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Hello! from SC, USA!


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Hi! i'm lisa. i'm from south carolina(:thumbdown:) and im 16.....theres really not too much to say. i guess i coild try to remember when i first heard mika...well, i think it was at like 6:30 AM one morning before school and i was watching vh1. Grace Kelley came on and i was just watching it and i was like, "Damn, he's hot!" and my mom just kind of looked at me. anyways when i first heard him, my initial reaction was freddie mercury. i thought it sounded strangely like him, which was cool cuz i love Queen and Freddie. anyways, so then i looked him up on youtube when i came home, and i fell in love with his voice and lyrics. that was like....in march? maybe february. so thats my lovely story(i know everyone who reads this will enjou it greatly):biggrin2:

i love the site by the way!:thumb_yello:


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Hey - welcome, i cant believe no one has replied to you yet! Rude lot! Your introductory post was better than mine which consisted of 'erm...hi'. We are all pretty lovely (myself included) and complete nut cases - so come and be as random as you like :P

Nice to have you onboard!

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