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Posts posted by Pascale

  1. Wow I love your review a lot. I agree, it's amazing the things we do thanks to Mika, and "Life is so amazingly colourful when you leave shame behind you.". Couldn't agree more. I can understand what you were feeling very well. I'm happy you felt that way and had a great time on New Year's Eve. Thanks for sharing with us! Florence really is a magnificent city, enjoy your last day there.

    Thanks for the compliment. I'm glad you like the repost and recognize my feelings. I read you had a great time yourself at the first concert. Happy to hear that.


    I had a wonderful last day in Florence. Saw -among other miracles of art- the Sarcophagus of the Amaons, the Idolino of Pesaro, the Francois Vase and took a million pictures in The Museo Archeologico. In the afternoon I applied for membership of the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Firenze. I felt so initiated when I sat in the huge stately reading hall among lots of young students. So now I really have to come back soon. Actually I'm sure I will. I fell in love with this city and country all over again. Might have been Italian in a past life. My name (Renate) hints at that anyway;-).

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  2. OMG!! I was there too. Singing and jumping like a fool hahahahah, sadly I don't know you. It was really fun. :wink2:

    well, we've sort of met each other now since we've danced into 2017 at the same place and in the same happy mood. Maybe we'll meet again (don't know where, don't know when lalala) at another Mika pelgrimage and then we might even get better acquainted. Have a nice start of the new year dreaming about wonderful Florence and almost just as (or even more, that depends on my mood) wonderful Mika.
  3. It's januari 3 and I'm still in Florence. Having the time of my life this past week, wandering around in this vibrant city with all it's historical and contemporaly highlights.

    On New Years day I visited Fiesole, the little town situated near Mount Ceceri, where Leonardo da Vinci did his flying experiments. It was a sunny misty day and the views on hazy Florence were breathtaking.
    I felt in awe of the amazing miracles of nature and of mankind and very grateful to Mika that he had caused me to do this trip. If it wasn't for attending his symphonic concerts, I would never have been in Florence on my own. Traveling alone can has great advantages because you have the time and space to follow your own intuition and goals without being distracted by the needs of other people. In earlier days I used to be lonesome sometimes when I did this or I felt selfconscious thinking people would feel pity me cause I was without compagny. Lately though I feel free and unhibited and I thank Mika for this change. His music, voice and way of living have given me the strength to follow my own wishes without caring about what other people think of me.

    This is a long introduction to my report of the concert. However I can be brief about that: I wasn't there. Although I had a ticket for both concert and diner, I gave it away -that's another story- and I walked around Florence on New Years Eve. Again an evening with memorable experiences. First I wrapped up some gifts for Mika that I had brought from Amsterdam and bought in Florence. I also translated in English a beautiful dutch poem that I'd put on a card for him. Around 21.00 I went along the river Arno to the Opera. When I'd reached the venue, I spent some time watching the impressive grey building from the outside thinking about the event that was going on inside and the people that were enjoying it. I left the bag with gifts with a friendly smiling doorman at the artist entrance. He obviously had received lots of gifts that night since he immediately understood my purpose. When I walked to the theatre, I'd been afraid that I would feel ashamed and ridiculous giving the presents. Luckily I just felt relieved and happy and merry. Life is so amazingly colourful when you leave shame behind you.

    Then I went into town. As I'd never been in Italy at the end of december, I loved watching all the people moving through the city on this turbulent last night of the year. The streets were crowded and noisy, people wore funny hats and festive clothing in spite of the cold. There were many salesman selling sparkling gadgets and warm blankets and lots of young guys throwing fire crackers on the ground and towards the passers-by. I was exchanging text messages with a group of my closest friends who were passing the turn of the year in a cabin in Limburg (south of Holland). It was very funny. I felt like a news reporter telling the country people at home what was happening in the big city. Piazza Duomo was incredible. I'm used to anarchy on New Years Eve because I'm from Holland with its mass public celebration of the turn of the turn, but I hadn't seen or heard anything like this yet. Probably 'cause I usually avoid being in the centre on these kind of events. It seemed like war. Chaotic movements, deavening sounds, bousterous lightnings everywhere. Once there was a powerful explosion of firework that i felt in my whole body because of the air displacement.

    I ended up on more quiet and friendly Piazza San Lorenzo where I stayed until midnight watching and singing along with a euphoric gospel choir from Orlando that celebrated their love for life and Jesus together with the receptive spectators. I would never had thought I'd have such joy spending a New Years Eve on my own out on the streets of a foreign city. Thanks again to Mika who causes us to do things that we've never done

    Now I'm off to spend my last day in Florence, starting with a second visit of the gorgious Museo Archeologico. If I ever learn how to upload pictures on this site I will post some pictures of the beautiful works of art that are in there. No one should miss those.

    • Like 10
  4. Hi you all out there in or in the surroundings of Florence that want to go to the concert tonight.


    I've just been to the first symphonic concert thanks to some of the MFC members that were so friendly to sell me a spare ticket. I had a great evening; the concert was wonderful and Mika, the musicians and most of all the audience were very much on fire.

    I've got another ticket for tonight but I've decided that I don't want to go to that concert anymore because I'm completely satisfied by tonight's experience. Furthermore I'm very grateful that I had the chance to go to one of the few symphonic concerts that Mika is performing and therefore I'd like to have someone else to have the same chance.


    So if you want to go to the concert tonight and if you can meet me somewhere in Florence tomorrow afternoon/early evening to collect the ticket, it is yours. It's a good seat (Platea fila F posto 37) and there is diner afterwards included. See the site of the opera for more details.


    About the price. The original ticket was €280.- but you can pay me any amount you think the ticket is worth to you. I'm going to give the money I receive to one (or more) of the immigrants that I've seen these past few days and that IMO have a difficult life trying to sell gadgets to the tourists.

    The first person that sends me a pm to accept this offer is the lucky one. Please tell others about this if you don't want the ticket yourself. I don't know if there are many people that are able to go at such short notice and it would be a waste if the ticket is not used.


    Best regards Renate


    Edit: ticket's gone.

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  5. I'm already in Firenze. Cold but taking a coffee in the center of the city.

    I might have crossed your way somewhere today. I walked half of the city. Unbelievable how many wonderful places there are. And delicious food. And interesting people. My feet are killing me now but it was worth it. Tourist tip for who hasn't seen it yet. The Museo Archeologico Nazionale. Hardly anyone in there which is amazing since there is absolutely stunnng art in it.
    • Like 1
  6. As I said it before, bettter live than on the CD by far :wub:

    Yes, I'm listening to the cd version at this moment to compare and the repetitive disco beat sounds very boring to me now.

    Although I remember that I liked this sound very much last summer when I was driving on the (high)ways in France. It gave me the spirit I needed for long trips by car.

    But the cd version of this song definitely doesn't deserve the price for originality and geniality. I guess Mika wasn't aiming for those high goals anymore making this cd. Good on him!!!


    Edit: or maybe this song(cd version) is genious like ABBA was genious? I'm curious to find out what I will think about it in 5 years. I now think some of the eighty music like several of the songs of Duran Duran and Tears for fears are genious and I'm absolutely sure I didn't think that at the time. Although I certainly loved them.

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  7. totally impossible to choose one, it really depends on my mood at the time. Rain is special to me though cause it is a song that i put on and sing very loud too whe i'm feeling angry and it makes everything better. staring at the sun, stardust and i see you i can relate too well. good guys i love because of the reference to oscar wilde who is a absolute hero of mine and someone i would love to have met if we lived in the same time. popular song due to its anti-bullying message and promiseland because of how i feel so much different to everyone i know and i hate that sometimes- in particular the beginning of the song 'lived my life as the good boy i was told i should be. prayed every night to a religion that was chosen for me'


    if i carry on i think i might end up listing every song :D

    yeah, I understand you completely. I chose 3 songs before and now my mood has changed. Here is my new choice.

    1.Grace Kelly because it's the first Mika song I ever heard and because it's such a beautiful example of anger transformed into positive energy. I just made a big decision myself and now I understand and love this song even more.

    2. Songbird (duet with Paul de Leeuw) , so simple and so pure. 

    3. Ci parliamo di grandi (duet with Eros Ramazzotti). I keep listening to this song. The words of the english part move me a lot, I don't exactly know why. I'm also touched by Mika's uninhibited happiness because he is singing with Eros. 

  8. In fact, I've watched today a quite recent Italian short video in which Mika talks about the procedence of his fans and he mentioned that (according to his management team) his content on social media attracts an interesting amount of traffic from Southamerica. He seemed glad about that. So I understand and accept it's not lack of appreciation but him focused on more lucrative and/or sucessful things, which happen to take place in Europe (and sometimes the USA). Hopefully in a couple of years a good job and my Italian passport will allow me to be "the mountain that goes to Muhammed".

    Actually I wouldn't be surprized if Mohammed comes to the mountain himself within a few years.

    He still has to learn how to dance the tango and IMO he could use a bit more of your Argetinian passion. And he usually has a good instinct for what's good for him.

  9. in case anyone was wondering, this hasn't been abandoned!



    I've been catching up on all the Mikanews that happened in my absence & getting new info/entries ready for a few weeks. There's been so much going on tho so it's taking a lot of work. i'll probably post all the new stuff regarding the new dvd, his TV show, Art of Song, Wonderful Christmastime, etc in a week or two, i promise  :yes:

    Thanks for the update. Take your time. It's a great project and very much worth waiting for.
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