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Posts posted by Pascale

  1. I'd love it if you would do this. It seems an enormous amount of work though. But I would be be very grateful for every minute of translated conversation, so please start the good work :wub:

    (If you can't keep it up, it would already be a great help if you would provide French subtitles)

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  2. Thanks for explaining your reaction to the video in more detail. I know it's often difficult to put these feelings into words, but you've managed it very well, and now I can definitely understand your point of view. :) I guess it just goes to show how subjective art is and how different people's reactions to it can be. Hopefully you'll find Mika's next project more inspiring again!  :flowers2:



    No worries Pascale :hug:  It's ok that we all like different songs and different videos :thumb_yello: If everyone said the same, then life would be boring. Mika evolves , fans evolve too , and that's the way life is :original: Maybe you will like Mika's next video better or you will move on, but only time can tell. Fans come and go , some stick around, some take breaks, some come back, but don't feel bad for saying what you think


    Thanks both for your kind words and emoticons.  :thumb_yello:  :flowers2:


    Actually I'm not only glad that I got to know Mika this last one and half year but through him also this great MFC website. Not only an endless source of information but also a fascinating place full of (mostly) amazingly helpful and friendly people from all over the world. 

    I'm amazed and delighted by the time and efforts fans spend on Mika and on providing information about him to other fans (the mighty Moderators, tireless Translation Team, wonderfull Kummaz, resourcefull Kreacher, traveling and wiseTiibet and all fans that scan articles, write reports and make pictures, videos, poems, necklaces etc etc), I've learned things about French, Italian, UK, Korean etc. etc. media and society which i knew nothing of before and that I would never had learned otherwise. 


    Occasionally it would have been nice if there was a bit more discussion about songs, content of articles, reviews or performances. I'm not sure why there isn't. :unsure: Probably because most things have been said before and because such discussions usually end up in: "well, IMO it's great/true/stupid etc ";  "well, IMO it's not" .  :argue:


    To get back on topic :winksmiley02: : words do not only hurt but they also enrich and make you grow.  And I've been fully enriched and evolved by this Mika experience. Still learning things as well. 

    So i'm not leaving yet but will stick around for a bit. Maybe not so talkative since not many people are talking back to me :sad:  but that's a very valuable lesson in itself . :D  

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  3. I think you have every right to express your personal feelings about the video, and they're certainly not any less valid than anyone else's, including mine. :) But I have to admit that I'm surprised you find the video too positive, mostly because I don't find the song itself very positive at all. Sure, the video has an uplifting message (which ties in with the movie, so it's not all Mika's doing), and the remix version of the song is more bouncy than the original, but I find the lyrics very sad and full of hurt, disappointment and even bitterness. So, to me the contrast between the sad lyrics and the bouncy tune is classic Mika. I think it goes well with the video, which is about a painful subject, even if it does offer a positive resolution.


    I do also believe that Mika's original intent when he wrote the song wasn't for it to be an anti-bullying message, but a song about a breakup/argument between lovers (he even described it as a love song in an interview). It doesn't sound like it was written from a happy place at all. But when he was approached about the song being in the movie, I think he saw the lyrics fit well there too, and the message was definitely something he could get behind, so he was happy for the song to be interpreted that way and become meaningful for more people.

    Thanks for your comment. i agree completely with what you are saying about the original intent of the song. The positive message I meant is not in the song ((I quite like the song actually) but is in the video. To me it seems that the song has completely disappeared to the background in it.

    As I said in a former post I admit that there is also (stylized) pain and anger in the video. But the general outcome is a positive one and Mika as "guardian angel" is not a real person but a symbol spreading happiness and love. My critique is also that most things are so shiny and fashionable in the video. The children are beautiful, clothing and images are filmed to impress instead of to tell a story. To be fair, that's probably the doing of the director of the movie that the song is used for. But It's Mika's video, so I suppose he happily agreed to do it that way.


    When I heard the intro and saw the video it reminded me of Smalltown boy of Bronsky Beat. It's kind of the same subject but in that video I can relate to the emotions and feel sympathy for the characters. The awkward relationship between a homosexual young boy and his parents is very moving and his shy admiration for a handsome guy (that beats the boy up after noticing his longing looks) is heartbreaking. Those are the things I am missing in this video. There's too much message and too little reality.

  4. Oh nononono I dont think you are attacking us or anything, and please dont feel like that we are angry at you or we dont like your oppinion. And I kind of understand you that you missed the dark, angry mika, and maybe that's why so many people especially love Promiseland in NPIH. But yeah, he is really happy now, and I guess it's harder and harder for him to do things the old way cuz his emotion has changed.

    thanks for your comments and for (kind of) understanding. I'm glad he's happy and he loves what he's doing. He is a great example of someone who faces his fears and works hard to get what he wants. And at the moment he is enjoying a well-deserved result of that attitude.


    I don't think I miss the old Mika. Well, maybe a bit but that's not the main thing. People change and that's okay. I am confused though that I feel so disappointed by his recents video's and I'm trying to figure out why I feel like that. What aspects I don't like or what I'm missing. I guess I'd hoped I'd liked his new projects as much as his old ones, only in a different way.


    Unfortunately I find his recent videos one dimensional and boring. I miss something touching or surprising me. It's just so difficult to describe what it is because i can recognize and appreciate it when I see it but I can't figure it out when it's not there (for me personally, I mean). I'm not a very creative or performing person myself but (or so) I love it when I see other people performing or creating things in a exceptional, original or moving way. I discovered Mika one a a half year ago and he and his music have touched me in a spectacular way. I've never felt like that about any other musician and i've been fascinated by him for a long time. But recently that feeling has changed and I find it hard to let it go. I feel sad about it although I realize that's the risk if you depend on other people to give you inspiration and happiness.


    Now I'm a bit melodramatic myself by the way. It's not that I don't have a life without Mika but for a long period he made it a far more happy one by his energy and his music. Luckily for him he is still very happy and enjoying the things he is doing. And luckily there are lots of people still enjoying those things very much.

    So I guess I have to move on and find my own creativity (or another artist;-))instead of criticising his. I'm very grateful for what he has given me and I will keep following him, playing his music and hopefully see another concert in the near future.


    And I will stop being disappointed and telling that I am. It's getting very boring also.

  5. very true, There's also pain and anger in the video. The subject (bullying) of course is very painful as well. And I completely agree with your remark about the ending. Still it all feels a bit melodramatic and contrived to me and so obvious that you hardly can call it double meaning. But you're right, my words about Mika's repeating call for joyfulness and positivity are not completely accurate if you only watch this video. Although the general and very clear meaning in it that friendship, support and love will help you to find yourself and will get you through rough times ís very joyful and positive.

    I agree with yang. And maybe you didn't read the information about the film and the book on which it is based, and the true story that inspired the author/the film and the video director, that I've posted a few pages back in. The message is very important and beautiful, but they are neither an happy film nor an happy book.

    And perhaps you don't know that this is a message which needs to be heard very loud everywhere of course, but especially in Italy, where things are very complicated, even when it comes to bullying, especially in schools and especially about homophobic bullying.

    i don't want to diminish the important message or the hurt that people have that are being mistreated or bullied. Like I said I hope that the video will help the discussion. i know that this is a message that has to be heard by as many people as possible.


    I was expressing my personal feelings about the video and Mika. Not attacking people that feel touched or supported by this song and images. And certainly not critizising Mika because he wants to try to make the world a happier place. But I admit I am critizising his way of doing it. Not because it's wrong but because it doesn't appeal to me (anymore).

    I now realize that maybe it was not the right place here to express my feelings. It's a controversial subject and perhaps the discussion here should only be about that and not about my personal appreciation of the video. I support the message fully by the way.

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  6. I think there is a darkness or hidden message in the video, the video doesn't end with everyone smiling and dancing and cheering, it ends up with MIKA knee down in front of a white wall. The effect of bullying will always be there, it will become lighter and less important, but it have shaped who you are and it will never completely go away, and any similar things will bring your feeling back to that situation again. I know this is a positive video in general, but in the end I feel the pain.

    very true, There's also pain and anger in the video. The subject (bullying) of course is very painful as well. And I agree with your remark about the ending. Still it all feels a bit melodramatic and contrived to me and so obvious that you hardly can call it hidden message. But you're right, my words about Mika's repeating call for joyfulness and positivity are not completely accurate if you only watch this video. Although the general and very clear meaning in it that friendship, support and love will help you to find yourself and will get you through rough times ís very joyful and positive.
  7. Hmm, I have very mixed feelings about this video. It goes well with the song and the message is happy, positive, uplifting, all the things why I loved Mika in the first place. So why do I find it so boring?


    I think I miss the darkness that he often talked about. No darkness or hidden meanings in this video, that's for sure.

    And a bit too much of charming beautiful "holy" Mika for my taste. (like in his three last video's). It reminds me of the happy messages that Christian gospel groups are spreading around.


    I really think it's wonderful that he feels happy and wants to share that happiness with other people. It's beautiful that he dares to be vulnerable and that he's no cynical bystander. I very much respect the choices he is making, his coaching and supporting young artists, his fights agains bullying and discrimination. And I love all the good things he is doing for sick and bullied children and for refugees in Libanon. If there would be more people like him, the world would be a much better place.


    But I guess somehow, I miss depth, anger, disappointment, ugliness, flaws, a bit of (dark) humour. It's all so good, so positive, so shiny and fashionable, like a glossy magazine such as Happinezz.

    Perhaps I miss some passion, something fascinating and brilliant? The feeling of being surprised by seeing new and unexpected things? A bit less dancing around, a bit more showing pain and raw emotion. Of course I'm happy that uncertainty and negativity don't seem to be a big part of his life at this moment. I don't want him to suffer or to feel bad. I just miss something.


    I hope lots of mistreated and bullied children will love this video and find comfort in it. I hope discussions will follow and that this video will really help solving things. I hope I will end up not missing disturbing and darker things anymore but enjoying all the joyful positivity again. I sort of miss the most that that such joyfulness and positive messages are not enough for me anymore.

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  8. About the Eleonora thing (I won't quote all the posts otherwise mine becomes too long), well, I understand what you say, that she's emotional, she was under pressure and all, nonetheless I think she could and should've handled the situation differently. She was pissed off because Skin chose Margherita instead of her, but had she been a bit more honest to herself, she would've known her performances weren't as good as Margherita's and that the judges already saved her once to give her another chance because they liked her, but if she didn't improve, what else could they do? She had potential and emotions, but technically she was a disaster and giving her a chance doesn't mean they deceived her, they gave her the opportunity to become better, which she didn't. And I don't think she was "thrown to the lions" either, she could've left the competition at any time if she didn't feel at ease there. Had she won, then what? Was she expecting no criticism even afterwards?? I'm sorry, I can't see her as a victim. She chose to take part to the show, she chose to stay and not to leave, she was objectively worse than Margherita, she had been given another chance the week before, no one was unfair to her IMO. If she can't handle the pressure, that's only her problem and had she realized she had only to blame herself for not being good enough, she wouldn't have behaved that way, blaming others for her failure.

    Okay, just another post on the subject. and then I'll stop. Although it's nice to discuss someone else than our beloved Mika for a chance.


    I'm not seeing Eleonora as a victim. I think she is a strong girl that took a lot of pressure in a way I never could. She dares to perform in a way a lot of people never will. She has balls as Mika said (i guess thats the translation of "palle"). But she's also young and unexperienced in the tv world. And still in the beginning of a possible career as a performer. So she makes mistakes like her behaviour at the elimination. I just don't find it a huge mistake (even a bit refreshing, I must confess) and I feel sorry for her because so many people saw that mistake and I'm a bit afraid the harsh reactions will have unpleasant effects on her and her free spirit. Perhaps unneccesary. Hopefully she is strong enough and will succeed in developing her talents in a positive way.


    I don't know whether Eleonora made a good choice when she decided to participate in X factor. It gave her a lot of chances to gain experience and knowledge and she met interesting people and surely learned a lot. But she also will be known for a long time as the crazy girl that behaved strangely and acted foolishly when she got eliminated.


    You say that she should have been a bit more honest to herself and then she would have realized that Margherita did a better performance. That's very rational and I think she very well realizes now that she should have done this. Therefore she made the apology that she wrote at Facebook. But on the evening self there was no room for ratio, she was all emotion.

    Immature? Maybe. Not wise? For sure. Unfair? Probably, because Skin doesn't seem the person to have mislead her on purpose (not so sure about the producers though)


    But I strongly (and respectfully) disagree with comments as mean and disgusting behaviour and I wanted to say some things to counterbalance that.


    Ps: As an example of the manipulative and scheming ways of X factor UK production: watch this clip of a girl that was suggested by production (not the judges) to perform a Pink song, not to make her look good but to provoke some interesting tv. Talking about bad manners and mean and disgusting behaviour. Not of the girl, I mean, although Eleonora was a sweet child compared to this fury. And X factor Italia is heaven compared to the UK version. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sjQwLOA-hBs

  9. You are right,it's a matter of opinion,and I respect yours :thumb_yello:  Perhaps it's just me,but my impression is that she was acting like a spoiled kid who's accepting only her parents's praises. The moment she gets some objective opinions and critics from judges,she refuses to listen and she's turning her back. This is what I got from her behavior  and I'm glad she is out from this stressful situation,this is much better for her.


     Thanks. Likewise  :clap: And I think we all agree on your last remark :group_hug:

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  10. I understand that there's a lot of pressure for everyone,not only for Eleonora. But it's a matter of education to listen when someone is talking to you,and not talk over,no matter if that person it is Skin or any other ordinary person.It is a matter of education to look at the person who's talking to you,no matter if it's Mika or anyone else,and he was obviously bothered and pointed out that to her. When you agree to join this kind of competition,you should expect that you might get eliminated at one point,and be prepared to act with dignity......unless she was absolutely sure that she will be the winner this year :aah:


    I agree that you could (perhaps even "should") expect that you get eliminated when you agree to join this kind of competition. I'm also pretty sure that Eleonora knew very well that her chances weren't great after the heavy criticism that she got last week and her being in the bottom two then.


    Watching the elimination and the Extra Factor I had the feeling though that it wasn't the elimination that moved her so much as the fact that Skin chose Margherita instead of her. She felt betrayed. And she couldn't control herself and suppress that feeling. Neither could she put things into perspective and be happy that she did well and had come so far as Mika said.


    As Skin said it's the nature of the game and she had to choose but apparently Eleonora had not expected this choice. Maybe she was delusional, maybe Skin or other people have said and done things that gave her reasons to think so. We don't know and in the end it doesn't matter because Eleonora is responsable for her own reactions and behaviour whatever Skin or the producers told her.


    Again I'm not saying that her behaviour was correct. Certainly Eva behaved in a much more dignified and mature way. But I don't think this means that Eleonora's not well educated. I haven't watched the Daily's of Skins team but in all the other fragments that I saw Eleonora behaved politely and nicely. She's always taken criticisms with dignity, agreeing with them sometimes and even smiling at her own strange behaviour. She's always looked straight in the eyes of the judges as they criticized her. She immediately corrected her behaviour and looked at Mika when he told her to do so when he talked to her.


    She had a lot of criticism from a lot of people including the judges from the very first moment of her audition. As well as a lot of praise, there have always been very mixed feelings about her.

    The level of her performances has been very variable. As Skin once said. "one moment your voice's great, the next moment it's a disastre". It must be very confusing to hear those kind of things and not be able to rely on experience and technic. I think it must have made her very insecure about her own abilities. Add to this the pressure of the performances, the many comments on the digital media, all the new experiences and the fact that she is very young and a very emotional girl and bang...you're heading for a breakdown. And there it was, right in front of a whole hall of people and watched by millions of people at home. No escape possible.


    Whether you like her or not is a matter of taste. Whether you think she could have and should have behaved differently is a matter of opinion.

    However I don't believe Eleonora is a rude and bad mannered girl in general. I believe she lost herself in the heat of the moment and couldn't think straight anymore. So she didn't act correctly and she wasn't dignified and perhaps she was unfair to Skin. But she paid a heavy price for this because it was all done in public and therefore provoked a very public judgement. That's why I feel sorry for her. Even if she herself chose to enter the competition and could (should?) have expected everything she got out of making that decision.


    Ps: As I said my knowledge of Italian is very minimal so I may have missed many rude expressions that Eleonora used. If so, my opinion about her (not having) general rudeness and bad manners could be mistaken. But I would still like her and feel sorry for her. She has a very kind face and she stole my heart with her audition and with the interpretation of the song Sally.

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  11. You need to watch Xtra factor.She got eliminated,and afterwards she behaved very bad towards Skin and everyone.She was very rude and brutal,she started to blame her coach because her fail. Mika tried to explain her the reality,but in vain,she left the stage without any dignity :sneaky2:

    Yes, rather disturbing to watch, especially after the very dignified and elegant way Eva left the competition last week, what a difference. I'd like to add the two worst performances chosen by the audience were Eleonora's and Margherita's, both part of Skin's team, so she was forced to save one of her girls and let the other one go out and she chose to save Margherita. Therefore Eleonora got mad at her, saying things such as "I don't wanna listen to what she has to say, I don't give a f*ck about her, I don't give a f*ck we're live on a tv show, I trusted her but I learned you can never trust anyone". You could tell how Skin was upset about having to choose between two of her girls and even more when she understood how angry at her Eleonora was. Very childish and disrespectful behaviour.

    I was shocked by Eleonora's behaviour in Xtrafactor! She was so mean :sneaky2: Happy she left the competition!


    I just watched the Live-3 Extra and I felt sorry for Eleonora. I have little understanding of Italian so I can't understand most of the things Eleonora said and I can't judge the rudeness of her expressions. But I can see that she was very upset and disappointed. I'm not saying her behaviour was correct but I believe the X factor show puts very much pressure on all the candidats. And she couldn't cope with that. She is a rather special girl, a bit extreme and this reaction was also extreme. I hope people will leave her alone now so she can get some rest. Hopefully she will develop her singing and performing talents. I've liked her since her performances in the auditions and bootcamp. Wasn't impressed by her performances in the live shows though and I think it's good that she's left the X factor now.
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  12. Because it didn't go over well in New York either. If you are Dutch or Korean Mika is already a foreign language artist, to us he is not. When I first discovered Mika I had no idea that he even spoke French and, despite his later propaganda where he claimed he "always wanted to make French music", it was almost 5 years before he expressed any interest at all in making non English music. For many years and two albums he was a British artist singing English music and London is his home gig. Why is it so absurd to expect him to sing Rain (or any one of a dozen popular English songs) instead of a song that is not on any of his albums because even the record company has deemed it is not for UK audiences?

    He bends over backwards to cater to local people everywhere except his home gig. And he knows they are not open to it. He prefaced the song by explaining some of the words and promising it was the only French song he would do. Why? If you know they don't know the song and will not understand it and are going to balk at the idea of multiple French songs during a gig then why go down that route? What is the point?

    It's not absurd to expect him to sing Rain. It just didn't happen because it's also not absurd of him to try a song that has been a public's favourite in his last shows. Especially not because he clearly loves making a whole act out of it and probably hoped that that act would also conquer the English fans.


    The explaining of the words is part of the performance. He did it everywhere. The clip of BBB in Amsterdam had so many hits because of the interaction with a young fan that he used as a translator. Mika likes to be playful with words and movements on stage and this song is perfect for that. Okay, it didn't work so well in London (and in New York). Perhaps he gives up now and will not do it again which is a pity for some English people that can't travel to the rest of Europe to hear his french songs. But it sure will be a blessing for others. ;)

  13. In defence of the "French crap" that I (dutch) happen to like a lot :dunno: : BBB worked very well in Amsterdam even if the song isn't on the CD versions that are available in Holland. In fact the clip of that performance is second best in hits (of the Amsterdam gig videos) on YouTube.

    And I believe the song was a big succes at all the European concerts (and in Korea/Japan?).


    So why not take a chance that it could work in London as well?  I'm sure there were also people in the Adelphi who were very glad that they could hear a live performance of BBB (as I was in Amsterdam).

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  14. Thanks a lot again for all these videos, Eriko. I'm very glad that you always succeed in posting them here so soon.


    I just watched the last episode. I'm a little bit sad that Marco Gori wasn't chosen. I very much liked his kind face and huge talking eyes. He also has a beautiful voice but i found his sense of rythm rather weird sometimes. And I don't very well see him as a pop star so i understand Mika's choice but still...unhappy that he's gone. Don't have much feelings for the remaining three candidates of this team although the young boy (forgot his name, Leonardo?) is sweet and sang very well.


    I was disappointed in Eleonora this time. I love the song she chose (Margherita) but her emotional shouting felt repetitive and therefore a bit boring. However I liked the soft ending of the song. It could very well be that the cutting of the clip didn't do justice to her singing. I'm looking forward to hearing her perform an entire song. Hope she does well in the live shows.

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  15. Me neither, but my sister yes and she said it to me, to made me see them (but everyone can see them even without having an account).I hope too that Mika isn't too bothered by it, he's an intelligent man. It's just that I am disappointed that these things happen here in Italy.


    I completely understand that you are disappointed. I feel bad too ( and strangely enough also fascinated) when I see things like that. That's why I stay away from social media. I'd never never want to be famous like Mika or other public figures and I often wonder how he can cope with the effects of his fame. Probably by not reading or watching everything that is said about him.
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  16. Yes, this is the point. Between a giggle or a spontaneous laughter that lasts one minute and - il "prenderlo continuamente in giro" - continuously make fun of (mock/ridicule) him on socials and media whenever he makes a mistake there is a a big difference. For the last error, the "scritto" typo, they are continuing from Saturday. Also there are a few that ape him for the way he speaks Italian, as if he were an idiot. It's a stupid thing, not funny at all, but I think too that "Mika is a smart guy and I'm sure he can tell the ignorant people from the sensitive ones."

    Moreover, when I said "that now they are "having fun" with something even worse and distasteful/offensive, tagging it/them to him, without any respect. There's a limit to everything!" , I was talking, maybe you know, about those offensive photoshopped pictures, manips with images and phrases of sexual nature, which are now everywhere, on socials, tagged to him, for a few days. Awfully disrespectful. I hope that they'll stop soon, but I'm not very optimistic about it, until someone intervenes and tells them clearly to stop.

    When I read this, I'm happy that I never see those tweets and pictures. Since I have no twitteraccount and hardly use Facebook I'm blissfully unaware of all the distasteful things that are said and done on social media. Hopefully Mika is too (or "smart enough etc. etc.
  17. You are welcome!  :)


    I like her too. She, like Elio said in an interview, also Mara Maionchi and all judges, is a true performer, a little strange and it's absolutely necessary for her to do some singing lessons to improve the control of her voice, being a self-taught/autodidact without ever having done any singing lesson, but she has a soul with so much to say and express.

    But I don't know if she will go to the Live Shows, and honestly I don't even know if it would be good for her to go there because I don't think that she will stay in the competition more than one episode. Unfortunately she is too strange for the average Italian public, people on socials don't like her and they say it with words not at all nice, also in the press there are very mixed reviews. They fail to see her potential and for me this is very disappointing. It would be nice if some producer could give her an opportunity, but I don't know  :dunno: We'll see.

    You're probably right that it wouldn't be good for Eleonora to stay in X-factor. She's very young and in the beginning of her singing career. All the publicity and the tv-show elements might harm her individuality. Usually the contestants get less interesting and more uniform in the live shows because of the styling and the choice of songs. It''s perhaps better for her to stay at the back ground for now and to concentrate on getting a musical education. As I said I would love to see more of her but I can wait. 

    She reminds me a bit of a dutch singer, Wende Snijders. Same intensity and power but Wende has a more developed and controlled (and different) voice. Here's a song by her: 

  18. Actually, there are some different interpretations of the lyrics of this song, written and sung by Vasco Rossi.

    The first is that Sally is a woman Vasco met or saw after a party he attended in Saint Tropez, with rich people and far from his way of being. So, annoyed by the situation and by the behavior of those people, he was impressed by a woman that he saw later and immediately he wrote this song. This "special" woman had a different attitude from all the others, she seemed sad and marked by life, walking alone. In the text, in fact, Sally is a woman who thinks about her life journey, the mistakes and the pain she had to suffer because of wrong companions. A woman disillusioned by life, who lost, through the disappointments, the ingenuity and the carefree of youth and now observes life through different eyes, often cold and disenchanted. In the end, however, we understand that Sally finds an inner strength with which to start again and return to her own path in life, learning from the past and leaving alive the hope for the future. "Live each moment as if it were your last" is one of the messages of this text, to live a life without regret and without any obstacle or physical, psychological or moral preclusion.

    The second interpretation is that Sally is the image and projection of Vasco Rossi himself. Vasco would have used "Sally" to hide the true identity of the protagonist of the song that would be just the same author. In fact, several parts of the text can well adapt to the turbulent past of Vasco (drugs, prison and repeated music failures) and his present, thoughtful and conscious of his own life and his own ability/talent.

    another interpretation, considered by many people less likely than the others, is that Sally was a drug addict girl/woman, who was a/worked as a prostitute to buy drugs.


    There is also a cover of this song, by Fiorella Mannoia, another important Italian singer, and I think this is the version sung/performed by Eleonora.


    Thanks a lot for the explanation and the clip. I listened to the versions of Vasco Rossi and Fiorella Mannoia and although they might sing better than Eleonora, I still prefer her version. I love her voice, interpretation and intonation. She is so raw and intense in this performance. Her version is much shorter though. I'd very much like to hear if she can manage to sing the whole song and keep it interesting. I hope she will stay in the competition for a long time. I want to hear much more of her 

  19. i  love Eleonora, she has a great voice and she is very special. 

    It's so funny when you see those other girls in the 6 chairs watching this amazing powerful performance. They sort of disappear into beautiful nothingness.  

    I keep watching this clip again and again. She tells a story that I don't understand but keeps me fascinated. I wonder what's the song about.

    Edit: I found the lyrics. Still don't understand it all but it helps a lot.  Beautiful song. 

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  20. Beautiful video, Nina. Thank you so much for filming this . And thanks to Eriko for posting it here.

    I love this song more and more. It has always been my favorite one of NPIH because of Mika's wonderful low voice in it. I used to love the falsetto (still do in older recordings) but at present I prefer it when he sings in a lower register.


    This is a very powerful performance, he's very concentrated. Was it as special listening to the song live that evening as it seems when I'm watching the video?

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  21. Hi!


    My names is Marta and I come from Italy. I love Mika for a billion reasons that surely passed along to you, but I have one very personal and I would share it with you. When I was a little girl I saw and knew death too early and this for me was upset. I could not very well to express my emotions, I was always very sad and spoke little. When I started listening to Mika I was happy because he spoke the words that I had in my head. Even today is so, one day I would meet him but I never had a chance, I think I see him really help. now I have a personal blog where I collect all the beautiful letters that I would send him. Soon aptiro a section where everyone can write him a letter. This is the link: http://letterstomika.altervista.org if you like past :)

    Welcome to MFC. That's a beautiful and moving story you tell here, I'm very glad you got to know Mika at that difficult period of your life. I've experienced myself how much joy and  happiness he can give with his songs and voice. So I think I know a little bit of what you are writing about. I looked at your website but since I hardly know any Italian, I can't read your letters. But it certainly looks like you can express your emotions very well now.

    Good luck with your project and I hope you will meet him one day. :thumb_yello:

  22. I had my flight to Como from Spain and the flight of my friend already booked. 


    If anyone has two tickets... please let me know. 


    I feel really bad now, totally stupid. I never thought this could happen. 

    But I´ve learned a couple of things about this. 

    I'm so sorry for you. But don't feel stupid. I'd already orginized days off at work. We had to take some risks at so short notice.

    I think it's very unfortunate (for us) that the x-factor auditions are broadcasted these weeks and he's so bloody adorable there.


    Well I'm done crying. Still very disappointed though (with a million others probably).

    I'm going to watch the Greek Miriam audition again. I need something nice now and he's so funny and sweet in that fragment. I love the look on his face when she turns the picture she made and he sees his own face.


    And then back to work. This Mika fan ship is taking too much time.

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