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About mac1718

  • Birthday 02/18/1993


  • Bio
    Love, love Mika

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  • Occupation
    babysitter :)
  1. I know! I spent aall day going round different shops, and none of them had it, and now I'm really tired and still don't have it and I'm not going to the gig tonight because I have an exam tomorrow morning, and the tickets sold out... I don't know what to do :s does anyone know if I can buy it at the venue without actually going to the gig?
  2. SAME! I have two exams the next day, one starting at 8.30 D: and I don't know who will come with me... no one will if there's an exam the next day...
  3. thanks sorry for being a bit... not paying attention/keeping up, if that makes sense
  4. hey um, I'd like to still be in with this, but I don't really go on here much anymore... (I'm kinda busy at the minute and just waiting for the next album etc) I'd still like to participate if I know what I'm doing... should I just wait until nearer the time to sort out adresses? I don't really know who I'm meant to send to or anything and the pictures and stuff on myspace, do we have to do that? because I don't actually have a digital camera...
  5. YAY he hasn't written anything himself for ages...
  6. these are funny - I can't stop laughing make more!
  7. doesn't really look that different. it's cool
  8. I love star wars! and the ewoks are cool
  9. I'M CALLED MAZ! only I'm mary... still yup I think it is a brit thing.
  10. well my name is mary and my surname starts 'mac' and so usually I'm missmarymac (if any one knows that rhyme 'miss mary mac, all dressed in black [even though I don't really wear much black]) but I didn't think that would fit? and I use 17 for everything because it used to be my lucky number but I felt like putting 1718 instead so mac1718 plus it's kinda easy for me to remember.
  11. question: how are you going to get the list down to only a few members?
  12. even if no one does admit to it, they will probably stop once they have read this
  13. that is strange... maybe when the server is fixed someone might own up
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