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Maria :)

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Status Replies posted by Maria :)

  1. Hello girls !! 

    I wish you full of surprises and happy moments for the new year ! 

    I hope I will be able meet you a day  even if I 'am youger than you and it will be very difficult. 

    And i hope we will stay friends forever because you are very important for me. 

    Excellent new year @ girls ! 

    I thank you for everything, and thank you, thank you infinitely @Boucarilla

    It' s thanks to you I'm here. :huglove:





  2. Hello girls !! 

    I wish you full of surprises and happy moments for the new year ! 

    I hope I will be able meet you a day  even if I 'am youger than you and it will be very difficult. 

    And i hope we will stay friends forever because you are very important for me. 

    Excellent new year @ girls ! 

    I thank you for everything, and thank you, thank you infinitely @Boucarilla

    It' s thanks to you I'm here. :huglove:





  3. Hello girls !! 

    I wish you full of surprises and happy moments for the new year ! 

    I hope I will be able meet you a day  even if I 'am youger than you and it will be very difficult. 

    And i hope we will stay friends forever because you are very important for me. 

    Excellent new year @ girls ! 

    I thank you for everything, and thank you, thank you infinitely @Boucarilla

    It' s thanks to you I'm here. :huglove:





  4. Hello girls !! 

    I wish you full of surprises and happy moments for the new year ! 

    I hope I will be able meet you a day  even if I 'am youger than you and it will be very difficult. 

    And i hope we will stay friends forever because you are very important for me. 

    Excellent new year @ girls ! 

    I thank you for everything, and thank you, thank you infinitely @Boucarilla

    It' s thanks to you I'm here. :huglove:





  5. Hello girls !! 

    I wish you full of surprises and happy moments for the new year ! 

    I hope I will be able meet you a day  even if I 'am youger than you and it will be very difficult. 

    And i hope we will stay friends forever because you are very important for me. 

    Excellent new year @ girls ! 

    I thank you for everything, and thank you, thank you infinitely @Boucarilla

    It' s thanks to you I'm here. :huglove:






    Today I discovered this song thanks to a survey on this site!

    How could I miss it? :wink2:

    What do you think about it?

    I rate it 7/10.




    End of the year. 2017, this has been the worse year for me as a Mika fan. Since I knew him in 2009,  he has done concerts every year, this year absolutely nothing. I hope there is not another year like this and he remembers he has fans in other places, not only in France and Italy, that love him.  I'm waiting for his new album and promo around the world. More focussed in music and seeing him like a musician, not a showman. Please Mika, come back to music for all your fans. :tears:


    I would like the people who see Mika every week, month,  to put themselves in our place and see how we feel. 


    One year today since the last time I saw Mika in concert in Florence. Time flies. :aah:





    Happy 2018 sweet @girls!!  It is a pleasure to know you and hope, maybe some day, to meet you in person. :hug: :group_hug:

  8. I like the energy that mika releases ! :cheer:

    If you have others photos, don't hesitate to share them ! :wink2:








  9. I like the energy that mika releases ! :cheer:

    If you have others photos, don't hesitate to share them ! :wink2:








  10. Hello @girls! How are you today? 

    I finished nannying today and I feel that my throat hurts from talking and singing all the time. But the most important that children were happy :) 

    @Maria :) thank you so much for your beautiful card!  :wub: It came today and it was a wonderful surprise to me :hug:



  11. I like the energy that mika releases ! :cheer:

    If you have others photos, don't hesitate to share them ! :wink2:








  12. 270021_10150252850398040_6006248039_7584



    Good night @girls. I barely have time to be around. :sorry:


    Je viens de découvrir cette vidéo à partir de Twitter, bon dommage il n'y a pas de sous-titres français mais l'anglais fait l'affaire. Je ne connaissais pas cette anecdote quand il se coiffait comme Astro boy! :lmfao:


    I just discovered this video via Twitter, unfortunately there are not french subtitles but English is well. I didn't know he put his hair like Astro boy when he was a child! :lmfao:

  14. Chrismas has passed but for Mika

    it's never too late ! 






    I love this video ! 

    I can't stop to watch it ! His laugh is so cute :wub2:

    What is your favourite moment ?? 

  16. Hello girls ! 

    How are you today ? 

    Here is a performance of the voice that I like. 

    Don't hesitate to share others videos of the voice that you like. 😉 


    She's amazing, awesome, fantastic !!! 

    Especally at 1 :22 

    I find she has a clearly voice. 

    It's crazy to have as much power and sweetness in your voice ! The end is awesome ! 

    Haha I love the expression of face of Mika at a moment 😂

    What a voice !! 


    There are many others I love of course (for exemple Tamara) 

    See you soon ! 

  17. Hello girls ! 

    How are you today ? 

    Here is a performance of the voice that I like. 

    Don't hesitate to share others videos of the voice that you like. 😉 


    She's amazing, awesome, fantastic !!! 

    Especally at 1 :22 

    I find she has a clearly voice. 

    It's crazy to have as much power and sweetness in your voice ! The end is awesome ! 

    Haha I love the expression of face of Mika at a moment 😂

    What a voice !! 


    There are many others I love of course (for exemple Tamara) 

    See you soon ! 

  18. Coucou les filles !!! 

    How were your Christmas parties ? 

    What did you do ? :newyear:

  19. Coucou les filles !!! 

    How were your Christmas parties ? 

    What did you do ? :newyear:

  20. Coucou les filles !!! 

    How were your Christmas parties ? 

    What did you do ? :newyear:

  21. Coucou les filles !!! 

    How were your Christmas parties ? 

    What did you do ? :newyear:

  22. Coucou les filles !!! 

    How were your Christmas parties ? 

    What did you do ? :newyear:

  23. Coucou les filles !!! 

    How were your Christmas parties ? 

    What did you do ? :newyear:

  24. Coucou les filles !!! 

    How were your Christmas parties ? 

    What did you do ? :newyear:

  25. Coucou les filles !!! 

    How were your Christmas parties ? 

    What did you do ? :newyear:

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