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PPR part 7 (the new beggining)


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One of our assailants, who seemed to be the ringleader, glared at us for a while. We glared back. After about a minute, he gave a barely perceptible nod.

Everything happened at once.

One of the gunmen lunged forward and dragged Soa towards him, pointing his gun at her temple.

Another one pulled Cosmo out from behind them, again holding a gun to his hostages' head.

We all yelled and moved forwards, but were abruptly silenced when someone shot a gun at the ceiling.

'Now.' said the leader, ripping off his balaclava--or her balaclava, as we realised once we could see her face. 'You have three minutes to tell us where he is. If you fail to do so--'

She gestured behind her.

'You will watch them die.'

I tried to clear my head. As soon as I could think clearly, I sent to Kelzy: *They're all unsure of themselves, except the leader. We'll get who they want out of the henchmen.*

*Right. Anys suggestions on how?* She replied.

*I'm working on it.*


Meanwhile, Phunky, Becky and George had arrived outside the house. Luckily they looked in through the window before they came in, and saw our predicament.

'Oh god, they've got them hostage...what can we do, what do we do?!' said Becky, hyperventilating.

'Calm down, Becks! I--' said Phunky, before stopping abruptly. 'What's happening in there? It's all gone black!!'


Meanwhile, in the house...

We all squinted as the walls around us began to blur and shift. Suddenly, we found ourselves standing in a grassy meadow. It looked to me like England. We all looked around in alarm, until Kelzy's voice entered our heads. *Guys, Soa just told me she's doing this. She's got a plan.*


I grabbed Kevin's hand nervously. The b*tch with the gun looked around in confusion, and her henchmen shuffled, trying to keep their cool.

"What's going on?" demanded the woman, moving her hand. At her signal, the men holding guns on Cosmo and Soa cocked the hammers of their handguns. It was not a comforting sound. Coz swallowed nervously, but Soa didn't even blink.

*So what's Soa's plan, Kelz?* I said silently.

*I'm not entirely sure. She's going to tell me and I'm going to project it to you all.*

There was a brief silence, then Soa's voice sounded in my head.

*Ok, guys, stay with me here, I think I've got a plan that will work.*


Outside, Becky and Phunky stared at the blackened windows while George kept walking past the house.

"See? It's impossible. They've got the gang completely covered. If we go in there, we'll die as well. We need to get away while we still can."

Becky thought of Kairi and Cosmo and bit her lip.

"Phunks," she whispered, low enough that George couldn't hear, "I can't leave my family for dead."

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I grabbed Kevin's hand nervously. The b*tch with the gun looked around in confusion, and her henchmen shuffled, trying to keep their cool.

"What's going on?" demanded the woman, moving her hand. At her signal, the men holding guns on Cosmo and Soa cocked the hammers of their handguns. It was not a comforting sound. Coz swallowed nervously, but Soa didn't even blink.

*So what's Soa's plan, Kelz?* I said silently.

*I'm not entirely sure. She's going to tell me and I'm going to project it to you all.*

There was a brief silence, then Soa's voice sounded in my head.

*Ok, guys, stay with me here, I think I've got a plan that will work.*


Outside, Becky and Phunky stared at the blackened windows while George kept walking past the house.

"See? It's impossible. They've got the gang completely covered. If we go in there, we'll die as well. We need to get away while we still can."

Becky thought of Kairi and Cosmo and bit her lip.

"Phunks," she whispered, low enough that George couldn't hear, "I can't leave my family for dead."


I stared at the gun in front of me, as my mind worked at keeping the illusion, and I informed the others of my plan.

*So you all know what to do?* I asked, via Kelzy a few minutes more, as they sent back mental nods.

I nodded mentally as well, my eyes still on the henchman.

"You have one more chance. Tell me what is going on, and where he is!" the woman demanded. I smiled.

"What is going on? You've messed with the PPR, thats what," I said, raising my hand theatrically as the world seemed to spin around us. The henchmen began to look worried as colours flashed and it seemed the earth moved under their feet, all suddenly crouching as the guns they were holding flew through the air and into the hands of Nico, Kelzy, Artsy and Cosmo. The woman however, maintained her hold on hers.

"Its an illusion you fools, get up, get up," she shouted, kicking the nearest henchmen, who opened his eyes, whimpered at the swirling colours, and shut them again.

The woman then turned to face me, as before her eyes I multiplied, and the world spun, until she was not sure which one was me.

"So what are you going to do now?" I asked.

The PPR all looked on, being unable to see the illusion I was projecting, but knowing in theory what it was. The woman looked confused, and almost frightened, as the door to the cabin suddenly flung open, causing a door to appear in the middle of the meadow I was projecting.

Turning, the woman fired her gun, as Cosmo, a second before her, jumped through the air, tackling Becky and trying to prevent her from being shot, taking the bullet himself.

Phunky entered the door close behind, as all the guns were pointed at the woman, who dropped hers, staring at George who was standing nervously in the doorway behind Phunky.

"You have to tell them, what you did to us, what you'll do to them. Tell them what you did George," the woman muttered, as we all stared from George to the woman. It seemed we finally knew who the he she was referring to was

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I stared at the gun in front of me, as my mind worked at keeping the illusion, and I informed the others of my plan.

*So you all know what to do?* I asked, via Kelzy a few minutes more, as they sent back mental nods.

I nodded mentally as well, my eyes still on the henchman.

"You have one more chance. Tell me what is going on, and where he is!" the woman demanded. I smiled.

"What is going on? You've messed with the PPR, thats what," I said, raising my hand theatrically as the world seemed to spin around us. The henchmen began to look worried as colours flashed and it seemed the earth moved under their feet, all suddenly crouching as the guns they were holding flew through the air and into the hands of Nico, Kelzy, Artsy and Cosmo. The woman however, maintained her hold on hers.

"Its an illusion you fools, get up, get up," she shouted, kicking the nearest henchmen, who opened his eyes, whimpered at the swirling colours, and shut them again.

The woman then turned to face me, as before her eyes I multiplied, and the world spun, until she was not sure which one was me.

"So what are you going to do now?" I asked.

The PPR all looked on, being unable to see the illusion I was projecting, but knowing in theory what it was. The woman looked confused, and almost frightened, as the door to the cabin suddenly flung open, causing a door to appear in the middle of the meadow I was projecting.

Turning, the woman fired her gun, as Cosmo, a second before her, jumped through the air, tackling Becky and trying to prevent her from being shot, taking the bullet himself.

Phunky entered the door close behind, as all the guns were pointed at the woman, who dropped hers, staring at George who was standing nervously in the doorway behind Phunky.

"You have to tell them, what you did to us, what you'll do to them. Tell them what you did George," the woman muttered, as we all stared from George to the woman. It seemed we finally knew who the he she was referring to was


"Cosmo!" Becky sobbed, clucthing his arm. Kairi wriggled her way out of M4L's arms and ran over to Becky and Cosmo, followed closely by Lolly.

"Dad?" Kairi mumbled, as Becky pulled her into a hug.

"Daddy will be fine, Kai." Becky told her, trying to stop the tears pouring down her face. She got out of the way so Lolly could help him.


"I... I don't know you..." George lied nervously.

"Yes, you do!" The woman shouted. "Tell them or I'll kill you!"

George sighed heavily and decided it was best to tell them, or she'd probably exaggerate.

"About 2 years ago, I got myself into a lot of serious trouble, and desparately needed some money..." George began.


With Sara...

"Your friends... Only 3 are in danger now." The man told her.

"Which ones?" Sara asked worriedly.

"Shush, no questions! Only one is in physical danger. The amn who got you into this mess, he is confessing." Sara was desparate to ask how he knew this, and how he knew George.

"You'll find out eventually." The man grinned. Sara was shocked, but tried not to look it.

"Where are we going?" Sara couldn't resist asking, but she already knew the answer.

"No questions! Do you not understand english woman?" The man replied. Sara went red and didn't say anything else.

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"Cosmo!" Becky sobbed, clucthing his arm. Kairi wriggled her way out of M4L's arms and ran over to Becky and Cosmo, followed closely by Lolly.

"Dad?" Kairi mumbled, as Becky pulled her into a hug.

"Daddy will be fine, Kai." Becky told her, trying to stop the tears pouring down her face. She got out of the way so Lolly could help him.


"I... I don't know you..." George lied nervously.

"Yes, you do!" The woman shouted. "Tell them or I'll kill you!"

George sighed heavily and decided it was best to tell them, or she'd probably exaggerate.

"About 2 years ago, I got myself into a lot of serious trouble, and desparately needed some money..." George began.


With Sara...

"Your friends... Only 3 are in danger now." The man told her.

"Which ones?" Sara asked worriedly.

"Shush, no questions! Only one is in physical danger. The amn who got you into this mess, he is confessing." Sara was desparate to ask how he knew this, and how he knew George.

"You'll find out eventually." The man grinned. Sara was shocked, but tried not to look it.

"Where are we going?" Sara couldn't resist asking, but she already knew the answer.

"No questions! Do you not understand english woman?" The man replied. Sara went red and didn't say anything else.



'' when you say three friends... you talk about M , finn and mika??? '' she rolled her eyes!

he laughed!

'' she's your best friend! ''

''i know'' she replied!

'' and you're jealous! ''

'' NO!! i'm not!! '' she said shocked '' what are we gonna do to help them ?!? ''

'' no question! ''

'' i see... i must find out by myself...''

he nodded and handed her a bottle

'' what??? what's that?? ''

.. she looked «t the green muxture inside the bottle!

'' drink it!! '' he told her

she pushed it away!

'' no... it's disgusting ''

'' drink it ! it's good for you "

'' i don't think so.... ''

'' drink it and wish! ''

she finally did what he told and drank it... but after some seconds she was stunned and fell on the ground! she tried to talk but soon she couldn't move anymore!

'' what what's happening to me? ''

'' zombies can't feel the pain! '' he smiled to her

'' what?? no... i don't want to be... '' she couldn't breath anymore... she screamed

'' don't worry! i'm just helping your friends!! in fact, i'm helping you... i know you were ready to die for him! '' he whispered to her ear

she started to cry and felt her heart beating slow...

'' help!! '' she tried to scream... but she was weak!

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'' when you say three friends... you talk about M , finn and mika??? '' she rolled her eyes!

he laughed!

'' she's your best friend! ''

''i know'' she replied!

'' and you're jealous! ''

'' NO!! i'm not!! '' she said shocked '' what are we gonna do to help them ?!? ''

'' no question! ''

'' i see... i must find out by myself...''

he nodded and handed her a bottle

'' what??? what's that?? ''

.. she looked «t the green muxture inside the bottle!

'' drink it!! '' he told her

she pushed it away!

'' no... it's disgusting ''

'' drink it ! it's good for you "

'' i don't think so.... ''

'' drink it and wish! ''

she finally did what he told and drank it... but after some seconds she was stunned and fell on the ground! she tried to talk but soon she couldn't move anymore!

'' what what's happening to me? ''

'' zombies can't feel the pain! '' he smiled to her

'' what?? no... i don't want to be... '' she couldn't breath anymore... she screamed

'' don't worry! i'm just helping your friends!! in fact, i'm helping you... i know you were ready to die for him! '' he whispered to her ear

she started to cry and felt her heart beating slow...

'' help!! '' she tried to scream... but she was weak!


JJL was walking through the the forest trying to figure out how she got there from the hot sunny beach in Australia she was on. As she was walking not really taking in her surroundings, she tripped over something squishy and cold.

"OW" she said aloud not meaning to

"ow" she heard much softer almost a very strained whisper

JJL looked and almost fainted after seeing what she tripped over.

It was a almost dead woman.

"Uhh is there anything I can do to help" asked JJL slightly scared but detremined to help

"In the distance there is a largeish hut can you see it?"

JJL nodds

"Take me there so I can get the help I need"

"Ok then"

"And hurry If you can"

JJL heaves the near dead lady onto her back and starts running...

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JJL was walking through the the forest trying to figure out how she got there from the hot sunny beach in Australia she was on. As she was walking not really taking in her surroundings, she tripped over something squishy and cold.

"OW" she said aloud not meaning to

"ow" she heard much softer almost a very strained whisper

JJL looked and almost fainted after seeing what she tripped over.

It was a almost dead woman.

"Uhh is there anything I can do to help" asked JJL slightly scared but detremined to help

"In the distance there is a largeish hut can you see it?"

JJL nodds

"Take me there so I can get the help I need"

"Ok then"

"And hurry If you can"

JJL heaves the near dead lady onto her back and starts running...


but before she reached the house, sara stopped to breath! JJL left her on the ground and looked around... she ran to the house and opened the door!!

'' I... I ... found a girl... she's dead... she's laying on the sand... '' she tried to breath as the other looked at her, wondering who she was talking about...

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but before she reached the house, sara stopped to breath! JJL left her on the ground and looked around... she ran to the house and opened the door!!

'' I... I ... found a girl... she's dead... she's laying on the sand... '' she tried to breath as the other looked at her, wondering who she was talking about...


As JJL looked around at all of the other people

"Look there is a girl out there she is dead... I was carrying her to here on her request... she said the help that she needed would be here so could just someone come out and try and help her!" JJL said in a rather angry tone.

"Alright lead the way then... this better not be a trap" said lolly

"Why on earth would it be a trap?" said a slightly confused JJL

"Nevermind lets go"

"Ok then, this way"

When they get to the place the dead woman was laying they found...

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As JJL looked around at all of the other people

"Look there is a girl out there she is dead... I was carrying her to here on her request... she said the help that she needed would be here so could just someone come out and try and help her!" JJL said in a rather angry tone.

"Alright lead the way then... this better not be a trap" said lolly

"Why on earth would it be a trap?" said a slightly confused JJL

"Nevermind lets go"

"Ok then, this way"

When they get to the place the dead woman was laying they found...


...nothing. There wasn't anyone in sight, dead or otherwise. The unknown girl stopped short, scanning the area.

"But...she was right here..." she mumbled, looking confused. I stepped forward, my eyes starting to glow green.

"We told you we don't deal with traps very well," I snapped, "And if it's a joke, it isnt funny."

She blinked at my eyes and fangs, wondering if she was seeing things, then shook her head and stuttered,

"I swear, she was right here. This isn't a trap or a joke."

"Then what is it?" asked Lolly, and ER looked around, then cursed.

"George and that woman are gone. Now we're basically trapped here and we don't know what George did two years ago."

Soa looked around as well and asked,

"Wait, Sara's still missing."

"She was with a man we didn't recognize," said Becky, "He was telling us not to trust George."

"He was right." said Phunky bitterly.

"I don't know; I still don't think he was completely trustworthy himself." said Becky, looking thoughtful. She described Sara to the stranger, who confirmed that the girl she found had been Sara.

"That's her," she said, looking relieved, "I don't know where she went."

"We'll have to go looking for her." said M.

I turned to glare at the stranger again.

"You're coming with us," I said, "In case this still turns out to be some sort of trap. What's your name?"

"JJL." she answered, looking me in the eyes for the first time. This time, I was the one who blinked, surprised that she was able to talk to me so bravely after I had yelled at her. I was a pretty fierce beastie when I was pissed off; this girl had guts.

"JJL, huh? Fine. We don't have time for you to be introduced to the entire group right now, you're just going to have to memorize names as we move. Let's find Sara."

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...nothing. There wasn't anyone in sight, dead or otherwise. The unknown girl stopped short, scanning the area.

"But...she was right here..." she mumbled, looking confused. I stepped forward, my eyes starting to glow green.

"We told you we don't deal with traps very well," I snapped, "And if it's a joke, it isnt funny."

She blinked at my eyes and fangs, wondering if she was seeing things, then shook her head and stuttered,

"I swear, she was right here. This isn't a trap or a joke."

"Then what is it?" asked Lolly, and ER looked around, then cursed.

"George and that woman are gone. Now we're basically trapped here and we don't know what George did two years ago."

Soa looked around as well and asked,

"Wait, Sara's still missing."

"She was with a man we didn't recognize," said Becky, "He was telling us not to trust George."

"He was right." said Phunky bitterly.

"I don't know; I still don't think he was completely trustworthy himself." said Becky, looking thoughtful. She described Sara to the stranger, who confirmed that the girl she found had been Sara.

"That's her," she said, looking relieved, "I don't know where she went."

"We'll have to go looking for her." said M.

I turned to glare at the stranger again.

"You're coming with us," I said, "In case this still turns out to be some sort of trap. What's your name?"

"JJL." she answered, looking me in the eyes for the first time. This time, I was the one who blinked, surprised that she was able to talk to me so bravely after I had yelled at her. I was a pretty fierce beastie when I was pissed off; this girl had guts.

"JJL, huh? Fine. We don't have time for you to be introduced to the entire group right now, you're just going to have to memorize names as we move. Let's find Sara."



"Names I can do easily, now finding someone I had die in my arms not so easy" said JJL

"Ok well you can start with where you found her" said Mika

"And under what sort of circumstances, as a matter of fact how the hell did you get here?" asked Artsy

"Well I was on a beach in Australia learning lines for this thing then I was in this forest and I was walking along and I tripped over Sara, I think you said her name was and she was almost dead, didn't look very good at all and she just told me to take her here for the help she needed and she stopped breathing here so I put her down and ran to your hut" said JJL in one of the biggest mouthfuls they had ever heard.

"Ok, was there anything else in her surroundings?" asked Lolly

"Umm... a bottle, there was a bottle!" JJL said after a few minutes of thinking

"Was there anything in the bottle?" asked Phunky

"Umm... I think there was some sort of left over murky green stuff in there, I can't remember off the top of my head..."

"Ok do you remember where you found Sara" asked Soa

"Umm... I'm pretty sure I do"

"Can you lead us there?"


"Well start leading"

"Oh right, this way"

They approch the area where JJL found Sara and Artsy quickly finds the bottle JJL was talking about

"Does anyone know what this is?"

Various nopes were heard

"Ok let me refrase that does anyone think they could find out what that is?"

"I think that is the missing peice of the puzzle for the living dead here" said Mav

"I know that this might be a little of track but does someone have a sweater I could borrow cause I am quite cold here." said JJL shivering

Everyone looked at the girl wearing only a bikini top and short shorts and then Mika took off his sweater and threw it at her

"Thanks" JJL said after putting it on and finding it came to just above her knees

"No problem, I was getting a bit hot as it was" said Mika

And then everyone heard a noise behind them and as everyone turned around they saw a pair of glowing, lifeless, yellow eyes...

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"Names I can do easily, now finding someone I had die in my arms not so easy" said JJL

"Ok well you can start with where you found her" said Mika

"And under what sort of circumstances, as a matter of fact how the hell did you get here?" asked Artsy

"Well I was on a beach in Australia learning lines for this thing then I was in this forest and I was walking along and I tripped over Sara, I think you said her name was and she was almost dead, didn't look very good at all and she just told me to take her here for the help she needed and she stopped breathing here so I put her down and ran to your hut" said JJL in one of the biggest mouthfuls they had ever heard.

"Ok, was there anything else in her surroundings?" asked Lolly

"Umm... a bottle, there was a bottle!" JJL said after a few minutes of thinking

"Was there anything in the bottle?" asked Phunky

"Umm... I think there was some sort of left over murky green stuff in there, I can't remember off the top of my head..."

"Ok do you remember where you found Sara" asked Soa

"Umm... I'm pretty sure I do"

"Can you lead us there?"


"Well start leading"

"Oh right, this way"

They approch the area where JJL found Sara and Artsy quickly finds the bottle JJL was talking about

"Does anyone know what this is?"

Various nopes were heard

"Ok let me refrase that does anyone think they could find out what that is?"

"I think that is the missing peice of the puzzle for the living dead here" said Mav

"I know that this might be a little of track but does someone have a sweater I could borrow cause I am quite cold here." said JJL shivering

Everyone looked at the girl wearing only a bikini top and short shorts and then Mika took off his sweater and threw it at her

"Thanks" JJL said after putting it on and finding it came to just above her knees

"No problem, I was getting a bit hot as it was" said Mika

And then everyone heard a noise behind them and as everyone turned around they saw a pair of glowing, lifeless, yellow eyes...


We all stared in horror as the thing before us shuffled to a stop and stared at us in return.

'S...Sara?' I asked tentatively.

Although, she didn't look much like Sara anymore. Her skin was grey and limp, her hair thin, her entire body slightly bloated...she looked as though she'd been dead for about two days.

She didn't respond at first to me. Then, a low groan issued from lips that seemed to have trouble opening.

'That's her! Although...she looked more...alive when I saw her last.' whispered the girl JJL.

I adjusted my vision to see Sara's aura, and did a double take. She had none. Not even black, like that godawful demon's had been so long ago. Just void of any colour.

Suddenly, she jerked her arm out towards us and we all jumped back instinctively. It wasn't out of bad intent, though; she was just reaching towards us. Her eyes moved slowly from left to right, before finally focusing on something: M4L's face. With another groan Sara began to move towards her.

M4L looked around at us frantically, searching for an escape, but we could offer none. She turned to face her friend, still moving forwards--or what used to be her friend. They were a foot apart now, Sara's arm still outstretched. She kept slowly moving forward until the tips of her fingers brushed M4L's skin.

A split-second after they came into contact, M4L screamed so loudly it probably gave our whereabouts away to the BBLs.

'IT BURNS! OH GOD, IT BURNS!' she cried, clutching her arm. Sara's fingertips had left four angry red gouges on M's forearm. Sara moaned again, and reached out as if to help, but M4L turned and ran, still gasping in pain. Without a second thought, we all turned and followed, despite Sara's melancholy noises from behind us.

As soon as we were in a secluded bit of forest, we stopped to catch our breath.

'OK, well it's obvious that bottle full of muck was what made her like that.' Panted Nico, wrapping a piece of her shirt around a whimpering M4L's arm as a makeshift bandage. The second she's finished, Finn came and drew her close. 'So we have to find the guy who gave it to her...Phunky, Becks, do youy remember what he looked like?'

Both shook their heads. 'No, his face was in shadow. Plus I doubt he'll be the kind of person who's easy to find.' said Becky.

'And the only other person who'd know is Sara.' Nico muttered. 'Just perfect.'

'Hang on a sec,' said Kevin, looking at me. 'You can talk to the dead, yes?'

I shuddered. 'Not unless i have absolutely no other way out. And besides, she's not dead, she's...she's...UNdead. She has no aura.'

'Well, it was worth a shot...' he sighed.

'So she was right all along about there being something...' mused Soangel. 'But wait, wasn't she saying that there was...more like and ARMY of them?' she said, looking up suddenly.

'Oh God. Of course there is. What better place for a madman to build an army of zombies than a tiny, uncharted island?' I groaned.

JJL, in the meantime, had been looking back and forth between our faces getting increasingly worried. Zombies? She'd come here for a holiday...

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We all stared in horror as the thing before us shuffled to a stop and stared at us in return.

'S...Sara?' I asked tentatively.

Although, she didn't look much like Sara anymore. Her skin was grey and limp, her hair thin, her entire body slightly bloated...she looked as though she'd been dead for about two days.

She didn't respond at first to me. Then, a low groan issued from lips that seemed to have trouble opening.

'That's her! Although...she looked more...alive when I saw her last.' whispered the girl JJL.

I adjusted my vision to see Sara's aura, and did a double take. She had none. Not even black, like that godawful demon's had been so long ago. Just void of any colour.

Suddenly, she jerked her arm out towards us and we all jumped back instinctively. It wasn't out of bad intent, though; she was just reaching towards us. Her eyes moved slowly from left to right, before finally focusing on something: M4L's face. With another groan Sara began to move towards her.

M4L looked around at us frantically, searching for an escape, but we could offer none. She turned to face her friend, still moving forwards--or what used to be her friend. They were a foot apart now, Sara's arm still outstretched. She kept slowly moving forward until the tips of her fingers brushed M4L's skin.

A split-second after they came into contact, M4L screamed so loudly it probably gave our whereabouts away to the BBLs.

'IT BURNS! OH GOD, IT BURNS!' she cried, clutching her arm. Sara's fingertips had left four angry red gouges on M's forearm. Sara moaned again, and reached out as if to help, but M4L turned and ran, still gasping in pain. Without a second thought, we all turned and followed, despite Sara's melancholy noises from behind us.

As soon as we were in a secluded bit of forest, we stopped to catch our breath.

'OK, well it's obvious that bottle full of muck was what made her like that.' Panted Nico, wrapping a piece of her shirt around a whimpering M4L's arm as a makeshift bandage. The second she's finished, Finn came and drew her close. 'So we have to find the guy who gave it to her...Phunky, Becks, do youy remember what he looked like?'

Both shook their heads. 'No, his face was in shadow. Plus I doubt he'll be the kind of person who's easy to find.' said Becky.

'And the only other person who'd know is Sara.' Nico muttered. 'Just perfect.'

'Hang on a sec,' said Kevin, looking at me. 'You can talk to the dead, yes?'

I shuddered. 'Not unless i have absolutely no other way out. And besides, she's not dead, she's...she's...UNdead. She has no aura.'

'Well, it was worth a shot...' he sighed.

'So she was right all along about there being something...' mused Soangel. 'But wait, wasn't she saying that there was...more like and ARMY of them?' she said, looking up suddenly.

'Oh God. Of course there is. What better place for a madman to build an army of zombies than a tiny, uncharted island?' I groaned.

JJL, in the meantime, had been looking back and forth between our faces getting increasingly worried. Zombies? She'd come here for a holiday...

"AN ARMY!" I said getting up out of finn's arms.


JJL stared at me for a second.

"Is something wrong with her?"

The others stared wonderingly at me too.

"No she just gets hysterical when zombie friends touch her arms and leave burn marks. T'is all." stated Mav.

The others nodded their heads.

"Well what are we going to do? We have to get out of here! I'm not safe WE'RE not safe! We'll all die!!!" said Mika pacing the ground.

We heard Sara moan up behind us.

"AHH GET HER AWAY FROM ME!" I said as Finn and Mika hopped infront of me and the group ran behind.


I screamed and ran behind the other pprs.

"Why does she want..*gulp* me?" I asked Nico as I hugged her from behind tightly.

"Because you're beautiful!" replied Finn beginning to turn around when Mika stopped him and pushed him to facing the sara-monster.

"Uhh No, Finn. I think she just..er...wants a hug." said Kelzy perplexed.

I scoffed.

"Hug? WITH HER? THE BURNING HANDS MONSTER! UH NO!" I exclaimed shaking my head and backing away as she approached us slowly.

The rest of the group slowly backed up as well.

"I think it's because she's jealous." said Nico finally as we began to reach the edge of the forest.

"Jealous? She can have Mika! I want to get out of here!" I exclaimed as Mika made a weak noise coming face to face with the creature.


She extended a burny hand to try and stroke his face when he fell backwards trying to avoid her wrath.

"Meeks." muttered Kelzy as we both helped him up.

"Let's go!" yelled JJl booking it out of the forest as we all followed.

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"AN ARMY!" I said getting up out of finn's arms.


JJL stared at me for a second.

"Is something wrong with her?"

The others stared wonderingly at me too.

"No she just gets hysterical when zombie friends touch her arms and leave burn marks. T'is all." stated Mav.

The others nodded their heads.

"Well what are we going to do? We have to get out of here! I'm not safe WE'RE not safe! We'll all die!!!" said Mika pacing the ground.

We heard Sara moan up behind us.

"AHH GET HER AWAY FROM ME!" I said as Finn and Mika hopped infront of me and the group ran behind.


I screamed and ran behind the other pprs.

"Why does she want..*gulp* me?" I asked Nico as I hugged her from behind tightly.

"Because you're beautiful!" replied Finn beginning to turn around when Mika stopped him and pushed him to facing the sara-monster.

"Uhh No, Finn. I think she just..er...wants a hug." said Kelzy perplexed.

I scoffed.

"Hug? WITH HER? THE BURNING HANDS MONSTER! UH NO!" I exclaimed shaking my head and backing away as she approached us slowly.

The rest of the group slowly backed up as well.

"I think it's because she's jealous." said Nico finally as we began to reach the edge of the forest.

"Jealous? She can have Mika! I want to get out of here!" I exclaimed as Mika made a weak noise coming face to face with the creature.


She extended a burny hand to try and stroke his face when he fell backwards trying to avoid her wrath.

"Meeks." muttered Kelzy as we both helped him up.

"Let's go!" yelled JJl booking it out of the forest as we all followed.


After a lot of running, the moaning stopped.

"I feel bad about leaving her..." Mavs mumbled.

"I don't. We can't do anything til we've found the cure." Luke said, trying to catch her breath.

"You know the hut you saw Sara and that man in Phunky? What was in it?" Soa asked.

"Uh... Books, bits of paper, bottles... I couldn't see much through the bottom of the window." Phunky replied.

"Could you find it again, d'you think?" Kelzy asked, catching on.

"Um... Probably." Becky replied.


Half an hour later....

"Are you sure you know where it is?" Mika asked, leaning against a tree. Phunky and Becky began to talk quietly, gradually getting louder.

"I say we go right! I recognise that tree!" Phunky hissed.

"Oh, come one, how on earth can you recognise a tree?" Becky replied. "It's left!"

"Look, you obviously don't know where it is, so can we just go back?" Mavs yawned.

"No! Do you know how much the hut could help?" ER replied.

"Plus all this walking shouldn't be for nothing." Lolly added.

So they decided to go Phunky's way, and eventually found the Hut.

"About time." Artsy mumbled.

"Stop complaining." Becky snapped. She was a bit short tempered because she was wrong.

Luke checked there was no one currently in the hut then everyone piled in.

It was quite big for a mud hut, and very well furnished. They're were things like dreamcatchers and garlic hanging from the ceiling, strange pictures on the walls, and a sign on the floor, by the looks of it, drawn in blood.

There was a small table with a pile of leaflets and a diary-like book sitting on it, a number of shelfs full of bottles with labels on it, written in another lanaguage and a bookshelf full of strange looking books.

"Well, where do we start?" Lolly said, examining the garlic.

"Everyone grab something and see if you can get anything from it... No one drink any of the substances." Soa told them.

"We're not stupid." Nico said. So everyone began searching.

"Come and have a look at these!" Becky said, gesturing for everyone to come over. She was holding a leaflet, with a piture of a tropical beach and a sunset.

"You have won a holiday to a beautiful island in the Indian Ocean. Free of charge, just fill in your details and we'll send you tickets for a wonderful Weekend Break!" Becky read aloud.

"This must be how he lures people here..." ER said exactly what everyone else was thinking.

"He has a list of people he mails to..." Artsy said, picking it up. "They all live alone."

"So no one misses them!" Nico pointed out. "My friend got one of these, but couldn't go because she's terrified of flying."

"Yes... I should have persuaded her to come..." A voice said from behind them.

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After a lot of running, the moaning stopped.

"I feel bad about leaving her..." Mavs mumbled.

"I don't. We can't do anything til we've found the cure." Luke said, trying to catch her breath.

"You know the hut you saw Sara and that man in Phunky? What was in it?" Soa asked.

"Uh... Books, bits of paper, bottles... I couldn't see much through the bottom of the window." Phunky replied.

"Could you find it again, d'you think?" Kelzy asked, catching on.

"Um... Probably." Becky replied.


Half an hour later....

"Are you sure you know where it is?" Mika asked, leaning against a tree. Phunky and Becky began to talk quietly, gradually getting louder.

"I say we go right! I recognise that tree!" Phunky hissed.

"Oh, come one, how on earth can you recognise a tree?" Becky replied. "It's left!"

"Look, you obviously don't know where it is, so can we just go back?" Mavs yawned.

"No! Do you know how much the hut could help?" ER replied.

"Plus all this walking shouldn't be for nothing." Lolly added.

So they decided to go Phunky's way, and eventually found the Hut.

"About time." Artsy mumbled.

"Stop complaining." Becky snapped. She was a bit short tempered because she was wrong.

Luke checked there was no one currently in the hut then everyone piled in.

It was quite big for a mud hut, and very well furnished. They're were things like dreamcatchers and garlic hanging from the ceiling, strange pictures on the walls, and a sign on the floor, by the looks of it, drawn in blood.

There was a small table with a pile of leaflets and a diary-like book sitting on it, a number of shelfs full of bottles with labels on it, written in another lanaguage and a bookshelf full of strange looking books.

"Well, where do we start?" Lolly said, examining the garlic.

"Everyone grab something and see if you can get anything from it... No one drink any of the substances." Soa told them.

"We're not stupid." Nico said. So everyone began searching.

"Come and have a look at these!" Becky said, gesturing for everyone to come over. She was holding a leaflet, with a piture of a tropical beach and a sunset.

"You have won a holiday to a beautiful island in the Indian Ocean. Free of charge, just fill in your details and we'll send you tickets for a wonderful Weekend Break!" Becky read aloud.

"This must be how he lures people here..." ER said exactly what everyone else was thinking.

"He has a list of people he mails to..." Artsy said, picking it up. "They all live alone."

"So no one misses them!" Nico pointed out. "My friend got one of these, but couldn't go because she's terrified of flying."

"Yes... I should have persuaded her to come..." A voice said from behind them.



they heard sara screaming! and then crying loud!

'' help me... '' she cried '' help ''

they all looked at each others

'' M, finn, mika , mav and ross... you should go and see her... we'll stay here! '''

they ran down the beach, sara was crying '' hellllpp... please... ''

she wasnt a zombie anymore but was more than 10 zombies around her...

she screamed again... she couldn't see anything! she was blinded !

'' hellllpp... '' she cried again

'' sara! we're here....!! come ... '' M yelled

sara was trying to find out where she was... she was running her hands on the sand... trying to find a way... she was on her knees, trying to stop to dry!

'' i... i can't see! '' the zombies were close to her, she wasn't able to stop her tears '' pleaassse.....''

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they heard sara screaming! and then crying loud!

'' help me... '' she cried '' help ''

they all looked at each others

'' M, finn, mika , mav and ross... you should go and see her... we'll stay here! '''

they ran down the beach, sara was crying '' hellllpp... please... ''

she wasnt a zombie anymore but was more than 10 zombies around her...

she screamed again... she couldn't see anything! she was blinded !

'' hellllpp... '' she cried again

'' sara! we're here....!! come ... '' M yelled

sara was trying to find out where she was... she was running her hands on the sand... trying to find a way... she was on her knees, trying to stop to dry!

'' i... i can't see! '' the zombies were close to her, she wasn't able to stop her tears '' pleaassse.....''

We all turned quickly on our heels to see the man.

"Why hello Becky." the man said grinning evilly and touching her cheek.

She scoffed and slapped him.

IN mid-slap (?) he grabbed her arm and twisted it behind her back.

We all stared wide-eyedly.

"LET GO!" yelled Mika about to kick him when I stopped him.

"No." I muttered as if in a trance.

Mika frowned wearily and hugged me.

"Hand me that potion." the man stated still holding on to becky.

"HAND ME THAT POTION." I cringed and ran over to the shelf knocking over some bottles.

"GET IT TOGETHER BLONDIE." he commanded as I collected myself from tears searching the bottles for the one he pointed to.

I read the label.

For external use only. Drug. Knocks unconscious for 2 hours until death.

I stared in shock.

"You're not going to use this are you?"

He grinned.

"But of course. For a dumb blonde, you're nto so dumb."

I rolled my eyes and threw the potion across the hut so it rolled into a corner.

"GIVE THAT HERE!" he yelled.

He got out a gun and pointed it at me.

My eyes widened as I slowly walked over to the potion and picked it up.

Huddling in the corner for a moment I walked over to him and handed it over.




Sara lied unconscious in a bush dreaming.




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We all turned quickly on our heels to see the man.

"Why hello Becky." the man said grinning evilly and touching her cheek.

She scoffed and slapped him.

IN mid-slap (?) he grabbed her arm and twisted it behind her back.

We all stared wide-eyedly.

"LET GO!" yelled Mika about to kick him when I stopped him.

"No." I muttered as if in a trance.

Mika frowned wearily and hugged me.

"Hand me that potion." the man stated still holding on to becky.

"HAND ME THAT POTION." I cringed and ran over to the shelf knocking over some bottles.

"GET IT TOGETHER BLONDIE." he commanded as I collected myself from tears searching the bottles for the one he pointed to.

I read the label.

For external use only. Drug. Knocks unconscious for 2 hours until death.

I stared in shock.

"You're not going to use this are you?"

He grinned.

"But of course. For a dumb blonde, you're nto so dumb."

I rolled my eyes and threw the potion across the hut so it rolled into a corner.

"GIVE THAT HERE!" he yelled.

He got out a gun and pointed it at me.

My eyes widened as I slowly walked over to the potion and picked it up.

Huddling in the corner for a moment I walked over to him and handed it over.




Sara lied unconscious in a bush dreaming.







Just as the man was about to feed the potion to Becky JJL let out a bloodcurtling scream while pointing to something behind the man, while the man turned around to look at whatever she was screaming about, he loosed his grip on Becky, the potion and gun. Becky grabbed the gun and potion and ran over to the PPRs before the man had a chance to react.

"You did that with the intention of that happening didn't you screamy" yelled the evil man

"Hell yes I did, What did you think I would let you stand there and kill an innoccent person or shoot someone!" said JJL angrily

"Well I guess then it's your life that can go" said the man

"I'd like to see you try, cause I mean you did just try and kill these peoples friend and turn another one of there friends into a zombie with a deathly touch... thank goodness the potion you gave her only had temperary effects but the point is, If you try to hurt anyone in this room they will hurt you"

"Like a bunch of wussie pony riders are gunna stop me from doing what I intend to do"

"Well then bring it" said Artsy and M at the same time

And the man rushed towards them...

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Just as the man was about to feed the potion to Becky JJL let out a bloodcurtling scream while pointing to something behind the man, while the man turned around to look at whatever she was screaming about, he loosed his grip on Becky, the potion and gun. Becky grabbed the gun and potion and ran over to the PPRs before the man had a chance to react.

"You did that with the intention of that happening didn't you screamy" yelled the evil man

"Hell yes I did, What did you think I would let you stand there and kill an innoccent person or shoot someone!" said JJL angrily

"Well I guess then it's your life that can go" said the man

"I'd like to see you try, cause I mean you did just try and kill these peoples friend and turn another one of there friends into a zombie with a deathly touch... thank goodness the potion you gave her only had temperary effects but the point is, If you try to hurt anyone in this room they will hurt you"

"Like a bunch of wussie pony riders are gunna stop me from doing what I intend to do"

"Well then bring it" said Artsy and M at the same time

And the man rushed towards them...



sara woke finally woke up again, but she still was blind!

'' help! '' she heard somebody walking '' M?!? ''

'' hey! what are you doing on the ground '' mika asked her

'' i'm playing with bugs what do you think! I CAN'T SEE!! ''

'' don't worry! we'll get him ''


'' what but... he almost killed you! ''

'' no... there was no danger... run and tell the others!! RIGHT NOW!! ''

'' i can't let you alone here.... ''

'' don't let them kill him... please!! don't worry about me...''



in the hut:

'' you can do what you want! '' the man said standing in front of them

'' haha! i want to do it!! '' artsy looking at JJL!

'' go ahead! '' she answered

but mika entered the hut, gasping for air!

'' DON'T... DON'T KILL HIM! she told me he was good... ''

'' what!??!? because of him, sara is dead! '' JJL yelled at the man

'' no she's not, she told me he was good... i know i don't understand, but she told me he could help us ''

'' where is she?? '' M asked him as finn took her in his arms

'' i'll show you '' he said as he left the hut

'' ok... why did you make her drink that!? '' asked JJL

'' ah, it's a secret between sara and me! but it was to help her! ''

'' yes... of course... you zombified her to help her! '' said mav

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sara woke finally woke up again, but she still was blind!

'' help! '' she heard somebody walking '' M?!? ''

'' hey! what are you doing on the ground '' mika asked her

'' i'm playing with bugs what do you think! I CAN'T SEE!! ''

'' don't worry! we'll get him ''


'' what but... he almost killed you! ''

'' no... there was no danger... run and tell the others!! RIGHT NOW!! ''

'' i can't let you alone here.... ''

'' don't let them kill him... please!! don't worry about me...''



in the hut:

'' you can do what you want! '' the man said standing in front of them

'' haha! i want to do it!! '' artsy looking at JJL!

'' go ahead! '' she answered

but mika entered the hut, gasping for air!

'' DON'T... DON'T KILL HIM! she told me he was good... ''

'' what!??!? because of him, sara is dead! '' JJL yelled at the man

'' no she's not, she told me he was good... i know i don't understand, but she told me he could help us ''

'' where is she?? '' M asked him as finn took her in his arms

'' i'll show you '' he said as he left the hut

'' ok... why did you make her drink that!? '' asked JJL

'' ah, it's a secret between sara and me! but it was to help her! ''

'' yes... of course... you zombified her to help her! '' said mav


As they all followed Mika to Sara there was some indistictive mumbling among them one of which was JJL...

"We were finally gunna get that bad ass... screwing around with everyone like that... how the hell did I even get here..." was just a few of the things JJL wasn't too happy about. They finally approched the area where Sara was laying to find she wasn't there anymore!

"Hey just out of curiousity but don't zombies come out at night?" said JJL trying to sound cool and collected.

"Yea why?" said Artsy

"Oh no reason just the sun is just about to SET!" said JJL as she yelled the last word

"Everyone back to the strange mans mud hut!" yelled Mika

"Way ahead of you" said JJL while running

"Well you're going the wrong way"

"Oh... I knew that" and with that JJL ran after the others


They all reached the hut just as the last rays of sunlight were gone

"I think its time we found out what was going on, Becky do you still have that gun and potion?" said JJL in a very deathly manner as she looked at the man

"Yes I do, Why?"

"Well we need him to talk and tell us what the hell is up with this island and its zombies don't we? Well this is the only person who knows and he can either tell us willingly or we can find out by force, I'd prefer that it didn't come to the latter cause I'd prefer that we didn't go against Sara's wishes and that hes only here to help so we aren't to kill him but if worst comes to worse..." Said JJL with a very evil look on her face

"You aren't serious are you?" said Becky terrified

"No" and then JJL started laughing

"What is so funny?" said Artsy rather annoyed

"Just... The... Look... On... Your... Faces" said JJL while still laughing

"Oh shut up"

"Ok then" and JJL stopped laughing

"Why the hell did you do that?" said Lolly annoyed

"Cause you guys seemed really down and all solomn, How are we ment to save the day if everyone is so focused on one thing, you all needed to see the big picture again" said JJL with the most straight face they had ever seen

and with that everyone started laughing

"So does that mean that it worked?" asked JJL

"Yes, yes it did"

"Good now to the more pressing issue, What are we gunna do about this?"

"Alright I'll tell you lot my story, just sit down and make yourselfs comfitable" said the man

With that JJL sat down, when she saw that nobody else sat down she said "Oh come on the man is about to tell his life story and you guys aren't even gunna sit down and listen, you never know it could help with whatever other problems you guys are having, besides we have 12 hours in here we may as well make use of them, so after he finishes talking you guys can tell me about your life stories as well" and with that she pulled the two closest people down with her which in turn caused everyone to sit down.

"Now begin" JJL said to the man

"Well my name is Verish and it all starts...

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As they all followed Mika to Sara there was some indistictive mumbling among them one of which was JJL...

"We were finally gunna get that bad ass... screwing around with everyone like that... how the hell did I even get here..." was just a few of the things JJL wasn't too happy about. They finally approched the area where Sara was laying to find she wasn't there anymore!

"Hey just out of curiousity but don't zombies come out at night?" said JJL trying to sound cool and collected.

"Yea why?" said Artsy

"Oh no reason just the sun is just about to SET!" said JJL as she yelled the last word

"Everyone back to the strange mans mud hut!" yelled Mika

"Way ahead of you" said JJL while running

"Well you're going the wrong way"

"Oh... I knew that" and with that JJL ran after the others


They all reached the hut just as the last rays of sunlight were gone

"I think its time we found out what was going on, Becky do you still have that gun and potion?" said JJL in a very deathly manner as she looked at the man

"Yes I do, Why?"

"Well we need him to talk and tell us what the hell is up with this island and its zombies don't we? Well this is the only person who knows and he can either tell us willingly or we can find out by force, I'd prefer that it didn't come to the latter cause I'd prefer that we didn't go against Sara's wishes and that hes only here to help so we aren't to kill him but if worst comes to worse..." Said JJL with a very evil look on her face

"You aren't serious are you?" said Becky terrified

"No" and then JJL started laughing

"What is so funny?" said Artsy rather annoyed

"Just... The... Look... On... Your... Faces" said JJL while still laughing

"Oh shut up"

"Ok then" and JJL stopped laughing

"Why the hell did you do that?" said Lolly annoyed

"Cause you guys seemed really down and all solomn, How are we ment to save the day if everyone is so focused on one thing, you all needed to see the big picture again" said JJL with the most straight face they had ever seen

and with that everyone started laughing

"So does that mean that it worked?" asked JJL

"Yes, yes it did"

"Good now to the more pressing issue, What are we gunna do about this?"

"Alright I'll tell you lot my story, just sit down and make yourselfs comfitable" said the man

With that JJL sat down, when she saw that nobody else sat down she said "Oh come on the man is about to tell his life story and you guys aren't even gunna sit down and listen, you never know it could help with whatever other problems you guys are having, besides we have 12 hours in here we may as well make use of them, so after he finishes talking you guys can tell me about your life stories as well" and with that she pulled the two closest people down with her which in turn caused everyone to sit down.

"Now begin" JJL said to the man

"Well my name is Verish and it all starts...


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As they all followed Mika to Sara there was some indistictive mumbling among them one of which was JJL...

"We were finally gunna get that bad ass... screwing around with everyone like that... how the hell did I even get here..." was just a few of the things JJL wasn't too happy about. They finally approched the area where Sara was laying to find she wasn't there anymore!

"Hey just out of curiousity but don't zombies come out at night?" said JJL trying to sound cool and collected.

"Yea why?" said Artsy

"Oh no reason just the sun is just about to SET!" said JJL as she yelled the last word

"Everyone back to the strange mans mud hut!" yelled Mika

"Way ahead of you" said JJL while running

"Well you're going the wrong way"

"Oh... I knew that" and with that JJL ran after the others


They all reached the hut just as the last rays of sunlight were gone

"I think its time we found out what was going on, Becky do you still have that gun and potion?" said JJL in a very deathly manner as she looked at the man

"Yes I do, Why?"

"Well we need him to talk and tell us what the hell is up with this island and its zombies don't we? Well this is the only person who knows and he can either tell us willingly or we can find out by force, I'd prefer that it didn't come to the latter cause I'd prefer that we didn't go against Sara's wishes and that hes only here to help so we aren't to kill him but if worst comes to worse..." Said JJL with a very evil look on her face

"You aren't serious are you?" said Becky terrified

"No" and then JJL started laughing

"What is so funny?" said Artsy rather annoyed

"Just... The... Look... On... Your... Faces" said JJL while still laughing

"Oh shut up"

"Ok then" and JJL stopped laughing

"Why the hell did you do that?" said Lolly annoyed

"Cause you guys seemed really down and all solomn, How are we ment to save the day if everyone is so focused on one thing, you all needed to see the big picture again" said JJL with the most straight face they had ever seen

and with that everyone started laughing

"So does that mean that it worked?" asked JJL

"Yes, yes it did"

"Good now to the more pressing issue, What are we gunna do about this?"

"Alright I'll tell you lot my story, just sit down and make yourselfs comfitable" said the man

With that JJL sat down, when she saw that nobody else sat down she said "Oh come on the man is about to tell his life story and you guys aren't even gunna sit down and listen, you never know it could help with whatever other problems you guys are having, besides we have 12 hours in here we may as well make use of them, so after he finishes talking you guys can tell me about your life stories as well" and with that she pulled the two closest people down with her which in turn caused everyone to sit down.

"Now begin" JJL said to the man

"Well my name is Verish and it all starts...

--" I cut the man off.

"Who are you?" I said suddenly to JJL.

The other PPRs looked at me as if I was being rude.

"I'm JJL." she said grinning as I gave her a sly untrustworthy look.

"How do we know we can trust you. I've never seen you before. I'm not sure what you're even doing here. How do we know we can't be trusting you?"

Mika chuckled and put an arm around me.

"Why wouldn't we trust her?"

Finn put an arm around me on the other side.


I glanced perplexedly at them both.

"Can I finish my story?" said the man.

"Oh yeah of course." I said glaring at JJL.

"OK. Well my name is Verish and it all started when i was 5. My mom and dad left me in my home in Hawaii and took a vacation into the mainland. I was 5 yet they left me alone so I was starting to get pretty hungry. No one left me any food except for the bogus in the cupboards. I began to mix a couple things together. Add some vinegar with the salt and put some dung in with it. Stuff like that."

All the girls cringed.

"When one day I had this strange combination that began to have zombies emerge from the pot. Weird, right? Well, no. They were befriending me. I was all alone. The more zombies I made the angrier they turned out being. I didn't care I just wanted a family who loved me and would do anything for me instead of the one I had that packed and took a vacation without me to Massachusetts. The moreangrier my zombies got, the more they became protective of me and my native land, Hawaii. The day after my zombie inccident I was starting to get worried. I was being overprotected by these creatures and they killed the mailmen or anyone who got 100metres of our home. 'I have to pack up and leave!' I decided so I moved to this hut in Australia hoping they'd never find me. Well some how they all found me and I became so secluded in this little hut that I made more potions to try and kill off the zombies. Instead it made them kill people in a 300foot radius of me! They are positioned allover Australia to try and protect me but they have killed many, many people at night time, when they're alive. I haven't left this hut since I was 5 and now I'm 32. I spend all my time making potions to be rid of these creatures but they only make them want to protect me more! You people should have left here before the sun went down they'll get you too!"

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--" I cut the man off.

"Who are you?" I said suddenly to JJL.

The other PPRs looked at me as if I was being rude.

"I'm JJL." she said grinning as I gave her a sly untrustworthy look.

"How do we know we can trust you. I've never seen you before. I'm not sure what you're even doing here. How do we know we can't be trusting you?"

Mika chuckled and put an arm around me.

"Why wouldn't we trust her?"

Finn put an arm around me on the other side.


I glanced perplexedly at them both.

"Can I finish my story?" said the man.

"Oh yeah of course." I said glaring at JJL.

"OK. Well my name is Verish and it all started when i was 5. My mom and dad left me in my home in Hawaii and took a vacation into the mainland. I was 5 yet they left me alone so I was starting to get pretty hungry. No one left me any food except for the bogus in the cupboards. I began to mix a couple things together. Add some vinegar with the salt and put some dung in with it. Stuff like that."

All the girls cringed.

"When one day I had this strange combination that began to have zombies emerge from the pot. Weird, right? Well, no. They were befriending me. I was all alone. The more zombies I made the angrier they turned out being. I didn't care I just wanted a family who loved me and would do anything for me instead of the one I had that packed and took a vacation without me to Massachusetts. The moreangrier my zombies got, the more they became protective of me and my native land, Hawaii. The day after my zombie inccident I was starting to get worried. I was being overprotected by these creatures and they killed the mailmen or anyone who got 100metres of our home. 'I have to pack up and leave!' I decided so I moved to this hut in Australia hoping they'd never find me. Well some how they all found me and I became so secluded in this little hut that I made more potions to try and kill off the zombies. Instead it made them kill people in a 300foot radius of me! They are positioned allover Australia to try and protect me but they have killed many, many people at night time, when they're alive. I haven't left this hut since I was 5 and now I'm 32. I spend all my time making potions to be rid of these creatures but they only make them want to protect me more! You people should have left here before the sun went down they'll get you too!"



'' it's not too late to leave '' M said as the 2 boys holding her nodded

'' yes... but what about sara?? '' mav asked

'' we don't have time for her... it's her or us! '' said M looking at the others! she winked at artsy! she knew what she was trying to do!

they all were silent and looked at her

'' we can't all go out of this hut and search this forest to find sara! it's too dangerous ! ''

'' yes... we should leave soon and find a way to get out of here '' artsy said

'' WE CAN'T LEAVE SARA HERE! THE ZOMBIES WILL KILL HER!! '' mav yelled at the others

M looked at her... she was trying to tell her something but she didn't seem to understand! she sighed!

'' well... do what you want, but i'm not going out of this hut! you can save her if you want, but who will come with you!?! we can't let you go, we need you here '' M looked at the others '' who really want to save her... i mean... we know we'll die... and she is probably dead already! ''

artsy walked toward her and whispered to her ear '' don't go too far... you could really shock somebody ''

she nodded.



somewhere in the forest:

'' i can't believe i'm doing this'' sara said as she crawled on the ground, trying to make her way through the forest! she was still blind! she couldn't see where she is going anyway, it was too dark!

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"No." Verish interrupted. "This hut is not safe. It has no door! I will take you back to your house via a perfectly safe trail, then you must stay there until sunrise."

"What about Sara?" Mavs asked instantly.

"Sara will be fine. Anyone who is or has been a zombie gives off a certain smell; which the average human body cannot smell; that tell the other Zombies that she is not a threat and not to hurt her." Verish replied.

"This perfectly safe trail; what if a zombie gets onto it?" Artsy asked sceptically.


"But what if it happened?" Artsy pestered. Verish sighed.

"I will take the reverse potion, just incase, but it will not happen." Verish then took a few blue bottles from the shelf and put them in a bag. "Follow me."

They walked along a long, confusing path, and no one was very trustworthy of the man. So what if Sara said he was good? He did try and kill Becky and lured innocent, lonely people to the island to turn them into zombies.

"Why did you not believe him when he said the path was safe?" M4L asked Artsy.

"Oh, I believe him. I just wanted to know which was the reverse potion." Artsy whispered, while smiling evilly.

After a very long walk, Verish stopped intfront of the PPRs house.

"Finally." Mika said, his legs aching.

"Now, you must promise not to leave before sunrise." Verish warned. "You will not return otherwise." The PPRs nodded solemnly, no one planning on leaving before then. "Now, go in."

Soangel scrambled through her bag, mumbling to herself, before saying,

"Kelz, could you use yours? I think I dropped my while we were walking."

"Yeah, sure." Kelzy pulled her keys out of her pocket and let herself and everyone else in.

"Make sure you close every way into the house, including windows." Verish told them. When the door was closed, he smiled evily, before pulling out a set of keys, laughing quietly and heading back toward the hut.

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