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Loving Mika in Canada, Eh!


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Hi, I'm Bons and I'm 31 years young. Since hearing this artist's wonderful album I've come up with the phrase I say to at least one person a day "Have you Mika'd yourself today" After the strange looks and the what did you just say I explain and tell them to give him a listen.


My first encounter with Mika's music happened when I went to see The Messengers at the local cinema. Before the show they had this random music video, no title, no artist name nothing. The line "I try to be like Grace Kelly" and "So I tried a little Freddie" kept in my subconscious and though the movie was ultimately completely forgettable, that song and the man singing wasn't. Googled when I got home and by evening I was addicted!!!! :punk:

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A big welcome to you! I discovered Mika in the same way!


We're a buch of canadians here! Don't be shy and come to say hi in the canadian thread: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3359



Have you Mika'd yourself today?


I think everyone here would anwser: for sure! :naughty:


See you around!




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I thought the first time I heard Mika was when a friend at work pointed out his song on the radio. We both work in heaven, by the way, a chocolate store in Niagara, Ontario. We both bought the CD and have been listening to it ever since. I have also addicted another friend and have caused many people to listen, willing or unwilling. My teenage son threatens to throw the CD out the window at least once a day. It will be a long summer for him since I just can't stop listening to it. The song on the radio was "Grace Kelly" but after listening to the CD I realised that I have been playing "Relax" at our youth dances for a while now. I volunteer as the DJ and didn't even know that I had already heard Mika back in March. As for the video playing in the movie theatres, another friend, that is also now addicted, said she first saw it at the show too. They play it a lot before the movies here in Niagara. These same friends and I were leaders for a girl's camp last week and we had our girls join us in a totally crazy rendition of "Grace Kelly". We acted it out like the video using glow sticks and coloured pom-poms for each colour. It was a huge hit that cause the camp director to ask the girls what they had been feeding their leaders to get them to dance around like that. I totally lucked out and saw the ad on "The Ultimate Canadian Mika Fansite" for the concert on Aug. 10 in Montreal. I quickly ordered tickets for my friend and I and was thrilled when they arrived in the mail last week. We are #49 & #50 so I think I must have seen that ad as soon as it was posted. We are soooooo excited and counting the days, 31 now! Can't wait!! There is something addictive about Mika's voice and his whole sweet personality. We can't stop watching interviews and videos on Youtube of him.

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Hey Vickie, most of us are going to Montréal too. You and Starbuckons should check out the gigs thread if you haven't already. We've got big plans to dazzle Mika with feather boas and flashing hearts.




I keep hearing this story about Mika's video in the theatre but I haven't seen it yet. I listen to UK radio so I heard Grace Kelly 10 times a day starting in December. The hype was impossible to miss. I was lucky to be able to get tickets for his Toronto gig back in January or February before most Canadians had heard of him.


I'm glad he's finally coming back to Canada so more people get a chance to experience him live. It's pure magic!

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Hey Vickie, most of us are going to Montréal too. You and Starbuckons should check out the gigs thread if you haven't already. We've got big plans to dazzle Mika with feather boas and flashing hearts.





Hi Vicky! I'm going too:biggrin2: Please visit the gig thread so we can recognize you!

And welcome to the forum! I discovered Mika before a movie too!

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I'm still crying over Aug. 10 being cancelled in Montreal but will be online trying for tickets for Cdn. Idol as soon as Ticketmaster opens. Is there a group or bunch going from the Toronto area? I'm in Niagara so I've already booked the day off work for Aug.28 and will be driving up for the day.

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the link to the gig thread doesn't work. I've notified the administrator since it sent me there. I'll try to find it another way.


The thread was deleted since the gig was cancelled :thumbdown:


Suzy is going to Idol for sure and I'm going to try to get tickets. I live within walking distance of the convention centre so I won't miss it unless I absolutely can't come by any tickets.

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