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Well. Sort of.



Today, I was walking around Southend with my cousin Lorraine and under the train bridge, there was a man singing who was being accompanied by his guitar.


There are always people singing there so I thought nothing of it, until something made me stop and listen...I don't even know what made it twig.


I stopped my cousin to listen and I said....."that's Grace Kelly."


She stopped, a bit confused and strained her ears to listen...it was a busy street and the guitar was louder than his voice. And then I heard clearly "So I tried a little Freddie...mmm....I've gone identity maaaaad..." And I started mouthing the words to make it clearer for her. She said "oh yeah!" and I started to softly sing the chorus.


I was really happy to hear it was being sung. I ended up giving him £1.00 lol xD


Though nothing good came from it as of yet!!! I said "something good better happen from this...if I get run over by a bus I will NOT be impressed."

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lol! when i was working at the cinema someone was wearing a circus/mika type jacket but it was black and yellow, not black and red. AND on the same day I was serving this young girl and was singing lollipop!!!

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that's awesome. when i was erasing a very wrong math question i did, i was singing erase :roftl: I was like "errrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase my love i bet you can't erraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase my touch.." and my friends were all "wtf?" :roftl: I'm great aren't I?


LOL!!! I must do that next time i rub something out...and sing it really dramatically and heartfelt xDDD

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I nearly jumped out of my skin when this really quiet but snobby girl at my school said that she has LiCM. :roftl:

Actually I almost leapt at her I got so excited because me and this girl had NOTHING in common and for her to say that made me wanna dance dance. :punk:




leapt at her? :roftl::lmfao: and caz, i did, oh i did, I sang it 'josh groban style' and everyone just went:blink:


I dont know who josh groban is xDDD but im assuming he's very over exaggerative! *please dont send me youtube links my comp is slow and doesnt run youtube very well lol*

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ah OK, I won't then lol. He's an opera-type singer, 'you raised me uppppp so i could stand on mountains, you raised me up!" he's american btw


oh I know the song. Westlife did a cover of it lol xDD


yes, thats true dramatisation!

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I love hearing unexpected mikaness lol, it happend TWICE today at work, they all know iI dress as a nun and dash off alone to London at the drop of a hat to walk round London dressed as a nun then go to a Mika gig :naughty: but I was suprised to hear "LOVE TODAY" blasting down the conveyor belt and one of the other girls singing away to it upstars lol, and I know Julie likes him from work but then I saw Jayne with half a dozen cd's in her hand and LiCM was at the front :punk::punk: I was like...YEAH go Jayne you got LiCM woo hooo!! lol, ( I think my constant singing loudly of Mikas songs all day at work has done it's job :naughty::naughty: subliminal messages you see ha ha.

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Well. Sort of.



Today, I was walking around Southend with my cousin Lorraine and under the train bridge, there was a man singing who was being accompanied by his guitar.


There are always people singing there so I thought nothing of it, until something made me stop and listen...I don't even know what made it twig.


I stopped my cousin to listen and I said....."that's Grace Kelly."


She stopped, a bit confused and strained her ears to listen...it was a busy street and the guitar was louder than his voice. And then I heard clearly "So I tried a little Freddie...mmm....I've gone identity maaaaad..." And I started mouthing the words to make it clearer for her. She said "oh yeah!" and I started to softly sing the chorus.


I was really happy to hear it was being sung. I ended up giving him £1.00 lol xD


Though nothing good came from it as of yet!!! I said "something good better happen from this...if I get run over by a bus I will NOT be impressed."



Well, I can tell you about a whole school children on trip singing(better:shouting after a ringtone of a boy) altogether in the metro "Relax, take it eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasy" while me and the rest of people were watching them appalled and amused :naughty:

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i love when mikaness is spread around :wub2: last week these boarders at my school watched BG vid on tv and the next day they were like to me danika we saw u on BG and then everyone (well nearly everyone) started singing BG or LT and it was just great :wub2: now a weeks gone by :sad: i want it to happen again!

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Last week I went to a nice intimate gig: Wir Sind Helden, a German band. They are very famous in Germany, not so famous (yet) in Holland though but I really like them.


One of the crew members (the guitar changer) was wearing a black t-shirt with the Taratata logo on both back and front. :naughty:




So even there I had a little Mika moment. :naughty:

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