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Pink Pony Riders Club....PART #3!!!!!


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As I landed on the sidewalk grinning at how cute CM looked he linked my arm in his and strided off. Everyone smiled at us as we walked down the street on the strip. I smiled and then frowned thinking about the others and what they had said. He looked at me. "Why are you frowning beautiful?" I smirked at that. "Nothing, dear." I decided to ask him a testing question from recently to see if it was him. "Remember in the painting...what fruit was it that we slid down, again?" I said convingly smiling, sweetly. He smiled, nervously, I notoced this and my heart skipped a beat. "Uh an apple of course." I grinned at him before speeding up down the street. "Where are you going, hun?" he said coming after me. I started to jog and then ran screaming, "BANANAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" and everyone just stared as tears poured down from my eyes, not knowing where I was going.


CM cursed and quickly called PS

"His under the truth serum right?" he asked harshly.

"Yeah, what do you want to know?" she asked, slightly peeved. At least the real Mika was being nicer to her.

"Everything about the paintings," he replied, as PS asked Mika then relayed the information. Grinning, CM looked at his phone, and set off, catching up with m4l a few blocks later where she had stopped, sitting on a bench crying.

"M4L hun?" he asked

"Go away, you're not MIka," she sobbed.

"M4L, don't you remember what you said the difference between me and CM is?" he asked softly.

"Your voices are different and so is your noise. But you could have got that fixed," she said, glaring at him.

"Who can fix a voice? Come on, you know its me. We're married. And you know what I'm like, I was joking about the apple, of course it was a banana, just as I know I tripped over that grape, and you were fascianted by the clown fish in the underwater scene," he said.

M4l looked at him through tear coated eyes.

"So its really you?" she asked

"Of course it is," he said, hugging her. "Don't you see what the others want to do. They want to hang onto me in the PPR, they know I'm the only reason we're famous in the first place," he said. M4L stopped crying and put her arms around him.

"I'm sorry for doubting you," she said.

"I know. And look, we're married now right? We could start a family," he said. M4L smiled at him, as he stood up and offerered his hand. "Coming?"


Meanwhile, the others arrived back at the hotel.

"Kevin has the program running to find out where they are. So we have a choice, we can try and convince m4l its CM, sneak truth serum to CM and have him confess all, including where our Mika is, or try and find Mika and PS without having any idea where in London they are," said Calvin as the others entered. "And personally, since we're in Vegas I want to go for option one or two"



(Sorry m4l)

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Ok, I have to post this because....because. I thought it was hilarious anyways...it's a convo M4L and I had on gabbly today.


Mika4life13 has joined.

Mika4life13: hey artsy!

The Beast: M4L!!!!!


Mika4life13: YAY!!



The Beast: lol

Mika4life13: I'm eating glosettes


The Beast: I hope you weren't waiting for me to appear in the PPR; I'm chattin' with the oldlings.

What're glosettes?

Mika4life13: I JUST got on

finished ma hoemwork

Mika4life13: Are you still going to chat on PPRC?

The Beast: Umm...I might talk on there a little, but the convo I'm in right now is moving really fast, so I don't know when I'll have the time.

Mika4life13: oh...:(


The Beast: I can still talk to you on here, though!!

What are glosettes??!

Mika4life13: chocolate covered raisins

The Beast: Oh, raisenettes.....gotcha.


Mika4life13: huh?

we call them glosettes here

or choco covered raisins


The Beast: Well, you're canadians... you don't know any better.



Mika4life13: *glares*

oh but we do, but we do!

WE invented the timbit, my dear

greatest invention ever




The Beast: timbit?

Mika4life13: oh the good ol' hockey game..it's the best game you can name



right you're american







The Beast: I shall hit you....

Mika4life13: lol

The Beast: *cyber-slap*


oh crap

Mika4life13: "is it reue you candians pummle buffalos with timbits?"

The Beast: school



Mika4life13: awwww


The Beast: 20 minutes

Mika4life13: you guys are so___


Mika4life13: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww


my secret





*swallos retainer*


The Beast: Serves you right.


Mika4life13: look up http://www.timhortons.ca or whatever

The Beast: HAHAHA!!!

The oldlings are telling me to rob a bank!!

Mika4life13: what?



The Beast: I KNOW!!

Mika4life13: the leprachauns tell me to burn things

The Beast: Oldie grandma criminals, they be.

But it's for a good cause....sort of.

Mika4life13: you're not old though

you're still a youngin


The Beast: They want me to come to the glasgow gig, and I made the mistake of saying I couldn't because the plane ticket alone would wipe out my savings.

Mika4life13: your pic on myspace is ocnfusing

The Beast: How so?

Mika4life13: I have to like..turn upside down to see what you look like

and then i can't cause i'm dizzy

The Beast: I have another one of me in my concert album that's right side up.

Mika4life13: YAY

cause i ahve issues...

The Beast: yes.

yes you do.

odd person.

Oh wait.

You're canadian.

That's it.

Mika4life13: pfft



The Beast: lol

Mika4life13: my weirdness has nothing to do with my nationality fool!

it's my heritaryness form my dad

The Beast: Oh, so you're that way on your own, then?

Mika4life13: lol

The Beast: lol

Mika4life13: ha-ha

har har

hardy har har





The Beast: HAR!!

Mika4life13: HAR!!!

The Beast: HAR!!!!!!

Mika4life13: lol

The Beast: hahaha

Mika4life13: HAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


let's stop

The Beast: We must stop.


Mika4life13: immature


The Beast: or NOW!

Mika4life13: imature




The Beast: lol

Mika4life13: *insert stop in italian*

The Beast: My, that's funny.

Mika4life13: what is?

The Beast: The convos I'm having with you and the oldlings.

Mika4life13: oh

The Beast: I don't wanna go to class..

Mika4life13: lol

The Beast: too much fun.

Mika4life13: ...

you need some schoolin' ma dear

though i don't want you to go



I don't want to be blamed

for your beverly hillbilly approach

The Beast: Beverly hillbilly??!


Mika4life13: lol

a grade 7 education

or 8

or 5

can't remeber

too much MFC


The Beast: Hey, I've made it to at least grade 14.

I win.

Mika4life13: lol


The Beast: Yes.


So there.

Mika4life13: I've made it to grade 21


The Beast: LIAR!

Mika4life13: lol

you don't know me










The Beast: I thought we were going to stop this...


Mika4life13: ok

*slaps self*

I'm really hyper

it's contagious


The Beast: I can tell.

And yes, you're transferring it to me.


Mika4life13: lol

The Beast: hyperness.

Mika4life13: BWAHHA

e-hyper contagoiusness

tell your teacher

be like

"yes my friend alexandra *cough* M4l *cough* gave me this disease...*runs around classroom knocking over frogs*"

The Beast: HAHAHA!!!

Where're the frogs coming from??

Mika4life13: hmm

good question

maybe the dingos

oh wait


baby's from aussieland


The Beast: lol


Mika4life13: maybe the dingo ate your baby


The Beast: No stereotypical animal for us.

Mika4life13: nope

The Beast: My Baby is safe!!

Mika4life13: just the 'gators

RosinaKiwi has joined.

Mika4life13: haha


The Beast: SHE IS!!!



Mika4life13: in florida


RosinaKiwi: hiii

Mika4life13: do you like corner gas????

The Beast: HI ROSINA!!!

Mika4life13: I LOVE IT

The Beast: I haven't seen much of it.

Mika4life13: hello kiwiw



it's hilaroius

aparrently us "city-goers" like it more then the prairie-people

The Beast: It's quite funny.

Mika4life13: funny.

The Beast: Similar to Scrubs.

Mika4life13: very, funny.

RosinaKiwi: what are we speeking of today?

Mika4life13: scrubs?


The Beast: SCRUBS!!!

Mika4life13: I like to scuby scruby


Mika4life13: nope.

The Beast: yep

Mika4life13: corner gas

The Beast: scrubs

Mika4life13: nope.


The Beast: yep


Mika4life13: nope.

The Beast: yep

Mika4life13: I also like CSI


RosinaKiwi: SCRUBS!!!

Mika4life13: nope.

The Beast: Me too!!

Mika4life13: nope.

The Beast: HA!

Thanks Rosi.

Mika4life13: nope

RosinaKiwi: that was delayed

The Beast: yep

Mika4life13: nope.

The Beast: Oh god...I can't breathe....giggling too hard.


I win!


RosinaKiwi: I love Scrubs!!

The Beast: Woot!@

*dos dance*


Mika4life13: nope.

The Beast: Zach Braff is my loverman.

Mika4life13: nopey nope nope

michael buble is mine

he's my fallin star, he's my get-away car

The Beast: If I can have Zach, you can have Michael.

Mika4life13: he's my line in the sand when i go to far

he's my mystery (?)

The Beast: lol

RosinaKiwi: ...I like both

Mika4life13: he's from outer space

The Beast: stop singing.

Mika4life13: he's every minute of everyday


The Beast: Hush.

Mika4life13: THAT I'M YOUR MAN

The Beast: HUSH YOU!

RosinaKiwi: psst


I'll stop.

RosinaKiwi: oh god

The Beast: I SAID QUIET!!!


Mika4life13: man I just read our conversation

RosinaKiwi: pleas do!

Mika4life13: WOW


pure oddness

The Beast: I'm not going to sign off; I want to save this convo.

But I will be gone very soon.


two minutes.

Mika4life13: aww



The Beast: It's one of those pure oddness days.

RosinaKiwi: aww :(

Mika4life13: ****


The Beast: ****!


Mika4life13: **** ** **



The Beast: wanted to test the boundaries.

Mika4life13: good thing my mom left



The Beast: Apparently you can curse on here.

Now we know.

Mika4life13: I did that with my friend at her house

on her msn she has a robot

and she was like **** you, you ****in' time travelling demon

it was quite funny

The Beast: Hahahahahaha




Mika4life13: uh oh


RosinaKiwi: a robot?

The Beast: Farewell to you both.

Mika4life13: *helicopters to california and grabs leg*


The Beast: I love you M4L!!!!!

Mika4life13: !!!

RosinaKiwi: noo

The Beast: *weeps bitterly*

Mika4life13: AHHHH

I love you too artsy!


oops caps

The Beast: Oh...the pain....

Mika4life13: teehee

*let's go off leg and ties to chair*

The Beast: (it's on myspace!! In my concert album)

Mika4life13: TYPE DAMNIT


I'll go right away

The Beast: byes.....

for reals.

RosinaKiwi: Ok then come back very soon\

Mika4life13: awww

The Beast: I must go.

Mika4life13: yes

very soon

The Beast: very soon.

Mika4life13: I have dance tonight at 8:30

8:15 actually

The Beast: In a few hours.


Mika4life13: ok

be on for 3 more






The Beast is now The Beast is out

The Beast is out: And I'm out.......


Mika4life13: lol



I miss you


that's odd

OK leave


cut away clean

clean cut i mean


RosinaKiwi: haha

The Beast is out: *peeks back in*


Kleave me.

Mika4life13: LOL

The Beast is out: Ok, really out this time, but it will say I'm still on.

Mika4life13: let us dance like children of the night




kiwi are you here?

RosinaKiwi: yep

im here

Mika4life13: yay

my best friend left me

her name is amy


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CM cursed and quickly called PS

"His under the truth serum right?" he asked harshly.

"Yeah, what do you want to know?" she asked, slightly peeved. At least the real Mika was being nicer to her.

"Everything about the paintings," he replied, as PS asked Mika then relayed the information. Grinning, CM looked at his phone, and set off, catching up with m4l a few blocks later where she had stopped, sitting on a bench crying.

"M4L hun?" he asked

"Go away, you're not MIka," she sobbed.

"M4L, don't you remember what you said the difference between me and CM is?" he asked softly.

"Your voices are different and so is your noise. But you could have got that fixed," she said, glaring at him.

"Who can fix a voice? Come on, you know its me. We're married. And you know what I'm like, I was joking about the apple, of course it was a banana, just as I know I tripped over that grape, and you were fascianted by the clown fish in the underwater scene," he said.

M4l looked at him through tear coated eyes.

"So its really you?" she asked

"Of course it is," he said, hugging her. "Don't you see what the others want to do. They want to hang onto me in the PPR, they know I'm the only reason we're famous in the first place," he said. M4L stopped crying and put her arms around him.

"I'm sorry for doubting you," she said.

"I know. And look, we're married now right? We could start a family," he said. M4L smiled at him, as he stood up and offerered his hand. "Coming?"


Meanwhile, the others arrived back at the hotel.

"Kevin has the program running to find out where they are. So we have a choice, we can try and convince m4l its CM, sneak truth serum to CM and have him confess all, including where our Mika is, or try and find Mika and PS without having any idea where in London they are," said Calvin as the others entered. "And personally, since we're in Vegas I want to go for option one or two"



(Sorry m4l)


"I say we go for option two." I said. The others nodded.

"M4L obviously won't believe it if any of us tell her. She's going to need to hear it from CM." replied Baby.

"Where can we get some of that truth serum again?" I asked.

"I'm already on it." said Kevin, his fingers flying over the keyboard. A few minutes later, he grinned.

"Got some. We can pick it up a few blocks from here."

I nodded.

"Let's go."


We didn't need to call taxies to walk such a short distance, so we just stolled down the street. Some people called and whistled from passing cars, and we got stares as we walked down the street.

"We should've stayed 'dead' and changed our names." said Kelzy, "These so-called fans are getting ridiculous."

A man walking by leaned in close and leered at Baby and I, and Calvin and Kevin both shoved him out of the way and slid arms around us, picking up the pace.

"Think we could call Noko and ask him to kill us again?" asked Kev.

"I'm not doing that again." I said firmly, shuddering. The thought of taking drugs that slowed my heartbeat scared me quite a bit. What if I took too much and it slowed my heart down to nothing?

We walked on to the shop Kev had found online. They were the only truth serum suppliers in Vegas.

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"I say we go for option two." I said. The others nodded.

"M4L obviously won't believe it if any of us tell her. She's going to need to hear it from CM." replied Baby.

"Where can we get some of that truth serum again?" I asked.

"I'm already on it." said Kevin, his fingers flying over the keyboard. A few minutes later, he grinned.

"Got some. We can pick it up a few blocks from here."

I nodded.

"Let's go."


We didn't need to call taxies to walk such a short distance, so we just stolled down the street. Some people called and whistled from passing cars, and we got stares as we walked down the street.

"We should've stayed 'dead' and changed our names." said Kelzy, "These so-called fans are getting ridiculous."

A man walking by leaned in close and leered at Baby and I, and Calvin and Kevin both shoved him out of the way and slid arms around us, picking up the pace.

"Think we could call Noko and ask him to kill us again?" asked Kev.

"I'm not doing that again." I said firmly, shuddering. The thought of taking drugs that slowed my heartbeat scared me quite a bit. What if I took too much and it slowed my heart down to nothing?

We walked on to the shop Kev had found online. They were the only truth serum suppliers in Vegas.


"You know I thought I would find more suppliers," kevin said, as we turned to enter the store.

"Well Kev, apart from the fact that what we want isn't you over the counter product, we're in Vegas. They're not to concerend about the truth in this town," said Artsy.

Kevin nodded, as we walked to the counter. "I emailed you a few minutes ago," he said, as the man nodded, and produced a bottle.

"I don't have to tell you to not tell where you got this, and I hope you know how to use it," he said, as Kevin passed over the money. The bottle was safely stowed in my backpack a few minutes later, as we headed back to the hotel.

"So how do we get it to him?" Calvin asked, as he glared at the photographer who quickly snapped our picture before running off. HIs arm tightened around me, momentarily.

"Oh thats easy, room service," I replied, glancing at Kevin.

"Give me a few minutes back at the hotel and I'll find the room and hotel. I trust you'll have something to disguise them with," answered Kevin.

"Of course. Wigs, glasses, make up, coloured contacts. So, complimentary champagne?" I added.

"Sounds good. Of course, there's a risk M4L will drink it too," he said.

"We'll risk that. She can tell the truth for a few hours, after all, once its working we'll enter the room, and ask him if he is CM, tie him up and question him," Artsy replied.

"Lucky you girls have it all worked out," Calvin said, putting on his fly eye glasses. I looked up and cuaght his grin.

"You love it," I replied, grinning at him. A few minutes we were back at the hotel as Kevin began to locate the hotel and room number we could find M4L and CM in.

"We'll have to take Kelzy along, she can tell us when it is, uh, apprioate to enter the room," I said.

"Okay, so we need one more person for the room service. Babe, how do you feel about becoming a Mexican woman for a few hours," Calvin said, holding up the dark haired wig I had removed from my backpack.

"And the rest of us will wait for the serum to take effect and then storm the room," added ER

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