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Posts posted by holdingyourdrink

  1. 9 minutes ago, Bren said:

    plinky plonk pop artist

    According to Google, this is what it means: 


    “plinky-plonky (comparative more plinky-plonky, superlative most plinky-plonky) (informal) Having a simple, repetitive, percussive melody.”


    I could not disagree more, obviously this reviewer had NOT taken the time to really look into Mika’s discography, otherwise he never could’ve concluded that…. But I think we can all agree on that. 

    • Like 3
  2. The final concert was just incredibly emotional and absolutely astonishing. I had the pleasure of being at the final of the first season and that was already so intense compared to the Final Cut… I can only imagine what it must’ve been like for the people in the audience during this finale. Yes @Heroyou were pretty much all of us, I could feel your tears.


    Sum: considering he has only been playing this piece for a mere 3-4 weeks and has just gotten off script, that performance was astonishing, even if it would’ve been done by an adult! He is incredibly gifted and I hope Lang Lang takes him up as a student.

    I loved that they filmed the little part where he privately spoke to his father in Chinese, I figured that they would not speak English in private, but it was very adorable to witness. I also wonder if Lang Lang mentored him in Chinese off camera, but I believe they are from different regions, so it is possible that their dialects are too different.

    I do have to say that I think his performance would’ve been even more phenomenal with a piece that he already would have known, like Haydn on the station. But alas, I think it’s clear that he is very gifted either way.


    Brad: no words, just no words, he will be an incredible film composer. He took us to another world! His love for Frank and Ev was so palpable in that piece. Just imagine a 7 year old child scared to death, not understanding where life takes you…. but there they were and have guided him. It just makes me tear up writing this. I felt every note, every nuance. Breathtaking. 

    Alice: she transformed that piece!!!! I am so happy that she listened to Mika and made it so round and complete. It was a joy to listen to. Mika really believed in her, pushed her and gave her a chance to do it….and it came to fruition in such little time. Well done. 

    Teddy: he did it!!!! What an emotional and intimate piece to listen to, it almost felt like we were invading his privacy. A look into his world with just so so much love for his mum. Lang Lang succeeded in getting it out of him. Amazing.


    Michael: what I loved about this performance is the way he connected and engaged with the audience, it’s something that he may not be able to do with his neurodiversities. I am incredibly happy for him that he found this ultimate way to express himself and I can’t wait to see where the road takes him further, because I believe he has so much more up his sleeve. 

    Daria: simply amazing and stunning. As a former dancer, the tango is actually my favourite ballroom dance; because there is so much emotion, suspense and buildup in there, it is a dance where you can fully express yourself in every corner of the room. I feel that she reached every corner of that room…..and beyond, it was an amazing tango. Her call for and of freedom. I felt it!! 

    Duncan: he breaks my heart, his condition was even worse than at the rehearsals it seemed. The strings were there to support and carry him, because what he played during the concert was much different from what he played at the station, to me anyway. The decision to use the strings was however a good one, because that what maybe would’ve been unsure for the piano playing, the strings gave the dimension it deserved. 

    I think I will watch this episode (along with the rehearsals one) a few more times. For the contestants, but also for the interaction between Lang Lang, Mika and Claudia. I love them! And I hope they all agreed for the third season!! 

    • Like 9
  3. Just watched the last episode again. I still think he was very sensitive and kind (he can be much much harsher!), what he was doing was just giving impulses to destabilize them and get them to refocus. It may not work for everybody, but I do think he found the right balance to not push them over the edge in a bad way. We’ll see at the final! 

    • Like 3
  4. 3 hours ago, Bren said:

    I thought it was entertaining and it might have been cut that way to get the tension up for the viewers, but his sensitivity seemed not to be present at the last rehearsal. I am curious if anyone agrees. His face was tense and he seemed to be holding back his perfectionism. All of the performers are vulnerable in their own way and knocking the wall down does not work for everyone. Some of them need positive reinforcement to build confidence to climb over that wall instead. And Mika seemed not to be able to do that att that time which I totally understand on the day before the concert. I loved how Claudia managed that rehearsal! 

    Actually I did notice what you are describing, but I have interpreted it differently.

    Both Mika and Lang Lang are musicians who have had years and years of rigorous training to become the best versions of themselves, with a lot of blood, sweat and tears. If you want to be the best you can’t be nice about it. I think Mika said on The Voice France that he didn’t understand why people wanted to choose him as a coach, because he is known to make the contestants cry. And not because he wants to hurt them, but because he is doing the exact same thing his teachers have demanded from him: if you want to make it your profession, you need to put in the blood, sweat and tears. 

    I actually think Mika was really quite mild to the contestants, because he understands that they are amateurs there to have a good time and he has to try to get the best out of them without discouraging them. I think he shows great sensitivity in that regard: he is harsher to Alice, because he knows she can take it. He is being very soft and kind to Michael, because he knows that he is already suffering from anxiety and if he would push him more, he would’ve likely pushed him over the edge.

    But yes: the musician and hardcore coach in him is holding back, greatly. And poor thing that his facial expression is like an open book, because that is what we see :lol3:

    And it’s a good thing Claudia was there to mother them, it is a perfect mix and balance of energies that way for the contestants (or participants actually, it’s not a competition, fortunately).

    • Like 5
  5. Just now, CharlotteL said:

    "Some of"?? Are there other mods living in Austria?? :D

    Wrong city unfortunately. Good for him though, the weather seems to be much nicer there.

    I didn’t want to put you on the spot like that, but yes I was referring TO YOU :lol3:

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Mikasister said:



    Wien, Österreich


    MIKA! 🍭🪩

    Seine Gute-Laune Songs sind weltbekannt und absolute Ohrwürmer. 🎶

    Umso mehr hat es uns gefreut Ihn als unseren Gast in der Wollzeile begrüßen zu dürfen! 🫶🏻


    MIKA! 🍭🪩

    His feel-good songs are world-famous and real catchy tunes. 🎶

    We were excited to welcome him as our guest at Plachutta Wollzeile! 🫶🏻



    Ahhhh! Traditional cuisine!
    If he did not have Tafelspitz, Wiener Schnitzel and Kaiserschmarrn in his menu I am going to be very sad that he didn’t have a full on Austrian experience. 

    • Like 1
  7. This was by far my favourite episode, what an insight into the world of the performers.


    Daria: Mika recognized the wall immediately and got her to break it down. He knew what to do to get her there, because he has been there as well… It was absolutely amazing to see how Daria metabolized that in just the little snippet right before the concert with the strings. 


    9 hours ago, mellody said:

    Interesting also what Mika said to Daria about showing things you don't want to show by making music. That is so his British side, in France he doesn't worry so much about it. And maybe that's one reason why he didn't play any of his French songs in the UK, to not show what he doesn't want to show there. :rolleyes: I don't get why he (still) makes this difference, even though he's aware of it meanwhile.

    I actually don’t think that is what he’s saying. He is stating it as a fact and telling her she has to be comfortable enough to be naked on stage. 

    Completely off topic: having hear him say that in this episode, I think he chose to not play his French song in the UK; not because he is afraid to be naked, I actually think he is more naked with the English setlist. I am going a bit out of a limb here, but multilinguals have different personalities in the languages they speak. They are all facets of who they are, yet very different. I actually told Mika during the signing in Paris how much I loved the new album for this, and he completely agreed. 
    His trauma happened in English, it means he will heal his trauma in English. And it makes complete sense why he was on the verge of crying during the UK/Ireland leg of the tour. He would not have been able to do that in French, not this trauma. He wasn’t promoting his new album, he was putting himself back on the map and healing at the same time. 
    And of course that sounds very far fetched, but it would honestly be such a beautiful reason :wink2:

    Okay back on topic: 


    Sum is a brave boy to play a piece that was new to him (not even Lang Lang would do that!), but I have this feeling we are going to be surprised in the best possible way. This is my wish for him!! 


    Teddy: I understand they chose Lang Lang to coach him (I would also have loved to be coached by my hero if it would be possible) and they could relate with their own stories about their mums. But I wonder if a session with Mika would’ve gotten the emotion out more. We’ll see next week. 

    Michael: I am so relieved and happy for him that Mika understood and truly saw him, right in time for the final performance. The strings didn’t add, it took something away from the piece and from Michael… and for him to be this young and inexperienced to be vocal of what he wants, I’m so glad Mika made that decision for him, because he knew. 

    Brad: amazing, just amazing. Honestly if he is not going to be a film composer then I will eat my left shoe. Unlike Daria and Teddy he is at a place where he can express his emotion through the piano and I feel it has just amplified! And he feels it too. I can’t wait to see his performance. 

    Alice: she is fangurling so hard in that session with Mika and I absolutely adore her for it!! Also I love how Mika coached her. He is tough love, because he sees the potential and wants to get it out, yet he is encouraging all the same. I agree with him that I feel she can do more. I wish to see it next week. Because that piece has many more colours to it, I am sure. 

    Duncan… Mika’s look and words said it all, because it was very apparent that Duncan is slowly fading away. Just typing this makes my heart ache for him and his surroundings. Such a brilliant mind that has composed this very emotional piece, slowly fading… I just hope his heart didn’t forget, and that he will pour it out at the final concert. 

    • Like 5
  8. 12 hours ago, lormare73 said:

    Yesterday Vincent was traveling to Wien for a private show. In the evening he posted a story with Max dressed in a tuxedo and I saw that the 4 girls of the choir who often sing with Mika were in Wien too.

    Until now I haven't found anything on social media, but I'm sharing those hints here on the forum for someone better than me in searching. :wink2:

    Just looked into this, the pictures in Vincent’s story are from the castle of Schönbrunn (Sisi’s castle!) and it seems to be a concert on castle grounds? Or he was just visiting the castle and the concert was somewhere else. 

    Now there is a concert every night in the castle of Schönbrunn, which you can buy tickets for on the Vienna ticket office website. There is however no mention of special featuring guests. I also can’t find any mention of last night.


    Sooooo it remains a mystery so far! :wink2:


    • Like 4
  9. Doesn’t the winner get a contract with the record company? I think it’s a blessing in disguise that Gabriel didn’t win, this way he can develop himself on his own terms and I am sure he has a very good mentor in Mika, whom I hope can help him further in the music industry. Mika said himself how brutal it is, many times, a talent like Gabriel should be cherished and not destroyed by mainstream. 

    • Like 6
  10. Gabriel’s performances were absolutely amazing, for me he was the clear winner, although I do understand why Alphonse won in the end - still I think it’s a pity, would’ve loved to see Gabriel take home the trophy. 

    My favourite moment was the duet between Nemo and Gabriel - PHENOMENAL! They built eachother up during the performance and it made it all the better. Absolutely loved both of them, especially Nemo being so incredibly supportive of Gabriel and just the two of them being equally happy and grateful to have performed and experienced this finale.  Both adorable and the artistical level was simply mind blowing. 

    And yes, Mika’s suit was really beautiful - wonder if it’s Atelier Mika? Or Valentino? 

    • Like 6
  11. 49 minutes ago, CharlotteL said:

    I've read that in German (which is their native language I think), they don't use any pronouns. You just use their name wherever a pronoun would be which yes, makes you sound like a bit of a lunatic :D

    Am definitely interested in how they tackle this in French tonight.

    What I understood is that Nemo is from the German speaking part of Switzerland, I saw a video of them speaking Swiss German. (Which is so exciting! I can (partly) understand! :biggrin2:)

    And oh yes, you are right, the option of using their name (and yes, that does seem like you are speaking to someone about them in the third person, haha :thumb_yello:) is of course also used, I forgot about that one. 

    • Like 3
  12. 6 minutes ago, krysady said:

    I'm curious what's the pronoun used in French for non-binary people, since French is not very gender-neutral.

    I have wondered the same for German (also very gendered language), and what I have learned from googling it, is that there is no consensus as there is not an existing gender neutral pronoun. What was written though, is that they will use “they” but then Germanized to “dey”/“sey” or use an entirely different one like “xier” (any German speaker who is more familiar than me about this, please correct me! I would like to be educated correctly.)


    I wonder if it’s similar in French or completely different.

    • Like 2
  13. 5 hours ago, TinyLove_CJ said:

    Probably unpopular opinion but I didn't like Josh's performance, I actually disagree with Mika, I don't think his singing balanced well with the piano playing. I'm not saying he was bad at either, to me it just didn't seem like the right song choice. Could just be my preference though, it wasn't really to my taste 😅

    I agree with you, it wasn’t my taste either. I wonder if he would’ve come on The Voice Mika would’ve turned around for him: but the point is that it’s not a talent show, and Mika’s role in this show is not that of a potential coach but of a supporting professional. Like sports commentary almost, but putting everything in a very positive light. And I love that there is a show like this now in this format! 

    • Like 1
  14. 19 minutes ago, krysady said:

    Adnae, the finalist of Bigflo and Oli just announced that she will not take part at the finale because she is pregnant and can not travel from Mozambique anymore: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7JOvMqMZJE/?utm_source=ig_embed&ig_rid=f434decd-91cc-4e5c-a59f-8037c72a4ac1




    [ The Voice - Finaliste fantome 👻 ]
    Vous m'avez peut-être aperçue sur TF1 pour la saison 13 de The Voice.
    En foulant pour la première fois la scène des auditions à l'aveugle, je ne donnais pas cher de ma peau.
    Mais voilà, les étapes se sont succédées à vitesse grand V et me voilà qualifiée pour la finale !  Merci à tous de m'avoir portée jusque-là avec vos encouragements, vos votes et surtout vos bonnes ondes.
    J'ai vécu une demi-finale exceptionnelle, savourant chaque moment mais voilà, si je vous écris ce message, c’est pour vous annoncer que l’aventure The Voice s’arrête dès à présent pour moi.

    Je me retire de l'aventure pour en vivre une tout autre qui s’annonce magnifique : l'arrivée de mon bout de chou. Nous avons fièrement fait l'aventure ensemble et j'en suis reconnaissante.

    La demi-finale était enregistrée en avance, depuis, mon petit bout de chou a bien poussé. L'arrivée de bébé et le calendrier de la finale étant serrés, les voyages entre le Mozambique et le France ne sont pas envisageables pour moi.

    Merci encore à tous pour votre soutien tout au long de l'aventure. Merci à tous les coachs pour leur bienveillance durant l'émission. Merci à la production de m'avoir donné ma chance et aux équipes de l’ombre sans qui rien ne serait possible. Je souhaite le meilleur aux finalistes et je n’oublierai jamais cette incroyable expérience qu’est The Voice.



    Aww, that is both a shame as it is wonderful news that she is expecting. For someone that far along (if she is not allowed to air travel anymore, she must be 30+ weeks along) she has a very small and cute belly! All the best to her! 

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