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Everything posted by Rossymika

  1. Come ti chiami ?

  2. Davvero !!!!!sai cosa hanno chiesto di preciso

  3. Grazie di cuore giorgia,comunque se vuoi (siccome non so mandare messaggi privati da qui) aggiungimi su Facebook mi chiamo Rossella Mika D'Oriano

  4. Ciao Giorgia,come stai? Spero bene :)

    Volevo chiederti una cosa ,per caso sai come posso in qualche modo contattare quelli che dirigono il fan club ?volevo chiedergli se potevano darmi una mano per il fatto di mio fratello ,poi ti spiego meglio in privato .

    Grazie in anticipo baci xx :*

  5. Ciao ,grazie per l'amicizia ,Piacere sono Rossella

  6. Thank you rachel,even you name is beautiful

    I'm fine thanks and you?

  7. Hi ,I'm Rossella ,and you?what's your name?

  8. Hi Hanna,thank you for accept,I'm Rossella

  9. Ciao Giorgia,scusa il ritardo ma non mi sono potuta connettere,no non gliel ho mandata la lettera a il mio eroe perché il quel periodo mi era scaduta la connessione internet e quando mi é arrivata era già troppo tardi ,va be sarà per la prossima volta,grazie del pensiero ❤️

  10. Ah ok grazie hahaah nono hai fatto bene a dirmelo perché io avrei scritto in inglese

  11. Peró non so proprio che scrivere ,solo all idea che mika potrebbe leggerlo mi vengono i brividi

  12. Grazie mille ,ti faccio sapere se ci sono riuscita

  13. Ciaoo Hi,I'M Rossella ,I'm 14 and I'm from naples,italy.I love Mika since 2012 buy I know him since i was child dancing with his music.I have a little brother Who is a disabile e child(in particular he is autistic ).he can't speak but i know he loves mika Because when he listens mika's songs he smiles and he moves his head and his hands like the ritm of te music and when he wants ti listen mika he takes me a mika's image,so I can undestand what he wants.we have a dream,Hug mika,I know that it s difficuld because I have ti stay with him and help my mother with him so I can't move from naples,but I'll never lose hope,for me and for my brother Sorry if my english is bad:aah: Kisses from Rossella
  14. Ciao Giorgia ,si conosco Vicenza .grazie per avermi informata della lettera ,solo che siccome sono inscritta anch io da poco nkn so ancora come usare il sito,potresti spiegarmi come fare a mandare la lettera?grazie in anticipo

  15. Thanks to you❤️

  16. Thanks you so much ,I don't know how use this site

  17. I have a little brother, is eight years old and has an autistic child, he does not speak but I know that he loves mika.Un day he wrote in the sand "I want to hug Mika."So I promised him that one day we will meet Mika and we will Hug him.My brother is the reason why I have not yet lost hope of meet mika, and I never will, even though are years that I try.love that I feel for Mika and for my brother is an inexplicable thing and will never fade. Mika please realize our dream

    I know that mi english is like mika's italian ahhahahahaha

    Ciao from Naples

    -kisses rossella

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