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PPR part 7 (the new beggining)


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...nothing at all. Glow wasn't there. JJL looked around for anybody and the room was completely desolate. Worried, she stepped outside of the room and nearly ran into a doctor charging down the hallway extremely fast. He had just emerged from a nearby room. As he whizzed past her, JJL swore she saw a flash of red on his white sleeve coat. She quietly tiptoed down to the room he exited from and peeked in. When she saw the body laying in the bed, she had to cover her mouth to stop herself from shrieking. The patient's throat was slit ever so precisely.

She sped out of the room, feeling sick and she darted into the next room to catch her breath, but in there...she only found the same thing...


Meanwhile, in the shower...

Artsy squirted out a little bit of the mini sized shampoo and began rubbing in her palms. She started humming random songs, for no other reason than to distract herself from the events of the day. As she reached up to lather her hair, she swore she heard a voice call out her name.

Figuring it was ridiculous, she continued to wash up...but there it was again...She peeked out from behind the curtain and saw that she was alone. Feeling afraid now, she worked faster, but then the voice called out louder this time, "Artsy, you will be mine!"

She shrieked and dropped the shampoo at her feet.

"You think death can stop me?" it called again.

Suddenly, the shower curtain was yanked open. Artsy screamed and tried to pull it shut again, but it wasn't moving. Her tears mixed with the water and soap running down her face.

"Help me!" she shouted. And at that, she felt on her cheek what could've been a kiss, but there was nobody there to have done it...


In the cafeteria...

Everybody else was starving. They all headed to the cafeteria to get something, anything, even nasty cafeteria food to eat.

They all sat, hungrily eating their food at a large round table. Calvin was stuffing his face with such intensity, that it attracted quite the amount of stares.

"Wha? I'm huhgree" he said, mouth full of hamburger.

"Eew, Cal. That's gross. Swallow," said Becky, looking away.

All of a sudden, they heard a loud booming noise from the cooking area. Everyone in the room turned to see what the commotion was. A woman in a shapeless floral dress and hairnet yelled, "The cheese has exploded!"....


I had just finished in the shower, and dressed, was standing in Glow's room, staring at the empty bed. There was no Glow, and no Lumiere. "Whats going on" I murmured, rubbing my eyes.

Suddenly, a shout from the showers caught my attention, and I hurried in, to see Artsy, dressed now, fighting off some invisible force.

"Leave me alone" she shouted, suddenly pushing past me, and running down the hallway. There was no one there, but something had her spooked.


Walking down the hallway I paused suddenly in the doorway to the room next to Glow's, watching in shock as what appeared to be a doctor slit the throat of a patient. The machines connected to the patient beeped, as they gave their last breath and the doctor turned, spotting me in the doorway, and waved a knife threateningly.

"You, what do you think you're doing?!!!" he yelled, advancing on me threateningly. I stood there, scared for once, as I saw insanity in his eyes. My mind reached out, trying to erase my presence from his memory, but it wouldn't work . His own thoughts were too jumbled. Instead I projected a flash of light and smoke, very cliche hollywood, and ran away, nearly colliding with JJL

"There's a doctor.." she gasped.

"Killing patients" I added

"And we have to"

"We have to run, his in that room!" I shouted, running to the cafeteria. I was worried about Glow, but there was no sign of her, Justin or the baby.


Meanwhile, in the cafeteria.

Everyone was staring at an advancing puddle of cheese, creeping along the floor, then back at each other. There was something seriously weird about this hospital.

Just then, ER got a phone call.

"Hello?" she asked.

"ER, it's me. We have to talk," said a male voice she recognised right away.

"I can't talk now," she began.

"Its about Harriet," the voice added, as ER turned pale. Turning, she excused herself, running out into the hall to have some privacy. All the PPRs looked at each other in confusion, wondering what was going on


Meanwhile, JJL and I were running through the hospital, screaming for help. A nurse finally turned to us, and pulled us to her station. "Whats going on?" she asked, as we explained, in gasping breaths, about the doctor on the 3rd floor.

Giving us a shocked look, she called too orderlies to her, and another nurse, before asking us to follow. Stopping by to pick up some charts she hurried to the 3rd floor, as we led her to the rooms we had seen. Opening the first door, we all gasped in shock.....


At nothing. No Blood, no machines, no linen, no patient. It was as if no one was there. The nurse consulted her chart. "The patient in this room was moved to the 2nd floor this morning," she said with a sigh, before turning to us.

JJL and I protested, saying it was real, that we had seen it, leading to the way to room after room, all the same, all with some reason for the patient not to be there. We tried to say that the doctor must have cleaned up, that he was clever, and didn't want to be caught, when we felt needles prick our arms, and we collapsed, knocked out by whatever they had given us.

"They know too much. Take them to the 6th floor and we'll deal with them later," said the nurse

"Aren't they the?" began the orderly.

"I don't care who they are. As of today, they no longer exist. Now get them out of here"

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I had just finished in the shower, and dressed, was standing in Glow's room, staring at the empty bed. There was no Glow, and no Lumiere. "Whats going on" I murmured, rubbing my eyes.

Suddenly, a shout from the showers caught my attention, and I hurried in, to see Artsy, dressed now, fighting off some invisible force.

"Leave me alone" she shouted, suddenly pushing past me, and running down the hallway. There was no one there, but something had her spooked.


Walking down the hallway I paused suddenly in the doorway to the room next to Glow's, watching in shock as what appeared to be a doctor slit the throat of a patient. The machines connected to the patient beeped, as they gave their last breath and the doctor turned, spotting me in the doorway, and waved a knife threateningly.

"You, what do you think you're doing?!!!" he yelled, advancing on me threateningly. I stood there, scared for once, as I saw insanity in his eyes. My mind reached out, trying to erase my presence from his memory, but it wouldn't work . His own thoughts were too jumbled. Instead I projected a flash of light and smoke, very cliche hollywood, and ran away, nearly colliding with JJL

"There's a doctor.." she gasped.

"Killing patients" I added

"And we have to"

"We have to run, his in that room!" I shouted, running to the cafeteria. I was worried about Glow, but there was no sign of her, Justin or the baby.


Meanwhile, in the cafeteria.

Everyone was staring at an advancing puddle of cheese, creeping along the floor, then back at each other. There was something seriously weird about this hospital.

Just then, ER got a phone call.

"Hello?" she asked.

"ER, it's me. We have to talk," said a male voice she recognised right away.

"I can't talk now," she began.

"Its about Harriet," the voice added, as ER turned pale. Turning, she excused herself, running out into the hall to have some privacy. All the PPRs looked at each other in confusion, wondering what was going on


Meanwhile, JJL and I were running through the hospital, screaming for help. A nurse finally turned to us, and pulled us to her station. "Whats going on?" she asked, as we explained, in gasping breaths, about the doctor on the 3rd floor.

Giving us a shocked look, she called too orderlies to her, and another nurse, before asking us to follow. Stopping by to pick up some charts she hurried to the 3rd floor, as we led her to the rooms we had seen. Opening the first door, we all gasped in shock.....


At nothing. No Blood, no machines, no linen, no patient. It was as if no one was there. The nurse consulted her chart. "The patient in this room was moved to the 2nd floor this morning," she said with a sigh, before turning to us.

JJL and I protested, saying it was real, that we had seen it, leading to the way to room after room, all the same, all with some reason for the patient not to be there. We tried to say that the doctor must have cleaned up, that he was clever, and didn't want to be caught, when we felt needles prick our arms, and we collapsed, knocked out by whatever they had given us.

"They know too much. Take them to the 6th floor and we'll deal with them later," said the nurse

"Aren't they the?" began the orderly.

"I don't care who they are. As of today, they no longer exist. Now get them out of here"


Artsy ran through the hallways in random patterns, hoping to lose whatever was following her. As she was running, a door opened and she was forcefully shoved in to the room. It was a storage room. The atmosphere didn't help her nerves, with the flourescent light flickering menacingly.

"What do you want from me?" she shouted as items began to fly from the shelves.

"I want you..."


Back in the cafeteria...

The PPR's wanted to follow ER, but something told them not to.

"Um guys, can we please get going?" said Mika, "My designer Converse are getting ruined by this cheese."

A collective sigh ran through the group.

"Oh Mika," sighed Lolly.

He giggled and as they walked out the door, they came face to face with ER, who looked horribly distraught...


Meanwhile, back on the third floor...

The nurse walked up to the doctor, who was cleaning his utensils.

"John," she said, grabbing his arm and stroking it, "There are two girls upstairs on the sixth floor...you know where...They know too much."

"I'll handle them, no worries Pam," he replied as he held up his scalpel and contemplated his next move...

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Artsy ran through the hallways in random patterns, hoping to lose whatever was following her. As she was running, a door opened and she was forcefully shoved in to the room. It was a storage room. The atmosphere didn't help her nerves, with the flourescent light flickering menacingly.

"What do you want from me?" she shouted as items began to fly from the shelves.

"I want you..."


Back in the cafeteria...

The PPR's wanted to follow ER, but something told them not to.

"Um guys, can we please get going?" said Mika, "My designer Converse are getting ruined by this cheese."

A collective sigh ran through the group.

"Oh Mika," sighed Lolly.

He giggled and as they walked out the door, they came face to face with ER, who looked horribly distraught...


Meanwhile, back on the third floor...

The nurse walked up to the doctor, who was cleaning his utensils.

"John," she said, grabbing his arm and stroking it, "There are two girls upstairs on the sixth floor...you know where...They know too much."

"I'll handle them, no worries Pam," he replied as he held up his scalpel and contemplated his next move...


'We've got to get out of here! NOW!' I yelled.

'What is it?' asked Mika.

'No time to explain, come on! To the van!'

'Where's Artsy?' someone yelled. Their question was answered by Artsy barelling into us, screaming. I grabbed her arm and dragged her in the opposite direction with the rest of the PPRs. We only had about 3 minutes. We raced down the halls, and I was sure we'd make it to the van in time, until we reached a dead end in the hallway.

I opened both the available doors, but they only led into operating rooms. We turned helplessly at the footsteps we heard behind us, getting closer quickly...

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'We've got to get out of here! NOW!' I yelled.

'What is it?' asked Mika.

'No time to explain, come on! To the van!'

'Where's Artsy?' someone yelled. Their question was answered by Artsy barelling into us, screaming. I grabbed her arm and dragged her in the opposite direction with the rest of the PPRs. We only had about 3 minutes. We raced down the halls, and I was sure we'd make it to the van in time, until we reached a dead end in the hallway.

I opened both the available doors, but they only led into operating rooms. We turned helplessly at the footsteps we heard behind us, getting closer quickly...


"What are we going to do?" asked Becky, breathing heavily.

"I don't know," said ER, frantically looking around her. And at that, the footsteps stopped. Everyone held their breath, as they saw a shadow of man standing still right around the corner. What felt like hours passed, and the man turned around and walked away. A huge wave of relief washed over everyone and they stayed where they were for a minute longer.

ER looked at her watch. "We need to go now."

The group slowly began to file out of their hiding place, and everything was going great, until a loud piercing scream came from the back of the group. Artsy lay on the ground convulsing. "Get off of me!" she cried, kicking and screaming.

"What's going on?" asked Lolly, frightened, "There's no one on her!"

"AARGH!" Artsy cried again. "Get off!" she continued to scream, and everyone looked around. People were starting to notice, and still she shrieked.

A passing doctor walking by stopped to look at the girl having a fit.

"What's wrong with her?" she asked.

The group shrugged their shoulders, but Artsy met the woman's eyes with a fierce intensity. "He hasn't given up! He won't leave! He won't die!"

The woman eyed Artsy, suspiciously. "I'm going to need some help with this one." and she began to page for assistance.

Lolly jumped in front of her, "No! She's fine! She's not crazy!"

"Right," the woman replied as Artsy continued to scream and the group looked on helplessly...


Meanwhile, on the sixth floor...

Soy woke up, her head pounding. She opened her eyes and squinted in the dim light. She looked around and noticed she was in some sort of hospital supply room. But why was she there? She tried to sit up, but her arms were bound behind her.

Suddenly she remembered what had happened. The doctor, the bodies! The nurses were in on it! She called out for help, but her voice just weakly reverberated around the room. She saw JJL still unconscious on the other side of the room. She forced herself upward and began to sneak over to her, when she heard the door knob turn...

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since i haven't een mentionned , i would like to know where i am please(and also michael)...:biggrin2:

it's been a week and you all ignored me:crybaby: :naughty:


btw i'm gonna see mika tomorrow:fisch:

You'd be with the main group, part of the 'everyone'.


Its a bit hard to write about everyone, so if you want something written, feel free to post

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