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Posts posted by Melyssa

  1. I am an easy audience when it comes to trailers, it made me laugh :aah:


    Aslo, nothing to do with it but as I am here: I think every one of those who asked for tickets for the 16th and 18th have been accepted, but in case someone still needs one, there still is spare tickets available ;)


    Damn, I like your avatar! Can't stop watching :wub2:


    :blush-anim-cl: (I put all the blame on him :fangurl:)

  2. I am an easy audience when it comes to trailers, it made me laugh :aah:


    Aslo, nothing to do with it but as I am here: I think every one of those who asked for tickets for the 16th and 18th have been accepted, but in case someone still needs one, there still is spare tickets available ;)


    Damn, I like your avatar! Can't stop watching :wub2:


    :blush-anim-cl: (I put all the blame on him :fangurl:)

  3. Here's a little summary of what he said (maybe i'll help the girls who are working on subs )


    he was in studio (Metropolis) until 5 in the morning

    With the production thought to make a live version just to come out this year UPS tonight :naughty: so they took the mix of the rehearsals last night and it was a little urgh so he went into the studio to record the live version and put it on itunes

    if all goes well it will be mestered in los angeles during the night with 47 voices and a gospel choir

    New song: a small piece, a preview of a song called Good Guys with a mix of Happy Ending

    Since they started the season with everyone singing happy ending the production have proposed to make him sing live this version and he said I do not sing an old song so they took this new track and BUM.........


    He is finishing the album and he works so much because there is a great positive energy

    Christmas = 7 days london

    January he has to finish the album because after there is a new single in late January but he will not go to Los Angeles because his team will come in Europe. He does not want to waste time and he wants to stay in this bubble. In LA there's too much distraction.


    Mika loves Nannini: she is her neighbor


    when he does not want that people understand what he is saying, he starts to speak while he smiles


    this version that will be made in the opening of X Factor will be on Itunes, hoping seen that it's mastering in LA right now, and all profits will go to UNICEF


    A big thank you, first for the link (which I can't enjoy right now but still) and then for this summary that I definitely am enjoying a LOT :huglove:

  4. Is it similar to the white one with the giant black flower on the side? I really loved that one.


    Kinda, except tie and collar are red - the suit is not exactly white though, more like very light ivory - but the first thing everybody said when he arrived was "oh, it's the flower one's little brother then" (even if it is the white version of the one Kumazz posted really, but fact is it's the flower one that crosses everybody's mind). And also that you couldn't miss him really, the shiny white one in the middle of black outfits (you couldn't miss him anyway, between his height and the fact that he's always jumping and running in all directions...).

    I am not a big fan of it but some really liked it. Which is good news for them as we're gonna end up again with giant pictures of it on all bus stations for at least a month :wait:

    Jenifer's dress and boots are from Valentino too by the way (I know no one cares, shush :aah:)


    As I am on the voice topic, I have to confess that the thought of what he's gonna sing during Battles keeps coming in my mind. They are recorded in 10 days but they won't be on television before february, maybe even mars ... oh well, we'll see.

  5. Is it similar to the white one with the giant black flower on the side? I really loved that one.


    Kinda, except tie and collar are red - the suit is not exactly white though, more like very light ivory - but the first thing everybody said when he arrived was "oh, it's the flower one's little brother then" (even if it is the white version of the one Kumazz posted really, but fact is it's the flower one that crosses everybody's mind). And also that you couldn't miss him really, the shiny white one in the middle of black outfits (you couldn't miss him anyway, between his height and the fact that he's always jumping and running in all directions...).

    I am not a big fan of it but some really liked it. Which is good news for them as we're gonna end up again with giant pictures of it on all bus stations for at least a month :wait:

    Jenifer's dress and boots are from Valentino too by the way (I know no one cares, shush :aah:)


    As I am on the voice topic, I have to confess that the thought of what he's gonna sing during Battles keeps coming in my mind. They are recorded in 10 days but they won't be on television before february, maybe even mars ... oh well, we'll see.

  6. Thanks for the links everyone :huglove:


    Also I should post it here too maybe, in case: here is the french translation (tough one, for a lot or reasons)




    "SIDA, la Peur ne doit pas gagner.


    En Italie, il y a actuellement environ 140.000 personnes qui vivent avec le VIH mais 48 % des italiens de 16 à 25 ans pratiquent le sexe sans protection.


    En 2013 il a été estimé que plus de 35 millions de personnes vivent actuellement avec le VIH. On estime à 19m le nombre de personnes infectées qui n'ont pas la moindre idée de leur séropositivité. Rien qu'en 2013, 1,5 millions de personnes sont décédées des suites de maladies liées au virus, 74 % d'entre elles (d'après ONUSIDA) vivaient en Afrique subsaharienne et le virus a pris 39 millions de vies à ce jour dans le monde. Imprimées noir sur blanc, ces statistiques semblent cohérentes pour ce qui est, d'après l'OSM, le 6e plus grande cause de mortalité dans le monde. Interrogez un passant dans la rue sur une seule de ces statistiques et il n'en aura probablement aucune idée. Contrairement aux autres grands tueurs comme par exemple les problèmes cardiaux, vous demandez à un étranger s'il connaît quelqu'un de séropositif et il se sentira mal à l'aise. Demandez lui s'il a été testé et probablement qu'il s'en ira.


    Aucune autre maladie implique autant de problématiques socio-politiques. L'intolérance traditionaliste et religieuse, l'inégalité économique, l'égalité sociale, le racisme, l’immigration, l'homophobie, le manque d'éducation, la pudibonderie ; tous ces sujets non seulement sont soulevés lorsqu'il s'agit du VIH mais ils sont les raisons qui d'une part empêchent l'erradication d'une terrible et évitable maladie et d'autre part qui privent les gens des accès aux soins et aux informations dont ils ont vraiment besoin.

    Jusqu'à Ebola, aucune des victimes d'une autre maladie n'a été aussi discriminée que ceux qui ont le SIDA. S'est-on habitués au nombre de morts ? Est-ce que l'on prête moins d'attention à la mort de millions parce que la majorité d'entre eux sont pauvres, sont noirs et sont loin d'ici ? Comme le souligne le raport GAP d'ONUSIDA, mettre un terme à l'épidémie du SIDA est possible, mais atteindre ce but ultime demande à ce que l'on s'intéresse à ce qui se passe bien plus près de chez nous, dans nos propres pays, dans nos propres familles, et que l'on fasse face à ce qui nous effraye le plus.


    Pour préparer cet article, j'ai essayé de trouver quelques italiens de 30 ans ou moins qui accepteraient de me confier leur histoire et de m'expliquer ce qu'est la vie en tant que jeunes séropositifs de nos jours. J'ai commencé mes recherches avec Julian Fleet, ancien directeur d'ONUSIDA et avocat des droits de l'homme. Incapable de trouver quelqu'un via ses contacts d'ONUSIDA, Fleet a contacté LILA pendant que je contactais CESVI, une organisation humanitaire italienne. A nous deux, nous n'avons pu trouver ne serait-ce qu'une seule personne de moins de 45 ans qui acceptait de parler publiquement de sa condition. Même en proposant de changer le nom des interviewés dans l'article, la peur de la honte et des conséquences négatives était trop dur à gérer pour les personnes concernées.


    En Italie, il y a actuellement environ 140,000 personnes qui vivent avec le VIH. D'après de récentes recherches effectuées par DOXA pour CESVI, il y a des signes de complaisance de la part de la jeunesse italienne quand il s'agit de se protéger du VIH et du SIDA. Un nombre incroyable de 48 % des italiens de 16 à 35 ans ne pratiquent pas le sexe protégé. Une vaste majorité d'entre eux clamant qu'ils n'en ont pas besoin puisqu'ils sont engagés dans une relation stable avec un partenaire unique. La justification est douteuse mais ces chiffres deviennent encore plus alarmants quand on les combine avec le fait que seuls 29 % d'entre eux déclarent avoir déjà été testés pour le VIH. Selon Chiara Magni de CESVI les jeunes italiens, comparés aux Zimbabwéens ou aux sud africains, sont bien moins informés des conséquences du sexe non protégé et bien plus gênés d'utiliser une protection ou de l'admettre, « en Italie il y a la stigmatisation, le préjudice, la peur et c'est quelque chose dont on ne parle pas ». « En Italie il n'y a pas d'écucation sexuelle comme en Europe du Nord, on n'en parle pas à l'école et les préservatifs sont toujours perçus comme des instruments de déviance sexuelle. » dit Alessandra Cerioli, présidente de LILA. « Si une fille est vue avec un préservatif, dans une boite de nuit par exemple, ce qui serait un comportement responsable, elle est ridiculisée et perçue comme une prostituée, comme une fille aux mœurs légères ». « La protection est jugée négativement et même si une fille en a un sur elle, souvent elle n'osera pas l'utiliser par peur du jugement et du ridicule, on est en crise. » Lors de tests récents, LILA a placé des distributeurs de préservatifs dans les toilettes d'un lycée à Rome, vendus à un prix minimum. Le test a eu si peu de succès que les distributeurs ont dû être enlevés. Aucun n'a été vendu. C'est difficile pour moi d'imaginer une école en Amérique lancer un projet semblable sans obtenir un minimum de succès. Au cours des dernières années le préservatif est presque devenu un symbole de virilité et d'un comportement sexuel responsable. La fierté potentielle et la publicité appropriée semblent inexistantes en Italie. La refonte marketing et du packaging entourant le préservatif a été un tel succès aux USA qu'elle a été reprise pour vendre jusqu'aux chewing gums, comme on a pu le voir dans le succès récent de la marque 5 sens.


    Je trouve finalement une personne qui accepte d'être interviewée grâce à des amis à Milan.


    Après avoir dû briser la promesse qu'il avait faite de garder son statut de VIH+ un secret, un ami a pu me présenter un jeune homme de 25 ans prêt à me raconter son histoire. Eduardo est né à Cenesa d'une mère séropositive. Avant sa naissance sa grand-mère travaillait dans un supermarché, et volait de l'argent dans la caisse pour acheter des drogues dures qu'elle revendait ensuite. En conséquence de quoi la mère d'Eduardo a été confrontée aux drogues dures à l'âge de 13 ans. « Quand mon grand-père l'a découvert, il a dénoncé ma grand-mère qui a été arrêtée et emprisonnée. Ma mère et son petit frère ont été admis en centre de désintoxication où ma mère est restée 5 ans. Elle n'avait que 15 ans ». C'est là que la mère d'Eduardo a rencontré son père. Ils sont restés ensemble et elle lui a donné naissance à 24 ans. Pendant sa grossesse elle a découvert qu'elle était séropositive. Alors qu'Eduardo avait 3 ans elle est morte de complications dues à la maladie. Son père est resté séronégatif. Son statut de séropositif a été gardé secret pendant toute son enfance. En résultat du manque de traitement il a perdu la vue « à l'âge de 6 ans je me suis réveillé un matin et le soir je ne pouvais plus voir. C'est comme si on avait éteint toutes les lumières. Je me souviens parfaitement de ce à quoi les choses ressemblaient, je vois tout en couleurs » . Ca n'est pas avant l'âge de 15 ans, alors qu'il faisait des recherches sur ces médicaments qu'on lui faisait prendre en lui disant qu'ils allaient lui redonner vue, qu'il a réalisé qu'il prenait en fait des antirétroviraux . Après avoir confronté son père il a découvert le passé de sa mère et son statut de séropositif. « Au lieu d'en faire un secret, comme mon père me l'avait demandé, j'en ai parlé à ma meilleure amie. On partageait une cigarette et je lui ai tout dit. Elle m'a rendu la cigarette et plus tard ce jour là a demandé une confession auprès du prêtre de l'école. Elle a confessé le pêché d'avoir partagé une cigarette avec un séropositif. Elle lui a donné mon nom et il lui a donné une pénitence. Il a demandé une réunion avec le personnel de l'école et les représentants des élèves . Il a raconté mon histoire à m'a appelé et m'a fait me tenir face à eux. Il a insisté sur le fait qu'il voulait m'interroger en public pour être sûr que je ne mentais pas, parce qu'un élève séropositif aurait représenté un danger énorme pour mes camarades. Je lui ai dit que je mentais, que j'étais en colère parce que j'étais aveugle, que j'avais égoïstement cherché à attirer l'attention et leur ai demandé de me pardonner ». Pendant les 3 années suivantes, Eduardo n'a plus parlé à personne dans sa classe puisque plus personne ne lui faisait confiance. A l'exception d'un seul garçon, qui s'avérait être le plus populaire de la classe. Son amitié était sincère et sans jugement. C'est à cette époque qu'Eduardo a réalisé qu'il était gay. « J'ai toujours dû être discret puisque lorsqu'il s'agit de moi, on parle d'un aveugle, homosexuel et séropositif tout à la fois. C'est un coktail difficile. »


    Aucune de ces situations dans la vie d'Eduardo ne sont le fait de ses actions ou de ses choix. Son isolation sociale est totalement injustifiée, et la honte qu'il ressent devrait être la nôtre et celle de ceux qui avaient autorité durant son adolescence. Les abus de pouvoir de la part de l'église et de l'école sont injustifiables.


    Aujourd'hui je suis assis avec Eduardo qui vient tout juste d'être diplômé de l'université de Psychologie des organisations de Bologne. Je trouve ça ironique qu'un homme qui a plus de raisons que tous ceux que j'aie jamais rencontré d'être isolé de la société finisse par devenir un spécialiste de l'optimisation des forces de travail dans les écoles et les entreprises. Je lui demande pourquoi il est là, pourquoi après toutes ces années de secret il a choisi de me parler, de faire face à de telles conséquences publiques. « Je suis là parce que je suis curieux. Je pense que si on ne parle pas de quelque chose, alors ça n'existe pas. On est en 2014 et il y a toujours des gens qui ne peuvent pas imaginer que des cas comme le mien existent. Si je parle de ma situation, je rend ces choses réelle et je vois maintenant que je peux donner aux gens l'opportunité d'élargir leur savoir et leur tolérance face à ces problèmes ». Je lui demande s'il s'identifie lui-même comme une personne séropositive. «La première chose à laquelle les gens doivent faire face est que je suis aveugle », dit-il, « puis que je suis homosexuel ». Je ne peux m'empêcher de me sentir triste pour lui, car même s'il considère sa non-identification comme un séropositif comme une force, je pense que ça n'a jamais été une option . « Est-ce que tu fais partie d'une communauté de séropositifs ? » je lui demande, à quoi il répond non . « Est-ce que le mot SIDA est important pour toi ? » Il répond non. « Tu sais ce qu'est la journée mondiale contre le SIDA ? » « Non », dit-il « je n'y ai jamais participé».


    « Etre ouvertement séropositif en Italie n'est pas simple, parce que vous êtes toujours vu par beaucoup comme quelqu'un qui s'est mal conduit. » dit Alessandra Cerioli . « En plus de découvrir leur état, la plupart des gens se discriminent eux-même. Nous (LILA) savons que vous avez eu beaucoup de difficultés pour trouver quelqu'un qui acceptait de parler et nous avons maintenant besoin que les gens viennent vers nous et parlent pour pouvoir combattre la discrimination sur les lieux de travail ». Après mon interview avec Eduardo il a appelé plusieurs fois, cherchant à être rassuré sur le bien fondé de sa démarche. Sa principale peur était de perdre son travail dans une importante fondation caritative à Milan. « On a même eu 2 cas de personnes renvoyées de Lufthansa Airlines pour avoir été séropositives, et nous étions près à porter plainte et à gagner au nom de ces personnes mais ils ont refusés, de peur que leur condition soit étalée publiquement » explique Alessandra.


    « Je suis content que l'on ait parlé » dit-je à Eduardo depuis mon canapé dans mon appartement de Milan, « ton histoire est humaine, dure et compliquée mais les gens qui ne vivent pas tout ça vont comprendre ». Il me dit qu'il a peur malgré tout. Je lui dis que c'est normal puisqu'il est l'un des premiers jeunes hommes à raconter publiquement son histoire en Italie. Il le comprend et sait que c'est important, « mais à cet instant », continue-t-il « je ne peux pas nier que je ressens de la honte et de la peur. »


    La peur n'est vaincue que quand on lui fait face. En cette journée mondiale contre le SIDA, cette histoire vieille de 25 ans est un rappel remarquable des conséquences de la discrimination et de l'isolation . Sa vie a déjà été remplie de plus de défis que je n'en aurai à relever pour tout le reste de ma vie. Son futur est optimiste mais plein d'inévitables complications. Son pays, son église, son lieu de travail et ses amis ne devraient être que des sources de soutien et de force, le reste serait inhumain. Comment peut-on sérieusement aider à effacer cette épidémie dévastatrice en Afrique subsaharienne, qui ravage jeunes femmes, enfants et hommes, si on n'est même pas capable de tolérer les mêmes problèmes à notre propre porte?"


  7. Traduction de la dernière chronique pour Corriere Della Sera (pour tout un tas de raison j'ai rarement peiné autant pour une traduction... )



    "SIDA, la Peur ne doit pas gagner.


    En Italie, il y a actuellement environ 140.000 personnes qui vivent avec le VIH mais 48 % des italiens de 16 à 25 ans pratiquent le sexe sans protection.


    En 2013 il a été estimé que plus de 35 millions de personnes vivent actuellement avec le VIH. On estime à 19m le nombre de personnes infectées qui n'ont pas la moindre idée de leur séropositivité. Rien qu'en 2013, 1,5 millions de personnes sont décédées des suites de maladies liées au virus, 74 % d'entre elles (d'après ONUSIDA) vivaient en Afrique subsaharienne et le virus a pris 39 millions de vies à ce jour dans le monde. Imprimées noir sur blanc, ces statistiques semblent cohérentes pour ce qui est, d'après l'OSM, le 6e plus grande cause de mortalité dans le monde. Interrogez un passant dans la rue sur une seule de ces statistiques et il n'en aura probablement aucune idée. Contrairement aux autres grands tueurs comme par exemple les problèmes cardiaux, vous demandez à un étranger s'il connaît quelqu'un de séropositif et il se sentira mal à l'aise. Demandez lui s'il a été testé et probablement qu'il s'en ira.


    Aucune autre maladie implique autant de problématiques socio-politiques. L'intolérance traditionaliste et religieuse, l'inégalité économique, l'égalité sociale, le racisme, l'immigration, l'homophobie, le manque d'éducation, la pudibonderie ; tous ces sujets non seulement sont soulevés lorsqu'il s'agit du VIH mais ils sont les raisons qui d'une part empêchent l'erradication d'une terrible et évitable maladie et d'autre part qui privent les gens des accès aux soins et aux informations dont ils ont vraiment besoin.

    Jusqu'à Ebola, aucune des victimes d'une autre maladie n'a été aussi discriminée que ceux qui ont le SIDA. S'est-on habitués au nombre de morts ? Est-ce que l'on prête moins d'attention à la mort de millions parce que la majorité d'entre eux sont pauvres, sont noirs et sont loin d'ici ? Comme le souligne le rapport GAP d'ONUSIDA, mettre un terme à l'épidémie du SIDA est possible, mais atteindre ce but ultime demande à ce que l'on s'intéresse à ce qui se passe bien plus près de chez nous, dans nos propres pays, dans nos propres familles, et que l'on fasse face à ce qui nous effraye le plus.


    Pour préparer cet article, j'ai essayé de trouver quelques italiens de 30 ans ou moins qui accepteraient de me confier leur histoire et de m'expliquer ce qu'est la vie en tant que jeunes séropositifs de nos jours. J'ai commencé mes recherches avec Julian Fleet, ancien directeur d'ONUSIDA et avocat des droits de l'homme. Incapable de trouver quelqu'un via ses contacts d'ONUSIDA, Fleet a contacté LILA pendant que je contactais CESVI, une organisation humanitaire italienne. A nous deux, nous n'avons pu trouver ne serait-ce qu'une personne de moins de 45 ans qui acceptait de parler publiquement de sa condition. Même en proposant de changer le nom des interviewés dans l'article, la peur de la honte et des conséquences négatives était trop dur à gérer pour les personnes concernées.


    En Italie, il y a actuellement environ 140,000 personnes qui vivent avec le VIH. D'après de récentes recherches effectuées par DOXA pour CESVI, il y a des signes de complaisance de la part de la jeunesse italienne quand il s'agit de se protéger du VIH et du SIDA. Un nombre incroyable de 48 % des italiens de 16 à 35 ans ne pratiquent pas le sexe protégé. Une vaste majorité d'entre eux clamant qu'ils n'en ont pas besoin puisqu'ils sont engagés dans une relation stable avec un partenaire unique. La justification est douteuse mais ces chiffres deviennent encore plus alarmants quand on les combine avec le fait que seuls 29 % d'entre eux déclarent avoir déjà été testés pour le VIH. Selon Chiara Magni de CESVI les jeunes italiens, comparés aux Zimbabwéens ou aux sud africains, sont bien moins informés des conséquences du sexe non protégé et bien plus gênés d'utiliser une protection ou de l'admettre, « en Italie il y a la stigmatisation, le préjudice, la peur et c'est quelque chose dont on ne parle pas ». « En Italie il n'y a pas d'écucation sexuelle comme en Europe du Nord, on n'en parle pas à l'école et les préservatifs sont toujours perçus comme des instruments de déviance sexuelle. » dit Alessandra Cerioli, présidente de LILA. « Si une fille est vue avec un préservatif, dans une boite de nuit par exemple, ce qui serait un comportement responsable, elle est ridiculisée et perçue comme une prostituée, comme une fille aux mœurs légères ». « La protection est jugée négativement et même si une fille en a un sur elle, souvent elle n'osera pas l'utiliser par peur du jugement et du ridicule, on est en crise. » Lors de tests récents, LILA a placé des distributeurs de préservatifs dans les toilettes d'un lycée à Rome, vendus à un prix minimum. Le test a eu si peu de succès que les distributeurs ont dû être enlevés. Aucun n'a été vendu. C'est difficile pour moi d'imaginer une école en Amérique lancer un projet semblable sans obtenir un minimum de succès. Au cours des dernières années le préservatif est presque devenu un symbole de virilité et d'un comportement sexuel responsable. La fierté potentielle et la publicité appropriée semblent inexistantes en Italie. La refonte marketing et du packaging entourant le préservatif a été un tel succès aux USA qu'elle a été reprise pour vendre jusqu'aux chewing gums, comme on a pu le voir dans le succès récent de la marque 5 sens.


    Je trouve finalement une personne qui accepte d'être interviewée grâce à des amis à Milan.


    Après avoir dû briser la promesse qu'il avait faite de garder son statut de VIH+ un secret, un ami a pu me présenter un jeune homme de 25 ans prêt à me raconter son histoire. Eduardo est né à Cenesa d'une mère séropositive. Avant sa naissance sa grand-mère travaillait dans un supermarché, et volait de l'argent dans la caisse pour acheter des drogues dures qu'elle revendait ensuite. En conséquence de quoi la mère d'Eduardo a été confrontée aux drogues dures à l'âge de 13 ans. « Quand mon grand-père l'a découvert, il a dénoncé ma grand-mère qui a été arrêtée et emprisonnée. Ma mère et son petit frère ont été admis en centre de désintoxication où ma mère est restée 5 ans. Elle n'avait que 15 ans ». C'est là que la mère d'Eduardo a rencontré son père. Ils sont restés ensemble et elle lui a donné naissance à 24 ans. Pendant sa grossesse elle a découvert qu'elle était séropositive. Alors qu'Eduardo avait 3 ans elle est morte de complications dues à la maladie. Son père est resté séronégatif. Son statut de séropositif a été gardé secret pendant toute son enfance. En résultat du manque de traitement il a perdu la vue « à l'âge de 6 ans je me suis réveillé un matin et le soir je ne pouvais plus voir. C'est comme si on avait éteint toutes les lumières. Je me souviens parfaitement de ce à quoi les choses ressemblaient, je vois tout en couleurs » . Ca n'est pas avant l'âge de 15 ans, alors qu'il faisait des recherches sur ces médicaments qu'on lui faisait prendre en lui disant qu'ils allaient lui redonner vue, qu'il a réalisé qu'il prenait en fait des antirétroviraux . Après avoir confronté son père il a découvert le passé de sa mère et son statut de séropositif. « Au lieu d'en faire un secret, comme mon père me l'avait demandé, j'en ai parlé à ma meilleure amie. On partageait une cigarette et je lui ai tout dit. Elle m'a rendu la cigarette et plus tard ce jour là a demandé une confession auprès du prêtre de l'école. Elle a confessé le pêché d'avoir partagé une cigarette avec un séropositif. Elle lui a donné mon nom et il lui a donné une pénitence. Il a demandé une réunion avec le personnel de l'école et les représentants des élèves . Il a raconté mon histoire à m'a appelé et m'a fait me tenir face à eux. Il a insisté sur le fait qu'il voulait m'interroger en public pour être sûr que je ne mentais pas, parce qu'un élève séropositif aurait représenté un danger énorme pour mes camarades. Je lui ai dit que je mentais, que j'étais en colère parce que j'étais aveugle, que j'avais égoïstement cherché à attirer l'attention et leur ai demandé de me pardonner ». Pendant les 3 années suivantes, Eduardo n'a plus parlé à personne dans sa classe puisque plus personne ne lui faisait confiance. A l'exception d'un seul garçon, qui s'avérait être le plus populaire de la classe. Son amitié était sincère et sans jugement. C'est à cette époque qu'Eduardo a réalisé qu'il était gay. « J'ai toujours dû être discret puisque lorsqu'il s'agit de moi, on parle d'un aveugle, homosexuel et séropositif tout à la fois. C'est un coktail difficile. »


    Aucune de ces situations dans la vie d'Eduardo ne sont le fait de ses actions ou de ses choix. Son isolation sociale est totalement injustifiée, et la honte qu'il ressent devrait être la nôtre et celle de ceux qui avaient autorité durant son adolescence. Les abus de pouvoir de la part de l'église et de l'école sont injustifiables.


    Aujourd'hui je suis assis avec Eduardo qui vient tout juste d'être diplômé de l'université de Psychologie des organisations de Bologne. Je trouve ça ironique qu'un homme qui a plus de raisons que tous ceux que j'aie jamais rencontré d'être isolé de la société finisse par devenir un spécialiste de l'optimisation des forces de travail dans les écoles et les entreprises. Je lui demande pourquoi il est là, pourquoi après toutes ces années de secret il a choisi de me parler, de faire face à de telles conséquences publiques. « Je suis là parce que je suis curieux. Je pense que si on ne parle pas de quelque chose, alors ça n'existe pas. On est en 2014 et il y a toujours des gens qui ne peuvent pas imaginer que des cas comme le mien existent. Si je parle de ma situation, je rend ces choses réelles et je vois maintenant que je peux donner aux gens l'opportunité d'élargir leur savoir et leur tolérance face à ces problèmes ». Je lui demande s'il s'identifie lui-même comme une personne séropositive. «La première chose à laquelle les gens doivent faire face est que je suis aveugle », dit-il, « puis que je suis homosexuel ». Je ne peux m'empêcher de me sentir triste pour lui, car même s'il considère sa non-identification comme un séropositif comme une force, je pense que ça n'a jamais été une option . « Est-ce que tu fais partie d'une communauté de séropositifs ? » je lui demande, à quoi il répond non . « Est-ce que le mot SIDA est important pour toi ? » Il répond non. « Tu sais ce qu'est la journée mondiale contre le SIDA ? » « Non », dit-il « je n'y ai jamais participé».


    « Etre ouvertement séropositif en Italie n'est pas simple, parce que vous êtes toujours vu par beaucoup comme quelqu'un qui s'est mal conduit. » dit Alessandra Cerioli . « En plus de découvrir leur état, la plupart des gens se discriminent eux-même. Nous (LILA) savons que vous avez eu beaucoup de difficultés pour trouver quelqu'un qui acceptait de parler et nous avons maintenant besoin que les gens viennent vers nous et parlent pour pouvoir combattre la discrimination sur les lieux de travail ». Après mon interview avec Eduardo il a appelé plusieurs fois, cherchant à être rassuré sur le bien fondé de sa démarche. Sa principale peur était de perdre son travail dans une importante fondation caritative à Milan. « On a même eu 2 cas de personnes renvoyées de Lufthansa Airlines pour avoir été séropositives, et nous étions près à porter plainte et à gagner au nom de ces personnes mais ils ont refusés, de peur que leur condition soit étalée publiquement » explique Alessandra.


    « Je suis content que l'on ait parlé » dit-je à Eduardo depuis mon canapé dans mon appartement de Milan, « ton histoire est humaine, dure et compliquée mais les gens qui ne vivent pas tout ça vont comprendre ». Il me dit qu'il a peur malgré tout. Je lui dis que c'est normal puisqu'il est l'un des premiers jeunes hommes à raconter publiquement son histoire en Italie. Il le comprend et sait que c'est important, « mais à cet instant », continue-t-il « je ne peux pas nier que je ressens de la honte et de la peur. »


    La peur n'est vaincue que quand on lui fait face. En cette journée mondiale contre le SIDA, cette histoire vieille de 25 ans est un rappel remarquable des conséquences de la discrimination et de l'isolation . Sa vie a déjà été remplie de plus de défis que je n'en aurai à relever pour tout le reste de ma vie. Son futur est optimiste mais plein d'inévitables complications. Son pays, son église, son lieu de travail et ses amis ne devraient être que des sources de soutien et de force, le reste serait inhumain. Comment peut-on sérieusement aider à effacer cette épidémie dévastatrice en Afrique subsaharienne, qui ravage jeunes femmes, enfants et hommes, si on n'est même pas capable de tolérer les mêmes problèmes à notre propre porte?"


  8. Quick update that was forgotten in time :aah: (probably because it wasn't that big a surprise so we just forgot immediatly xD)


    As said previously there is this new song called Rio, and also we learned that there will be no Ma Jeunesse and no Century Man. And... well, that's all.


    (the source still is Mika's mouth at The Voice 2 weeks ago - the rest of his body was there too)

  9. It was cool to attend three auditions and to meet all the fans :thumb_yello: I made a small video after the last audition on 18 November :blush-anim-cl: It was dark but flashes helped to add some light :aah:




    A big thank you here too :wub2:



    And here we go again (don't worry, it's my last one xD)


    It's a luck I took notes. Or all I would be able to say about the last two sessions now would look like “There were people singing and Mika was there and sometimes he was talking and sometimes he wasn't. It was nice. He rode a seat. We ate candies “ ('We ate candies' is a safe beet, you can say that about every night without taking any risk of being wrong).

    But even with notes it is getting complicated. Some of the stuff I wrote don't make any sense any more to me (if anybody has the slightest idea of what my “purse stealing” note is refering to...)

    Also, I didn't have that much notes about the last night because I am ashamed to confess that I fell asleep during recording (there is not that many 4hrs of sleep every night that my body can handle in a row :doh:). But now I'd say it's a luck that there wasn't much as my dog just ate them (I bet teachers never believed you when you told them that, but I can now testify that it happens for real sometimes).


    So anyway, all that to say that I am gonna reunite both nights in there because I don't really have enough to make one report for each.


    17 & 18/11/2014 - Recording sessions 5 & 6


    First, guess what happened both times? They re-sang the opening song. Twice, each night. So they have recorded it 10 times in all. Understand that I am not complaining at all, having them singing is definitely the best part in any case, but... how did they manage not to get enough material for ONE good edit yet? That's a mystery. On the last time they were talking like dissipated children, I think it was hard to make them focus long enough to sing. Very useful stuff incoming: Mika sneezed at the beginning of the song (and no, I didn't note that, that's the kind of stuff my brain remember by itself, istn't it sad :doh:).


    Also on second night when they came to sit, drama happened and Mika knocked his glass. Ended up with seat completely wet, half panicking because he couldn't find any tissue to wipe it out in the complete indifference of the whole production team who didn't care at all :aah:. Someone finally gave him some paper tissues and off he went on his hands and knees to wipe it as everybody was waiting for him to finish. There were 500 people looking at him in silence and waiting for him to finish, poor thing :aah: (yes, I like this smiley)


    As guests we had Frero Delavega and some random winner of, I think, the first edition (yeah that's how successful they are after it ends, Kendji being the notable exception), and also Garou who was happily having fun with the coaches whilst singing (dancing with Zazie, kissing Mika's hand... (don't ask, I don't know either)). He sang Let it Snow, and then said to Mika “I know you've sung it in front of a Japanese crowd in japan and they were singing with you.” “How do you know that?!” “... because your mum told me!”.


    And now let's go straight to the biggest piece of madness of the whole 6 sessions of recording: the seat riding. As I am typing this I have no idea how to put it in words, but truth is I am not that worried not to manage to make myself clear as I would bet a hand you'll be able to see it on television. We even almost saw it again ourselves on the big screen during debriefing at the end, as Nikos kept asking the production team to put it as it had been so hilarious, but we didn't have enough time (luckily for Mika who kept shouting 'nooo please doooon't' every time Nikos was asking for the tapes ). So, yes, how to describe it? I am pretty sure it will feel a bit lame to read, sorry :sad:. It all began with Zazie and Mika having an argument over a contestant, and Zazie, talking very calmly, began to stand up on her own seat and then went on Mika's one. Still talking like nothing was wrong with her standing up on his armrest, like it was the most casual thing in the world. While he was going all “What the f**k is she doing?”. Turns out Jenifer didn't want to be left out of it, and went on the other armrest. Both still very calm standing up at each side of him, Mika still very lost, bursting some random “what???”. So he decided to stand up too, without even knowing why, and went on Zazie's seat. And then began to climb on the back. And to sit on it, one leg on each side. And then he looked at the floor, and realized it was quite high and had a little five seconds of panic, trying to put his foot on the screen fixed at the back of the seat (and for a nightmarish second I could picture the thing being ripped off by his weight and everything breaking down and all :nervous:). You could see he was genuinely wondering how the heck he would get off that thing (in case you don't know, the seats are huge this year, far more than last year: he WAS standing quite high). It was already a complete madness on the set and it was already hilarious and then, God knows why, he began to pretend the seat was a horse he was riding. I realise how much when just reading it it must seem flat but oh gosh, how much we laughed!! :roftl: . And on top of it after they managed to put every one back on seat and to calm things down, he just exclaimed “but I really don't understand what we just did though!” :lol3:

    This story came back during debriefing as I said, and even if we didn't see it on screen they still talked a bit about it, leading to some completely absurd Mika quotes like “We really have no respect for the seats in here” or “Zazie started it all! She attacked my seat!” :aah:


    Another cute and funny moment between Zazie and Mika when they began to imitate each other, and I actually don't even remember what each said to mime the other but it wasn't that bad at all as a caricature. Those two really are a cute pairing.


    Mika also got a free whistling lesson from Florent and Jenifer, where he learned that it was because he was using too much air that he ended up with a sort of headache after wistling (well, you have to keep them busy between 2 contestants you know :aah:).


    A contestant sang that Haendel song Mika sang ("as a baritone") at his final exams and off he went telling us the story of the song (and the story of copyright as he was on it) and how he knew all the technicality of this song by heart, obviously. Just an anecdote, but it reminds me of how I liked that in general during all sessions, him always having some random anecdote about the song or the artist. From Maniac to Haendel to the last Disney song. A bet quite a few will be cut though :sad: .


    On the last recording session Zazie's team was already full (so she couldn't buzz at all the whole evening, which was extremely frustrating for her) and Mika completed his own team very early that day (and I am happy to say that he finally took 2 contestants that I really liked and it was my first crushes of the whole 6 sessions so it was about time :aah:), and so quite a few time they were gutted not to be able to take a contestant, and going mad because the two others weren't turning (again there really is a proper demarcation between the two on the right and the two on the left). They were really loosing it sometimes, literally jumping on their seats shouting “PRESS IT, YOU TWO IDIOTS!” and some other more colorful lines. Jenifer on the other hand still had something like 2 or 3 spots on her team when only 6 contestants were left so at a point she sort-of buzzed for everything.



    And... well that's it! (winner for the most sh*ty conclusion :blush-anim-cl: ) Rejoice, I think I'm finally freing you from my Blind Auditions' reports :whew:



    (And now is the part where I become cheesy and this is very annoying for those who weren't there so I'll be quick: I had a fantastic time with a fantastic group of people. For all those of you who will read me: thank you :group_hug: ).

  10. It was cool to attend three auditions and to meet all the fans :thumb_yello: I made a small video after the last audition on 18 November :blush-anim-cl: It was dark but flashes helped to add some light :aah:




    A big thank you here too :wub2:



    And here we go again (don't worry, it's my last one xD)


    It's a luck I took notes. Or all I would be able to say about the last two sessions now would look like “There were people singing and Mika was there and sometimes he was talking and sometimes he wasn't. It was nice. He rode a seat. We ate candies “ ('We ate candies' is a safe beet, you can say that about every night without taking any risk of being wrong).

    But even with notes it is getting complicated. Some of the stuff I wrote don't make any sense any more to me (if anybody has the slightest idea of what my “purse stealing” note is refering to...)

    Also, I didn't have that much notes about the last night because I am ashamed to confess that I fell asleep during recording (there is not that many 4hrs of sleep every night that my body can handle in a row :doh:). But now I'd say it's a luck that there wasn't much as my dog just ate them (I bet teachers never believed you when you told them that, but I can now testify that it happens for real sometimes).


    So anyway, all that to say that I am gonna reunite both nights in there because I don't really have enough to make one report for each.


    17 & 18/11/2014 - Recording sessions 5 & 6


    First, guess what happened both times? They re-sang the opening song. Twice, each night. So they have recorded it 10 times in all. Understand that I am not complaining at all, having them singing is definitely the best part in any case, but... how did they manage not to get enough material for ONE good edit yet? That's a mystery. On the last time they were talking like dissipated children, I think it was hard to make them focus long enough to sing. Very useful stuff incoming: Mika sneezed at the beginning of the song (and no, I didn't note that, that's the kind of stuff my brain remember by itself, istn't it sad :doh:).


    Also on second night when they came to sit, drama happened and Mika knocked his glass. Ended up with seat completely wet, half panicking because he couldn't find any tissue to wipe it out in the complete indifference of the whole production team who didn't care at all :aah:. Someone finally gave him some paper tissues and off he went on his hands and knees to wipe it as everybody was waiting for him to finish. There were 500 people looking at him in silence and waiting for him to finish, poor thing :aah: (yes, I like this smiley)


    As guests we had Frero Delavega and some random winner of, I think, the first edition (yeah that's how successful they are after it ends, Kendji being the notable exception), and also Garou who was happily having fun with the coaches whilst singing (dancing with Zazie, kissing Mika's hand... (don't ask, I don't know either)). He sang Let it Snow, and then said to Mika “I know you've sung it in front of a Japanese crowd in japan and they were singing with you.” “How do you know that?!” “... because your mum told me!”.


    And now let's go straight to the biggest piece of madness of the whole 6 sessions of recording: the seat riding. As I am typing this I have no idea how to put it in words, but truth is I am not that worried not to manage to make myself clear as I would bet a hand you'll be able to see it on television. We even almost saw it again ourselves on the big screen during debriefing at the end, as Nikos kept asking the production team to put it as it had been so hilarious, but we didn't have enough time (luckily for Mika who kept shouting 'nooo please doooon't' every time Nikos was asking for the tapes ). So, yes, how to describe it? I am pretty sure it will feel a bit lame to read, sorry :sad:. It all began with Zazie and Mika having an argument over a contestant, and Zazie, talking very calmly, began to stand up on her own seat and then went on Mika's one. Still talking like nothing was wrong with her standing up on his armrest, like it was the most casual thing in the world. While he was going all “What the f**k is she doing?”. Turns out Jenifer didn't want to be left out of it, and went on the other armrest. Both still very calm standing up at each side of him, Mika still very lost, bursting some random “what???”. So he decided to stand up too, without even knowing why, and went on Zazie's seat. And then began to climb on the back. And to sit on it, one leg on each side. And then he looked at the floor, and realized it was quite high and had a little five seconds of panic, trying to put his foot on the screen fixed at the back of the seat (and for a nightmarish second I could picture the thing being ripped off by his weight and everything breaking down and all :nervous:). You could see he was genuinely wondering how the heck he would get off that thing (in case you don't know, the seats are huge this year, far more than last year: he WAS standing quite high). It was already a complete madness on the set and it was already hilarious and then, God knows why, he began to pretend the seat was a horse he was riding. I realise how much when just reading it it must seem flat but oh gosh, how much we laughed!! :roftl: . And on top of it after they managed to put every one back on seat and to calm things down, he just exclaimed “but I really don't understand what we just did though!” :lol3:

    This story came back during debriefing as I said, and even if we didn't see it on screen they still talked a bit about it, leading to some completely absurd Mika quotes like “We really have no respect for the seats in here” or “Zazie started it all! She attacked my seat!” :aah:


    Another cute and funny moment between Zazie and Mika when they began to imitate each other, and I actually don't even remember what each said to mime the other but it wasn't that bad at all as a caricature. Those two really are a cute pairing.


    Mika also got a free whistling lesson from Florent and Jenifer, where he learned that it was because he was using too much air that he ended up with a sort of headache after wistling (well, you have to keep them busy between 2 contestants you know :aah:).


    A contestant sang that Haendel song Mika sang ("as a baritone") at his final exams and off he went telling us the story of the song (and the story of copyright as he was on it) and how he knew all the technicality of this song by heart, obviously. Just an anecdote, but it reminds me of how I liked that in general during all sessions, him always having some random anecdote about the song or the artist. From Maniac to Haendel to the last Disney song. A bet quite a few will be cut though :sad: .


    On the last recording session Zazie's team was already full (so she couldn't buzz at all the whole evening, which was extremely frustrating for her) and Mika completed his own team very early that day (and I am happy to say that he finally took 2 contestants that I really liked and it was my first crushes of the whole 6 sessions so it was about time :aah:), and so quite a few time they were gutted not to be able to take a contestant, and going mad because the two others weren't turning (again there really is a proper demarcation between the two on the right and the two on the left). They were really loosing it sometimes, literally jumping on their seats shouting “PRESS IT, YOU TWO IDIOTS!” and some other more colorful lines. Jenifer on the other hand still had something like 2 or 3 spots on her team when only 6 contestants were left so at a point she sort-of buzzed for everything.



    And... well that's it! (winner for the most sh*ty conclusion :blush-anim-cl: ) Rejoice, I think I'm finally freing you from my Blind Auditions' reports :whew:



    (And now is the part where I become cheesy and this is very annoying for those who weren't there so I'll be quick: I had a fantastic time with a fantastic group of people. For all those of you who will read me: thank you :group_hug: ).

  11. The interview is available here




    You can download it or watch it online (for streaming you've to wait 20mins because Google is uploading it)


    It's my video file of the streaming by another camera.




    Double dose, thank you :flowers2:


    Oh, I already can't wait for this 3 months thing. Even better if the album is at the end :pbjt:

  12. Ok, so I am three sessions late now. And funny part is I've already written about 15.11 session 2... and accidentally erased the file. Even with all my recovery tools it was lost. So here I go again xD.



    Round 4: 15.11.2014, session 2.


    Tough (It is already quite a blur xD).


    Anyway, back to the show. And this is now that I am supposed to say “And then the coaches re-sang the opening song. Again. And twice. Again. So they have now sung it 6 times. I can't see how they could still not have enough material to assemble one correct version of it” (I might add that I think they added some harmonics tho. But I won't bet on it as the sound is very different depending on where you sit, so I might just have heard things that hadn't reached me the other nights).


    Obviously this session was hard for everyone, them as well as us, as it was the second one in a row and we were all already exhausted at the beginning of the first one, so imagine now. Mika was sometimes having a very hard time just to stay focus, and he was often asking contestants to repeat their names and ages. Even at a point one was just finishing saying “I write and compose” when Mika asked “and do you compose?”:unsure:

    But he also had some moments of renewed energy and Zazie and him were still doing yoga and gymnastics on their seats, still making great comments and still fighting for contestants (also he decided that she was now Samantha from Bewitched because she kept moving her nose). And Jenifer was still annoying (for me, again personal opinion etc).


    Especially for this contestant when only her and Florent had turned, and God knows why she kept “bashing” Mika to win the contestant... except he wasn't even competing as he hadn't turned! And he kept saying “I didn't even buzzed why are you so mean, stop attacking me!”. But she wouldn't, and he really didn't understand why (me neither for what matters). When they turned back he was still asking Zazie “what have I done wrong?” (nothing dear, don't you worry).


    At a point he came back earlier from break (in fact him and Zazie almost always came back after only a few minutes when we had to wait a good time for the two others) and you could see just from his face that he was searching for a stupid thing to do. He first tried to go and have a peek behind the white curtain (do you remember this big white curtain which was masking some contestants for the audience? It's back) and was caught by the producer who forced him to go back on seat. But this malicious face was still there and he was still looking for something to do. Ended up inverting Jenifer and Florent's glasses (which wouldn't be even remotely funny if they were drinking water but they aren't. And judging by Mika's face when he drank in Jenifer's glass a couple of sessions before, he doesn't like her mixture).


    We also learned that something has happened in backstage, and we don't know what, but from what Pagny let slip were involved a banana skin and Mika being afraid of a mouse-that-wasn't-a-mouse (do whatever you want with those infos :lol3: ).


    I was placed in one of the most interesting rows of the studio as it is The One In Which You Can Lie Down And Have Some Sleep. Which is very welcome when you begin to hit the 10th hour of recording (still 3 to go, yeepee). So of course at a point we were all lying down having some sleep. And Mika began to make circles with his finger around those sleeping potatoes bags he has as fans, talking to Zazie ( I didn't hear but someone who did told me he was saying 'those are my fans' or something; what a great image we were giving xD) and Zazie began to wave at us shouting “good night!!!!” :aah:


    I had quite a laugh when he began a comment with “When I do something hard I feel pain between my eyes” like it was really going to be a part of what he was about to say... except it wasn't at all and I still don't have the slightest idea of why he said that to begin his sentence but I just found it hilarious at the moment :lol3:.


    He invented a few very lovely new french words and expressions that I don't really see how to translate like “précocieux” (french for precocious is “précoce”) or “en toute sérieusement” (“in all seriously”? This one already has become a very popular one for french fans XD). Told a contestant that his performance was lacking of sex... again with a cute but untranslatable mistake (“votre perfomance elle manquait du sexe” for those who speak french). So all in all between the two sessions this saturday was a very good day for both Cute And Funny French Mistakes and Memorable Quotes books.


    We finally managed to see the end of auditions and had to go through the final debrief with Nikos. Let's face it, neither Nikos nor the coaches were there anymore. They couldn't talk, kept falling on words and bursted into laugh every 5 seconds (so every time they needed to redo the whole take right from the beginning). It looked like they would never be able to do it, but as we were in a very similar state we too were laughing for nothing so, whatever xD. (Also Mika was going all “I need to pee don't make me laugh!!!” which, of course, made everyone laugh even more)

    They also recorded the “welcome Zazie” bit that will be in the first after-show, and right in the middle of it Mika said “I didn't even know Zazie as an artist before” and Nikos to add “no but don't say that!” “But I tell the truth!” “I don't care about the truth say something nice!” (they were laughing, not fighting, I should add that because it's not obvious from reading).


    And then they went and we went and I don't know because obviously I stop taking notes when we are outside so now every end of night just looks like a giant playground with some rush for the toilets in the middle, sorry :aah:.

    • Like 1
  13. Ok, so I am three sessions late now. And funny part is I've already written about 15.11 session 2... and accidentally erased the file. Even with all my recovery tools it was lost. So here I go again xD.



    Round 4: 15.11.2014, session 2.


    Tough (It is already quite a blur xD).


    Anyway, back to the show. And this is now that I am supposed to say “And then the coaches re-sang the opening song. Again. And twice. Again. So they have now sung it 6 times. I can't see how they could still not have enough material to assemble one correct version of it” (I might add that I think they added some harmonics tho. But I won't bet on it as the sound is very different depending on where you sit, so I might just have heard things that hadn't reached me the other nights).


    Obviously this session was hard for everyone, them as well as us, as it was the second one in a row and we were all already exhausted at the beginning of the first one, so imagine now. Mika was sometimes having a very hard time just to stay focus, and he was often asking contestants to repeat their names and ages. Even at a point one was just finishing saying “I write and compose” when Mika asked “and do you compose?”:unsure:

    But he also had some moments of renewed energy and Zazie and him were still doing yoga and gymnastics on their seats, still making great comments and still fighting for contestants (also he decided that she was now Samantha from Bewitched because she kept moving her nose). And Jenifer was still annoying (for me, again personal opinion etc).


    Especially for this contestant when only her and Florent had turned, and God knows why she kept “bashing” Mika to win the contestant... except he wasn't even competing as he hadn't turned! And he kept saying “I didn't even buzzed why are you so mean, stop attacking me!”. But she wouldn't, and he really didn't understand why (me neither for what matters). When they turned back he was still asking Zazie “what have I done wrong?” (nothing dear, don't you worry).


    At a point he came back earlier from break (in fact him and Zazie almost always came back after only a few minutes when we had to wait a good time for the two others) and you could see just from his face that he was searching for a stupid thing to do. He first tried to go and have a peek behind the white curtain (do you remember this big white curtain which was masking some contestants for the audience? It's back) and was caught by the producer who forced him to go back on seat. But this malicious face was still there and he was still looking for something to do. Ended up inverting Jenifer and Florent's glasses (which wouldn't be even remotely funny if they were drinking water but they aren't. And judging by Mika's face when he drank in Jenifer's glass a couple of sessions before, he doesn't like her mixture).


    We also learned that something has happened in backstage, and we don't know what, but from what Pagny let slip were involved a banana skin and Mika being afraid of a mouse-that-wasn't-a-mouse (do whatever you want with those infos :lol3: ).


    I was placed in one of the most interesting rows of the studio as it is The One In Which You Can Lie Down And Have Some Sleep. Which is very welcome when you begin to hit the 10th hour of recording (still 3 to go, yeepee). So of course at a point we were all lying down having some sleep. And Mika began to make circles with his finger around those sleeping potatoes bags he has as fans, talking to Zazie ( I didn't hear but someone who did told me he was saying 'those are my fans' or something; what a great image we were giving xD) and Zazie began to wave at us shouting “good night!!!!” :aah:


    I had quite a laugh when he began a comment with “When I do something hard I feel pain between my eyes” like it was really going to be a part of what he was about to say... except it wasn't at all and I still don't have the slightest idea of why he said that to begin his sentence but I just found it hilarious at the moment :lol3:.


    He invented a few very lovely new french words and expressions that I don't really see how to translate like “précocieux” (french for precocious is “précoce”) or “en toute sérieusement” (“in all seriously”? This one already has become a very popular one for french fans XD). Told a contestant that his performance was lacking of sex... again with a cute but untranslatable mistake (“votre perfomance elle manquait du sexe” for those who speak french). So all in all between the two sessions this saturday was a very good day for both Cute And Funny French Mistakes and Memorable Quotes books.


    We finally managed to see the end of auditions and had to go through the final debrief with Nikos. Let's face it, neither Nikos nor the coaches were there anymore. They couldn't talk, kept falling on words and bursted into laugh every 5 seconds (so every time they needed to redo the whole take right from the beginning). It looked like they would never be able to do it, but as we were in a very similar state we too were laughing for nothing so, whatever xD. (Also Mika was going all “I need to pee don't make me laugh!!!” which, of course, made everyone laugh even more)

    They also recorded the “welcome Zazie” bit that will be in the first after-show, and right in the middle of it Mika said “I didn't even know Zazie as an artist before” and Nikos to add “no but don't say that!” “But I tell the truth!” “I don't care about the truth say something nice!” (they were laughing, not fighting, I should add that because it's not obvious from reading).


    And then they went and we went and I don't know because obviously I stop taking notes when we are outside so now every end of night just looks like a giant playground with some rush for the toilets in the middle, sorry :aah:.

  14. and thank you so much Melyssa for being our special reporter at the Voice :huglove:


    (Task repartition: yours is to be awesome at driving our little not-so-little summer camp gang :wub2:. And to eat candies and chocolate. Mine is to take notes when someone says something stupid. And to eat candies and chocolate).



    Sorry I know I am 2 sessions late in report but I don't have enough strength now, let me sleep for 48h in a row after tonight and I'll do it :bed: (as he said yesterday: "you know you do need to sleep too at a point?" :aah: )


    In the wait I'm just coming to put here my two little pics





  15. and thank you so much Melyssa for being our special reporter at the Voice :huglove:


    (Task repartition: yours is to be awesome at driving our little not-so-little summer camp gang :wub2:. And to eat candies and chocolate. Mine is to take notes when someone says something stupid. And to eat candies and chocolate).



    Sorry I know I am 2 sessions late in report but I don't have enough strength now, let me sleep for 48h in a row after tonight and I'll do it :bed: (as he said yesterday: "you know you do need to sleep too at a point?" :aah: )


    In the wait I'm just coming to put here my two little pics





  16. Ok, round three then. I'll separate the two recording sessions.


    15/11/2014, Session 1 (13pm)


    So, I have some news, but I don't really know if you'll find it good news, but anyway: I took notes xD. I couldn't see how my brain could handle a whole 13h of recording in a row otherwise. So it will still be very ramdomish as I am too lazy to try and do transitions, but there might be slightly more random stuff than usual (at least for part one, For part two I was mostly busy * cough * sleeping).


    But as an introduction, I'd say recording one had a very good level of contestants. But a very sleepy bunch of coaches – all of them looked tired, but obviously our Lord and Master was leading the yawning and dozing contest by a landslide. So there was probably a bit less of enthusiastic madness and a bit more of «let's sing rubbish stuff very loudly to keep us awake» and a lot of laughing-for-no-reason-at-all.


    Also, I am not the only one to have noticed a sort of schism between Zazie and Mika on one side and Florent Pagny and Jenifer on the other, and even if it was less noticeable on monday, it came back in force yesterday and it was very, very often that only Florent and Jenifer would turn and that things would end up with incomprehension between the four of them (2 of them not understanding why the two others have turned and vice-versa). You really can see, from what they are searching, what they are looking for in contestants, that you have to singers on one side (including one great voice technician) and 2 writers/composers on the other. It's just two completely different approaches on things, but it's a good complement in the context of this specific competition.


    And on a very personal note, and I am sorry if someone who likes her happen to read me but… I am having a very hard time with Jenifer. The more and more. Not only I find her not interesting in her arguments (or at best just repeating what the others just said) and with a great capacity to contradict herself 2 times a minute, but also I find her very cold with her audience - it was even more visible this time as it was her birthday and there were far more Jenifer fans in the audience than usual. It is just my feeling so it is personal obviously, and also the fact that it was so long and we were so exhausted made me a bit less patient with her but… at the end I just couldn't stand her anymore.


    Anyway, let's go back to the beginning: We first had a girl from season 2 and Maximilien from last year coming to sing their singles (Maximilien sang a Zazie song, funnily enough. It wasn't on purpose, he is just doing an album of covers of women's songs and Zazie's Je suis un homme is the first single). And then the coaches re-sang the opening song. Again. And twice. Again. So they have now sung it 6 times. I can't see how they could still not have enough material to assemble one correct version of it :aah: (edit: oh wait now that I think of it it was during the 2d recording session than they sung again. When I'll say it again during report two just pretend it's new :P)


    And then back to the seats. Things started well with Nikos doing the show as usual and loosing his mind in Spanish for a good 5 minutes. Tried to say the coaches' names with a very parodic Spanish accent (Mika was still Mika though. But the three others were really funny). And then song titles (Rilaacchh tekitiiisiii) and then off he went (well, he also recorded some lauchings he didn't just come to talk Spanish xD).


    They then (there is already too many "then" in this report) had seats and buzzers testing, and Mika was having fun turning with a severe face, looking at the audience and going «naahhh!» before pressing the buzzer to turn in a «I don't want see your faces anymore» way.


    At the very last row there was a bunch of kids and their teacher from a high school not far. From his seat he spotted them and said to Zazie “oh look they're all kids! They're cute”. And kids began to shout “Zazie, we love you”... “oh well, you're less cute then!” :lol3:. During the break one of those kids sang a bit, and he couldn't help but to come back from backstage to listen to her and then have a bit of a chat with her as we were waiting for the three other coaches. (With all her schoolmates shouting “han, she is sooo lucky” xD). During 2d break he also came back earlier to go and chat with all the kids on the side - it was saturday afternoon so there were a lot of kids and he made a fair amount of them very very happy :wub2:


    There was a funny moment with a contestant (a very good one by the way) when Mika, talking to her, kept doing (lovely) french mistakes and Zazie said «you see if you want someone who actually can speak you can't go with him»… she couldn't have said it at a worse moment for her as the girl just answered «Actually it is fine because I am having a hard time with french too as I am from London» Oops :biggrin2: . Pagny tried to push Mika out of the run too by saying «he won't even be there for you, he's always in Milan. Just check his social networks!». But… he still won the girl in the end. And was so proud he carried her in his arms all the way to the exit.


    We also had a Lebanese singer, who, he told us, is very famous in Lebanon. And he seems quite a fan of hers as he almost looked impressed just to see her for real. Obviously he was objectively the one knowing the most what he was saying (as he clearly is the one out of those four who has the biggest culture in arabic music) but he also couldn't keep it and after they all talked he HAD to add “you can ask us questions if you want. Like were we were born for example.” And Pagny to add “but it would be stupid to have done all this journey to end up with a lebanese!”


    Not that long after we had another contestant who was half-lebanese and immediately the three others just jumped on Mika “no Mika, don't!” even before he could have begun to talk. The girl kept watching Mika tho, so the others went on “now just stop looking at him that way!”.


    As Zazie was trying to clean her buzzer with her fingernails, he showed her his way was “better”: he just spat on his own and wiped it with his tie :doh: (it won't beat what he did last week when wiping his sole on his hand... and then the then dirty and sticky hand on the seat...).


    He had periods when he was quite agitated in his seat, he kept bouncing and dancing and sitting on his feet just to jump again 3 seconds later (I think he was fighting against sleepiness tho. Zazie wasn't helping as she began to jump and “yoga” with him. And still lots of laughing for nothing from both so I suppose it was either that or walking zombies) and of course happened what was bound to happen with him being so agitated and he ended up knocking his head quite loudly on his back seat.


    He also had his little sulking moments, like for example when a contestant said he already had an idea before of who to choose in the case they all turned and Mika just lied down his armrest saying “well I won't even talk then” (and he actually didn't, I think. Not 100% sure though).



    What else *check on messy notes* He told a contestant his Annie Lennox story, when at 14 he asked her for advice and she told him all he needed was the fire “and maybe this can be useful to you too”. Seemed to have decided that Andrew was a catalan name. And made Zazie laugh a lot even if we couldn't really hear why.



    Some quotes from this session:


    “It's not because you have nothing to say that must shut your mouth” (“C'est pas parce qu'on n'a rien à dire qu'il faut fermer sa gueule” is an idiom in french in fact. I don't know if it has an equivalent in english as it originally comes from an old movie title)



    “Zazie wants to know the adress of your shower and he's just happy you're a man”. (it was his way of resuming what the other coaches had said during debriefing :aah:)


    To Zazie “You have a laugh as worst as mine” (yes, the mistake was here in french too “tu as un rire aussi pire que moi”. And it's true she has a quite noticeable laugh and when both of them are laughing at the same time it can pretty hilarious xD)


    In french dagger is “poignard” and wrist is “poignet”. Pretty close. So when he said “I felt like I just had a wrist thrusted into my body”, I am pretty sure he was aiming for the dagger :lol3:


    “You have to connect your vocal cords to your body, your heart, your ass, everything!”


    And this one is quite a good one to put as an ending :aah: : “I said a lot of bullsh*t but I didn't talk”

  17. Ok, round three then. I'll separate the two recording sessions.


    15/11/2014, Session 1 (13pm)


    So, I have some news, but I don't really know if you'll find it good news, but anyway: I took notes xD. I couldn't see how my brain could handle a whole 13h of recording in a row otherwise. So it will still be very ramdomish as I am too lazy to try and do transitions, but there might be slightly more random stuff than usual (at least for part one, For part two I was mostly busy * cough * sleeping).


    But as an introduction, I'd say recording one had a very good level of contestants. But a very sleepy bunch of coaches – all of them looked tired, but obviously our Lord and Master was leading the yawning and dozing contest by a landslide. So there was probably a bit less of enthusiastic madness and a bit more of «let's sing rubbish stuff very loudly to keep us awake» and a lot of laughing-for-no-reason-at-all.


    Also, I am not the only one to have noticed a sort of schism between Zazie and Mika on one side and Florent Pagny and Jenifer on the other, and even if it was less noticeable on monday, it came back in force yesterday and it was very, very often that only Florent and Jenifer would turn and that things would end up with incomprehension between the four of them (2 of them not understanding why the two others have turned and vice-versa). You really can see, from what they are searching, what they are looking for in contestants, that you have to singers on one side (including one great voice technician) and 2 writers/composers on the other. It's just two completely different approaches on things, but it's a good complement in the context of this specific competition.


    And on a very personal note, and I am sorry if someone who likes her happen to read me but… I am having a very hard time with Jenifer. The more and more. Not only I find her not interesting in her arguments (or at best just repeating what the others just said) and with a great capacity to contradict herself 2 times a minute, but also I find her very cold with her audience - it was even more visible this time as it was her birthday and there were far more Jenifer fans in the audience than usual. It is just my feeling so it is personal obviously, and also the fact that it was so long and we were so exhausted made me a bit less patient with her but… at the end I just couldn't stand her anymore.


    Anyway, let's go back to the beginning: We first had a girl from season 2 and Maximilien from last year coming to sing their singles (Maximilien sang a Zazie song, funnily enough. It wasn't on purpose, he is just doing an album of covers of women's songs and Zazie's Je suis un homme is the first single). And then the coaches re-sang the opening song. Again. And twice. Again. So they have now sung it 6 times. I can't see how they could still not have enough material to assemble one correct version of it :aah: (edit: oh wait now that I think of it it was during the 2d recording session than they sung again. When I'll say it again during report two just pretend it's new :P)


    And then back to the seats. Things started well with Nikos doing the show as usual and loosing his mind in Spanish for a good 5 minutes. Tried to say the coaches' names with a very parodic Spanish accent (Mika was still Mika though. But the three others were really funny). And then song titles (Rilaacchh tekitiiisiii) and then off he went (well, he also recorded some lauchings he didn't just come to talk Spanish xD).


    They then (there is already too many "then" in this report) had seats and buzzers testing, and Mika was having fun turning with a severe face, looking at the audience and going «naahhh!» before pressing the buzzer to turn in a «I don't want see your faces anymore» way.


    At the very last row there was a bunch of kids and their teacher from a high school not far. From his seat he spotted them and said to Zazie “oh look they're all kids! They're cute”. And kids began to shout “Zazie, we love you”... “oh well, you're less cute then!” :lol3:. During the break one of those kids sang a bit, and he couldn't help but to come back from backstage to listen to her and then have a bit of a chat with her as we were waiting for the three other coaches. (With all her schoolmates shouting “han, she is sooo lucky” xD). During 2d break he also came back earlier to go and chat with all the kids on the side - it was saturday afternoon so there were a lot of kids and he made a fair amount of them very very happy :wub2:


    There was a funny moment with a contestant (a very good one by the way) when Mika, talking to her, kept doing (lovely) french mistakes and Zazie said «you see if you want someone who actually can speak you can't go with him»… she couldn't have said it at a worse moment for her as the girl just answered «Actually it is fine because I am having a hard time with french too as I am from London» Oops :biggrin2: . Pagny tried to push Mika out of the run too by saying «he won't even be there for you, he's always in Milan. Just check his social networks!». But… he still won the girl in the end. And was so proud he carried her in his arms all the way to the exit.


    We also had a Lebanese singer, who, he told us, is very famous in Lebanon. And he seems quite a fan of hers as he almost looked impressed just to see her for real. Obviously he was objectively the one knowing the most what he was saying (as he clearly is the one out of those four who has the biggest culture in arabic music) but he also couldn't keep it and after they all talked he HAD to add “you can ask us questions if you want. Like were we were born for example.” And Pagny to add “but it would be stupid to have done all this journey to end up with a lebanese!”


    Not that long after we had another contestant who was half-lebanese and immediately the three others just jumped on Mika “no Mika, don't!” even before he could have begun to talk. The girl kept watching Mika tho, so the others went on “now just stop looking at him that way!”.


    As Zazie was trying to clean her buzzer with her fingernails, he showed her his way was “better”: he just spat on his own and wiped it with his tie :doh: (it won't beat what he did last week when wiping his sole on his hand... and then the then dirty and sticky hand on the seat...).


    He had periods when he was quite agitated in his seat, he kept bouncing and dancing and sitting on his feet just to jump again 3 seconds later (I think he was fighting against sleepiness tho. Zazie wasn't helping as she began to jump and “yoga” with him. And still lots of laughing for nothing from both so I suppose it was either that or walking zombies) and of course happened what was bound to happen with him being so agitated and he ended up knocking his head quite loudly on his back seat.


    He also had his little sulking moments, like for example when a contestant said he already had an idea before of who to choose in the case they all turned and Mika just lied down his armrest saying “well I won't even talk then” (and he actually didn't, I think. Not 100% sure though).



    What else *check on messy notes* He told a contestant his Annie Lennox story, when at 14 he asked her for advice and she told him all he needed was the fire “and maybe this can be useful to you too”. Seemed to have decided that Andrew was a catalan name. And made Zazie laugh a lot even if we couldn't really hear why.



    Some quotes from this session:


    “It's not because you have nothing to say that must shut your mouth” (“C'est pas parce qu'on n'a rien à dire qu'il faut fermer sa gueule” is an idiom in french in fact. I don't know if it has an equivalent in english as it originally comes from an old movie title)



    “Zazie wants to know the adress of your shower and he's just happy you're a man”. (it was his way of resuming what the other coaches had said during debriefing :aah:)


    To Zazie “You have a laugh as worst as mine” (yes, the mistake was here in french too “tu as un rire aussi pire que moi”. And it's true she has a quite noticeable laugh and when both of them are laughing at the same time it can pretty hilarious xD)


    In french dagger is “poignard” and wrist is “poignet”. Pretty close. So when he said “I felt like I just had a wrist thrusted into my body”, I am pretty sure he was aiming for the dagger :lol3:


    “You have to connect your vocal cords to your body, your heart, your ass, everything!”


    And this one is quite a good one to put as an ending :aah: : “I said a lot of bullsh*t but I didn't talk”

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