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Posts posted by ladyolivier

  1. Oh no. Luckely is wasn't really 'your' house, but still! :( I'm sure you'll find a new place to stay soon, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! Good to know you're still safe! Where would we be without Mika right? :) Stay strong! :hug:

    What :shocked::( Aww...



    Oh no, so sorry... :( But at least you are safe! That's the main thing! I know that people cling to the things they own and stuff, but finally all that counts is that you are alive and healthy.

    It's great that Mika gives you the strength to keep going and not giving up! :)

    Ah, I understand that this must be really hard for you :( At least you still have all you things! I hope things will get easier soon. *hugs* <3

    I can't imagine how stressed you are right now.  Hope everything gets better and that you get a lovely new place to stay soon. :hug:

    Thank you all <3 we finished moving all our stuff out of the house today. 7 hour day of moving, absolutely exhausting. But, we're done now, so I finally get to rest some! Plus, when we go back to see my grandmother, I'm going to get to go to the state fair which I loved as a child. I'm really looking forward to that  :)



    can someone please tell me what paging is?

    "paging" someone is another way to say you're calling them. It's a term usually used over announcement systems, especially in hospitals ("Paging Dr. Moore" means "please come here, Dr. Moore.) In other contexts it's just a funny way to call someone, often if there's something related to them being discussed or there's something they should see. For example: "The new Valentino Collection is out! Paging Mika..." It became super popular as a term when people had pocket pagers.



    So, update:

    Good news: I - and most of my stuff - lived through Hurricane Matthew.

    Bad news: My house did not.


    The flood was just high enough to bring about 6 inches of water into my house, and completely flood the area underneath my house, thereby flooding the heating/air conditioning system and completely ruining the floors. As it was an old mobile home, the floorboards were made of particle board and it all disintegrated when it got wet. The expression I have been using is that the floors in my house are "melting", because it's the only word I can find which conveys the correct image of what's happening. We don't own the house, so thankfully it's not our loss, but the landlord has decided the damage will be too costly to repair in such an old and generally not valuable house, and so has decided to demolish it. So I have spent the last several days moving, and not only that but moving out of a house where the floors are falling through. It has not been a good week for me. I got so sad when I took the M Heart down off my wall. I've lived in this house for about 6 years (which is a long time for my life) and had grown extremely attached to it. On top of this, my grandmother is having health problems 3 states away, so with all the driving back and forth I will have been in the car for a total of ~1440 miles and ~24 hours by the time October is over. I'm currently living with my other grandparents while we househunt and try to sort things out. I'm very stressed and am honestly no fun to be around right now :lmfao:


    To be completely honestly, Mika is currently keeping me sane. He's a little spark of sunshine in my currently very cloudy life<3 I don't now how I would be doing any of this without my wonderful friends (paging Sonelle) and Mika.

    • Like 1
  3.  Thanks Eriko! :)


    There are also very technical things like the estimates for the audience of the show and the sale of advertising breaks in it.

    I really love all this technical info, I find it super cool for some reason <3


    Really interesting stuff in there although I'm still perplex why they use those layouts to make the document...

    Anything for the aesthetic? XD


    if anyone is looking for a wallpaper quality version of the pic where he's wearing the old blue and gold millitary jacket (words cannot express how happy I was to see that jacket again), I've got you covered :-) (it won't let me embed this, but here's a direct link.)



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    Sognate un pigiama party insieme a Mika? E’ arrivato il momento: Valle D'Aosta (12 Ottobre) e Comune di Bergamo (13 Ottobre). Sono queste le prime due delle tre città scelte per la festa in pigiama più bella di sempre! Come funziona? Ci incontreremo di sera e registreremo l’evento che andrà poi in onda su Rai2 a Novembre, durante il #MIKASHOW

    Per partecipare, scrivete a mikapartyraidue@gmail.com entro le ore 12 di Lunedi 10 Ottobre e indicate nell’oggetto il nome della città che avete scelto (Aosta, o Bergamo, per ora). Nel testo inserite il vostro nome, cognome e data di nascita insieme a quelli della persona con cui vorreste venire (UNA SOLA!). Vi richiediamo la disponibilità sul set dalle 19 fino alle 00 e dovrete vestirvi con il vostro miglior pigiama o camicia da notte. Solo i maggiori di 14 anni potranno prendervi parte (con delega dei genitori se minori di 18 anni). Tutte le informazioni più dettagliate le riceverete in risposta alla vostra mail! 

    A presto e…let’s have a party! #MikaShow




    :cheer:  :cheer::clap:  :clap: 

    oh. My. God. Am i reading this right? AM I ACTUALLY READING THIS RIGHT?



    I'm squealing a little over here. I have never wanted so badly to be Italian (AND I HAVE WANTED PRETTY BADLY)


    This is AMAZING both just as an incredibly lovely thing for him to do and it's a killer show idea. I am unspeakably jealous but SO HAPPY for anyone who is able to go to these things and y'all HAVE to give us all the details afterwords!

    • Like 2
  5. It would be pretty darn hilarious if we both started a convo here BAHAHHAHAHHA 


    Spreading our "spamming innocent instagram account" behaviours everywhere we go :lmao:

    Is this where we stop being anonymous here? XD *sends you friend request* (Sonelle and I are actually BFFS and just for the hell of it we've been trying to see how long we could pretend to be strangers on here :lmfao: )


    I'm an INFP, so bascially Mika but with less extrovert :lmfao:

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    One of us has to tell him to do it! So apparently an ENFP is :

    The ENFP personality is a true free spirit. They are often the life of the party, but unlike Explorers, they are less interested in the sheer excitement and pleasure of the moment than they are in enjoying the social and emotional connections they make with others. Charming, independent, energetic and compassionate, the 7% of the population that they comprise can certainly be felt in any crowd.


    That is so much like Mika!! ^



    So...I might have just taken a one of these and answered the questions as close to how he would answer them as I could manage. There were a few that I just couldn't know, but actually most of the questions were really easy XD and hilarious "You have no difficulty creating a personal timetable and sticking to it" *side eyes as Diary Of an Accidental Optimist* *clicks "strongly disagree*


    Me-answering-like-Mika got ENFP! So I'm pretty confident in that assessment, since it seems that's been the answer more than once.

    • Like 1
  7. Hello all! I haven't been here in ages either :-O I am currently hunkering down out of this stupid *tries not to curse* hurricane. I live very near the ocean in Florida and we were forced to evacuate. We're currently staying with my mother's boyfriend, but sadly he's very much in the path of the storm too and so we're still very concerned. Plus, I'm just a major homebody and I'm generally really uncomfortable being away from my home and my bed and my cheap piano that I don't play often enough...I am very concerned and unhappy with the whole thing. The whole situation is not optimal. :-( Thankfully there is almost no doubt we will be safe here, but there is still great concern for our house and all our stuff. It's in the storm surge area. My friends (at least one of whom is very likely reading this, you know who you are XD) are being really lovely and sending me prayers and good thoughts and comforting Mika stuff though so all is as good as it can be in the circumstances.

    • Like 1
  8. It's a cummurbund. Cummerbund



    OMG, it is! I've seen a ton of pics and I didn't even notice! I love this outfit even more now, you don't see people wearing cummerbunds very often and I always think they are seriously underappreciated. I love all the more rarely-worn or unusual formal wear he wears. It's so rare now that you see men so immaculately turned out, makes me so  :wub:


    Anyone thinks that the coat suits him better than the model? :biggrin2:

    Without a doubt. The cut/length of the coat and the pattern wears so well on his height <3

    • Like 4
  9. Good morning Rome @ Rome, Italy https://www.instagram.com/p/BKSlW2Zj2bR/ 


    Dear God.... 





    I wake up at 8 am. Roll over. Look at the clock. Oh good, I can go back to sleep. But first, let me check my phone. Almost 100% still asleep, I squintily check the notifications on my phone. I see "mikainstgram posted a photo". *tiny happy but still asleep squeal*. I open the notification, expecting a dog picture. AND THIS. THIS IS THE FIRST IMAGE THAT HITS MY EYES AT 8AM. My sleepy self couldn't even fully comprehend XD

    • Like 5
  10. Thank you Myriam :hug:

    I'm sorry I messed up with the first link :doh:

    This link works for Rai Due 

    You only need to click on the close button to shut the ad and get the stream to start 


    I hope that is the case. I don't want to miss the fun.

    Would you kindly post here the proper link to watch from the USA?

    THIS ONE WORKS IN THE US! I thought the first one did but after seeing that "Rai Premium" was not the correct stamp in the corner, I realized it had't. BUT the second on works! Thank you!

    • Like 2
  11. Hello!


    I need a illustration or picture in good resolution for a shirt (something like Yasmine logo). Tried google but everything I found was in very poor resolution. 



    Thank you for your help! :thumb_yello:

    Are you looking for just like a photo of Mika, or more specifically his logos/branding? I have both some very HQ pics and high res versions of the M heart :-)

  12. must be when a bug flew into his mouth during OVER MY SHOULDER :stifle:

    Sure, I watched short clips

    don't know when he did...


    I'm going to fix the setlist when somebody answer me.


     Brb rolling on the floor laughing :lmfao: I love these unlikely funny moments 

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  13. In search on an TV spot/interview which took place in a warehouse and in which he mostly talks about his upcoming French Revolution themed shows, the costumes and such. Pretty sure his tries on at least part of one of the costumes. May have been part of a longer thing. Called "66 minutes" or some variation thereof? Could have been in french or English, don't remember.


    Edit: I always post here and then the thing appears after all all :lmfao: one of my best friends found it for me. If anyone else wants it:



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