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Posts posted by ladyolivier

  1. Wasn't sure where to ask this, so I'd figured I'd post it here:


    Does anyone have, or know where I can find a big picture of the red heart with the 'M' in it? I've been searching and I can't find one. :dunno:

    THIS I can help with! I have a massive one - give me just a bit!


    Edit: I see you've found one after all - my phone doesn't like to show me pages on threads LOL. Nevermind :lmfao:

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  2. shame. but from what Google tells me, he has had more concerts over there than over here.

    True, but the scale of America, like Australia, is problematic. His last 2 american shows were in NY and LA - as a Floridian that's 935 miles (13 hour drive) or 2,400 miles (33 hour drive) from me, respectively. So still technically in the country, but also totally unfeasible :( .



    I'd drive to Miami for a show in a heartbeat. He's got a house here even! We need a show here  :thumb_yello:


    Random thing: I'm listening my way through Queen's entire catalog and discovering exactly how much I love queen  :wub:

  3. Same! I got a new camera a while ago and it takes really good pictures, I can zoom in quite far, wich I love :naughty: I always take many photo's, wherever I am :biggrin2:



    Same, I'm a big cat lover :) And (as I said) tigers are my fave. :biggrin2:Snow leopards are really beautiful as well. :wub2: It's sad that almost every kind of big cat is endangered now. :(



    Well, if you really want to see a few, here they are! :biggrin2: Had to resize them a bit, since they where a bit big. :naughty:

    OMG they're fantastic! I love the last one!

  4. So now that all the busy days are over for me I'll be back here more often. :D:cheer:


    Believe it or not, but I've never been at a zoo before... :shocked:

    :shocked: WHAAA


    You're missing out LOL. I don't have a zoo close to me anymore (closest one is like and hour and a half drive) and I'm very sad about that. When I was a kid we lived close to a really nice zoo and went there all the time with my cousins. I miss being a kid and living close to all my cousins LOL.



    Yaaaaaay finally!! :cheer:


    Wait what!? :shocked:



    I've been to many zoo's. :naughty: Both with my parents and with school quite a few times. :biggrin2:




    I made some amazing tiger photo's today btw :excite: (yes, that is my favorite animal :glasses2: )


    Taking pictures is part of why I love zoos so much! I'm the family shutterbug. Post some of your tiger pics if you can! We'd love to see them!

  5. Sinfonia Pop is so beautiful.  I'd love to be able to see a symphonic concert.  If he did one at the Royal Albert Hall in London, well...that would be perfect. :wub:


    Ooooh I can't imagine. Being able to go to one of the symphony shows would be SO incredible <3 Darn geography!



    I'm building some big papercraft things right now and there's so much glue dried on my hands I can't really feel my fingertips :lmfao:

  6. I got new eye shadow yesterday. I looked at the ingredients at the back of the box. THE VERY FIRST INGREDIENT WAS.......... mica. I was like, WTF?!?!?! 

    OMG, yes! I never made this connection :-O Mica is the technical/wholesale name for powdered pigments used in makeup (and possibly paint as well?). You'll find it as a main ingredient on packaging of most makeup products, especially eye shadow :-)

  7. the HAT




    That hat is quirky and slightly nuts and I absolutely adore it.


    (Mika, on the off chance you read this, more of that hat please :lmfao: )



    (If anyone is wondering, the triumphant sounding violin bit they played at the beginning of the interview and in the background throughout is the first 30 seconds or so of Beyond by Daft Punk)

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  8. Supplies: plain white t shirt
    red fabric paint
    a small foam brush
    an x-acto knife
    a cutting mat or surface of some kind
    clear shipping tape
    a printer
    Save the image at THIS link to your computer and print it out full page sized. Lay it down on a cutting mat. Now we need to paint proof this. Using clear plastic shipping tape, begin covering the stencil. Place one strip of tape longways across the top of the paper, and do the same with the next, overlapping it slightly over the first. Continue this way down the stencil until the entire thing is covered in tape. Go ahead and make your tape a touch longer than the paper - this will tape the paper to your mat and make cutting the stencil out easier. Carefully cut out around the M shape first, and then the heart. This will keep everything more stable as you cut. Direct any overcutting towards the heart - we will not be using it to paint around and it can have chunks missing (DO NOT destroy it completely though - we need it to properly align the M inside the stencil on the shirt.) Try to not make any errors or overcuts into the outer paper or the M -  these need to stay paint proof at the edges. To free your stencil from the mat, simply take your knife and cut down the outside edges of the paper, about 1/2 inch in from the edge. This will sever all the tape holding it down and you can peel the tape and tiny paper strips off your mat without worrying about tearing your stencil.
    Cut out a shirt-sized rectangle of cardboard and stretch your shirt over it. This will prevent paint from soaking through to the back of your shirt. Place the outer part of your stencil on your shirt where you want the heart to go, shipping-tape-covered-side up, and tape it down at the corners. Place the heart piece exactly inside the the outside stencil. Using either double sided tape or small rolls of normal tape, apply tape to the back (plain paper side) of the M and stick it down exactly inside the M shaped hole in the heart. Now remove the heart piece! By doing it this way we ensure the M is correctly placed inside the heart stencil.
    (just a progress pic, my stencils are not lined up properly here.)
    Begin painting inside the stencil using a small foam brush and very little paint. The heavier fabric paint is, the more likely it is to crack, and remember, we're trying to duplicate a screen printed design. Bearing this in mind, make your paint coat light and ensure it soaks into your fabric. Paint around the outside edges of your heart and M first. Unfortunately, the outer stencil we're using is not stuck down at the edges - so there are 2 keys to getting crisp edges to your design and not having paint seep under the edges of your stencil. First, hold your outer edges taught as you paint over them. Secondly (and this applies to the M stencil as well), be sure to ONLY paint by sponging up and down - never stroke the paint on (this is why we're using a sponge brush). Once you've painted all the way around the edges of your stencils, begin filling in the rest of the heart using a similar technique.
    It's important to pull off your stencils while the paint is still at least somewhat wet. The last thing we want is red paint in places that should be white, so go scrub the red paint off your fingertips before removing the stencils. Start be removing the outside stencil, which should be fairly easy. Peel off the tape at the edges and you're good to go. The M will be a little more difficult. Somehow you've got to peel it off without getting any red paint inside the outline. There's no real tutorial on a good way to do this. Just be verrrrry careful.
    And Ta-Daa :-)


    You have your very own M heart shirt. Follow the directions on your bottle of fabric paint re:washing and drying.



    (Little legal disclaimer thing: as of right now, the only way to acquire a real M heart shirt is in person at a show. For many of us, for reasons of time, money, or simply being in the wrong country, continent, or even the wrong hemisphere, this is unfeasible. If and when the M heart shirts are put on the mikasounds webstore, and therefore available to everyone, I respectfully and understandingly bow to the mods if they feel this post should be taken down. I would have been more than happy to buy a shirt, but alas, that was not even kind of possible. I cry american tears XD.)


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  9. Update: I took a proper self portrait of myself wearing this shirt and my old ballet gear and sent it to the official Facebook page. And they uploaded it! So now there is a photo of me (and my homemade shirt) on the official Mika Facebook page  :wub:


    (if anybody wants to go digging around to find me from this, it's in the "M" album with all the M heart merch pictures and I'm the girl in the tutu and pointe shoes  :))

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  10. I absolutely ADORE this version of Overrated. The way he speaks more than sings the verses, the enunciation and emphasis. Not only is it a beautiful version of the song but it's super nice to listen to, it makes my ears happy :wub:  I could listen to it for hours (and probably will)  :fisch:


    Edit/update: 24 hours later, still can't stop listening to this <3

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