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Posts posted by NaoMika

  1. I can agree with this review in many aspects. Straightforward written with positive comments.  :thumb_yello:



    My Name Is Michael Holbrook
    by JC Alvarez
    Monday Oct 14, 2019




    Pop...with a purpose.

    Yes! Pop music can have a relevance; it doesn't have to always be about the sexy "thrusts" or the torture of "heartache" or the sound of the 808 drums. On his latest full-length album release, MIKA took some time — four years actually — to get the formula just right. The singer/songwriter has minimized the clutter, singling himself among artists and acts on today's pop spectrum by borrowing heavily from what's popular but also throwing in plenty of his own personality to really excite on the narrative.


    MIKA has given the new album an appropriately autobiographical title. On "My Name Is Michael Holbrook," the setlist brightly features the strength of the artist's lyrical sense and especially his beautifully dynamic vocals. The new album continues to promote MIKA as an able lyricist and his musicality undoubtedly marks him among one of the most interesting musicians currently on the pop music spectrum. There are several influences floating around the album, which can't be denied.


    Many of the tracks are reminiscent of Elton John's emotive ability, while others have a spectacularly Freddie Mercury like appeal (which he's often compared to). Fortunately on every effort MIKA is able to allow his own sound to filter through; the unobtrusive instrumentation and arrangements support his beautifully solid vocals. "Sanremo" is easily transportive, with its Nu-Disco wash and hip swing. It's just one of the more romantically-infused tracks; another is an ode to his own sister, "Paloma," which beautifully captures his affection for his sibling.


    Uncompromisingly moving at many times, and heart-breaking at others, the album's setlist is perfectly constructed — almost playing out like a musical. MIKA exploits genres and styles that haven't been relevant in recent pop releases, there are jaunts into '60s-sounding riffs, while others are snapshots from Elton John's songbook, but everything sounds very MIKA, and authentically so. On the duet "Ready To Call This Love" featuring Jack Savoretti, the pair joyfully revel in a gloriously lush love song that has a significantly contemporary feel.


    The track moves effortlessly into the up-tempo "Cry," which is much more reminiscent of '80s Euro-Pop, with its synth beats and wispy sound effects. "Platform Ballerinas" keeps the beat moving with its much deeper and hooky riffs. Its a powerfully affirming anthem and perhaps the most joyful in the bunch. "Ice Cream" is every bit the MIKA we've all come to know and love; the track has an eruptively sexy chorus that you just want to wrap your mouth around. If it wasn't fall, the track would have been a perfect song of the summer — it's fortunate for us climate change is a thing.

    • Like 2
  2. Wow, MIKA sung five songs - I've watched snippets of GK and Relax on IG... does anybody know the rest of the  five-song set?


    Virgin Atlantic




    The Virgin Atlantic Attitude Awards 2019


    Sam Smith, Taron Egerton and Christine and the Queens were among the winners at last night’s Virgin Atlantic Attitude Awards.

    Hosted at London’s Roundhouse venue in Camden, the Virgin Atlantic Attitude Awards celebrate the best of the LGBT+ community and its allies. Entertainment at the star-studded event included a roof-raising performance from Ava Max, who also picked up the award for Attitude’s 2019 Breakthrough Artist.


    Tsemaye Bob-Egbe, star of Tina The Musical, delivered the class Proud Mary and classical music sensation Katherine Jenkins performed a goose-bump-inducing take on the Judy Garland hit Somewhere Over The Rainbow. Music Award recipient Mika closed the evening with a five-song set of his chart-toppers.




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  3. 14 minutes ago, kreacher said:

    This was my thinking too. Like, I doubt Paloma and Mama P helped cowrite Tiny Love Reprise :dunno:


    We can see more names in details on Amazon fr. site.



    Mika (Interprète, Artiste, Choir, Autre contribuant, Auteur),   
    Peter Randall (Interprète),   
    Pete Randall (Interprète, Artiste),   
    Paloma Penniman (Interprète),   
    Mary Joan Penniman (Interprète),   
    David Sneddon (Interprète, Artiste, Choir, Auteur),   
    Dan Priddy (Interprète, Artiste, Choir, Autre contribuant, Auteur),   
    Bill Banwell (Interprète),   
    Tim Vanderkuil (Artiste, Choir),   
    Tim Van Der Kuil (Artiste, Choir),   
    Steve Morris (Artiste),   
    Sally Jackson (Artiste),   
    Rosie Danvers (Artiste, Arrangeur),   
    Paul Dixon (Artiste, Choir),   
    Patrick Kiernan (Artiste),   
    Nick Barr (Artiste),   
    Natalia Bonner (Artiste),   
    Mitchell Yoshida (Artiste, Choir, Arrangeur, Autre contribuant),   
    Mark Crew (Artiste, Autre contribuant, Auteur),   
    John Blease (Artiste),   
    Jack Duxbury (Artiste),   
    Helen Hathorn (Artiste),   
    George Moore (Artiste, Autre contribuant, Auteur),   
    Eleanor Mathieson (Artiste),   
    Deborah Widdup (Artiste),   
    Bryony James (Artiste),   
    Bruce White (Artiste),   
    Anna Croad (Artiste),   
    Andy Cortez (Artiste),   
    Tiago Mendonca (Choir),   
    Sonny Cash (Choir),   
    Paulo Ramos (Choir),   
    Oliver Kotia (Choir),   
    Max Taylor (Choir),   
    Mark Kendrick (Choir),   
    Jenny Dariya (Choir),   
    India Watts (Choir),   
    Honor Griffiths (Choir),   
    Hannah Pigott (Choir),   
    Catheline Maurin (Choir),   
    Brendan Reilly (Choir),   
    Beth Tyson (Choir),   
    Amy Wadge (Choir, Auteur),   
    Rachel Staunton (Arrangeur),   
    Laura Howe (Arrangeur),   
    Jonathan Quarmby (Arrangeur, Autre contribuant),   
    Curtis Stansfield (Arrangeur),   
    Lorna Blackwood (Autre contribuant),   
    Joel Davies (Autre contribuant),   
    Jack Savoretti (Autre contribuant),  
    Harry Burr (Autre contribuant),   
    Daniel Black (Autre contribuant, Auteur),   
    Dan Grech (Autre contribuant),   
    Charles Haydon Hicks (Autre contribuant),   
    Andrew Maury (Autre contribuant),   
    Jodi Marr (Auteur)   



    • Like 4
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  4. This article read like a personal letter to Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr. from MIKA himself.  :tears:


    Le Figaro Magazine


    Mika par Mika

    Jean-Christophe Buisson
    1367 words
    27 September 2019



    En pleine tournée triomphale aux Etats-Unis, le chanteur sort son nouvel album en France le 4 octobre. En exclusivité pour “Le Figaro Magazine”, il s'est livré à un autoportrait aussi sincère qu'original.


    Ton nom est Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr., tu es né en 1983 à Beyrouth. Une enfance en transit entre un Liban rouge sang, un Paris doré et un Londres noir fluo. Mon nom est Mika, je suis né en 2006 à Miami. Quatre chansons envoyées aux maisons de disques avec des boîtes coloriées, déferlante mondiale. Tu es ce garçon étrange qui erre somnambule la nuit dans les rues du XVIe arrondissement. Ce garçon mutique, souffre-douleur d'une institutrice sadique, qui se sauve. Je suis ce personnage espiègle qui s'épanouit dans un bordel magnifique et chaleureux. Ce personnage joyeux qui rêve au rythme des claquettes dans le salon transformé en atelier de couture soyeux. Plus jeune, je détestais qu'on m'appelle Michael. En même temps, je ne t'ai jamais vraiment perdu de vue… Life in Cartoon Motion c'était moi, c'était toi déjà. A moi les rythmes pop acidulés comme les chewing-gums de notre enfance. Ces gommes parfumaient le sac de notre grand-mère. A toi les mots sur la transition violente de l'adolescence à l'âge adulte.


    Tu as toujours trouvé qu'il y avait une certaine beauté dans la tristesse, une certaine élégance au spleen oriental. J'ai toujours lutté contre cette mélancolie intime, cette anxiété qui souvent me ronge. Excessif, insatisfait chronique, je ne veux pas te décevoir Michael. Lors de l'enregistrement du dernier album, au printemps, j'en ai même perdu ma voix. Après avoir signé pour mon premier album, j'ai souffert des oreillons. Effets secondaires des défis qui m'apaisent et du danger qui me fouette. Suis-je à la hauteur ? Serai-je compris ? Est-ce que je réussirai une nouvelle fois à séduire mes juges imaginaires ? De quoi est-ce que je me punis ? Même dans le dark, il y a du fun. Si tu es sur le point de pleurer, je te dis « danse ».


    « Tu finiras célèbre ou en prison », répétait notre mère. Quelquefois, les deux se ressemblent, alors pour te libérer, je crée. Artiste et artisan. Créer comme respirer, manger, boire. Une commedia dell'arte à moi tout seul. Secoue cette boule à neige géante avec la musique, maîtresse turbulente, les costumes bariolés et les décors absurdes. Un cabinet de curiosités féerique dont l'origine se trouve dans ces mallettes remplies de cassettes audio que tu classais par émotion et par couleur ou dans ces maquettes de théâtre que tu collectionnais passionnément. Créer pour cultiver la différence, entretenir la joie et maintenir dans l'obscurité les démons. Michael assis sur le canapé rouge a vu les huissiers vider notre grand appartement. Michael avec son nœud papillon et son short rose a reçu des cannettes et des pierres sur la tête. Créer pour tenir à distance du regard de la foule l'homme que tu es. Ces regards braqués sur toi sur la scène du Royal Opera de Londres quand tu chantais dans Die Frau ohne Schatten, de Richard Strauss. Ces corps en sueur hurlant mon nom quand je chantais Grace Kelly au Parc des Princes. Je lui ai donné une part de ton intimité, à cette foule. J'ai appris à lui faire confiance. Dès le début, par petites touches dans mes chansons tout en m'en défendant. « Je ne veux pas que l'on m'étiquette, seule ma musique compte », était ma réponse lorsque les curieux m'interrogeaient sur ta sexualité. Leur insistance à te coller une identité immuable me révoltait. Peu à peu, j'ai accepté de leur livrer tes rires, tes larmes, tes engagements. Notre seule identité, c'est la culture. Le bâtard culturel, comme disaient nos parents, s'est mué en esthète éclectique. La peinture, la musique classique, la littérature, la mode te cachent.


    Je me nourris de toi Michael mais je te protège. Notre tribu nous protège. Les femmes fortes… Notre mère battante qui t'envoie jouer au parc et te confie à une chanteuse d'opéra russe. En anglais, growing up s'utilise autant pour un homme que pour une fleur. Grandir, fleurir grâce à Joannie. Nos sœurs fusionnelles.


    Paloma miraculée, que tu as failli perdre à jamais une nuit de 2010. Elle rend possible l'impossible.


    Jasmine, essentielle coloriste des songes qui entre dans ton esprit pour coucher mon imagination sur le papier.


    Zuleika, précieuse comme les pierres qu'elle polit pour ses bijoux délicats.


    Les hommes fidèles…


    Notre père, présent dans tous les moments clés de la vie, qui t'a appris la liberté.


    Michael, l'ex-otage, que tu appelais par son prénom à son retour du Koweït parce qu'il n'était plus tout à fait lui.


    Notre frère qui te ressemble tant, Fortuné, architecte né des caprices du destin.


    Enfin notre compagnon, Andy, le pudique, qui m'offre la constance malgré les périls.


    Tous sont l'archange Gabriel venant à la rencontre de la Vierge dans L'Annonciation de Fra Angelico sur les murs du couvent San Marco, à Florence.


    Florence, Londres, Paris, Los Angeles… Te souviens-tu face à l'étang de Kensington Square, tu rêvais de te transformer en canard, oiseau migrateur capable de voler et de nager. Aujourd'hui, je vis de ville en ville, de continent en continent. Les avions ont remplacé la Toyota Previa blanche des parents. Tu ne ruses plus dans les hôtels pour dormir à sept dans une seule chambre. J'aurais plutôt tendance à être seul dans une suite où toute la famille et les amis pourraient festoyer jusqu'au petit matin. Mais si demain tout s'arrête, si demain tout disparaît, je me réinventerai, saltimbanque aussi à l'aise dans les palais que dans les bas-fonds. J'ai 36 ans, j'aime l'empreinte du temps sur ta peau, les traces des douleurs sur ton visage. L'avenir ne te fait pas peur parce que j'ai toujours faim.


    Avec ce nouvel album portant ton nom, je te laisse une place immense, je reviens sur tes pas. Je recommence à zéro, semblable et différent à la fois. Pendant deux ans, je n'ai rien pu écrire. J'étais dans ma bulle, en mouvement, à l'affût mais silencieux. Les disques, les tournées, la promo, la télé ici et ailleurs, j'ai laissé Mika la pop star prendre trop de place dans ta vie. J'avais perdu l'étincelle. La flamme s'est pourtant ravivée au moment où la lumière était plus rare… Ce fut la lumière blanche des cabinets médicaux pour ma mère. Ce fut la lumière sombre des cérémonies d'adieu. La mort d'Odette d'abord, notre grand-mère qu'on appelait mère, parce qu'à 34 ans, elle s'estimait trop jeune pour avoir des petits-enfants.


    Finalement, le temps a gagné. Il a aussi rattrapé Bella qui veillait sur notre famille à Londres. My Name is Michael Holbrook est né de cette période d'introspection et de disparition. Mes textes, ce sont tes souvenirs, tes sensations. Mes mélodies, ce sont tes vieux Polaroid qui peuplent le grenier. La vie défile comme un paysage projeté en transparence derrière les vitres d'une voiture immobile dans un film en Technicolor… Les cheveux blonds de Grace Kelly au vent… Monte le volume de l'autoradio au maximum.


    Alors, j'ai pris la route du sud des Etats-Unis. Papa y a grandi sans frontières, fils de diplomate. Maman s'y est réveillée à la fin d'un American dream brisé un jour de krach boursier. Dans les allées du cimetière de Bonaventure, à Savannah, je retrouve tous ces Michael Holbrook Penniman gravés dans la pierre. Michael, prénom inscrit à l'état civil, par tradition paternelle… Mika, prénom donné quelques heures après ta naissance par amour maternel. Nous nous mélangeons comme les couleurs des boules de glace sous la chaleur intense du soleil. Alors, l'enfant terrible demande à l'Homme libre : « S'il te plaît, reste étrange. »





    (Google Translation)


    Mika Mika



    In full triumphant tour of the United States, the singer released her new album in France on 4 October. Exclusively for "Le Figaro Magazine", it has engaged in a self-portrait as sincere original.

    Your name is Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr., you were born in 1983 in Beirut. Childhood in Lebanon transit between a blood red, a gilded Paris and London neon black. My name is Mika, I was born in 2006 in Miami. Four songs sent to record labels with colored boxes, global flood. You're this strange boy who wanders sleepwalking at night in the streets of the sixteenth arrondissement. This mute boy whipping a sadistic teacher, who saves. I'm this mischievous character who thrives in a beautiful and warm brothel. This cheerful character who dreams to the rhythm of tap dancing in the living room transformed into silky sewing workshop. Younger, I hated that my name is Michael. At the same time, I never really lost sight of you ... Life in Cartoon Motion was me, you were already. To me the rhythms pop tart as chewing gum from our childhood. These gums perfumed bag of our grandmother. To you the words on the violent transition from adolescence to adulthood.


    You always thought there was a certain beauty in sadness, a certain elegance in East spleen. I have always struggled against this intimate melancholy, this anxiety which often gnaws at me. Excessive, chronic dissatisfaction, I do not want to disappoint Michael. When recording the last album in the spring, I even lost my voice. After signing for my first album, I suffered mumps. Side effects of the challenges that soothe me and danger whipping me. Am I up to it? Will I be understood? Did I succeed again to seduce my imaginary judges? What do I punished? Even in the dark, there is fun. If you're about to cry, I tell you "dance".

    "You'll end up in jail or famous," repeated our mother. Sometimes the two are similar, then to release you, I create. Artist and craftsman. Create like breathing, eating, drinking. A commedia dell'arte to myself. Shake this giant snow globe with music, turbulent mistress, the colorful costumes and sets absurd. A fairytale of curiosities whose origin is in these cases full of cassette tapes you classais by emotion and by color or theater in these models you used to collect passionately. Create to cultivate the difference, maintain joy and keep in the dark demons. Michael sitting on the red couch saw bailiffs empty our largest apartment. Michael with his bow tie and pink shorts received cans and stones on his head. Create to hold off the look of the crowd the man you are. These looks at you, the Royal Opera of London scene when you sang in Die Frau ohne Schatten, Richard Strauss. These sweaty body screaming my name when I sang Grace Kelly at Parc des Princes. I gave him a share of your privacy in this crowd. I learned to trust him. From the start bit by bit in my songs while defending me. "I do not want people label me, only my music account" was my response when questioned me curious about your sexuality. Their insistence to stick you an immutable identity revolted me. Gradually, I agreed to hand over your laughter, your tears, your commitments. Our only identity is culture. The cultural bastard, like our parents said, has evolved into eclectic esthete. The painting, classical music, literature, fashion hide you.

    I feed you Michael but I will protect you. Our tribe protects us. Strong women ... Our swing mother sent you to the park and entrust you to a Russian opera singer. In English, growing up is used as much for a man than for a flower. Grow, bloom with Joannie. Our fusional sisters.


    Paloma miraculously, you almost never lose a night of 2010. It makes the impossible possible.


    Jasmine essential colorist dreams that enters your mind for sleep my imagination on paper.

    Zuleika, precious stones as she polishes for its delicate jewelry.


    Faithful men ...


    Our father, present in all the key moments of life, who taught freedom.

    Michael, the former hostage, you called by his first name on his return from Kuwait because he was not quite it.


    Our brother who looks like you so much, Fortuné, born architect of fate whims.


    Finally our companion, Andy, the modest, which gives me the constancy despite the dangers.

    All are from the Archangel Gabriel at the meeting of the Virgin in the Annunciation by Fra Angelico on the walls of the convent of San Marco in Florence.


    Florence, London, Paris, Los Angeles ... you remember facing the pond Kensington Square, you dreamed to turn you into a duck, migratory birds can fly and swim. Today I live in town city, from continent to continent. The planes have replaced the white Toyota Previa parents. You do more tricks in hotels to sleep at seven in one room. I tend to be alone in a suite where the whole family and friends could celebrate until dawn. But if tomorrow everything stops, everything disappears if tomorrow, I réinventerai also acrobat comfortable in the palace in the shallows. I'm 36, I like the imprint of time on your skin, traces of pain on your face. The future does not frighten you because I'm always hungry.

    With this new album with your name, I leave you a huge place, I go back on your steps. I start from scratch, similar and different at once. For two years, I have written nothing. I was in my bubble, moving, on the lookout but silent. The records, touring, promo, tv here and elsewhere, I left the pop star Mika take too much space in your life. I had lost the spark. The flame was rekindled yet when the light was rare ... It was the white light of surgeries for my mother. It was the dark light of farewell ceremonies. The death of Odette First, our grandmother was called mother because at 34, she considered herself too young to have grandchildren.

    Finally, the time gained. He also caught Bella watching over our family in London. My Name is Michael Holbrook was born this period of introspection and demise. My texts are your memories, your feelings. My melodies, it's your old Polaroid that inhabit the attic. Life will change as a landscape projected in transparency behind the windows of a stationary car in a film in Technicolor ... Blonde hair Grace Kelly in Monte wind ... the volume of the radio up.


    So I took the Southern United States road. Dad grew up there without borders, son of a diplomat. Mom woke them at the end of an American dream shattered one day stock market crash. In the alleys of the cemetery Bonaventure, Savannah, I found all these Michael Holbrook Penniman etched in stone. Michael, first registered in the civil status, by paternal tradition ... Mika, first some hours after your birth by maternal love. We mix we like the colors of ice balls in the intense heat of the sun. So, the enfant terrible asks the Freeman: "Please, remains strange. "■



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  5. MIKA来日時にインタヴューされている今泉圭姫子さんが、UDiscoverMusicのThrow Back to the Futureという連載コラムで、MIKAを取り上げてくださいました!





    Published on  8月 29, 2019





    ラジオDJ、ライナー執筆など幅広く活躍されている今泉圭姫子さんの連載「今泉圭姫子のThrow Back to the Future」の第27回。

    今回は2019年2019年10月4日に5枚目となるニュー・アルバム『My Name Is Michael Holbrook』を発売するMIKAについて過去のインタビューなどの思い出とともに執筆していただきました。


    36歳になったMIKAが、5枚目にあたるアルバム『My Name Is Michael Holbrook』を2019年10月4日にリリースします。なんと4年振りです。2007年に発表したデビュー・アルバム『Life In A Cartoon Motion』が世界的なヒットを記録し、MIKA独特のカラフルなポップ・アートを音楽に表現した世界観は一気に注目されました。そしてその素晴らしいパフォーマンスは、渋谷の小さなライヴハウスで行われたショウケースでも、その後の新木場スタジオコーストやNHKホールでも、どんなところでも感じ取ることができました。「すべて計算している」と言うMIKA。完璧なショウとして演出することが、彼が目指すエンターテインメントの世界です。












    アルバム『No Place in Heaven』に収録されている「Last Party」はフレディに捧げた曲と言われていました。「この曲のすべてではないけど、一部にそんな思いを入れ込んでいる。この曲は、30代の男として、音楽を作っているものとして、何が重要になっているのかという、コミュニケーションの手段を表した。複雑さを取り除いていくことの重要性かな」。MVは、カラフルでポップなMIKAのこれまでのイメージとは異なっています。ワンカメで撮られたシリアスな表情のMIKA。強烈な印象を残してくれました。「コンサートでも、デートをしていても、注目を浴びるのは何なのか、と突き詰めて考えたところ、何も飾らないことだって気づいたんだ」。




    新作からは、すでに先行シングルとして「Ice Cream」「Tiny Love」が配信されています。「Ice Cream」は、MIKAのカラフルでブライトポップに溢れたサウンド。そして「Tiny Love」は、ピアノマンである彼の魅力とドラマチックなコーラスワーク、そして“僕は83年生まれのマイケル・ホルブルック〜“という歌詞から、新作に対するテーマが見え隠れします。MIKAの作品は、アルバム全楽曲を聴いてこそ、彼のメッセージが伝わってきます。今回は、自分自身のアイデンティティに立ち返った作品となっているのでしょうか? その想像が膨らみます。前回のインタビューで、「次のプラン?それは今は教えられない。2つのプロジェクトを考えているんだ。サプライズになるから、絶対に今は言えないよ」と笑いながら話をしていましたが、そのプランのひとつが新作であることは間違いないわけで、その新作に、どんなサプライズが隠されているのかがドキドキです。今からアルバムの到着が楽しみ!!



    Written By 今泉圭姫子



    • Like 1
  6. Music video of Last party is mentioned as his notable work on obituary for Peter Lindbergh.



    Rolling Stone


    Peter Lindbergh, Rolling Stone Cover Photographer, Dead at 74

    Kory Grow
    710 words
    4 September 2019

    Peter Lindbergh, the renowned fashion photographer who shot Mick Jagger and Keith Richards for the cover of Rolling Stone, died Tuesday. His Instagram announced the news but did not reveal cause of death. He was 74.


    Lindbergh will be best remembered for his stark, powerful black-and-white portraits of model and celebrities. He was also staunchly opposed to photo retouching.

    His 1995 Mick Jagger cover captured the Rolling Stones frontman with his hands clasped in front of his face, looking at the camera knowingly — perfect for the headline “Jagger Remembers.” Meanwhile, his 2010 Keith Richards shot (a rare Lindbergh image in color) caught the guitarist looking relaxed and casual, staring into the lens with effortless cool. His 1999 Nicolas Cage cover, also a rare color image, found the actor flexing his muscles, looking ponderously at the viewer.


    His most iconic image, however, is the January 1990 cover of the U.K. edition of Vogue. For that issue, he assembled Cindy Crawford, Naomi Campbell, Linda Evangelista, Tatjana Patitz, and Christy Turlington all casually looking into the camera. It was the first time the five of them appeared together and it ushered in a new era for supermodels. The five of them would later all reunite for George Michael’s “Freedom ’90” video.


    “I had no idea it was going to be so legendary,” Crawford later said, calling it her “big supermodel moment.” “Vogue’s editor Liz Tilberis had asked Peter Lindbergh to photograph the new woman of the Nineties; Peter’s reply was that he couldn’t do it with just one woman. The idea of beauty had broadened; it could not be summed up with either a blonde, blue-eyed girl or a sexy brunette, he told her. There was change in the air and Peter and Liz picked up on that. We weren’t photographed with a ton of hair and make-up; we were quite undone. Coming out of the Eighties, which was all big hair and boobs pushed up, it felt refreshing and new.”


    Lindbergh was born Peter Brodbeck in what is now Leszno, Poland on November 23rd, 1944. His parents were German and the fled to Duisburg, Germany, because of invading Russian troops when he was two months old, according to The New York Times. He studied art at Berlin’s Academy of Fine Arts and subsequently lived in Düsseldorf and Paris. He stumbled on his love of photography by shooting his brother’s children and decided to make it his career, taking on the name Lindbergh when he learned there was another shutterbug named Peter Brodbeck. He went on to divide his time between Paris, New York, and Arles, France.


    In addition to shooting celebrities, he helmed campaign for Dior, Giorgio Armani, and Prada, among others, and he directed several films and music videos. Notably, he shot Tina Turner’s “Missing You” and Mika’s “Last Party” clips. His 1991 documentary, Models: The Film, focused on the five supermodels he had brought together for the cover of British Vogue.

    His most recent major shoot was again for British Vogue, for an issue guest edited by Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex. “The Duchess of Sussex had worked with Peter in the past and personally chose him to shoot the 15 women on the cover,” a statement from the Duchess and Duke said. “There is no other photographer she considered to bring this meaningful project to life.”


    Honouring the life and work of photographer Peter Lindbergh. His work is revered globally for capturing the essence of a subject and promoting healthy ideals of beauty, eschewing photoshopping, and preferring natural beauty with minimal makeup. The Duchess of Sussex had worked with Peter in the past and personally chose him to shoot the 15 women on the cover for the September issue of British Vogue, which she guest edited. There is no other photographer she considered to bring this meaningful project to life. • “Forces for Change” was the one of the esteemed photographer’s final published projects. He will be deeply missed.


    • Thanks 1
  7. An article with very short review of Tiny Love. My thoughts are the same as this.   :thumb_yello:


    Spotify #3: August's hot drops - Khalid, Masego, MIKA
    Highlighting our favourite new releases with our third curated spotify playlist

    27 Aug 2019 by Valerie Wong




    9. Tiny Love - MIKA

    Tiny Love is an ode to the mundane things about love. The English artist argues that grand actions do not constitute true love, and that it is the smallest things that matter, and fulfil us.

    It is a simple narrative, but one with complex implications, as matters of the heart are often difficult to illustrate.

    The zesty number is the second single off his fifth studio album that’s due to be released on October 4.



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  8. L'Union / L'Ardennais
    La Ville travaille son image sur Instagram
    391 words
    24 August 2019




    Ça n'était pas sur le compte de la Ville, mais sur celui de l'artiste. Quand, à l'occasion du #Grand Live Contact FM, Mika a, sur Instagram, posté une photo de lui sous les parapluies de la rue Châtelaine, elle a été likée 60000 fois. Un sacré coup de projecteur sur la cité médiévale que la Ville a évidemment partagé sur sa page Facebook, avec 934 j'aime à la clé.


    Le bon choix de Mika au #Grand Live


    «Dans les coulisses du #Grand Live, nous avions installé un roll'up avec une photo de la rue Châtelaine. L'idée était que les artistes se prennent devant ou aient envie d'y aller. C'est ce qu'a préféré Mika», explique David Vitu, le directeur de cabinet du maire, pour qui cela démontre aussi l'importance que revêt aujourd'hui Instagram dans l'univers des réseaux sociaux. Sur Instagram, il y a une vraie croissance d'abonnés, contrairement à Facebook David Vitu, directeur de cabinet «Tout le monde se focalise sur Facebook, mais beaucoup de jeunes sont sur Instagram, où il y a une vraie croissance d'abonnés, contrairement à Facebook», relève David Vitu. La Ville de Laon a créé son compte Instagram en 2017. Il rassemble aujourd'hui 2352 followers, dont 45% de Laonnois. Les Villes de Soissons et Saint-Quentin en comptent respectivement 602 et 1458. «Ça n'est pas la masse d'abonnés qui compte mais ce sont de vrais ambassadeurs de Laon. Instagram privilégie la pertinence des publications, l'engagement. Nous avons beaucoup plus de j'aime - souvent de 200 à 300 - avec Instagram», pointe le directeur de cabinet du maire.


    Une communication plus créative


    Un coup d'accélérateur a été donné par la Ville à l'utilisation d'Instagram il y a une année environ.

    «Instagram est plus créatif, plus visuel, et nous permet de toucher un autre public que Facebook autour de trois thématiques principales, les événements, la culture et le patrimoine, et le développement durable. Il faut des beaux visuels, de la qualité», détaille encore David Vitu. À ses yeux, «les gens se réapproprient aussi leur ville. Nous avons plus de photos de la rue Châtelaine que de la cathédrale. Cela donne une image plus dynamique et c'est un vrai vecteur de promotion.» Philippe Robin


    (Google Translation)


    The City is working his image on Instagram

    It was not on behalf of the City, but on that of the artist. When, at the #Grand Live Contact FM, Mika, on Instagram , posted a picture of him under the umbrellas of Chatelaine street she was LiKee 60000 times. Quite a spotlight on the medieval city that the City has obviously shared his page on Facebook , with 934 I like to drive.


    The right choice of Mika Live at #Grand


    "Backstage Live #Grand, we installed a Roll'up with a picture of Chatelaine street. The idea was that artists take to have or want to go. This was preferred Mika "says David Vitu, the mayor's chief of staff, for which it also demonstrates the importance that today takes on Instagram in the world of social networks. On Instagram , there is a real growth of subscribers, unlike Facebook David Vitu, Chief of Staff "Everyone focuses on Facebook , but many young people on Instagram , where there is a real growth of subscribers, unlike Facebook"Notes David Vitu. The City of Laon created his account Instagram in 2017. It brings together 2352 followers today, 45% of Laon. Cities of Soissons and St Quentin have respectively 602 and 1458. "It is not the mass of subscribers that matters, but they are true ambassadors of Laon. Instagram emphasizes the relevance of publications, commitment. We have a lot more I like - often from 200 to 300 - with Instagram "points the private secretary of the mayor.


    A more creative communication


    A boost was given by the city for the use of Instagram there about a year.

    " Instagram is more creative, more visual, and allows us to reach a different audience than Facebook around three main themes, events, culture and heritage, and sustainable development. It takes beautiful visual quality, "explains David still Vitu. In his eyes, "people also reclaim their city. We have more photos of Chatelaine street from the cathedral. This gives a more dynamic image and is a real vector of promotion. "Philippe Robin

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  9. ユニバーサルジャパンのMIKAページに新アルバム情報がアップされていますので、転記しておきます。





    『マイ・ネーム・イズ・マイケル・ホルブルック  / My Name Is Michael Holbrook』
    発売日 2019.10.04
    価 格 ¥2,750 (税込)
    品 番 UICU-1312





    Universal Music Store





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  10. 1 hour ago, mellody said:


    Not sure about the picture in the top though, maybe waves, or a galaxy?


    THE CARINA NEBULA taken by Hubble telescope.



     One of the largest regions of star-birth in the galaxy, the Carina Nebula is made up of vast towers of cool hydrogen that are laced with dust and which are rising from the nebula’s wall. This strikingly beautiful image of stellar creation, taken in 2010, reveals the head of a three-light-year-tall pillar of gas and dust that is being eaten away by the brilliant light from nearby bright stars. The pillar is also being pushed apart from within, as infant stars buried deep inside it fire off jets of gas that can be seen streaming from towering peaks like arrows sailing through the air.



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