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Posts posted by AmyWings

  1. Ah coughing, that's just the worst. <_< I've heard the flu is going around, so probably he's infected as well, poor guy. :(

    He definitly should take a few days to get better really. :naughty:


    What's "funny" is that since yesterday I'm sick... I think I got the flu because of him  :naughty: He kept coughing without especially covering his mouth with his hand all the time so the virus legit stuck with me  :shocked: My mum was like "at least you've got a superMikaflu". I died a little when she told me that  :naughty:

  2. Oh no, he was? :( That's to bad, but you're right, we want him to get better soon!  :yes:

    Yeah, I had seen him the previous day live in a French show on TV, he was already coughing here and there, but at The Voice yesterday he was literally expulsing his lungs  :naughty: Everyone was like "Mika if you need a break, just tell us!". That made me a little  :( And knowing he's not stopping to get better is like  :mf_rosetinted:

  3. Okay, I'm not jealous at all or something.  :mf_rosetinted:



    No, but seriously, I am so happy for you haha! :D Can't wait to read the report! :biggrin2:


    Haha I understand why  :mf_rosetinted:  :naughty:


    Poor thing was sick though, he had to leave afterwards although he usually stays ! But I'd rather have him home safe than all messed up  :yes:

  4. Oh my God same. Like, right now, I have to go to sleep because I have to wake up at 6am tomorrow (you know, to go to Paris AND SEE MIKA AT THE VOICE) BUT MFC is holding me back  :naughty:  Now, I'm gonna go though, would be too bad to sleep tomorrow because of Mika when really I'm about to see him lol  :naughty:

    • Like 3
  5. 15923_10152340038440321_1748243179_n.jpg


    Does Mika in Iceland in wintry gear a week before Christmas count? :naughty:


    How about Mika's Christmas message from a few years ago?




    This is the cutest thing, I'm legit dying over this. Mika must be such a sweetheart to be around ! 

  6. So I was wondering: do you guys ever write about Mika? Whether it's a story, a litle text or a whole fanfiction?


    I love writng, and while listening to Beautiful Disaster, I kinda got inspired to write something, like an ongoing fanfiction. I'm gonna post what I wrote so far and you guys can tell me what you think of it? (Also keep in mind English, although I love it and everything, isn't my first language so there might be mistakes, I'm sorry in advance).


    Please post your writings, I'm really interested! I never really came accross any stories (as if in a lot and actually readable  :naughty: ) on the Internet, here's your moment to show us your talents  :thumb_yello:


    (PS: Of course I trust you guys to not take my story and claim it as your own. Copyrights and everything  ;))






    'Do you trust me ?'

    'Of course I do.'

    'Well, come on then, I need to know what happened. I want to help you get out of this... thing, this state of mind that you're trapped in. Share your story with me.'


    Mika took a big breath, staring into the pleading eyes facing him.




    'I didn't ask for this. How am I going to make it ? How can I possibly make it without snapping ?'

    The typical questions were running messily inside Mika's mind while he exposed smiles. Confusing, depressing, heartbreaking and slightly frightening. As he was getting older, his thoughts became darker and darker, until the fifteen year-old looking back at him in the mirror couldn't even recognize himself. His reflection scared him at least as much as he scared his surroundings. His mum, although giving him all the love she could, couldn't reassure him. His sisters, their hugs and smiles couldn't possibly help him in the long run. His little brother, too busy playing with his toys, couldn't make him feel better either. And his dad, himself still struggling to go on in life after what had happened to him years and years ago during the golf war, had a hard time focusing on Mika's well being despite his unconditional love. His whole family had always taught him to stay happy, keep his head up and try to be as much of a good person as he could possibly be, so he put an act trying to look okay on a daily basis when all he wanted was to stay in bed and cry for hours. Of course, his parents knew it was fake when he came home with bruises on his cheek a couple years back.


    Bruises? What happened?”



    Mika's mum, Joanie, had taken him on the side to avoid scaring his siblings. After he tried to lie and say he fell on the ground, he just looked at her, eyes filled with tears. She sighed, hugged him, told him everything was going to be okay, that soon they would stop harassing him, that it was just a 'phase'. Those words, Mika held onto them for years, but when he saw nothing was getting better, only worse, he started doubting she was right.

    At first, they would only call him weird and forbid him to join them at lunch. Mika hadn't said anything, thinking they were probably right but didn't care – or so he pretended. 'It's much more beneficial to be alone and free than surrounded by idiots' his mother always said. Slowly, a few people became a few teams leagued against him. More and more kids decided he wasn't a normal human being because of his flamboyant looks and odd interests, and deserved to be punished for that. So the words became harsher as they got older, more painful. 'Weird' became 'faggot', 'idiot' became 'scumbag' and 'waste of space'. Feeling rejected, lonely, hated, Mika started to create a world inside his head where he felt secure. But every time someone called him for whatever reason, his bubble burst and he suddenly felt his feet on the cold floor, his empty mind desperately focused on trying not to have his big brown eyes water.

    School didn't help him feel at home either. Growing up dyslexic in France, it hadn't been easy for him to suddenly change his language when his family moved to London. Lost in a whirl of new words, he outdid himself in order to adopt a new culture and somewhat fit in. Although in a French school, his struggles only got worse over time. He kept mixing the two languages, and could barely read at times. But instead of giving him special help, his teachers would yell at him for getting bad grades, telling him he was a failure and would never make it in life with such an attitude. Mika never told them his struggles – at first.


    But it didn't change anything when I did.”


    They didn't care. I got expelled a couple days afterward.”


    His dad went nuts when Mika came back home that day and told his parents the school wanted to get rid of him.

    'What did you do? Do you have any idea how expensive that is to send you there? We can't afford paying the rest of the year for nothing.” his dad said.

    “Dad, I told them I had troubles reading and writing despite me trying extremely hard a few days ago. They laughed and asked me to shut my lying mouth and go back home.”

    “They told you to shut up?” his mum indignantly exclaimed.

    Her son stayed silent while staring at nothing above her shoulders.


    So what did you do once they -”

    - got rid of me like a piece of garbage? I felt relieved, at first. My mum especially really supported me, I found a job as a waiter so I could afford piano lessons. But even then, the troubles kept coming in.”


    Now working, Mika's dad indeed decided his son was brave enough to hold on and agreed with his wife when she said yes to pay half of his piano lessons. Mika was thrilled, this sudden change in his life wasn't turning out so bad after all. He had a pretty regular life, getting up at eight in the morning four times a week, secretly trying to find some chords on his piano and compose whatever he could, going to bed early. Working cleared his mind, he didn't have to think about anything but his customers' desires, and even though it could get boring or stressing in the long run, at least he felt free. Nobody really cared or knew him there, and Mika wasn't complaining.


    Well, except one time.”

    What do you mean?”

    One guy kinda reminded me where I was coming from, if I may say.”


    Winter was coming. The curly haired teenager had turned 16 in August which was a scary thought to think about. Time was flying way too fast to Mika's tastes and he had started to feel anxious about life in general. After a couple months, he had managed to save enough money to start having his piano lessons. His mum helped him find a teacher, who turned out to be a Russian women with supposedly lots of experience with beginners. What her paper didn't say though, was that she was beyond severe and quite unfriendly despite Mika trying his best to behave and come out nice. The first lesson scared the crap out of him, but her ways of teaching aside, he slowly started to get better and could finally feel proud of himself.


    Those lessons were something. I was equally scared and excited to have them once a week!”


    But a couple months had indeed passed since his first butchered try at reading a piano sheet, and the weather was indeed getting cold. Everyone started to feel a bit depressed. Everything was gray and sad looking, and Mika was no exception: his mood declined pretty quickly. His mind started to think too much again, his smiles were getting more rare without totally disappearing.


    So, everyone was pretty down, you were down too. But who's that guy you're talking about?”

    I was about to get through this.”


    While life went on, Mika was going on with his life. He was used to work by now and even became a little close to his colleagues – enough to not feel weird around them, at least. Nobody minded each other, it was overall a pretty friendly atmosphere, until one day a client decided otherwise.


    You know, I was sitting at an empty table during a break, minding my own business, when a guy who must have been a couple years older than me came to my face. I was wondering who that could be since I haven't had anyone talking to me at the restaurant – my colleagues aside. So I looked up and saw his face. He looked like he wanted to murder me. Literally.”

    What did you do to make him so angry?”

    To this day, I still don't know.”


    Mika had had a normal morning, and had never seen this man before. He kept wondering what was wrong with him as the conversation started.


    He asked me and I quote, 'What the #### are you doing sitting on your ass?'”

    Okay, that's lovely.”

    So I got up to face him, but I was still calm, and I told him that I was in my break and, you know, asked him how my spare time was any of his concern. But keep in mind, I was still extremely nice to him. He was a customer, so I had to act cool.”


    But Mika's attempts to calm the guy miserably failed as his face became angrier.

    “I was sitting at this table, there, do you see that thing there, with chairs around? Yes, a table.”

    “Well, I wouldn't expect you to do anything else in a restaurant” Mika had answered statistically but still trying to cheer the blonde.

    “Don't you ####ing dare.” He answered, threatening. “I'm waiting for someone to come and take care of me and all I see is your s**tty face smiling at some paper on a dirty table.”


    I mean, this guy clearly forgot how to human being.”



    Mika had started to feel his anger rising, mixed with a slight fear of what might happen due to his past. But he decided that customer or not, that asshole wasn't allowed to treat him like a slave.

    “I saw you over there. But I'm having a break, and it's not my job to take orders anyway.”

    “I don't give a s**t what your job is. Your job right now is to please me. That's all you are to me.”

    The anger, the bad day, Mika could understand, forget and even forgive. But this particular sentence hit him harder than he'd thought. All the memories came back and he felt his whole body froze as the man facing him got dangerously closer and closer to him.



    To be continued...


    • Like 1
  7. Awwww ragin!!! But yes, could be worse I suppose!!! Aaaaahhhh, I see, I thought you were alone, don't bother then, and good point about the cost, I really hope you enjoy this experience with your friend and make it this special friendship memory/ life mile stone event :D :D :D!!! Some day maybe though, never say never as you say ;)!!!

    We sound like we have a new business idea here,'Mika Life Insurance' ahahahahahahahahaha!!! "For when you meet Mika and it's all too much" shall be our slogan ahahahahahahaha!!! We'd make millions with all them fans out there!!! GO BRAIN

    You crack me up omg  :naughty:  That'd be a good idea though, you'd be rich in no time ! 

    "Mika Life Insurance, for when the dose came from nomal to overdose. Don't risk it all with Mika Life Insurance, protect your health, for when you meet Mika and it's all too much.

    24/24 in your dreams

    7/7 here for you

    Mika Life Insurance"


    *Needs sleep*  :naughty:

  8. Ahahahahaha, I can't believe you bought a ticket, that is so amazing :naughty:, when you figure out how you're getting to London, jump over the water quickly the day before you go home, and come visit me in wonderful Northern Ireland, I live very close to Belfast :das:!!! I will do that for you, and I'll make sure to brush up on my French when I do, kuz I clearly need to :wink2:  :naughty: !!! BRAIN IS WRONG  :doh: Oh I will, there'll be no getting away from me, omw please do hehe!!! Oh I bet it'll be so sassy, it will be burned into your memory  :yes:  :mf_rosetinted: !!!

    The only thing though: I was about to have second row places but the site crashed and when I put them in my basket again it was 8th row :( But it's still good so I'm not complaining  :D

    That'd be amazing, but I'm not sure if that'd be possible because I'm going with a friend and we're planning everything together, it's already gonna cost a hella lot of coins I'm not sure I can spend more  :naughty: But never say never !


    That's a deal :D


    You guys are killing me  :naughty: I might need to do some funeral shopping soon then  :naughty:

  9. Oh my, you are so lucky!  :wub:


    Wow, how lucky you are! :D

    I am extremely lucky and somehow am jealous of myself, is that even a thing?  :naughty:  :naughty:



    Yeah, I do, I remember the chat and your gorgeous profile pic  :teehee: !!! Oh my goodness, no way, that's incredible, wow, lucky you, extremely jealous, that's one of my favourite shows, and Mika will be there, you will actualy see him in person, wow!!! That will be so fun, I would love to do that   :wub: !!! Oh yes, please please do report, that would be perfect  :yes: !!! Wow, I've never seen him live, and I'm not able to make it to the London Palladium unfortunately this year either :wait: , so that sucks, kuz obviously, seeing/meeting him live is my dying wish!!! OMG, were you one of those people on the balcony in the block of apartments that were opposite the concert he did in Paris at the town hall a few months ago, that he said hello too :o   :bow: ??? Woooooooooooooooooow, you are so blessed, omw, I'll sing a Mika song at your funeral haha if you do  :naughty:  :thumb_yello: !!! If you meet him and stay alive however, message me and tell me EVERYTHING  :wink2: !!! That's amazing, that it's sunny, just tops it all offf, well enjoy it, kuz we don't get any heat from it whatsoever where I'm from at this time of year  :hug: !!!

    Aww thank you for telling me that  :wub:

    I've seen Mika here in Nancy the 9th October and I bought a ticket to go to the London show - even though I have no idea how I'm gonna go there yet, never been to London in my life  :teehee: , I went crazy with my Mika purshases!

    I don't live in Paris no, I wasn't one of those people ! But you might actually need to organize my funeral after I die when meeting him  :naughty: *It's okay, he's just a human being, he's a normal guy, stop freaking out* LEAVE ME ALONE BRAIN  :naughty:

    Remind me to tell you what happened haha ! I don't know if my camera will be of much use considering the show ends at like 1:30am ! If I can get a tired pic though I'll show you  :naughty:  And I'll try my best for the report ! I hope I don't forget everything but Mika's outfit lol 

  10. Heyyy you ! I remember you from the chat because you thought we had the same name, remember?  :teehee:


    I'm great, thank you ! How are you?


    I couldn't be more great actually because I'm seeing Mika in 7 days  :wub:  I found a way to go to Paris and participate to The Voice as part of the audience ! I'm gonna try to do a report on my experience ! I'm so looking forward that day ! I only saw him live once 3 months ago and from far away! My friend who's coming with me also said we could stay after the show to say hi and I think I might actually die  :naughty:


    Plus, it's finally sunny here !  :hug:

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  11. This is adorable  :fangurl: You play very well and have an amazing voice (I could never have sung that high  :aah: )! What sheet music do you use? 

    Awhh thank you so much :wub:

    I don't use any music sheets, I kinda did it all either by ear and thanks to those two youtube videos: 




    Then I figured out how to play both at once on my own and improvised at the end  :naughty:

  12. You guys, I dreamt about Mika AGAIN  :wub: It was odd though haha.

    So I was with Mika at my primary school yard (?), my mum was there with her friends looking at us, and there was like a giant carpet on the ground. We were trying to do some figures, like acrobatics or something  :naughty: He lied down completely and I remember thinking how tall he looked like that. Then he put his hands in the air to invite me to do a figure but my mum came and it's like I heard her thoughts saying "you're gonna fall" haha (mind you, I was standing right in front of his head on the floor, so I was upside down). I took his right hand and put my foot on his shoulder (what?) and he laughed and said something like "you're not gonna make it like this". My mum was laughing, and then it's blurry but I remember feeling his body close to me, so I probably ended up falling  :naughty:

    Then the scenery changes and it's me, my mum, my sisters, my grandma and Mika around a table similar to the one I have in my living room irl, but there's like a bar in front of us and it's like a club environment  :blink:

    And then someone asked for Mika to do Boum boum boum, and in less than a minute he was behind a mike with one musicien next to him (altough it was an elaborate acoustic version haha). There was two guys behind the bar and the one on the left kept sighing and looking mad, so I went to see him and ask what his problem was. He answered that he didn't like Mika and was sick of hearing this song for the 47th time. I got mad, but then we were all around the table again (which magically appeared apparently  :naughty: ) and my grandma was singing extremely badly, we were all laughing but that same guy kept looking at us and said something like "So I have to put up with that dumbass here (pointing at Mika) and now with that old s**tty singer?". Mika and I got soo mad ! To get revenge, he started to sing even louder and higher than usual, I felt proud of him  :naughty:  I remember thinking ''My best friend is the best".

    And I woke up  :)

    • Like 2
  13. After the Paris attacks i had 3 Mika dreams in 2 nights, but i didn't type them out so i've forgotten most details.



    Last night tho i had another Mika dream & it was a good & long one  :wub:

    I went into the lobby area of the venue, which looked more like big tableless restaurant than a venue.  I saw a couple Mika fans but instead of going to talk to them I walked around looking for Mika-related stuff.  One wall had a bunch of TVs on it.  Each TV said what video it would play if you pressed the big red button in front of it.  I noticed all the videos were from the Seoul Jazz Festival so i looked & found one video by Mika, We Are Golden, but i didn't play it :doh:.  Then i finally went to chat with the two Mika fans, whom i knew a bit from when i was a kid but not from MFC.  Later i was down by a concession stand that was outside and yet also inside.  Some other fans came around, including DCDeb.  My other friend (who was definitely an MFC-er) introduced herself to Deb and i thought to myself 'whaaat? these two haven't met yet?'   So anyway, then we all sensed Mika's approach and lined up along a road.  First a procession of the cast of the Twilight films went by and most of us were like 'meh'.  But then Mika arrived and when down the line shaking everyone's hand.  I remember thinking his hand felt so tiny in mine.  Someone asked him for a photo but he said not before gigs, only after.

    Then sometime later he sat down at a big table with some of us fans and just kind of chatted with us, then he gave us all gifts.  They were mostly clothes that looked like he'd pulled them out of the lost & found.  But i was so grateful for the dirty shirt he gave me :teehee:

    I didn't want to leave, but before the gig i needed to use the restroom.  There was a line and finally when i got in the stall i found the door didn't lock and then some non-Mika stuff happened.  When i got out tho someone asked me if I'd seen Robert Pattinson  and i said 'No, but I met Mika' then all the girls in the bathroom started asking me questions while i washed my hands and it took forever to get back to Mika.  So while i was gone a bunch of food appeared in the room we'd been in before, like a buffet, and i was starving & didn't want to faint at the gig so I took some south-west style chicken and went back to our table.  Everyone else had left to go to the gig and only Mika & one guy were left at the table.  So i sat down to eat and i talked to Mika about something gig-related and i mentioned my husband (which was a lie so i mentally kicked myself for telling Mika that because it was such a dumb thing to make up).  Then Mika said it was time for him to go on stage so i was all 'omg i'm got go get a good spot' and ran off but then i realized i wasn't wearing any shoes.


    Then i woke up.



    You win, honestly.  :naughty:  :naughty:

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