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Posts posted by virgi

  1. 1 hour ago, carafon said:

    Maybe throwing the planes in the crowd instead of the stage could be a good option as well ?


    As I won't have lot of free time next weeks I've already started to print some leaves

    Here is the text :


    SVP, levez cette feuille et éclairez la avec la lampe de votre téléphone pendant« THE ORIGIN OF LOVE »( pour reproduire l’arc en ciel du décor.)       


    A la fin de la chanson vous pouvez la transformer en avion et le faire voler sur « PALOMA »      MERCI



    Please DM me if you need a PDF


    And we all have to take a "scotch" roll with us to stick them on the chairs



    For the instructions we decided to print them both in French and English (for not-french fans who are coming), and the English version is the one @mellody wrote here (even if we should add instructions for paper planes as well) 👇🏻 


    On 12/1/2019 at 11:08 PM, mellody said:

    As for the instructions, I thought of something like:


    Please hold this up during "Origin of Love" to create a rainbow for Mika. Light it with your phone torch, to make it visible in the dark.


    What do you think? If it's ok for you, please can someone translate it to French? Then I can create a PDF with French and English text that you just need to print.


    Most people will read it before the gig starts, as we put it on their seats - so I don't think we need to write that big. But we should indicate whether to hold it with the short or the long side up, so it won't look too messy - I think the long side (landscape format) is better... what do you think, is it enough to print the text in the correct orientation, or should we add an arrow, indicating "UP"?


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    On 11/24/2019 at 10:48 PM, mellody said:


    So ok, sorry for the delay, I just got a bit stressed because I was about to leave for Zurich and your suggestion looked so different from what I had in mind. But of course we can discuss it, I suppose each version has its pros and cons. Here's what I imagined for the gold circle area, as I can be sure to know enough people with seats in this area who would be willing to help:


    (sorry for the green dot, that was a mistake)


    I don't know how much we are allowed to walk around in this area, to prepare things, but I suppose outside of this area it will get more difficult, and I don't know anyone who has seats somewhere else (if any of you does and would like to help, plmk).

    Anyway, if we do it this way, we can extend it as much as we want to the back and the other side, as long as we buy enough papers and are allowed to go in those areas to distribute them. In your version, we would HAVE to include the whole seated area, and especially on the opposite side with the VIP seats, I don't know if it's possible and even if it is, if people there want to take part in a fan action. :dunno:


    It's the 7 colours Mika uses, in my opinion it's beautiful to extend the rainbow from his stage into the crowd. But I'm open to discussion, if many of you prefer the LGBT flag, we could do that as well.


    I counted the rows and places in this area. It's about 2500 to 3000 seats, and 27-28 rows, apart from the first block near the stage, which has less, but I don't even know if they have sold tickets for this, as I think it's on the side of the stage, no? That makes 4 rows per colour, as we have 7 colours. If we buy one 500 pack of each colour, it's 3500 sheets of paper, and about 60€ altogether. We could include the back of the venue for another 60€, I guess (I haven't counted those places yet, but it doesn't look much more than on the side), if we can distribute the papers there.

    Hi! Just a question.. Did I get right that you would like to do a unique rainbow in just one side of the arena as you draw on the map, or are we going to create two different rainbows in both right and left sides? Or this is still to be decided? 

    • Like 1
  3. Hi! 

    @mellody I love the idea of the rainbow flag for Bercy, as it is the last show of the year we will leave with a great memory of it; also after all the previous shows, we would bring the same concept he’s bringing on stage with colours, but in our own way; and something more practical: it seems that seating places are almost sold out for this venue, so we won't risk to leave empty spaces (without colours), and so I think it would fit perfectly.


    I already attended some concerts were this kind of FA was done and it worked perfectly, we lit up a simple A4 coloured sheet with the phone torch!

    I attach here two videos, so that you'll have an idea of the result!

    I didn't take part in the organisation of those FA, but I don't think it would be that difficult to organise :) 


    And for the standing area, I don't know.. maybe as you said, everyone could hold up sheets with all the colours! 



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  4. 29 minutes ago, tiibet said:

    Would it be possible to post a link to a google translation? I can’t manage to copy this with my mobile and I have still a long way to travel. Thanks 🙂



    I copied and pasted in Google translator the whole interview. I don’t usually trust google translator at all, and I haven’t even controlled how it is translated but I think it’s an important interview and this way you‘ll have an idea of what we’re talking about, without having to wait for a properly translation, even if probably this is not so grammatically correct. 


    MikaParisMatchgoogletranslator .docx

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  5. 14 hours ago, carafon said:

    What about collecting and printing all the messages ,put them in a fold or as a book  and give it to him as an extra birthday gift along with the secret garden box ?

    Then he'd have a physical souvenir of the emotional tsunami  that "tiny love" created

    @dcdeb what do you think ?



    It would be a nice idea too! 😊

    • Like 1
  6. 47 minutes ago, mellody said:


    I think many of them are too long for one Tweet. :dunno:

    yes I thought it too, maybe we can do a screenshot of our instagram comment and add that phrase in the tweet? 


    It was just an idea, if nobody wants to share his story somewhere else (many are very private, I admire you!) it's ok, no problem :blush-anim-cl: :thumb_yello: 

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  7. Since there are so MANY lovely, sweet and interesting replies to Mika's last ig post, and sharing and reading all this love makes feel good..

    What if we start a new hashtag #OurTinyLoveStories on Twitter and anyone who’d like to share his tiny love story write it (or re-post from Instagram) there?

    Also I think it would be nice if everyone will end his story with the phrase “My name is … I was born in … and this is my tiny love story”, it becomes even more personal I think (it’s a @Beatrixxx_always ’s idea on her instagram comment and I loved it) 

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  8. 25 minutes ago, Giulia221b said:

    Of all the venues of the tour in Italy, I've only been to the Unipol Arena in Bologna and in my opinion is not that big, but I haven't taken part in many concerts so I can't make a comparison with other venues...If you want I can see if I've got some pictures of the place, and I can send them to you!


    On 8/11/2019 at 12:08 AM, pammerisms said:

    Hello mods and fellow fans!

    New to this site so I apologize in advance if I'm in the wrong thread. Thinking of flying to Europe (ideally Italy last week of November) to see Mika live. Just not sure where exactly is the best place to see him. While big concerts are fun and full of energy, I prefer more intimate settings... where the performer isn't just a speck from the distance. Y'all seem to have seen him EVERYWHERE so I'm hoping you have some advice to offer me.


    p.s. Italy is my first choice but please feel free to offer other suggestions within Europe! 


    I've been to the venue in Bologna several times too, it is actually the biggest event arena in Italy but when you're in you don't feel it at all, it feels much more like an intimate place and you can see very well from every place. 

    In general for this tour most of all the venues in Italy are big arenas with about 6000-8000 up to 18000 (Unipol Arena) people capacity. The more intimate one are probably in other country around Europe as @mellody said. 

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  9. 13 minutes ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:


    I don't know if I well understood but at 12:35 Mika sais that the world tour will start in New York? Before Europe.

    Yes he said so

    He actually said that the tour will start in New York, that they will be in the Usa, but also somewhere else, before the tour starts in Europe and that anyone knows it yet ☺️

    • Like 2
  10. 14 hours ago, mellody said:


    Hallo virgi, dein Deutsch ist ja wirklich gut! Lernst du es in der Schule? Ich lerne auch seit ein paar Monaten Italienisch, mit einer App fürs Handy, damit ich Mika bei Interviews und Konzerten besser verstehe. :blush-anim-cl: Ich war schon oft in Italien und habe schon ein Gefühl für die Sprache - aber in der Schule hatte ich nur Latein. Das hilft vielleicht ein bisschen, aber bis ich auf Italienisch wirklich das Meiste verstehe, wird es wohl noch länger dauern.


    Unterhaching kenne ich vom Vorbeifahren, aber ich wohne im Westen von München, die Stadtteile und das Umland im Osten der Stadt kenne ich weniger gut.


    Auf welche/s Konzert/e gehst du denn auf der Tour? Vielleicht sehen wir uns ja? :)


    Danke! Ich habe Deutsch fünf Jahren im Gymnasium gelernt und da ich es sehr mag, habe ich entscheidet, es an der Universität weiter zu studieren (ich studiere jetzt Übersetzung und Dolmetschen auf Französisch Deutsch und Englisch). 


    Was die Konzerte angeht, habe ich bis jetzt Tickets für Bologna (meine Stadt) und Paris (weil ich einen Erasmus von September bis Januar dort machen werde :yay:und ich hoffe, dass ich die Möglichkeit habe, Mika irgendwo in Paris vor den 22.12 zu sehen, da er fast immer dort ist :mfr_lol:)  

    Ich habe gesehen, dass du diese beide Konzerte im Moment nicht vorhast (sagt man so?).. aber wenn du nach Bercy/Paris kommst, wäre es sehr schön sich kennenzulernen!

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  11. On 6/13/2019 at 11:14 PM, mellody said:

    Ich bin auch aus Bayern, genauer gesagt München, und wohne jetzt mit Family im Münchner Umland. :)

    aah München und sein Umland  :wub2:  ich hatte knapp zwei Monate vor 3 Jahre dort verbracht, ich war genauer in Unterhaching, kennt ihr?  Natürlich habe ich auch München viel besichtigt und deswegen kenne ich es ganz gut!

    Ich komme aus Italien (und lerne Deutsch deswegen freut es mich dieses Thread ab und zu zu lesen) und das war einen langen Schulaustausch, an dem ich das Glück hatte teilnehmen zu können (weil es mir viel geholfen hat, mein Deutsch zu verbessern und eine sehr schöne Erfahrung zu erleben :blush-anim-cl:)

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  12. 12 hours ago, mellody said:

    I wish I could attend this one... such good memories of when I saw Mika in Bologna back in 2007. :wub2: Although the venue back then was a "bit" smaller. :teehee:

    But it'd be too much time away from my family, with London and Zurich in the same month. One day when my kids are old enough to take care of themselves, I hope I'll get another chance to refresh my Mika in Bologna memories. :blush-anim-cl:

    Wow! Wish I could have been there in 2007 too since I live in Bologna, but i was too young and didn't even know yet what a concert was :teehee:  

    then I became a concert lover and now I know this venue even better than my own house :mfr_lol: I've been there so many times to see other artists.. finally it's time for Mika too!!

    I've always dreamt of a Mika concert in my hometown again, and finaaaally after ages here he is :wub2:  

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