikos recording lauchings for "the next three years, at least", as he said. So them singing was even more welcomed, if such a thing is possible.




    So, from now on it's the "bits that are crossing my mind in a complete mess" extravaganza.


    Mika probably has in his team the tallest and the smallest talent so far. So he was very happy to go and stand near them, the first one being slightly taller than him and the second arriving at around his hip :aah:.


    Sister Cristina was a guest tonight, and so Mika was official italian translator again. And again another time for an Italian contestant (except he took a shortcut and just said to her that the others didn't like her. Which wasn't true :aah:). There were also some bits of Arabic and a little intrusion of Japaneese, so I'd say for the other judges he kind of is a giant google translator with legs now. ( and as a hidden bonus track I think we were treated with some bits of portuguese when he came out after the show).


    At a point a contestant said that she was putting her guts on the table when she sang and obviously he doesn't know this expression and was quite chocked by it, and his revolted "you put your guts on the table???!! urg!" was said in a funny enough way to become one of the quotes of the night. It ended up becoming an argument for Pagny "you put your guts on the table he finds it disgusting I think it's awesome so come with me" and after the candidate was gone Mika was still rambling "I don't like guts and he like guts, that's all..." . Lovely guts story.


    He keeps yawning without putting his hand, in case you were wondering. And as he was quite tired, it happened a lot. So at a point some in the audience began to tell him hey, your hand, remember? But all he coud hear was people "complaining" and he assumed it was after Zazie, so he asked her what she had done to make us upset before realising it was for him "what, me? whyyyy? what have I done???" (had his answer but it didn't keep him from doing it again :mf_rosetinted:)


    We have a song in french, going "Melissa métisse d'Ibiza". He came with a new version of it, Melissa becoming Melachi, and managed to get all the judges singing it, before stopping it "ok, we're actually talking about my dog" and then bursted into laugh. And again, it certainly doesn't seem so when reading it but in fact it was ridiculously cute xD.


    Ok, that really was very random. Sorry.


    He stayed and chat with fans for a little while after the show ended, which was very nice obviously, going on with the always pleasing "it is so nice to have you all here again, helps a lot", etc. Some sweet 'now go to sleep you lot, goodnight' and he was out of stage.



    And then it was all over, and we were outside chatting nicely, and then this guy just went out of his car and interrupted us, so rude, dunno who that was.




    He stayed for a while, was kind and sweet and smiling, made some people very happy, wished us all good night and off he went.


    And he will probably make even more people very happy when they'll know the answer to the "what about gigs?" question. I think it was Camille who asked, wasn't it? Anyway, the answer looked like it: "soon. And lots. LOTS. Far too much in fact, I don't know if I'm gonna get through this!"


    (and casual: a song is called Rio in the next album. Yeppa. Also, no Ma Jeunesse )



    As for me: throat hurts runny nose and headache. Still so talended at cold catching. Let's say if a cold can ever be "worth it", this one has to be.

  10. Je me suis inscrite pour les 2 dates aussi, après avoir checké qu'il ya avait des formule 1 pas loin :aah:. Pour ne pas changer des discours de l'an dernier: c'est quand même super pratique quand on habite pas sur place, qu'ils confirment les places 3 jours avant :doh:(le bonheur de dire à sa patronne "j'aurai peut-être besoin d'un jour de repos, là, mais c'est pas sûr, en fait je vous le dirais l'avant-veille, mais au cas où bloquez moi le jour quand même....")


    Bonne chance à tous ceux qui tentent le coup en tout cas!

  11. I haven't watch the show yet but I already like it, as I just came home from lunch with my parents and my stepfather who is supposed not to like neither variety shows nor Mika (and has made a sport of teasing me with the last one) jumped on me with a "You seen it? I was very surprised! In fact is seems really, really nice! And funny! And I really enjoyed seing him! (and then insert here 10 minutes of weird love spreading, with my mum babbling about his suit in the background)". You can't imagine who gobsmacked I was :shocked:


    And then he ended up whistling BBB, which is one of the most awkward things I've ever seen :aah:


    So I still don't know what happened but I am already quite thankful for the month of peace it'll bring me (I hope I'll have at least a month before stepfahter forgets of niiiice and funnyyyy he is and goes back to teasing)

  12. Bienvenue à toutes les nouvelles!


    :naughty: et d'aller au toilette quand on voulait!! :lmfao:


    Oh oui, CA, c'est un vrai luxe. Parce que nos 2x8 heures sans toilettes pour X Factor en début de mois ont fini en infection urinaire pour l'une de mes camarades :doh:




    ...*s'incruste* Oh chouette, un conte Américain!! :cheer: . Et on se balade d'une côte à l'autre en plus, c'est chouette... merci pour le récit :wub2:

  13. Here is a subtitled version of c à vous part one. As always, sorry if there are mistakes etc.


    -> https://vimeo.com/99333161


    (with a special thanks to Log lady for support :wub2: )


    And here is part 2, just pretend the first one is not here all alone since a thousand years ago :aah:


    It's quite short as I had gotten rid of everything that wasn't Mika-related (so basically 88% of the whole thing)


    -> https://vimeo.com/100032636



    (by the way, I put my little subtitled stuff in a channel, as it is more easy for me to organise myself that way, but as some others might be interested too it's all here https://vimeo.com/channels/774783 )

  14. can we add them to Mikatube?


    Oh I am ok for that if it helps. Only I don't know how :aah:


    I can't put it on youtube anyway as it is too long for my channel - or as last resort I can cut it in two and put it on YT if it then works better for you Marilyn?


    I'll thank my family, the old Gods and the new, Scorsese, Maradona and you.


    I tolerate them all around me in the speech :mf_rosetinted:

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