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daydreaming about the MFC in school


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today my science teacher said. "no homework tonight so relax and take it easy!" i was like "relax take it e-e-asy to my friend and she just rolled her eyes!:roftl: then we have a fundraiser called "THE MAGAZINE DRIVE" where we sell mags and get prizes. so today we had an assembly which showed us everything about it and what we could win. the man goes "and see, u can win this chicken magnet 4 your locker!" i almost peed myself. again, that same friend rolled her eyes!:roftl:


:roftl: :roftl: :roftl: hahaahahha how funny

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LOL. Tpday my friend said something, about sucking and i burst into lollipop. It was great, how someone told me i scared them:)


Hahaha. Today in English class we were just chatting and all of a sudden I hear someone singing Happy Ending and it was my friend sitting next to me and I was like "OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG I never knew that you liked Mika!!!" and she said "Is this a mika song? I just heard this song on the internet" and so I replied "Well, buy Mika's album and you shall hear more greatness."

WOOT Maybe Mika has one more fan!

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I wanted to go on MFC sooo bad today, more than usual. So, I walked home super fast while listening to LICM :D


I did a Mika too in English class! My teacher gives us "money" which helps us with our grade or something. Anyways, she was like "Now you'll have more money in your paycheck" and I was like "Kerchingggggaah!" with the arm gesture and everything and she was like "Kaching, thats right!"


I feel so proud haha

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This explains me exactly! :wink2:

I laugh soooo much at chicken and I almost die when I hear things like "I wanna talk to you" and "Relax!" And I daydream about meeting Mika, which hopefully is in my future :wub2: And I listen to my mp3 all science and lunch.

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Not much has been said here for a while.. so i thought I might!

So..the other day I was talking to a friend about holidays. Se was saying how one day she would like to go on holiday with me and a load of our other friends.. She said we could go somehwerel ike Mexico, Its reaaly nice there, I was like we could go see Billy Brown!!

Don't think she had a clue what I was going on about because she was like..kl do you have friend out there or sumfin?I laughed and said something like, yea, such good friends it's almost like he's fiction!!:naughty: She did not understand what I was on about! :bleh: lol

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