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My mom thinks I have depression. I have the symptoms, but I don't want to believe that I do. I'm also a hypocondriac so whenever my mom thinks I have a disease, I always think I do haha. If I do actually have it, I don't want to go to a therapist (The Rapist hehe). Its like what Mika said: "If you iron things out, what will you be left with? It's the imbalances that give us our character traits. It would be very boring if we were all the same genetically and conformed to the same configuration, the Golden Numbers, the perfect proportions of people's faces." I don't wany my personality change, even if others would like it to. Please help me.

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I'm sure it is scary to think that at first. I have depression also and my experience with therapists has been that they give you tools to deal with things well so that life can be easier and more full. It is really good to deal with it - you will feel better I promise! It might take a couple tries to find a good fit with a therapist but don't fret! You will!!

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I'm sorry to hear about this sweetie. I've been in a relationship for four years with someone who is battling depression. It's no picnic, but we're doing ok now. I am one of those people who doesn't like to take medicine, and doesn't really wish drugs on anyone. However, there have been times when his depression gotten so bad that I just wanted to hold him down, and shove antidepressants down his throat! I would do anything to make that dark cloud go away. It is really hard sometimes, and there have been moments when I have feared for his safety. Then again, he was on meds for a little while, and it did change him. He wasn't as passionate about things. He didn't look at me the same way. Nothing was great, nothing was bad, everything was just ok. He stopped taking the pills without telling his doctor, and hasn't gone back since. It was the wrong drug for him, but there are so many other kinds out there. Deep down, I secretly wish he would try another one.


Depression is a serious condition, and it shouldn't be ignored. I'm not sure what your symptoms are, but I have a feeling that if your mother notices that something's wrong, you may want to listen. If you do have depression, it's better to treat it sooner than later. Even if you don't want to take medication for it, I would still suggest seeing a doctor or therapist. Therapy might give you the help you need, without drugs. Sometimes you just need the chance to step back, and really think about what's going on inside your head. If you feel like you need to talk to someone, just remember that there are many people here who have your back honey. You can feel free to PM me anytime. I wish you the best of luck, dear!



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hey Sweetie...


when u are feeling happy, multiply that happiness. When u are sad, divide it...with as many people as u can! I don't mean spread the misery, i just mean share your burdens with anyone who will listen without judgment. And also, there's nothing wrong with seeing a good psychologist, or just a therapy group with ppl going thru the same.


let me tell u smthing... I too am, or was, a depression sufferer. In fact, now & then i still stare in2 that dark abyss & wonder if life is worth living. And what is most important is a support network! surround yourself with people who will give you the shoulder u need (like us at MFC), don't be afraid to cry (buckets if u need to), and of course...listen to lots of Mika!


Sends FmBm a virtual Mika to give her a signature big Mika-hug

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I think I understand how you feel, or at least a bit. My mom sometimes believes the same of me, and I do agree with her somewhat, but...I don't know. I have these big highs and lows depending on what's going on around me, and I generally attribute it to merely being a normal, moody teenager. :bleh: I had a really rough time a few years ago and I was prescribed antidepressants, but I didn't continue taking them after the prescription ran out. I suppose they helped, but my depression at that time seemed to be more situational. What I do know is that lately I've been a lot happier just because of the stuff I've surrounded myself with. Listening to Mika, for example, has made me more cheery despite other negative things going on in my life at the moment. SO I'm really thankful for that. If you're feeling depressed, maybe you could try making little lifestyle changes...or, well, not big changes really but, for example, if you don't go out that much you could take more walks or something. I've found that my environment really affects my moods, and if you're anything like me, even a little something like that could help.


Also, I've never talked to a therapist, but I do sincerely believe they can be beneficial, especially if you're feeling perpetually sad and can't see any way out of it. So if you'd feel comfortable seeing one, I think you should try it. I don't think it'd change your personality, but perhaps it'd make you feel a bit more happy as you'd possibly be able to sort out whatever is making you act more depressed than usual. If you really really don't want to, that's fine too and I completely understand! What personally makes me feel happier is kind of doing a core dump and spilling my thoughts to someone I'm close to. Or even a journal or something. It's just nice to be able to get it all out of you every once and awhile, and have someone remind you that it's not all as bad as you may think.


I wish you the best of luck figuring out what you want to do, if anything at all and I hope you feel better :) *hugs*

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Aw I'm really sorry to hear you're feeling this way. You say that you have the symptoms of depression, that's already a huge step that you're able to recognize them yourself. Like mikaluvr said, a therapist can give you the tools needed to deal with certain feelings you have. You don't have to do anything you don't want to so I don't think your personality will change.

My advice would be (if you want it) to make an appointment with a therapist or social worker that specializes in youth issues (they're maybe less intimidating than full blown therapists) and just go talk to them. No strings attached. You can tell them what's bothering you and they can give you advice. Maybe they will see nothing wrong with you or maybe they'll advice you to go into counselling (wheter you will take them up on that advice is entirely up to you ofcourse). Either way, you'll have an impartial third party with a fresh point of view you know?

Well I just want to wish you luck on whatever you decide to do and you can ofcourse drop me a pm if you feel the need to talk. *hugs*

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Awww you guys are all so kind :biggrin2: . I knew you would make me feel better. However, I'm not 100% sure I have depression. Its not like I have thoughts of killing myself or anything. I guess its what I do, or what I don't do that is depressing. For example, not going outside or hanging out with friends, sitting in my room in the dark listening to music or in silence, always on the computer, staying up til 5am everyday and waking up in the afternoon in the next (I think that has to do with my Mika obsession though haha), and I never really feel hungry, but I still eat. This has all started since Summer so it may just be me being lazy rather than depression, but I don't know. What do you think?

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Awww you guys are all so kind :biggrin2: . I knew you would make me feel better. However, I'm not 100% sure I have depression. Its not like I have thoughts of killing myself or anything. I guess its what I do, or what I don't do that is depressing. For example, not going outside or hanging out with friends, sitting in my room in the dark listening to music or in silence, always on the computer, staying up til 5am everyday and waking up in the afternoon in the next (I think that has to do with my Mika obsession though haha), and I never really feel hungry, but I still eat. This has all started since Summer so it may just be me being lazy rather than depression, but I don't know. What do you think?


Actually, I've been the same way since summer started too! :blink: I personally blame it on my Mika obsession. ahahaha. My mom's been pretty concerned lately that I've been staying up so late and sleeping through half of the next day, but what can I say? There just aren't enough hours in the day to enjoy the MFC, sleep, and do whatever else. I really do need to find some more hobbies though besides Mika. :bleh:


It might be related to depression, but you bring up a good point--- good ol' summer laziness could be what kicked in, especially if these changes were concurrent with the beginning of summer.

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Actually, I've been the same way since summer started too! :blink: I personally blame it on my Mika obsession. ahahaha. My mom's been pretty concerned lately that I've been staying up so late and sleeping through half of the next day, but what can I say? There just aren't enough hours in the day to enjoy the MFC, sleep, and do whatever else. I really do need to find some more hobbies though besides Mika. :bleh:


It might be related to depression, but you bring up a good point--- good ol' summer laziness could be what kicked in, especially if these changes were concurrent with the beginning of summer.


So its not just me? Yessssss! I blame it on MFC too, but I can't help it, I love it. Its better than sleep a nd sleep is wayyyy up there haha

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So its not just me? Yessssss! I blame it on MFC too, but I can't help it, I love it. Its better than sleep a nd sleep is wayyyy up there haha


Toootally! And yeah, I'm completely addicted. There's always something new and exciting going on, and it's currently one of my main social outlets. It's basically like a big ol' happy pill :wink2:

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Toootally! And yeah, I'm completely addicted. There's always something new and exciting going on, and it's currently one of my main social outlets. It's basically like a big ol' happy pill :wink2:


i feel the same way. My mom's always like "Why do you saty on so late?" and I'm like "Because thats when everyone in Europe comes on!" haha. I'm so desperate its sad

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i feel the same way. My mom's always like "Why do you saty on so late?" and I'm like "Because thats when everyone in Europe comes on!" haha. I'm so desperate its sad


Ugh, my family hassles me about it all the time :bleh: My brother makes fun of me for even coming on here at all, but pssshhh..I love it. Plus, it's really cool to talk to people all over the world! I've learned so much new lingo and I feel a lot more globally aware.

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Ugh, my family hassles me about it all the time :bleh: My brother makes fun of me for even coming on here at all, but pssshhh..I love it. Plus, it's really cool to talk to people all over the world! I've learned so much new lingo and I feel a lot more globally aware.


I know everyone's always judging me....jerks haha. I've become a lot more computer savvy since I joined here, its amazing! haha. I have also learned more lingo from around the world. I think its really cool that so many people around the world can have the same obsession and communicate with people who don't even speak the same language, its incredible!...to me at least. What amazes me most is how many people know how to speak English

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my best friend has depression, she doesnt talk about it much though.


its easy for people to say 'things will get better' and i know that in my friends case, that makes her feel worse. even though its a cliche, things do get better! i also find having too much spare time, isnt good. too much time to think about life.


but, what is life with out ups and downs.


ok this message is so unhelpful! im crap at making people feel better! :blink:

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my best friend has depression, she doesnt talk about it much though.


its easy for people to say 'things will get better' and i know that in my friends case, that makes her feel worse. even though its a cliche, things do get better! i also find having too much spare time, isnt good. too much time to think about life.


but, what is life with out ups and downs.


ok this message is so unhelpful! im crap at making people feel better! :blink:


Its made me feel better, thanks! :biggrin2:

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I know everyone's always judging me....jerks haha. I've become a lot more computer savvy since I joined here, its amazing! haha. I have also learned more lingo from around the world. I think its really cool that so many people around the world can have the same obsession and communicate with people who don't even speak the same language, its incredible!...to me at least. What amazes me most is how many people know how to speak English


I know! It's sooo impressive. I really wish I could just hop onto a French forum or something and start posting, but I can't! It amazes me how multilingual everyone is and I aspire to be that way one day...eventually. hahaha.


And yeah, now I pretty much walk around everywhere trying to emulate different accents and use different words for things. Oh, it's so much fun talking about braces, trousers, and things being 'brilliant.' in fact, that last one is my favorite. Hahah, I also try to mimick the way Mika says "Lookah that" in that Roxercise video practically all the time! :roftl: Like, I was at Walmart the other day and I saw something to point out to my friend and I just kept repeating it till I got the accent right. HAHA

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I know! It's sooo impressive. I really wish I could just hop onto a French forum or something and start posting, but I can't! It amazes me how multilingual everyone is and I aspire to be that way one day...eventually. hahaha.


And yeah, now I pretty much walk around everywhere trying to emulate different accents and use different words for things. Oh, it's so much fun talking about braces, trousers, and things being 'brilliant.' in fact, that last one is my favorite. Hahah, I also try to mimick the way Mika says "Lookah that" in that Roxercise video practically all the time! :roftl: Like, I was at Walmart the other day and I saw something to point out to my friend and I just kept repeating it till I got the accent right. HAHA


HAHAHAHAHAHA. I never noticed him saying that!*rushes off to watch Roxercise*


I always want to say something on the French thread, but reading it makes me realize that taking French for one year is not long enough haha. My vocabulary has also improved...I think haha. I also refer to suspenders as braces now without even knowing it. It's great!

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HAHAHAHAHAHA. I never noticed him saying that!*rushes off to watch Roxercise*


I always want to say something on the French thread, but reading it makes me realize that taking French for one year is not long enough haha. My vocabulary has also improved...I think haha. I also refer to suspenders as braces now without even knowing it. It's great!


Yeah!! It's when he tries to make the guy stick his stomach out. :roftl:


Ahhh I know, I've taken French for like 6 years now and I can't really understand Mika's French interviews at all...AND I'm pretty rubbish (HAHA notice the lingo?) at reading/writing French on here. I really wish I were better at it!

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Yeah!! It's when he tries to make the guy stick his stomach out. :roftl:


Ahhh I know, I've taken French for like 6 years now and I can't really understand Mika's French interviews at all...AND I'm pretty rubbish (HAHA notice the lingo?) at reading/writing French on here. I really wish I were better at it!


Oh ok I watched it, I remember now hehe


I wasn't even bad at French though, but there's just SOOO much more to learn. I'm gonna take it for the next 3 years of high school. I'm so lame, I actually like learning French...who likes learning a language? haha. I'm rubbish at the accents...I totally ignore them haha.

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Oh ok I watched it, I remember now hehe


I wasn't even bad at French though, but there's just SOOO much more to learn. I'm gonna take it for the next 3 years of high school. I'm so lame, I actually like learning French...who likes learning a language? haha. I'm rubbish at the accents...I totally ignore them haha.


Well, I hope you have better luck with it than I have! See, I'm pretty good at it when I'm actually taking the class (and I did well in this state French competition thing), but after that...it's like it all leaves my brain completely and I can't remember anything. I'd love to be fluent, but unfortunately I don't know if I ever could be at the rate I'm going :bleh:

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Well, I hope you have better luck with it than I have! See, I'm pretty good at it when I'm actually taking the class (and I did well in this state French competition thing), but after that...it's like it all leaves my brain completely and I can't remember anything. I'd love to be fluent, but unfortunately I don't know if I ever could be at the rate I'm going :bleh:


Thanks! Well if you won a competition you must be pretty damn good! I suck at remembering verbs though...my teacher is gonna kill me! Whatever, she already hates me haha

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Thanks! Well if you won a competition you must be pretty damn good! I suck at remembering verbs though...my teacher is gonna kill me! Whatever, she already hates me haha


I must say that I'm pretty good at memorizing certain verbs and descriptive sentences right before I need them :naughty::roftl:


Last year in French we learned basically all the verb tenses. AHHH! And I can't remember any of them...except present and some passé composé. :bleh:


But anyway, it's 5:30 am for me now so I should probably go to bed. It was nice talking to you and I hope you get to feeling better!

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I must say that I'm pretty good at memorizing certain verbs and descriptive sentences right before I need them :naughty::roftl:


Last year in French we learned basically all the verb tenses. AHHH! And I can't remember any of them...except present and some passé composé. :bleh:


But anyway, it's 5:30 am for me now so I should probably go to bed. It was nice talking to you and I hope you get to feeling better!


Lucky! haha


I still have 2 hours til bed haha. Ok nice talking to you and thanks for making me feel better!:biggrin2:

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I'm a tad bit late but I'll put my point across; but I don't advise you take my course of action.


I suffered from depression for a while, and I pretty much knew I had it too. I hid it from everyone, but my mum guessed after a while, but there was no way in hell I was going to a therapist. I believe (and still do) that they've never been through it, and if you don't know what's going on in your head, that no one else will either. They sent me a letter offering me a therapist group where you all had to stand up in a room full of people and tell them everything. I thought that was just wrong. These people don't need to know about you; and you don't need to know about them.

I cried alot, got panic attacks and just felt down for ages. But I got over it in my own way. Avoiding sad thoughts and anything upsetting. I didn't argue. I didn't let anyone in. I'd look forward to the little things, and focused on my schoolwork. I let my feeling out in creative ways, like drawing and writing.

It all worked out in the end. I'm a lot happier now, but this only worked for me. I suppose it depend why you are depressed. I was stuck with family problems and health problems (I made a thread about it a while back) and the family problems aren't sorted, but I just make sure my little brother and sister are OK and then so am I.

Unless you think it could really help, I don't advise you take my advice. Maybe the creative ways of letting your feelings out but other than that... I don't know. Feel free to PM me anyway :biggrin2:

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I'm a tad bit late but I'll put my point across; but I don't advise you take my course of action.


I suffered from depression for a while, and I pretty much knew I had it too. I hid it from everyone, but my mum guessed after a while, but there was no way in hell I was going to a therapist. I believe (and still do) that they've never been through it, and if you don't know what's going on in your head, that no one else will either. They sent me a letter offering me a therapist group where you all had to stand up in a room full of people and tell them everything. I thought that was just wrong. These people don't need to know about you; and you don't need to know about them.

I cried alot, got panic attacks and just felt down for ages. But I got over it in my own way. Avoiding sad thoughts and anything upsetting. I didn't argue. I didn't let anyone in. I'd look forward to the little things, and focused on my schoolwork. I let my feeling out in creative ways, like drawing and writing.

It all worked out in the end. I'm a lot happier now, but this only worked for me. I suppose it depend why you are depressed. I was stuck with family problems and health problems (I made a thread about it a while back) and the family problems aren't sorted, but I just make sure my little brother and sister are OK and then so am I.

Unless you think it could really help, I don't advise you take my advice. Maybe the creative ways of letting your feelings out but other than that... I don't know. Feel free to PM me anyway :biggrin2:


Thanks for the advice. I do like to play my piano by myself or whatever so I guess thats my little way of dealing with things. But like I've said, I'm not even sure if I'm depressed...maybe just obsessed and lazy.

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