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Posts posted by AmyWings

  1. Ah a video of that would be lovely!! 




    I finally managed to do stuck in the middle as well ! I just don't know how to end it because the end of the song just goes crazy and nobody does that really  :naughty:

    I don't know how I managed to coordonate my hands but they just did on their own  :blink: Not gonna complain though !  :rolls_eyes:

  2. You guys are having some really frustrating and similar dreams  :naughty:


    I wonder what would Mika think if he knew so many people had dreams about him all the time...  :teehee:


    I had a another one yesterday actually, I was in my bedroom with my best friend and he said "I got you a present" (his name is Luca but I always accidently call him Mika, he's born english and we both love Mika anyways so he just laughs when I do - anyway). So I just tilt my head on the side like "what?'' and the doorbell rings. I go downstairs, open it and Mika's here with a big smile. I smile too, hug him really tight. He tells me he missed me (?) and that he's been doing very badly at the best friend job (I guess we were best friends here - which is like my actual dream haha, although it's a bit odd to also kinda be attracted to your best friend, although - ANYWAYS). So Luca comes downstairs, hugs Mika too, and I ask him where's Andy (for some reason I thought it was odd that Andy wasn't there) and Mika looked at me, sad, and he just started to sing the origin of love, except that towards the end he started to tear up  :shocked: (Now imagine this, in my dream I was devastated to see Mika so sad). Then all of the sudden we're both at a gig, I'm on stage giving a fan flowers (dafuq) and I suddenly see someone that looked vaguely like Andy in the crowd, so I waved but Mika was behind me and pushed me in the crowd  :aah: That would have been funny if he hadn't looked so... evil  :blink:

    And then I just remember being extremely sad somewhere, and Mika called me (but it wasn't a phone but a sort of mike?) and he laughed and said it was all a joke and that he loved me and i shouldn't be scared of him  :blink:  :blink:


    And I woke up  :blink: Now, that's 10 times weirder than my previous dream  :lmfao:

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  3. So I had a dream about Mika a few days ago.


    We were both in an empty supermarket but all the aisles and everything were separated by big white walls made out of plastic or something, and the whole area just looked like a giant maze. He was looking the way he was in 2008 or something, he had a black suit and shiny shoes, and he was running everywhere while singing in a mike (where was it plugged? Into thin air probably :naughty: ). He never looked at me, and I was trying to get him ! Like, it was a giant chase pretty much  :huh:


    I woke up really disappointed because I hadn't managed to get him  :naughty: Weird weird weird.

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    This post is about last monday's recording, and I am very late. I was supposed to finish translation this past week-end but then horror happened.



    TAH DAH!! The Voice is back and guess what? My magic pen is too! (which turned out to be Isa's pen, actually, thanks again). But don't worry, this year I was going to only one blind recording, so I won't force you to swallow 10 endless reports in a row.
    But I'll re-use the same introduction as last year tho: I am not super attentive about the concurents, so I won't spoil a lot about them. But I will spoil the rest: I'll talk about the coaches stupid things, and some of them will make it to the television. So you decide if it is worth waiting to discover it all on your tv screen or if, well... it's the voice, who cares.
    I'll just put the infos about the new costume and the opening song under spoiler, because that's the only real suspens Xd

    But this outfit, my friends, IT FEELS SO GOOD!!!! So long for the suits which limitated him so much and that are so not handy when you want to sit in an absurd lotus position on your seat. And here comes the Mika dress as a Mika! You should have heard the explosion of joy coming from our rows when he came in running in his black slim, his white and red-glittering sneakers, his white t shirt, his black "mouth" jacket and most of all his surrealistic piling of necklaces and bracelets... OOOOohhhhhhhh. It is so good to see but it also suits much better all those weird ways of sitting that he has: in a suit, they looked funny but ridiculous. In this "false decontract" outfit, it looks... sexy   :naughty: . The only downside is, those necklaces having to share the space with the hears wires is a bit complicated, as he can see right from the beginning as everybody has left the set to get ready for the opening song and he is still standing all alone in front of his seat trying to untangle his bag of bones, with all the tech guys passing in front of him without caring to help at all, it reminded me of his five minutes of cleaning his champagne off the floor from last year XD. (and when someone finally decides to help, Mika just doesn't see him and leave the set in 3 giant steps, the poor guy hanging to the wire in his back having to run not to fall :doh: ). The opening song is finally done, a little unknown tune from a starting band, or wen Coldplay ruled the world... as usual this is their first and it is half a massacre, but it's fun anyway. Especially when Zazie says "Yep. We'll get it right in April" and Mika to answer, like a 5yo child "... but does it mean we're doing it again?"

    Anyway, the opening song is in the box and our 4 friends go back to their seats. And the tallest one to sit proudly and to tell us that this year, sprawling on the seat is out of question. No, now he wants to be "noble and elegant". Around 6 minutes later he would have forgotten enough this new resolution to be half lying down, feet on the buzzer but oh, who cares, it works so well with the new outfit (and us to spend the whole show saying "oh God, so many pictures lost!" every time he was changing position Xd)... He also finds his way again to the armrest, forcing his neighbour (this year Pagny. He is between Pagny and Zazie now by the way) to tell him endlessely "Sit down and behave, Mika" to which you could swear he was about to add "and don't put your elbows on the table".
    As we're waiting for the recording to begin, each of them find their very own way to pass time. And as Garou keeps himself busy by smoking his pipe (yep), Mika passes time by finding candies and trying to hide them under his ass. He will put one out to eat it discreetly from time to time during the show (descreetly, that means that he'll shew like a cow during half a concurrent's song without caring the slightest of being filmed).
    He'll get his french corrected right from his first intervention and will reinvent the meaning of some french idioms, to what the other coaches will laugh a lot - but they're not mocking, really. The atmosphere is actually quite lighter and funnier than last year, and in truth this new team has a very good alchemy (well I have made no secret of my opinion about Jenifer, for me she was pulling the other ones down so her not being here this year is like a bowl of fresh air).
    And as I am talking about his french, he makes me laugh every time he hesitates right in the middle of a word and on that night I immediately adopted his
    "We were all in suspen.
    tion".  :mfr_lol:
    He keeps talking too much, and the other 3 still have a hard time not only to make him stop talking but to keep him from talking AGAIN afterwards. "I talk too much. I really am a blabbermouth". Oh yes, we know you're aware of that, but you can't control it, you have to be in the middle of it even when you have nothing to say. Like we can see with this exchange with Zazie 
    -So Mika are you done now?!
    -NO!! ..... Yes:lmfao:
    As we're talking about him and Zazie, from them came the golden quote of the night (well it came from him but with a big help from Zazie). They are all trying to win the hart of a very lovely girl, and so Zazie tries her luck with this selling point but...
    "Zazie: You have to come with a woman. The other three are men, they're just gonna try to pick you up
    Mika: And me?! Really you didn't well think through that one, did you?!" 
    His way of saying that. Golden, I'm telling you. 
    2 other big moments, we were crying out of laugh actually, were the "Garou's line" bit and the case of the Azerbaijani. I don't expect it to be as funny to read so I hope most of it will make it to television.
    Let's talk about Garou first: between 2 songs the coaches are asked to do a little sequence that will probably serve for an add or something. It's supposed to go that way: Garou has to get closer to Zazie and to say "I don't know why, but I feel like this year is gonna be a good one". Then all of them are supposed to give mishevious looks to the others, and then to press all their buzzers simultaneously, looking very convinced (and Mika wins the convicted face contest by a lanslide, he was actually almost creepy :aah: ). Anyway, it was suposed to be short, no more than a couple of minutes... except that Zazie was having a massive giggle. So they had to do it like 15 times, and I think part of it will end up in the bloopers because it was pretty hilarious... even when Mika began to get really tired of it and was about to hit Zazie every time she began to laugh again :bonk: .
    But the biggest "what the heck??!!" moment is about this crazy Azerbaijani. He just had to arrive for it to be obvious that he would be trying to hard.
    Except that our 4 coaches can't see him. And the guy is making very strange (and quite scary.) things with his voice. So they are getting curious - it's not even vocally interesting, but it's too strange not to get curious. And they KNOW they shouldn't turn, really we could see on their faces they knew it was a mistake but their curiosity won anyway and they all press the buzzer... and if there was ever one time when they would have wished their seats to keep turning until they came back to their initial position, I swear it was that one.
    Then comes the weirdest (and longest) "please come in my team" mendatory moment, as in fact NO ONE wanted him and they were all trying to push him to go on the other ones teams. It's not just the look of the guy, it's a ful pack of him being hiarious for five minutes but you could see he was gonna be insupportable pretty quickly. And also he never stops talking, like never ever. But you can't understand what's the purpose of what he is saying. You can't not laugh because he is so sure of him but he's... I mean,  you'll see, it's not that we were mocking him, it's just that he was too much... much much. Actually he was doing it on purpose, it's the character he is playing, and for sure you can't not notice him: he's not trying to make himself likeable, he's just "me me me me me me".  He'll even manage to confess that he didn't even know the 4 coaches before a couple of days ago, and have listened to them the day before but don't like any of them Xd (and so came from Mika "well, you just said you hate all of us, at least we're on a equal footing!").  
    And Mika to get all excited, screaming "no but it's cool, you go in Zazie's team, she's perfect for you!!!". A good half an hour later we're stuck between laughing while watching the coaches strugling with him and praying for him to go away because we'd like to go to bed before 5 am. The three guys aren't even trying anymore and so it is the poor Zazie who ends up with this phenomena. And Mika is so relieved that he lost all his control and begins to jump in the middle of the stage while singing and dancing "Ah Ah Ah Ah Staying Aliiiiiiiiive" . We were laughing so hard I couldn't breathe (and then the guy came back because they had to redo the "I choose Zazie" take, but thing is he didn't even know how she was called...).
    Now, do we talk about the fact that he destroyed Florent's seat or not? Oh yes let's talk about it. As he was 'pretending' to help Florent by 'pretending' to push his seat to make it turn... he sort of forgot to pretend and began to push the thing like crazy for real. And so obviously the thing didn't like it, and stayed stuck in the middle of turning. No way to put it right again so Florent has to do a full concurrent debrief standing up in front of his seat, and during all that time Mika was purposely watching on the other side of Florent, like "bad luck for him but not my fault at all, me not concerned at all :fisch: ". And the thing is I am certain that by pretending not to be interested at all he really thought nobody will realise it was his fault...
    And as he knows how to remind everyone that there's this little part inside him that will always be 5, you should have seen his reaction when he saw his face zoomed in the TV screen. Well he started by asking them to stop doing that, because he didn't really fancied having a zoomed shot of his nose ... but then he decided that it was actually quite a good occasion to check on all his funny faces. All coming with deep comments, like "Han my teeth are white!! Oh no wait! Hey watch that, I have a yellow tooth!"
    Also came this terrible moment when we had a wonderful contestant, full of energy and fantastic voice, and she put the place on fire... but they didn't buzz. Well in fact Mika did but too late (I think he didn't expect the song to end that abruptly). So after that he was yelling NO PLEASE CAN WE DO IT AGAIN I BUZZED!!! BUT IT WAS TOO LATE!!! He really is disapointed. And just before leaving the girl says "but Mika I don't know if you remember but we've met already" and Mika to scream again "YES I KNOW!" (and then from around me I hear the girls say "oh but it's the woman from the Comedia!!") and then Mika to explain that she sang with him at some gig and she was amazing and so funny because she improvised a lot and so he's even more gutted... (and so it was actually the chorister who drove him crazy in an hilarious way at the Comedia  private gig in june. Except she had a new haircut and so no one has recognised her :P  ).
    We also had some touching moments. Like this lovely french canadian girl in her beautiful white dress, coming here with her violin and playing and singing and smiling and being super cute and moving. So every coach wants her. Mika was the last one to buzz but he is still fighting tooth and nail for her. As the others do, except Florent, weirdly enough.
    And it lasts. For a very long time. And as she is about to choose, she's loosing her words, she is very moved and is having a hard time to talk. So to help her to relax Florent tells her, in a joke "it's okay you can just play violin!". And she begins to raise her violin, and the audience going all "oh but she didn't understand it was a joke!" 
    But she did understand. But she has decided that it would be her way of giving her answer and... she begins to play Happy Ending. And it was such a beautiful moment, Mika recognising the song al of a sudden and jumping out of his seat to go and take her in his arms and make her turn, with this white dress turning around them, and then he puts her on the floor, take her head in his hands and kisses her forefront, while the 3 other coaches are watching without understanding until he explains to them that "This was my song". Really, it was so, so beautiful and I hope it will render well on television because us there got goosebumps.
    After she left Florent said to Mika "I didn't even try to, because I knew. When the 3 of us turned, she was happy but she didn't change. When you turned, she had a massive charge of renewed energy and so I knew there was nothing to do"  :wub:
    And now comes the moment when, as usual.... I am too lazy to write a conclusion  B)



    Oh my God this year's show is gonna be everything... I'm so impatient !


    Thank you so much for the report ! That was amazingly clear and beautiful to read !


    Merciiiii  :teehee:  :naughty:  :wub:

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    These are some videos that I used. I cannot find all of them sorry :( and I had to change some parts from the videos simce the notes were not exactly true.

    For stuck in the middle, it is impossible to give a reference, because I watched so many things while improving it. But if you need, I can make a video of how I play. And it is ok for other songs, too :)


    Thank you very much, that's cool !  :D

  6. Noo it is noot, you can do it :) if you need help I can help


    Btw sorry I still couldnt look at the videos, I was busy :(

    Haha ! Working on it ! The process of actually having it all together is harder than the actual learning haha ! I got most of the song but it's hard getting the two hands together especially when 1/5 of it is me improvising from scratch / videos I see  :naughty:

  7. I searched for Underwater a lot, I can play untill the chorus but the videos that I saw werent correct for chorus. It wasnt the same as the record. How could you find it?



    It's been a long time actually, and now I dont have the links... And also, I guess some videos were removed because I couldnt find them again. But I am sure there are still some(well I hope :D) I'll try to find them again and if I manage then I'll post :)

    Well for underwater it's not like the real version as well but it's enough to sing along and recornize the song so i'm good about that haha ! If you wanna see the version i do i can always try to do a vid or something :)


    Yeah thank you for your time anyways !  :)

  8. Hii :)


    Yes, it is hard to find, unfortunately. And this is what I want,too. Usually I find vocal notes which I dont like :/

    In terms of this, Grace Kelly is a good choice because its accoustic version is easy to find :)

    I couldnt find Billy Brown or Toy Boy either. But I figured out Stuck In The Middle from concert videos and some videos on the net. The other ones that I play are Happy Ending, Last Party, We Are Golden and Grace Kelly. I managed to play those by using the same method. Sometimes piano tutorials are not exactly true, so I listened and watched gigs and mixed all of them. About the other songs I only know some parts of them, but not entirely.

    Yeah me too... :aah:

    I already know how to play underwater, grace kelly, any other world, good guys and over my shoulder because i figured them out and got helped by some tutorials and / or me watching his lives but yeah...

    Could you give me some of the links you used for those songs whenever you have time please? :) 

    The struggle is real  :naughty:  :naughty:

  9. Hey friends !  :D


    So, I'm willing to learn as many Mika songs on my keyboard as I can in order to do singing covers. That means I'm trying to find tutorials on how Mika plays his songs on the piano while singing because I can only find either extremely easy or too complicated covers / tutorials and it really frustrates me.  :banghead:  Plus, there's often nothing about songs that are 'less' famous like Billy Brown or Toy Boy, though they're mostly piano  :wait:


    Has any of you ever found a way to see what Mika plays while he's singing? I'm really desperate  :tears:  


    Uhh there's so many acoustic and live videos showing Mika playing but I never could see exactly what he's doing it's so infuriating haha ! :naughty:


    HELP  :bow:

  10. Melyssa backed them up on vimeo so you can still watch them, there's a vimeo link under each video and those work :thumb_yello:

    But you need to open the videos in youtube to see the links :wink2:

    First video: 

    Second video:

    Third video: 


    Ohhh okay thank you so much  :thumb_yello:  :biggrin2:


    Oh my God he's so cute ! I watched all the seasons of The Voice but those vids are very well put together, it just shows how cool Mika is  :biggrin2:

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  11. Welcome :) You're so lucky that you got to see Mika!!!! 


    Thank you ! Yes I know right? Unfortunately i was quite far away from the stage cause my best friend and I had troubles coming to the place so we arrived 10 minutes after it started (hopefully it was only the first part playing) but that meant we were quite far... Still enjoyed it a tone though ! I'm looking forward his next tour :D


    :bye: Welcome to MFC Honorine :huglove:

    My name is Anne, I'm French too and I am Mikaddicted :biggrin2:

    Enjoy yourself on MFC :thumb_yello:


    Thank you  :teehee:  

    Haha french power ! It's so weird, Mika is really popular here but I never get to meet Mikaddicts  :shocked: 

    Nice to meet you  :hug:

  12. What a sweet introduction!


    Have fun here, Honorine!!


    I'm Myriam, and I'm from Rome, welcome on board!! :boat29:



    :france:   :mika3:  :italia:

    Thank you ! Rome though, I'd love to visit Italie it's so beautiful !  :) Loving the flags haha !  :wub:



    Welcome to the MFC and have a lot of fun here. :wink2:

    We all know what seeing Mika live can do to us. Many of us became addicted and now have to see him again and again and agian......

    Thank you so much ! 

    I know right? I wanted to see him for so long, but honestly I just want to see him again so bad now... You're right, I think I'm addicted  :teehee:


    Hi, welcome and enjoy MFC :wink2:

    Thank you! You're all awesome and so warm I love it  :hug:

  13. Country: France


    Favorite song: *torture me already :mf_rosetinted: * But from what's already been said, I'm gonna go with...We are golden  :dunno:  :naughty:


    Venue: Le Zénith de Nancy, Lorraine because that's near me haha. Wish there was a more intimate environment though, in this case "l'autre canal" would be better but it's less likely he could come here  :)

  14. Haha, I love TVF too  :wink2:  I'm guessing you have seen these videos? For a while I watched them every day  :naughty:


    AND OMG I JUST REALISED SHE MADE A 3RD ONE OMG  :teehee:  :teehee:  :teehee:  :teehee:

    Oh damn I can't watch the vids they're blocked in France :(


    But Mika is such a child in this show, I love it. He really does bring a fresh and funny atmosphere and they're all having fun together ! I just hope it's not gonna stop him from making his tour / next album  :)

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