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AmyWings last won the day on February 8 2016

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About AmyWings

  • Birthday 01/12/1997


  • Bio
    Accidently ignored Mika twice

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  • Interests
    Singing, music, drawing, writing.

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  1. Happy Birthday :happybday:

  2. I'd be interested if you ever found/find one to know where you did!
  3. I'm looking for one ticket for tonight! (31st) It's quite urgent please answer me quick of you happen to have one ????????????
  4. Going to Paris tomorrow for 3 The Voice sessions!! I can't wait ♥

    1. crazyaboutmika
    2. frenchfan84


      Yeaaaah !!! I can't wait either I'm going tomorrow, at 1 pm maybe we Will see each other on the queue ;-)

    3. mamiam


      Have fun, and enjoy each others company!:-)

  5. That's my plan cause this is very unpleasant
  6. I have good and bad news. The good news is I translated 1h16 minutes. The less good news is my software actually died again (I swear I was THIS close from throwing my computer away). So I'm still stuck in this loop of 'I hope I can fix it and finish it otherwise I'm considering death as an option'
  7. By the way guys, I pretty much started this thread talking about the necklaces but I've been done with them since like april and totally forgot to post it here. So here is how they turned out: https://s13.postimg.org/uptkpuhiv/collier_2.jpg https://s13.postimg.org/j8kwayekn/collier_3.jpg https://s3.postimg.org/9zb11bymb/collier.jpg I ordered the beads on a chinese website but honestly i'd rather not give the link to you as the shipping was HELLA expensive and they hadn't told anything about it on the website before. I had to pay a total of like 40€ (so like $50) just for them and I do suggest you try and find some dupes somewhere else, plus they aren't exactly the same, even though they do look quite similar. So I just looked at the pic and tried to figure out how to tie the thread pretty much! No real big deal for that really, for the ones with the dangling bits ( ) you just need to tie the thread a few beads away from the end of the necklace and that'll do the trick! I suggest you place all the beeds the way the necklace is gonna be before you put them on the thread so that you already know how it's gonna look like, test the length of the thread on yourself before and you should be good! Oh, and the tassels I made with colorful thread I found in a craftstore and followed the instructions to make them from the youtube videos. Super easy to make but I suggest you take rather ticker thread cause some of mines are made with very thin thread and they take forever to make and break more easily! To attach them to the thread I used very small rings that you can open and close and attached the top of each tassel to the thread in between two beads. It's a bit more wiggly but it does the job!
  8. Well guys my software works wonderful now, I solved the problem, FINALLY! And I haven't lost the 40 something minutes I had translated already, so I might be done with the second show by the end of the week!
  9. Thank you! I'm gonna simply say goodbye to the software i was using and use either another one or this one but upgraded, I can't find the file anymore anyways, so i'm gonna have to say goodbye to the 42 minutes of work i had already done with the second show but oh well... My fault anyways! I'll try and start working on it tomorrow
  10. Wouah. Look who just came back from the blue! I can't quote everybody but y'all are damn talented! I really loved the Elle Me Dit one, very simple and fresh!
  11. I can't believe I did so much Mika wise and haven't been on here for months!

    1. frenchfan84


      Hey ! Hello sweetie ! It's very good to see you back here !

    2. AmyWings


      Good to see you too! Can't believe you were at Avoine too and behind me and wasn't even aware! Crazy gig huh? ;)

    3. frenchfan84
  12. Hi, I'm sorry I haven't been on the MFC at all for weeks and weeks. I had done half the second show already but the software I was using to do the work stopped working. I'm still trying to figure out how to make it work. As soon as I manage to make something out of it again, I'll let you all know! I'm sorry, this is indeed long awaited but I'm gonna try my best
  13. WOW ! Haven't been on here for ages and soooo many things happened! Weird!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. kreacher


      welcome back!

    3. Roseline


      You are so laaaaaate !

    4. frenchfan84


      Hiiii sweetie ! It's good to see you again ! Welcome back ;-)<3

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