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The British and Proud thread!


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I'd love to go abroad, but my parents wont let me. I wouldn't neccessarily go abroad just to see Mika though, because of price etc, but maybe fit it in with a holiday! I suppose it is definitely nicer to see him in your home town or close to home though...I saw him in Brixton which is about an hour away from where I live, which was nice, because I went to school on Thrusday, saw him Thursday night and then went back to school on the Friday and boasted about it to all my friends!!!lol!!!!


It is great seeing him in your home town.


I skipped uni the day after because I was so depressed (Can't think why)

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Depressed!? After seeing and meeting Mika? I suppose you didn't get the pic....

I do know what you mean, I was very sad the few days after I saw him because it dawned on me I didn;t have it to look forward to anymore, and it was over, if you like.

What are you doing at uni??


It only lasted a few days. I think it was because it was over so quickly.


I'm doing business i.t at uni and i'm in my second year.

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I preffered Year 8 - we did NOTHING in Year 8 - I am not kidding! Year 9 we have SATS, and thats all the teachers ever go on about! grr, its so annoying!






Why are you surprised?


I think she is suprised at me.

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Yeh I know, i was just wondering why she was surprised that you were in yr 10...btw is your brother very good at french then? i mean, if he already has done a french gcse in yr 9!?....


No, our school starts them in year 8 now. Weird, I know.

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Funny mood - well everyone gets it....!!


I would immensly pleased with a B - but i suppose if you;ve been told you'll get A*


I was chuffed with a B.


I really, (and this is bad), don't care. My teacher has a real problem with me. And my brother.

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Yeah, But not when I should be getting A*. I hate french. And the teacher.


I never liked my teacher either.


Funny mood - well everyone gets it....!!


I would immensly pleased with a B - but i suppose if you;ve been told you'll get A*


I would have been ecstatic at a B.

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