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Melyssa last won the day on January 22 2018

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About Melyssa

  • Birthday November 20


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    Wibbly wobbly girl

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  1. I don't know how it looked like on television as I didn't catch up with the replay yet, but from inside the stadium it was just so freakin' impressive. Funny thing is I really didn't want to go at first, didn't see the point and as Mika repeatedly said we would see better from our living room I just assumed he knew better ("rule number one: The Doctor lies" 😂). But, you know how it is when you're part of a group and you end up following and... bless those who pushed me to take a ticket. The cheapest we could find, because "we're going for the atmosphere"... except a lot of people left after the end of the game and after a very funny adventure jumping from seat to seat we ended up in the middle of the second row 😂 Even the game was fun, well obviously we missed the beginning as we were queing for some 45345643€ fries and obviously once inside we couldn't understand the slightest thing that was happening, so much that it took us half an hour to find out which team was in what color (I should be a bit ashamed to admit it considering that both team were actually my local ones) . I was worried that I would be bored but we laughed so much that it flew in seconds. I was also checking on our President, who kept talking with his neighbour, so I guess I was allowed to be undiscplined too xD. And then it was the end, and as everybody was trying to go near the president block to see the medals and stuff we were happily jumping on the other direction. We ended up at the pelouse very quickly and then I looked up to the screen and saw that a giant heart had appeared and oh Jee.... Just the dancing part at the beginning would give you chills, the screams and shouts and all, that was so impressive... and then this dude jumping out of the smoke... OH GOD IT WAS SO GOOD TO SEE HIM ON STAGE AGAIN!!! He was on fire, we were on fire, we were flying with him, surrounded by rugby fans who were just standing there, not looking unhappy but cleary very static xD. But who cares, that rush of energy felt so, so good. And he genuinely looked so, sooo happy and proud. Of course underwater was crazy and so intense but I have to say We are Golden and his lights and fireworks and CONFETTIIIIIS was the end of me. I think I was half crying out of joy, realising how I missed that and how it was back all of a sudden. At moments I could hear some glitches in his voice, obviously I won't lie, but he was giving so much I didn't care. Actually I' rather want to see him do crazy stuff at the risk of some glitches than him playing it safe just because of how big it was. Like, sometimes it's the imperfections that makes it perfect, you know what I mean? And I definitely had a perfect night. More pics to follow
  2. I got mine with the korean edition so maybe sites like yesasia will still have it? I think this one has it because I see a 300 (like the number of pieces) written somewhere but I can't read Korean so I'm not sure it's what it says https://www.yesasia.com/global/mika-no-place-in-heaven-orchestra-edition-2cd-korea-version/1047689420-0-0-0-en/info.html
  3. I don't know, I would like to see it again but I sort of hope not, simply because at this point Mika had already asked ppl to stop filming (actually he had to ask like 3 times :/) He just said thank you he seemed touched and a bit embarrassed I guess
  4. So this year I upped my game and went to 3 out of 4 live shows (life when you don't work on saturdays anymore XD). But as my brain is riciculously messy I'll put there everything that I have to say about the last weeks in no particular order . And, well, it was fun. I haven't watched a single minute of the show on tv this year so of course I didn't remember any contestant and was rediscovering them again and again but choreographies and special effects and confettis and stuff are enough to keep me busy anyway (also, Mika, somewhere on my left). It was obvious right from the beginning that Frederic was Mika's fave (well having him jumping in the middle of the street shouting how much he luuuuuuuved Frederic and how much he wanted him to win was a good clue anyway 😂) - and he was also ours I have to say: this guy is bonkers but so nice and funny, we had some really good times with him. We gave him a massive round of applause in the middle of the street after his elimination, it was a good moment, happy and sad at the same time... Casanova was more of a surprise. The first week Mika explained (off camera obviously, not in the face of the poor guy) that it was not that easy for him to go and work with someone that, due to circomstances, he didn't really know and didn't really choose. But seing his evolution was really impressive though, and even if I am not that much sensible to his voice or else, I have to admit he reaaallly worked hard. Also he was very polite every time our paths crossed so ten points for the nice guy. And anyway Fredo and Casanova's duet on La Carioca was the very best moment on any season of the Voice. Period. (I love this song and the movie it's from so much and they really did it justice. Also turning my head and seing Mika dancing and singing was the gigantic cherry on the cake 🤩) And then I have to confess I don't remember Mika's other contestants. I think the more time goes the less I am able to focus on anything . No offense to them though, I don't remember the other contestants of the other teams eather. Except for Xam. I just simply adored Xam, and still do, and was always amazed by his performances. Also he was so kind, I would have loved to see him take the crown. But how about Mika then. Well... on set, he was still interesting and funny and all but I think you could really begin to feel that the enthousiasm of the first years is gone. But when the camera wasn't rolling he was the kindest of them all. He was much less tired than last year, and was ready to give so much time to his fans. We could talk about Mennel (he basically said the same thing than in Quotidien 2 weeks ago), or about his album to come (it won't sound like what you're hearing on radio right now. He couldn't do that. So he kind of decided to go backward to be able to go forward...), or about how proud he was to be singing at the Stade de France... I think the most beautiful moment was when he was talking with fans in the middle of the street and then a guy who was just working at the shop in front of the studio came out and said something like "Hello Mika I am sorry to interrupt you, I am not a fan or anything, it's just that I work here and see quite a few celebrities going around, and I am not saying that they're not nice and all but you I just keep seeing you coming here and sharing time and stories with people and you're just being you and you're real with them and I can really see what a beautiful person you are. You're a beautiful soul, one can feel that just by watching you with them. So I decided to come out to tell you that, that's all" That was such a precious moment.. and it was so true.
  5. No I think they didn't enter in stock yet, its just the pre order system in the wait for the stock to arrive - except it can't show the pre order logo as the product is already officially on sale so the date of release won't match etc.
  6. Don't know if it's been mentionned, they're now available on Amazon FR too http://amzn.to/2DEGCog
  7. So I've seen them sold individually, or by 2,or by 3, by 4, by 6, and now I've just found this one. Every time I enter a shop there's a new packaging
  8. And here comes the miracle: I wasn't bored all night! yeepeee! I found the choice of songs intelligent, and sometimes even bold (well except in the case of my dear Florent Pagny that I love very much but who really got it all wrong in his song choices, and his fellow coaches were quite happy to notice it every time. But what's good with him is that he can accept it easily when it's justified). The good thing though is that he made it up with his comments, and went to talk about stuff that he usually ignores, like the intention of an interpretation and all, when usually he is all about technique. . Mika's comments were rich and interesting, here was the fascinating teacher that I used to love and was missing so much this year. Zazie too was good with words. It's actually what she does best. And then there was Obispo, about whom w'eve learned to deal with the heaviness and the sometimes weird agressivity in a (wrong) effort to get a "style". We let him be, us as well as the coaches. Except when he gets nasty against Mika and then Florent has to protect the kid "Oh God it is so long when he speaks" "Yes but at least what HE is saying is interesting!" Oookaaay But mostly it was the songs that I enjoyed that day. Even Zazie kept saying she was having the best night of all the recordings and I have to say I completely agreed with her. I liked four talents especially, one of them is in Mika's team and is absolutely fascinating, you just can't look away when she's standing in front of you. But I have to confess my little favorite is in Pascal team and I find it really annoying . But she looks so fragile and then she sings and it's like her soul has been living for a thousand years. Also she is so cute I want to put her in a box to keep her safe . The other two are, I think, in Zazie's team (or maybe one in Pascal's team and one in Zazie's team, don't remember). Anyway on a general note I's say again what I said on Zazie's first year: for a time Mika was the only one going for the mad, weird ones but now Zazie plays on this field too and ... quite often she wins. But still Mika and his team gave us 2 or even 3 very good battles , definitely among the five better ones of the night. One of them especially will probably have the same effect than when he made two contestants sing Wasting my young years a few years ago: the song made a massive jump in the charts. This time again I bet he'll give a good kick to a young british talent thanks to the voice . Zazie, Sting, a talent from far away and a 16yo girl also gave us on of the most touching moments of the entire season, there's gonna be tears in your tellies but it was well deserved. The second session of recording began and we quickly realised that there was a headache issue incoming for Mika - and also an eye issue but for that "it's not that bad. Except I can't see a thing" (and to that we can add ears bleeding because of the last battle but it's a pain we all shared with him ) So it became a bit less funny because, well, obviously seeing him pretending not to be in pain except he can't, and this for 4 hours just makes you want to go and turn off all those lights that were making a hole in his brain and tell him to go to sleep. Mika in his I-am-lovely mood came to check on his troops before leaving, just to exchange a few words and to whish us goodnight, and it was really nice of him considering how great he was feeling between his eyes and his headache (we actually did ask him about his head, not to get confirmation but just to let him know that it was okay, we understood his request not to wait so he could go home quicker. Still he confirmed that it was going all big bang in this skull of his) My own head was fine though so it's quite happy that I went to bed, relieved to have finally managed to have a good musical night on the voice this season... too bad that I had to wait until the very last recording though .
  9. Audition Finale, round 2, 16 december (Aff, I was sooo close to see Mika doing a Moonwalk. But he gave up the fight without really trying, and now I'm just a bag of sorrow) So for those who were wondering what "Final audition" means in The Voice language, it's actually the same thing than "l'épreuve ultime" except the 3 talents come one after the other instead of being there at the same time. And on thursday this turned out really weirdly as the contestant had to pretend to leave the stage from one side but he wasn't leaving really, he had to wait there for a technician to come and get him, and so he could wait there for a very long time in the corner of the stage with nobobody caring the slightest (including the coaches just 1 meter from there). He was just completely ignored by everyone, like a prop... great reminder that it's what they actually are for the show: props, not human beings. Anyway someone must have realised how wrong it was and now at least they let them leave the stage as soon as the song ends. So new wave of trios, slightly better than those 2 days before but still nothing who will blow you up. It seems to be a lot of french songs this year - might not be a good news for those of you who are watching it without knowing that much french music but I think it's a good thing to promote what's made in the country of the show (even if I don't listen that much french music to be honest. But still, it's a good thing. And as long as there's still a Jackson Five song somewhere in the middle I am happy ). This being said we have to admit that if Mika had the strongest battles last year he definitely had the worst trios on this night. The second one especially was very... meh, and it was funny because as the three other coaches were like "it was really good, well done blablah" Mika and his big shoes came with a speech sounding like "nah, truth is it was sh*t ,kids" and I really liked that . (and then the three others to go again "no really it was good you're fantastic" and Mika "no it was a disaster you've got something but if you want to break through you really have a lot of work to do") We had our traditional hello from the famously famous 5th coach of the Voice France, a.k.a. Melachi, who seems to enjoy Zazie very much (a change when you remember how she dissed Jenifer ) Mika seemed A BIT less tired, but still tired (actually I had an opportunity to talk with him and we talked about... sleeping. Someone really needs a few days off ) and was obviously very happy to see the end of the recording. Not as much as Florent though, who really seems to live this new season as a chore. It's as fun for them than for us, this year . And really I don't know what's wrong with my short time memory but it seems to be all that I can remember - and I swear I was listening really carefully this time! (translation mission, life savior for my capacity of attention XD) Before leaving the set, Mika will take a few minutes to come and talk to us and, among other things, warn us that he won't be able to do more than a quick wave tonight but he won't stop the car so no point in waiting in the cold - bless him for that, really, because it WAS freaking cold! This was my last recording of the year and for once I don't care that much missing the last one - I mean obviously I'll miss him and my friends but really those recording are so long and so... boring this year. As I was talking with my friends back home I realised that it wasn't just me: it really is more boring than usual, and the coaches seem less commited in the show. I don't know, maybe it is due to the change of production? Or that they themselves become bored of it? That all the contestants look so much alike that it seems there's only 3 of them coming back endlessely? Or a lack of fresh coffee in the catering? Who nose....
  10. Final Audition (whatisit), first session, 14 december « But I do like a disaster! » So the « good » (or not) news is that I finally found the motivation to hide a pen. The bad (or good) one is that I didn’t use it that much (especially as it turned out that it wasn’t working Xd), and anyway I spent the last 2 hours in a very happy sleep on my neghbours’ shoulders (no but really I try but I don’t have the same job than the years before, now my rythm makes me get up really early so past 11pm I am dead) We started with a big Opening Song mess, as they explained to us that the song we recorded 1565153 times during the blind won’t be used at all and they gonna redo it with a song from Johnny Hallyday (for those who missed it (meaning eveyone who is not french I guess), the country has lost its biggest star last week so it’s all about paying hommage and so the show HAD to start with a Johnny song). Anyway so they came back in their clothes from last month, did two takes of the song and both times Mika kind of f*cked it because he didn’t manage to cut the words on the right places (I won’t blame him, it’s always his major problem when he tries to learn a song in french. I get that but the producer might not share my opinion though xD). Then obviously they had to change clothes, and you can’t imagine how long it takes… we already came in a bit late and we kept loosing even more time, it was already late and the thing still wasn’t officially started (even the coaches would comment about it, and will star a running joke with « but has the show begun yet or not ? ») Useless anecdote about the recording of the song : Mika couldn’t hear himself, so, he increased the volume of his mic… a bit too much. Meaning that we could hear him very loudly… but the other coaches, having him directly in their earplugs, were having quite a hard time . So Florent quickly asked the technicians to put Mika’s volume down, to what Mika began to scream (RIP Florent’s ears) « NO ! NEVER ! » Finally they are on their seats, Mika in zombie mode I’m gonna sleep with my eyes opened for the next 6hours, thank you; and Florent and Pascal in an agitation state that promises us a veeeeeery long night (and to let us know why they were so turbulent , Florent will just tell « we had a big reunion dinner », which in the Voice coded language means « we’re half drunk yepeee » (and for us it means that there’s gonna be a lot of stupid laughs for no reason but then it’s the first recording involving alcohol this year, they have been serious ‘till then for once) So to be short when you’ve already seen that kind of messy introduction you already know even if it’s only 9pm that you’ll see half the audience leave the place at 2am and you’ll end up the thing in a half empty room with 4 coaches stuck in a permanent hysterical laughter for no reason (and all right it happened. Lateness+champagne is a classic of the voice). One of those laughs will be a direct consequence of this : Nikos, God knows why, kept calling Pascal « Florent » by accident. Which wouldn’t have been that bad if it only meant that they’d had to do one other take… exept a)he was doing the same mistake again on the next take and b) it made everyone go bonkers and they ended up switching their names and calling Nikos by the name of another famour french presenter, and yes itw as really funny actually but also really long and it didn’t help to end up at a decent hour . Another one of those laughs will come from Nikos’ english accent as he was trying to pronounce the word Issues with an accent that he hoped sounded english except that not at all (for once it was Mika who was laughing about someone else’s mistakes so he really did enjoy it). Also, talking about mistake, the only memorable one from Mika was a conjugation one that I can’t really translate here ("on envie qu'il va loin") but that’s the bad side about him having done so many progress in french : we remember the time when every the voice recording gave us a full page of funny mistakes Like last month, I found Obispo a bit heavy, even if less than a few weeks before. But still. So I loved when Mika told him exactly this, when after a story about hair Obispo ended up sitting on the knees of a very happy looking Mika (that’s ironic, the face he made when he saw that the guy was about to sit on him was fabulous, like "oh f*ck here we go again" *rolling eyes*). So anyway after that Mika told him really seriously « I have to tell you you might be good looking without hair but still, you’re heavy » which of course can be heard as you’re heavy for real as you’re sitting on me but I could bet that he wasn’t really thinking about it that way Nothing more to say really. Globally I didn’t find the performances that good, and also I don’t like seing Mika that tired, let’s hope the Christmas break will allow him a massive sleeping cure...
  11. Oh well, every year I'm getting better at getting late... so I'll just put the three sessions I went to in one single review, as I don't really have that much to say anyway. So. My intro looks the same every year but it's more true every year: When I went out for the last time last year I really didn't expect to ever come back on this set. Also this year no warm up for me, I jumped right through the Saturday Of Death with his infamous 2 sessions in a row... which to be honest was far less terrible than the years before: the four of them stayed relatively on form and coherent when previously it was almost impossible after 11pm to have them do a correct shot without having to start again 5 times (we won't forget the now cult Mika quotes à la "yeah no but I don't remember what I wanted to say" (even if my fave one will stay "don't make me laugh I want to pee" but it's a very personnal choice ) But obviously for Mika the rythm was far less exhausting than last year when he was going back and forth between Paris and Milan 3 times a week and was also lucky enough to record half the sessions while being sick. This year he was in much better form, and thus less grumpy, let's face it. But then the big issue I had this year was... oh God how boring is that. I was used to being entertained by at least a couple a contestants and also and more importantly for me... I was used to laughing a lot - I know that's not why we are supposed to be here but to be honest that's why Blinds were my fave part: because it's usually funny. But this year, pfff. It seems like we've been seing the same singer over and over again, same look same voice same kind of song... over... and over... And then our four coaches.. .they are doing their job. No more, no less. Mika and Florent can still be very interesting in their comments, but after all those years it's becoming harder to find fresh stuff to say. But yeah I was craving for those moments when they all lose their mind and go jumping in every direction, but nothing really came. I also discovered Pascal as a coach, and wasn't especially blazed away by his interventions. He was often trying too hard to be funny and ended up being gross, but it seems that I escaped the worst as I heard he was being extremely heavy on the 3 days I missed. But still there is that one interesting thing in the coache's dynamic this year: 3 of them know each other so, so well, they've been knowing each other for more than 20 years, they recorded duets, they went on stage all together endless times, they write and compose for each other, and they are pretty close friends in personnal life (I mean one of them was even living in a house bought by another one, seriously). Mika is quite close to Florent and has learned to know Zazie but it can't compare to the massive artistic bonding that has linked the three others for so long. So, on top of being by far the younger, he also is the outsider, and often ended up watching them bonding as a spectator... but I don't think he feels excluded , more .. captivated, I'd say. Now to the "random things I remember" Mika did somthing that got quite unnoticed but that I liked really much: on stage we had the Korean contestant (that happens to be an amazing pianist and obviously he couldn't keep himself from going and playing with her but that's not the point). So firstly it gave him the chance to say a few words in Korean which is always cool for me as one of my biggest pleasures in life is to go on twitter when the show is on just to see people commenting about the amount of languages he is talking - and secondly it allowed him to do something really cute that could have come only from someone who has gone through the same kind of things: as the three others were "mocking" the girl's accent and mistakes (not in a mean way, really not, and she was taking it kindly, but still) he told her, extremely seriously "and I think your french is perfects and that you express yourself very clearly". I think saying those kind of things from time to time is actually more important than it seems and I liked him for that. And at the opposite I remember that contestant I wanted to kick because the guy being a student in a very cool classic singing school thought he was the 8th Wonder of the world and wasn't listening to Mika who was actually giving him a free lesson about classic singing and teaching him some of the Haendel-Based excercises he used for his final exams and it was very interesting and this guy especially could have really learned from it... but he was so full of himself And...That's all. Not that much to remember then, and truth is I didn't try that hard to keep anything in mind. Except this little sweet thing that I'll remember forever, obviously, this lovely attention Mika had when he brought us a bag of food before the recording because, well, he knows how hungry we get in the studio (also the vision of him trying to get through the audience to reach us and climbing over people's legs with a profusion of "oh sorry, sorry, excuse me, sorry!!!" was hilarious ). So I don't know if I'm am just getting tired of the Voice or if it really is especially boring this year but as long as Mika keeps on being so kind I'll survive .
  12. Telethon lasts for 48hrs non stop and this year it's on december 8th and 9th (and the Godfather/mother is allowed a couple of hours of sleep only so good luck Zazie Xd) , so it could be at anytime day or night during the week end but the big show is usually on saturday night so I think we can go for that - anyway we'll probably know better a couple of days before (but usually they keep the big stars for that night because of course it's the biggest one. And also because after their performances the artists are supposed to go and get the calls from people wanting to donate, so people are tempted to call in the hope to have someone famous on the phone - but obv. Mika won't be there live though). Also there are pieces of documentaries during the week end involving some stars (this one meeting a sick kid, this other going to an hospital etc) but, well, there's no way to know who will be involved that way appart from watching the whole 48hrs. It seems that he recorded three songs for this (so Les Baisers Perdus, Lollipop and Elle me dit)
  13. I was there yesterday, I'll try a report but it won't be as long and complete as usual because my pen ended up in the bin (Aslo I missed some parts because of, well, me falling asleep). But still, it's coming. One day
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