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Posts posted by Dominika

  1. On 11.02.2018 at 11:44 PM, Mikasister said:

    My favorite quote. Down on the right side. :wub2:



    " There is nothing more manly than a man who knows how to be gentle. There is nothing sexier to a woman than a man who knows how to be delicate. There is nothing to help creativity than sensitivity. That doesn't mean being weak, because you have to be very strong. But having strength while keeping your sensitivity let you listen to the world and keep in touch. And when you lose touch, you lose creativity, emotion that allows you to feel things."


    How it happened that I had not seen it before!? :shocked: These are such beautiful words!!! :wub: I love him even more now ( if it's possible to love him even more at all ), he's incredible person:mikalove:
    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Fan1955 said:

    I use the magazine I Love English for my teaching here in France. Borrow it from the local library and guess who I found on a back copy! (I know it is not press 2018 but did not know where else to post it, date is 2015)



    I remember when I was studying Leonardo DiCaprio pops out of every english coursebook I had :lmfao:

    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Maria :) said:


    I hope I didn't make too errors... :wink2:


    "This has always been the case.
    I have always been mocked because of my homosexuality, because of my strangeness.
    In my childhood I was the favorite target of stalkers, and even now,  despite the celebrity, the wickedness of people doesn't spare me. But there is a big difference between the past and the present. Before I was alone, I thought nobody loved me. And when I fell, people were trampling me. Also today, I still encounter obstacles. But I'm not  alone: there are so many people who love me, who are strong around me. Thanks to them, I get up, I continue to run for them.
    Fans often tell me, "you saved me". But they are wrong. They are the ones who saved me and continue to do it every time."

    Very good @Maria :) 😉 I love this quote! 😍

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