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  • Birthday 12/25/1969


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  1. JFYI https://yeah.paleo.ch/en/tickets 1500 tickets will be on sale every morning of the Festival at 9 a.m. (virtual waiting line opening at 8:45 a.m., maximum 2 tickets per person), for the same evening: Tuesday morning sale for Tuesday tickets, Wednesday morning sale for Wednesday tickets and so on! Hope you can get your tickets.
  2. MIKAの誕生日、8月18日にミュージック・エアでMIKAのライヴ映像がオンエアされます 今のところ分かっている情報を共有させていただきます。 https://www.musicair.co.jp/mika_france2022/ https://tvguide.myjcom.jp/detail/?channelType=120&serviceCode=161_65406&eventId=35567&programDate=20240818 --- ミーカ:ライヴ・イン・フランス2022 Ch.355 ミュージック・エア 8月18日(日) 19:20〜20:46 放送時間 86分 ハイビジョン放送 (再放送)8/28(水) 14:30〜 【番組内容】 《曲目》 「Lollipop」 「Origin Of Love」 「Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)」 「Tiny Love」 「Relax, Take It Easy」 「Ice Cream」 「Yo Yo」 「Underwater」 「Happy Ending」 「Elle Me Dit」 「Grace Kelly」 「We Are Golden」 「Love Today」 --- スカパー!/J:COM/ケーブルTVで視聴可能です。 事前に契約が必要な場合があります。 こちらをご参考に。 https://www.musicair.co.jp/how/ ぜひ、SNSなどで放送予定の拡散&放送後にはミュージック・エアさんに感想などをお願いします。 今後のMIKA関連コンテンツのオンエアにつなげたいですね。 NaoMika☆
  3. お知らせいただきありがとうございます。 今年は早速寄付してきました   円安なので、例年よりちょっと減額しちゃったけど  毎年参加していますが、 この企画はUNHCRの活動に協力しながら、MIKAに誕生日祝いのメッセージを伝えられるいい機会だと思っています。 メッセージは日本語でもいいと思いますし、日本のファンのプレゼンスがMIKAに直接伝わるのがうれしいです。
  4. Der Paradiesvogel; Hits wie „Relax, take it easy“ und „Grace Kelly“ machten Mika zum Star. Am 29. Juli kommt er auf den KunstRasen General Anzeiger Von Bernhard Hartmann Tanz auf dem Drehteller, rosa Rock und Rüschenweste: Den Schweizer Siegerauftritt von Nemo beim European Song Contest 2024 (ESC) in Malmö fand Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr. ziemlich klasse. „Er ist ein Riesentalent und hat außerordentliches Potenzial“, schwärmt er im Gespräch mit dem GA über die außerordentliche Stimme und die glamouröse Erscheinung aus der Schweiz. Im Pop-Business kennt der 40-Jährige sich aus. Unter dem Namen Mika legte der in Beirut geborene libanesisch-britische Popstar selbst früh einen außergewöhnlichen Karrierestart hin: 2007 kam sein Debütalbum „Life in Cartoon Motion“ heraus und setzte sich gleich auf die Spitze der britischen Charts. Der Hit „Relax, Take It Easy“ war darauf zu hören und natürlich „Grace Kelly“, den Mika mit Sicherheit auch bei seinem anstehenden Konzert auf dem Bonner KunstRasen (29. Juli) zum Besten geben wird. Ach, ja, der ESC. Den hat Mika sogar selbst schon moderiert. Zusammen mit Laura Pausini und Alessandro Cattelan 2022 in Turin. Mika liebt glamouröse Shows wie den ESC, wo Künstler die Gelegenheit erhalten, „umgeben von 60 Kameras und bis zu 20.000 Menschen“ ihren Auftritt zu zelebrieren. Zugleich bedauert er, dass diese Shows einer aussterbenden Art angehören. „Es gibt eigentlich keine großen Musikshows mehr“, klagt er. „Selbst die MTV Video Music Awards sind heute nichts mehr im Vergleich zu früher. Es ist kein Event mehr.“ Ein authentischer Europäer Es gibt wahrscheinlich nicht sehr viele Künstler, die den europäischen Gedanken des ESC authentischer vertreten könnten als dieser Sänger. Nach seinen ersten frühen Erfolgen wurde der in Paris und London aufgewachsene Mika selbst zum Karrieremacher von europäischem Format. Er war zwei Jahre lang Juror der italienischen Ausgabe von „X Factor“, anschließend saß er fünf Jahre lang bis 2019 bei der französischen Version von „The Voice“ in der Jury. Und hatte in Italien sogar seine eigene TV-Show. Auch in England ist er ein TV-Star: Dort kann man ihn auf Channel 4 zusammen mit Klaviersuperstar Lang Lang als Juror der Talentshow „The Piano“ erleben. Der Wettbewerb sucht die besten Amateurpianisten des Vereinigten Königreichs an vier außergewöhnlichen Schauplätzen – den Bahnhöfen London St. Pancras, Birmingham New Street, Leeds und Glasgow Central. Während die Amateurpianisten mitten in den belebten Bahnhöfen ihre Geschichten und ihre Musik mit dem Publikum teilen, wird ihr Spiel von Mika und Lang Lang bewertet. Die besten Amateurpianisten treffen sich dann zum großen Finale in der Royal Festival Hall in London. In seinen Shows lebt Mika, der neben Englisch auch fließend Französisch, Italienisch und Spanisch spricht, den europäischen Gedanken vor. „Für mich gehört England zu Europa dazu. Das meine ich wirklich“, unterstreicht er. Den Brexit bewertet er als Fehler und bezeichnet ihn auf politischer Ebene als „Amputation Großbritanniens von Europa“. In kultureller Hinsicht aber seien England und Europa nach wie vor „ein Kontinent“. In jungen Jahren hatte Mika noch ein eher distanziertes Verhältnis zum Medium Fernsehen, das heute ganz natürlich zu seinem Selbstverständnis als Künstler dazugehört. „Ich war sehr zurückhaltend, was das Fernsehen anging“, erzählt er, „und ich war sehr zurückhaltend, was Interviews im Allgemeinen anging.“ Er habe sich isoliert, was die Medien aber nicht daran gehindert habe, sich eine Meinung über ihn zu bilden. Mika: „Und was macht man dann? Man wehrt sich und versteckt sich, man stößt alle weg.“ Doch irgendwann entdeckte er, dass er das Fernsehen benutzen konnte, um „über die Musik, über musikalische Geschichten und auch über meine Geschichte“ zu sprechen. „Das bedeutete plötzlich, dass ich einen direkten Weg hatte, mit den Menschen zu kommunizieren.“ Mika galt in der Schule als Außenseiter und zögerte lange, sich zu seiner Homosexualität zu bekennen. Nun aber spürte er durch die TV-Shows eine ganz neue Freiheit, die ihm ermöglichte, all die unterschiedlichen Einflüsse, die ihn geprägt hatten, auf kreative Weise umzusetzen. „Plötzlich trat ich in Philharmonien und mit Sinfonieorchestern auf“, erzählt der Sänger. „Ich glaube, das wäre nicht möglich gewesen, wenn ich mich nicht dafür geöffnet hätte, zu sagen: Okay, ich bestehe aus all diesen verschiedenen Kulturen, und ich werde zeigen, dass all diese Kulturen zusammengehören.“ Dass der kommerzielle Erfolg dabei eine nachrangige Rolle spielt, nimmt man dem Künstler ohne Weiteres ab. Sein jüngstes, im vergangenen Dezember erschienenes Album trägt den Titel „Que ta tête fleurisse toujours“ (Möge dein Kopf immer blühen) und ist sein erstes, das er komplett in französischer Sprache aufgenommen hat. Ihm ist klar, dass eine englische Version des Albums sich international besser verkaufen würde. „Ich könnte viermal so viel verkaufen und die Streams vervierfachen, wenn ich die englische Version mache“, sagt er, „aber sieht es wie ein kommerzielles Projekt aus, was nie mein Leitfaden gewesen ist. Aber ironischerweise ist genau diese nicht-kommerzielle Vision und der Entscheidungsprozess das Geheimnis für die Langlebigkeit meiner Karriere gewesen.“ Dazu passt sein Selbstverständnis als Pop-Musiker: „Ich möchte ein alternativer Nischen-Pop-Künstler sein, und ich weiß, dass das ein Widerspruch in sich selbst ist. Aber ich weiß, dass es interessanter ist und mich als Songwriter und Musiker glücklicher macht.“ The bird of paradise; hits like “Relax, take it easy” and “Grace Kelly” made Mika a star. On July 29th he will be on the artificial turf By Bernhard Hartmann Dancing on the turntable, pink skirt and ruffled vest: Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr. thought Nemo's Swiss winning performance at the European Song Contest 2024 (ESC) in Malmö was pretty great. "He's a huge talent and has extraordinary potential," he enthused in an interview with the GA about the extraordinary voice and glamorous appearance from Switzerland. The 40-year-old knows his way around the pop business. Under the name Mika, the Lebanese-British pop star, born in Beirut, had an extraordinary start to his career early on: his debut album "Life in Cartoon Motion" was released in 2007 and immediately went to the top of the British charts. The hit "Relax, Take It Easy" was featured on it and of course "Grace Kelly", which Mika will certainly also perform at his upcoming concert at the Bonn KunstRasen (July 29). Oh, yes, the ESC. Mika has even hosted it himself. Together with Laura Pausini and Alessandro Cattelan in 2022 in Turin. Mika loves glamorous shows like the ESC, where artists get the opportunity to celebrate their performance "surrounded by 60 cameras and up to 20,000 people." At the same time, he regrets that these shows are a dying breed. "There aren't really any big music shows anymore," he complains. "Even the MTV Video Music Awards are nothing compared to what they used to be. It's no longer an event." An authentic European There are probably not many artists who could represent the European idea of the ESC more authentically than this singer. After his early successes, Mika, who grew up in Paris and London, became a career maker of European stature himself. He was a judge on the Italian version of "X Factor" for two years, then sat on the jury of the French version of "The Voice" for five years until 2019. And he even had his own TV show in Italy. He is also a TV star in England: There you can see him on Channel 4 together with piano superstar Lang Lang as a judge on the talent show "The Piano". The competition is looking for the best amateur pianists in the United Kingdom in four extraordinary locations - London St. Pancras, Birmingham New Street, Leeds and Glasgow Central stations. While the amateur pianists share their stories and music with the audience in the middle of the busy stations, their playing is judged by Mika and Lang Lang. The best amateur pianists then meet for the grand finale at the Royal Festival Hall in London. In his shows, Mika, who speaks fluent French, Italian and Spanish as well as English, lives the European idea. "For me, England is part of Europe. I really mean that," he emphasises. He sees Brexit as a mistake and describes it on a political level as "Britain's amputation from Europe". In cultural terms, however, England and Europe are still "one continent". When he was younger, Mika had a rather distant relationship with the medium of television, which today is a natural part of his self-image as an artist. "I was very reserved when it came to television," he says, "and I was very reserved when it came to interviews in general." He isolated himself, but that didn't stop the media from forming an opinion about him. Mika: "And what do you do then? You defend yourself and hide, you push everyone away." But at some point he discovered that he could use television to talk "about music, about musical stories and also about my story". “It suddenly meant I had a direct way to communicate with people.” Mika was considered an outsider at school and hesitated for a long time to admit that he was gay. But now, through the TV shows, he felt a whole new freedom, which enabled him to creatively express all the different influences that had shaped him. "Suddenly I was performing in philharmonic orchestras and with symphony orchestras," says the singer. "I don't think that would have been possible if I hadn't opened myself up to saying: OK, I consist of all these different cultures, and I'm going to show that all these cultures belong together." It is easy to believe that commercial success plays a secondary role in this. His latest album, released last December, is called "Que ta tête fleurisse toujours" (May your head always bloom) and is the first one he recorded entirely in French. He knows that an English version of the album would sell better internationally. "I could sell four times as much and quadruple the streams if I did the English version," he says, "but it looks like a commercial project, which has never been my guiding principle. But ironically, it is precisely this non-commercial vision and decision-making process that has been the secret to the longevity of my career." This fits with his self-image as a pop musician: "I want to be an alternative niche pop artist, and I know that's a contradiction in terms. But I know that it's more interesting and makes me happier as a songwriter and musician."
  5. Hi there New ticket holder found : ❁07.07.2024 ❁ Warwick, UK / Warwick Castle Gold Circle Standing ×1 Please DM if interested.
  6. MIKA was supposed to play for Burban Palettes' 35th Anniversary Party at Parc floral d'Orléans-La Source. But it seems he missed his flight... La République du Centre Il a mis le feu au Parc floral ! 04 June 2024 Didier Burban a organisé une fête grandiose, avec près de 2.000 convives, au Parc floral d'Orléans-La Source, vendredi soir. Un Parc floral privatisé, près de 2.000 invités, des centaines de bougies allumées, de parapluies distribués, de bouteilles de champagne ouvertes, deux feux d'artifice, plus d'une heure de concert de Jean-Baptiste Guégan (la voix de Johnny Hallyday), un travail de toute la semaine pour l'équipe de XCPH, l'agence orléanaise d'événementiel Même si le chanteur Mika, prévu en deuxième partie, a raté son avion et que la pluie, en revanche, était bien présente, la fête était époustouflante ! Didier Burban n'a pas lésiné pour fêter les 35 ans du groupe qu'il a fondé tout seul, parti de rien, sans diplôme. Mais, comme il l'a souligné la voix étranglée par l'émotion, entouré de fidèles qu'il a fait monter sur scène. « J'adore faire plaisir », a-t-il avoué : cela s'est vu ! (google translation) He set fire to the Floral Park! Didier Burban organized a grandiose party, with nearly 2,000 guests, at the Parc floral d'Orléans-La Source, Friday evening. A privatized floral park, nearly 2,000 guests, hundreds of lit candles, distributed umbrellas, opened bottles of champagne, two fireworks, more than an hour of concert by Jean-Baptiste Guégan (the voice of Johnny Hallyday ), a week-long job for the XCPH team, the Orléans events agency Even if the singer Mika, scheduled for the second part, missed his plane and the rain, on the other hand, was present, the party was breathtaking! Didier Burban didn't skimp on celebrating the 35th anniversary of the group he founded alone, starting from nothing, without a diploma. But, as he pointed out, his voice choked with emotion, surrounded by faithful people whom he brought on stage. “I love to please,” he admitted: it showed!
  7. Hi there New ticket holder found : ❁23.06.2024 ❁ Orange, France / Choregies d'Orange Fosse ( Centre block ) ×1 New ticket holder found : ❁07.07.2024 ❁ Warwick, UK / Warwick Castle Gold Circle Standing ×1 New ticket holder found : ❁09.07.2024 ❁ Kew Gardens, UK / Kew the Music General Admission (Pre-sale) ×1 PM me if interested. NaoMika☆
  8. Art & Glamour MIKA, UN ARTISTA SENZA CONFINI Scritto da Monica Landro25/05/2024 A cura di Monica Landro Fotografie di Francesco Prandoni https://artandglamour.it/mika-un-artista-senza-confini/ Mika è molto più di un semplice cantante: è un artista completo che incarna sia una straordinaria capacità artistica che una profonda sensibilità personale. La sua musica è sì caratterizzata da melodie e ritmi di facile presa, ma non di meno è la profondità dei suoi testi che lo distingue. Per raccontare il suo nuovo album, la pop star britannica di origini libanesi, reduce da un tour in Europa, l’APOCALYPSE CALYPSO TOUR, farà un’unica tappa in Italia con un concerto speciale, venerdì 19 luglio, al Lucca Summer Festival. Il titolo dell’album è “Que ta tête fleurisse toujours” che significa “Che la tua testa possa fiorire sempre”. È la frase di un messaggio di tua mamma. Perché ti ha scritto proprio questa frase e cosa voleva dirti? “Que ta tête fleurisse toujours” è stato l’ultimo messaggio di compleanno che ho ricevuto da mia madre. Era disegnato a mano e raffigurava me con dei fiori che fuoriuscivano dalla mia testa. È un messaggio che rimarrà per sempre nel mio cuore, perché nonostante fosse triste e malata, ha scelto di mandarmi un disegno con tutti questi colori vivaci. All’inizio non ne comprendevo il significato, ma dopo anni ho capito che era una sorta di provocazione: voleva darmi speranza e fiducia nel mio percorso e nella mia crescita personale e artistica. Voleva che continuassi a sbocciare come un fiore, a esplorare il mondo con una mente aperta e a farmi guidare dalla mia creatività: “Vai, corri dei rischi, prova cose nuove e sii creativo. Solo se sei creativo puoi essere felice e libero”. E ho colto questa lezione: ho realizzato la prima colonna sonora per un film, ho girato i festival, una nuova dimensione per me, e ho realizzato per la prima volta un album interamente in francese, che non poteva non intitolarsi così. Come mai l’esigenza di fare un album interamente in francese? E possiamo sperare, un giorno di sentire un tuo lavoro interamente in italiano? Ci siamo trasferiti da Beirut a Parigi quando avevo poco più di un anno e ci sono rimasto fino all’età di 8 anni. Il francese è una lingua che mi ha sempre affascinato profondamente, perché non è solo una lingua, è un’intera parte della mia cultura personale. È come entrare in una porta che conduce a una parte diversa di me, che forse non si conosce bene. È una sensazione diversa, ma anche molto familiare. L’Italia è un Paese che adoro, e la lingua italiana ha una bellezza e un fascino tutto suo, e sarebbe una porta verso un altro lato di chi sono. Sarebbe un esperimento fantastico e una progressione dopo il francese. Ma prima c’è un album in inglese… quello è il prossimo progetto! Nell’album c’è la canzone Apocalypse Calypso, da cui il nome del Tour: che significato dobbiamo dare alla parola Apocalisse, riferendoci al tour? Quando ho scritto la canzone “Apocalypse Calypso” e ho scelto il nome per il tour, volevo trasmettere un senso di trasformazione e rinascita attraverso la musica. L’apocalisse è normalmente associata a eventi catastrofici, ma per me può rappresentare un momento di svolta, di cambiamento profondo e radicale e nel contesto del tour è un’opportunità per liberarsi dalle vecchie abitudini, abbracciare nuove prospettive e vivere la vita in modo più autentico e appassionato. Questa tournée sta toccando gran parte della Francia, del Nord Europa e arriva fino in Italia. Un grande concerto, una nuova setlist in quattro diverse lingue: come ti sei preparato ad un evento così straordinario ed impegnativo? È un lavoro davvero grande e ambizioso. La mia priorità non è stata di tipo economico, ma di creare un’esperienza emotiva, visiva e musicale molto forte per il pubblico. Ho sviluppato uno spettacolo e un linguaggio scenico nel corso di 20 anni, che funziona come un collettivo di cui io sono il timoniere. Scrivo e sviluppo il concetto e lavoro con artisti di talento da tutto il mondo. Il principale partner per questo tour è stato Rodeo FX. Si tratta della principale società di effetti visivi al mondo. Tutto ciò che riguarda Stranger Things, Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, quasi tutti i film della Marvel! Una società sorprendente. È stato un enorme privilegio sviluppare con loro un concerto completo, in cui ogni immagine e animazione racconta una storia, una sorta di electro rock opera e una vera festa visiva. Ami l’Italia, questo lo hai detto tante volte: quali sono i pregi di questo Paese, le cose che ami di più e quali sono i difetti, quegli aspetti che proprio non ti convincono? Non c’è nessun paese al mondo come l’Italia! Naturalmente è bellissima e c’è così tanta varietà. Quello che mi sorprende davvero è la capacità di sognare e creare idee con gli artisti, senza limiti all’estro, senza che qualcuno dica che sei pazzo. C’è una passione che incoraggia la creatività e permette di sviluppare ancora di più la propria estetica. Questo è molto importante, mantiene la tua poetica. È ciò che definisco una resistenza poetica a una politica o a un pensiero intollerante. È un paese che mi provoca e mi ispira costantemente e che mi ha dato tanto, e per questo gli sarò sempre grato. A luglio sarai al Lucca Summer Festival. È uno degli eventi musicali più significativi nel panorama italiano e internazionale, al quale aderiscono artisti di fama mondiale provenienti dal mondo del jazz fino alla musica classica. Che emozione provi ad essere inserito in questo Festival? Far parte della line up del Lucca Summer Festival è un grande onore! Amo i festival che osano avere un programma eclettico. Questo aspetto stimola la creatività di noi artisti sul palco. Puoi fare le cose in modo diverso, esprimerti in modo diverso. Amo Lucca e mi è sempre dispiaciuto non essermi mai esibito a questo Festival ma ora finalmente lo farò… e il mio after party con i miei amici di lì sarà epico! Puoi darci qualche anticipazione di come ti vedremo, cosa ci regalerai dal palco? Non voglio rivelare troppo, voglio mantenere un po’ di mistero e di sorpresa! Sto preparando uno spettacolo pieno di energia, colore e gioia! Ci saranno canzoni del mio repertorio e altre più recenti. Si tratta di creare un momento di magia. Tutto deve essere al servizio di questo. Sei sempre molto impegnato: come mantieni l’equilibrio tra la tua vita personale e la tua carriera musicale? Trovare l’equilibrio tra vita privata e lavoro credo sia fondamentale per chiunque. Per me si tratta di trovare il giusto ritmo, perché la mia vita privata diventa l’ispirazione per i miei progetti professionali. Ho iniziato a esibirmi sul palco all’età di 8 anni. Ricorderò per sempre quella prima volta: c’erano 3000 persone tra il pubblico, ero terrorizzato ma poi, una volta sul palco mi sono sentito calmo e incredibilmente…. felice! Credo che tutto sia iniziato lì. Siamo un circo poetico, con colori e gioia, ma ci permettiamo di portare sul palco anche la nostra tristezza, per trasformarla. Il segreto dell’equilibrio tra vita privata e vita lavorativa è capire che non sono solo IO a farlo… siamo NOI, l’intero team e la famiglia. Non si tratta mai di “io”, ma di “noi”. MIKA, A BOUNDLESS ARTIST Written by Monica Landro25/05/2024 Written by Monica Landro Photos by Francesco Prandoni https://artandglamour.it/en/mika-a-boundless-artist/ Mika is more than just a singer: he is a complete artist who embodies both an extraordinary artistic ability and a deep personal sensitivity. His music may be characterised by easy-going melodies and rhythms, but it is no less the depth of his lyrics that sets him apart. To present his new album, the Lebanese-born British pop star is touring Europe with the APOCALYPSE CALYPSO TOUR, and will also stop off in Italy, on Friday 19 July, with a special concert at the Lucca Summer Festival. The title of the album is ‘Que ta tête fleurisse toujours’ which means ‘May your head always bloom’. It is a sentence of a message from your mum. Why did she write this exact sentence to you and what did she want to tell you? “Que ta tête fleurisse toujours” was the last birthday message I received from my mother. It was hand-drawn and depicted me with flowers sticking out of my head. It is a message that will always stay in my heart, because even though she was sad and sick, she chose to send me a drawing with all these bright colours. At first I didn’t understand its meaning, but after years I realised that it was a sort of provocation: she wanted to give me hope and confidence in my path and in my personal and artistic growth. He wanted me to continue to blossom like a flower, to explore the world with an open mind and be guided by my creativity: ‘Go, take risks, try new things and be creative. Only if you are creative can you be happy and free’.And I took this lesson to heart: I made the first soundtrack for a film, I toured festivals, a new dimension for me, and I made an album entirely in French for the first time, which couldn’t help but be called that. Why the need to make an album entirely in French? And can we hope, one day, to hear your work entirely in Italian? We moved from Beirut to Paris when I was just over a year old and I stayed there until I was eight. French is a language that has always fascinated me deeply, because it is not just a language, it is a whole part of my personal culture. It is like entering a door that leads to a different part of me, one that is perhaps not well known. It feels different, but also very familiar. Italy is a country I love, and the Italian language has a beauty and charm all its own, and it would be a door to another side of who I am. It would be a fantastic experiment and a progression after French. But first there’s an album in English… that’s the next project! In the album there is the song Apocalypse Calypso, hence the name of the tour: what meaning should we give to the word Apocalypse, referring to the tour? When I wrote the song ‘Apocalypse Calypso’ and chose the name for the tour, I wanted to convey a sense of transformation and rebirth through music. The apocalypse is normally associated with catastrophic events, but for me it can represent a turning point, a moment of profound and radical change, and in the context of the tour it is an opportunity to break free from old habits, embrace new perspectives and live life more authentically and passionately. This tour is touching most of France, Northern Europe and is coming to Italy. A great concert, a new setlist in four different languages: how did you prepare for such an extraordinary and challenging event? It is a really big and ambitious project. My priority has not been economic, but to create a very strong emotional, visual and musical experience for the audience. I have developed a show and a stage language over the course of 20 years, which works as a collective of which I am the helmsman. I write and develop the concept and work with talented artists from all over the world. The main partner for this tour was Rodeo FX. This is the world’s leading visual effects company. Everything from Stranger Things, Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, almost all the Marvel movies! An amazing company. It was a huge privilege to develop a complete show with them, where every image and animation tells a story, a kind of electro rock opera and a real visual feast. You love Italy, you have said it many times: what are the virtues of this country, the things you love most, and what are the flaws, those aspects that just don’t convince you? There is no country in the world like Italy! Of course it is beautiful and there is so much variety. What really surprises me is the ability to dream and create ideas with artists, with no limits to your creativity, without anyone saying you are crazy. There is a passion that encourages creativity and allows you to develop your aesthetic even more. This is very important, it maintains your poetics. It is what I call a poetic resistance to intolerant politics or thinking. It is a country that constantly provokes and inspires me and has given me so much, and for that I will always be grateful. In July you will be at the Lucca Summer Festival. It is one of the most significant musical events on the Italian and international scene, featuring world-famous artists from the world of jazz to classical music. How do you feel about being included in this Festival? Being part of the Lucca Summer Festival line-up is a great honour! I love festivals that dare to have an eclectic programme. This aspect stimulates the creativity of us artists on stage. You can do things differently, express yourself differently. I love Lucca and I’ve always regretted never having performed at this festival but now I finally will… and my after party with my friends there will be epic! Can you give us some previews of how we will see you, what you will offer us from the stage? I don’t want to disclose too much, I want to keep some mystery and surprise! I am preparing a show full of energy, colour and joy! There will be songs from my repertoire and more recent ones. It is about creating a moment of magic. Everything has to be in the service of that. You are always very busy: how do you keep the balance between your personal life and your music career? Finding the balance between private life and work I think is crucial for anyone. For me it is about finding the right rhythm, because my private life becomes the inspiration for my professional projects. I started performing on stage when I was eight years old. I will always remember that first time: there were 3000 people in the audience, I was terrified but then, once on stage I felt calm and incredibly…. happy! I think it all started there. We are a poetic circus, with colour and joy, but we also allow ourselves to bring our sadness to the stage, to transform it. The secret of work-life balance is to understand that it’s not just ME doing it… it’s WE, the whole team and family. It is never about ‘I’, it is about ‘WE’.
  9. You could try Ticketmaster. CARRE OR seats are still available. https://www.ticketmaster.fr/en/manifestation/mika-julien-granel-ticket/idmanif/571339/idseance/3736290
  10. Priscaが「ほかに書く人いなければ、東京のレポート書こうか?」ってポストしてるので、現在誰も手を挙げてないのは大阪ですね。 今年はレポート希望者少なくて、一人2レポートでもいいみたいです。両方のM&Gのレポート書ける人は、世界で一人しかいませんので、ぜひお願いいたします🙇 NaoMika☆
  11. National Television Awards THE NTA VOTE IS OPEN! Simply read through the list of contenders and tick ONE in each of the 15 categories to select who you think should win. https://www.nationaltvawards.com/ The 2024 National Television Awards are fast approaching, and now the longlist has been unveiled. The first round of voting has begun. MIKA is one of 45 nominees of EXPERT category! Vote from here https://www.nationaltvawards.com/vote/category/expert The Piano is one of 18 nominees of TALENT SHOW category! Vote from here https://www.nationaltvawards.com/vote/category/talent-show All votes must be in by 11pm on 31st May 2024. The shortlist will be revealed in August ahead of the final round of voting, and winners will be announced at the ceremony on ITV1 on 11th September 2024.
  12. Photobooks are available again on the MIKA French store site. €35,00 They have reduced the price https://mika.store/products/photobook-apocalypso-tour
  13. If you are living in France, You could have a chance to win a ticket for The Voice Final Order the exclusive limited edition double vinyl ‘✿ Que ta tête fleurisse toujours ✿’ for a chance to win a place at the French final of ‘The Voice’ https://mika.store/products/vinyle-exclusif-edition-limitee-que-ta-tete-fleurisse-toujours (Google translation of Article 3 from Terms and Condition) Article 3: Description of terms The operation begins with the sale, exclusively on the aforementioned website, of the album “✿ May your head always bloom ✿” in Exclusive Limited Edition Vinyl format. 1 person who pre-ordered the album “✿ May your head always bloom ✿” in Exclusive Limited Edition Vinyl format on the artist's official website from 05/13/2024 to 05/22/2024 at 12:00 p.m. will win 1 chance to attend in the final of the television show “The Voice” with 1 accompanying person. The event will take place on May 25. The location and times will be communicated to you on May 22 from 4 p.m. on the address used when placing your order. Terms and Condition https://mika.store/pages/tirage-au-sort-assister-a-la-finale-de-the-voice Good Luck 
  14. 私はソウルジャズフェスティバルのレポートをアサインしました! ので、 大阪、東京公演のレポート、どなたかぜひお願いします。 日本では海外では沙汰にないM&Gも開催されましたし、東京公演のパジャマ姿でアンコールなど、ほかでは決してあり得ないスペシャルなことでした。それだけMIKAの日本のファンへの想いがあったのだと思います。 レポート、という形式にこだわらずに、率直な感想を綴ってMIKAに届けてくださいませ。 次の来日公演に向けた期待も込めて!
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