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Posts posted by ladyolivier

  1. Updates on me:


    So, that "parade" thing turns out to have not been the whole story XD Not only was I needed to walk in the parade, it turns out they needed me to help hand out 10,000 T-SHIRTS. We walked 2 miles and ran out of shirts 3/4 of the way through. And it turns out that people will go a tiny bit crazy over free shirts :lmfao:. My friend said she got mobbed several times and I struggled to keep it from getting too crazy.


    Also, I'm gonna take a moment and get personal: I have had an extremely hard month. Between the hurricane, living with my grandparents and sleeping on a couch, and trying not to get behind on school, I've been extremely stressed and was beginning to feel like I had forgotten how to feel anything other than tired. I would not describe myself as truly depressed, but honestly I probably was. I am naturally kind of a thoughtful person, and would not describe my natural general state as "happy" so much as "thoughtful" so it is easy for me to slip into a level of depression. But. BUT.

    To put it simply, Casa Mika shook the sadness off my soul. That show brought me more happiness than anything I've seen in ages, and I've felt a joy today of a kind that I truthfully haven't felt in a while. That show was the knock I needed, and it's truly like the tiredness and sadness was "shaken off" me. I'm having one of those "extremely thankful for Mika" moments. Somehow, once again, he had just what I needed when I needed it. Thank you Mika :wub:

  2. I have watched the first half hour or so of this and I am about to cry from laughter and happiness. This is the most beautiful, joyous thing I have seen on TV in...maybe forever? Even objectively, if I pretend to view it from an unbiased perspective, it's so good and so well done and the quality is so high. and Mika! He looks so beautiful and so happy. There's so much joy on offer here. I keep coming back to the word joy. I feel like I am going to watch these shows many, many times. There's so much to appreciate. AHHH I HAVE SO MANY FEELS.


    Also, is anyone else getting a sort of slightly-twisted-Mister-Rogers'-Neighborhood vibe :wub: ? That's what the whole thing reminds me of, in the best way. A Mister Rogers for the slightly older and slightly more unothodox among us.


    Ok, one question though: can any italians explain the woman in the pink and black with the poofy black hair? Is she an original character for this or is there some sort of Italian cultural reference to get? I was laughing hysterically at her but I feel like there might be another joke that I'm missing.


    Love, love, love it all. I cannot wait for more. And based on twitter, it looks like everyone who watched it loved it, which has got to make Mika happy <3 AND is very good news on the TV business front. Perhaps, if TV people see how much he is loved doing something like this, we might get more seasons!

    • Like 5
  3. Tomorrow I have an appointment with a careers advisor and I'm nervous...

    good luck!!!! I'm sure it will go great :-)


    One of my friends has been asking me all week to walk in a parade with her tomorrow. Thinking it was a parade here in my town, I reluctantly agreed. How much trouble could it be, right? But we got to texting about it and I found out it's actually in the city an hour away :-O I have to get up in 5 hours and I haven't gone to bed yet. I don't know what I've gotten myself into :lmfao:

  4. I just read though this thread and am both inspired and speechless. The first time I read you explaining your condition I wanted to ask you if a person ever can become stuck in your mind, if they were close enough to you, for example your husband, or Mika. However reading your posts just now I see that you have mentioned both how you identify your husband and that you DID briefly cross paths with Mika and did not immediately recognize him in a hoodie, so that answers my questions. I have always been someone who forms extremely strong facial associations - I'm the person pointing at the bit-part actor on a TV show going "who is that I know him from somewhere" so I cannot wrap my head around what it would be like to not be able to recognize people. I greatly admire how you...cope with your condition? that feels like a very ableist and negative way to put it but I am not sure how else to word it. While I understand this is your normal and thus you view it differently than someone who has not always lived with it, I still find you inspiring.

    Keep being awesome.

  5. I would love to see Mika in a tv show here, but it'll never happen...

    But that would be so great! :D

    Oh, I would definitely watch that!  Sad thing is, he's so underrated so they probably wouldn't choose him. :(

    A girl can dream :-(


    He's so terribly underrated, it makes me angry sometimes... :(


    I keep trying to convince people Mika is an amazing person who makes amazing music.. But the only thing they (want to) know about him are GK, Relax and his curls = the Mika from 2007... <_<



    I'm getting angry by just typing that. :aah:

    Hey, still better than what I mostly deal with: people who have never heard of him in any context and have no idea who he is. When they do, it's always in conjunction with Ariana Grande :lmfao:


    I wanna scream "YOU SHOULD ALL GO LISTEN TO MIKA" from the rooftops. I try to convert people whenever I get a good opportunity :lmfao: I want some sort of magical thing to happen and everyone suddenly appreciate the glory that is Mika. For now, driving around town blasting The Boy Who Knew Too Much with my windows rolled down will have to be good enough :lmfao:

  6.  Adore this! <3 It's so creative - it really does stand out from other covers. He looks so beautiful :wub:  But (yeah I noticed this, I run #themikasanklefanclub ok) they absolutely photoshopped the living daylights out of his ankles & feet  :shocked:  Put down the airbush when you're photographing Mika, dear magazines. He doesn't need it!

    • Like 1
  7. Swooping in with a random one - does anyone know/remember who makes these Chibi Mika clay necklaces? This photo is a crop from an instagram picture - it's mika's shirt you're looking at! He's wearing one! The pic isn't getting passed around insta all that much and the necklace is rather hard to spot in the original pic, so I think it would be very easy for the person who made these to never know. But I want to make sure I get this pic to the person who made them! I know I've seen them before but I don't know where. Does anyone know who the artist was?



    (Original instagram post: https://instagram.com/p/BL7JXWFgNN0/ )

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    Un grand merci à tout le monde qui est allé voir le concert de Bercy ce soir au cinéma en France. 2764.png2764.png2764.png1f60a.png1f1eb-1f1f7.png1f1eb-1f1f7.png1f1eb-1f1f7.png#MikaLoveParis


    Been booted out of @instagram and it won't accept my password nor send me an email to reset 1f914.png So no @instagram I guess...


    Just heard #JoanneGagaAlbum_NEW_hashtags.png new track by @ladygaga it's completely STUNNING so happy 1f44f-1f3fc.png2764.png2764.png


    I suspect the problem's he's having have something to do with the mass DDOS attacks. Hopefully Instagram gets that fixed :(  

  9. At the end it wasn't a proper article written by Mika but just a pseudo-interview/story :facepalm:  Oh well better than nothing :naughty:

    Translation: soon





    Dario, Mika and the apocalypse


    The odd couple had met two years ago to "Invasioni Barbariche" of daria bignardi. They liked from afar and there they told it, singing Ho visto un re, the song written by Fo in 1968 and then sung by Enzo Jannacci. After that, they were never lost, determined to do things together. And now that Dario Fo is gone, Mika remembers the many hours spent together, talking and imagine.

    "He had a punk spirit and manifested it with joy. We met at his house, at least once a week, for three or four hours. I went in and the first thing I saw was a clothes hanger, where he had left hanging on the coat of Franca, with the pink scarf that he had begun to wear always. About Her, he has not spoken much publicly, but privately we did it, partly because it was impossible for me to be with him without thinking of her.

    We were sitting at his desk, preparing something that was partly written, partly improvised. We imagined the end of the world, a flood that forced two men, an old and a young man, to take refuge in a cave. I, the young, think of all the things that I can not do if the world really ends, and he not only teaches me but, following the memories, mends the rips that were in his existence.

    Mika says that it was a privilege to know him, in so many ways, even just the observation: "I watched him write, and he had this fluid way to put in words the thoughts. He attached himself to the real and imaginary characters. I had 'the impression that there was no difference between his life and his works. There was the absurd everywhere in reality and imagination."

    He himself was absurd, but very credible: was funny, made you think, made you angry, and he had no fear. An intellectual is not to be a snob and he was an anti snob, one of the greatest enfant terrible ever existed. As Coocteau, Oscar Wilde, Matisse and Cole Porter: all persons that cause life, but also they live it in every way. "

    And this is his being the enfant terrible that attracted Mika. "It 'sa quality that I search in people, because for me it is a great source of inspiration. I search and I surround me with people that provoke creativity in me, give me a different perspective. My friendships are based on this quality."

    When I ask him what, on the other hand, Dario Fo may have found in him, Mika remains silent for long. And then: "I really do not know, I only know that he gave me a lot of tenderness."

    Dario found so many of the same qualities in Mika that Mika found in Dario. I wish, I really wish, that Mika could see himself, for just a moment. To see the person he really is. To see his own brilliance and beauty. To see what we see: the LIGHT. The sheer, pure light he carries with him fills a room. He's special in ways he may never understand. But I really wish he could.

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