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The Australian Thread: Part Six

Rainbow Sky

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Heya happikali

I'm not entirely sure what we are doing anymore :bleh:

Alls I know is that mistletoe is evil stuff (Unless it has Mika and I underneath it :naughty: )

:naughty: Awwwww .... but RBSKY is such a lovely lay-dee !!!!

*saunters up to Liz and gives her Groucho eyebrows while eyeing the mistletoe*



:das: Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!!:roftl:

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I'M NOT! I don't normally like horror movies, but if it's a musical and Johnny Depp is lead then I'll deal with it. I like the way Tim Burton's films are done, too.


You will have to tell me about it... So then I'll prob grab my bestfriends and their bf/gfs and force them to watch it with me :bleh:

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Supposedly, the violence is "melodramatic", so it's supposed to be so cheesily overdone that it isn't scary, or so I've heard from the interviews with Tim Burton.


It's coming out tomorrow and I'm going to try to get my brother to go with me. You can't go wrong with the Burton/Depp combo.

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I think that almost all of my favourite films of all time are either musicals or have Johnny Depp in them. And this one has BOTH!


Same here...


Supposedly, the violence is "melodramatic", so it's supposed to be so cheesily overdone that it isn't scary, or so I've heard from the interviews with Tim Burton.


It's coming out tomorrow and I'm going to try to get my brother to go with me. You can't go wrong with the Burton/Depp combo.


I'm now quite interested to see just how overdone they did it now :bleh:

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Have either of you seen 'From Hell'? It's a thriller/horror thing with Johnny in it, and it's really good except for some parts which are cheesy enough to be funny.




Actually, never mind what I said earlier about not liking horror films. That film, Silence of the Lambs, and Rosemary's Baby I liked a lot. So I guess I like intelligent horror films that aren't too gory. Not the gratuitiously violent ones or anything that features undead people, though.

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Have either of you seen 'From Hell'? It's a thriller/horror thing with Johnny in it, and it's really good except for some parts which are cheesy enough to be funny.




Actually, never mind what I said earlier about not liking horror films. That film, Silence of the Lambs, and Rosemary's Baby I liked a lot. So I guess I like intelligent horror films that aren't too gory. Not the gratuitiously violent ones or anything that features undead people, though.


I have seen From Hell. It frightened the living daylights out of me, but it was very good overall. I had a dark fascination with Jack the Ripper at the time and loved it.

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Ohhh thanks



Just a random comment...

I'm now reading the first six parts of the PPR... Its quite funny


You're going to read it ALL??!:shocked:


My respect to you for attempting such a task. Part 1 is bloody insane. We were no holds barred in the early days. Not like now, where we have to really think to come up with original ideas.:naughty:

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I watched it with my best friend, and we were taking it all very seriously until I commented on how conveniently cloudy his bath water was. It all kind of went downhill from there. Hehe.


:roftl: :roftl: :roftl:


My friends and I noticed that too!!


"Oh, he's in the bath!"

"Show the good parts!!"

"The water's too cloudy."

"F*%#in' censorship!"

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You're going to read it ALL??!:shocked:


My respect to you for attempting such a task. Part 1 is bloody insane. We were no holds barred in the early days. Not like now, where we have to really think to come up with original ideas.:naughty:


Hell yea I'm gunna read it all... I read all of part seven up to where it is now... What can I say its addictive :bleh:

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:naughty: What ARE you guys up to ??!! Playing trap-door tag ??!!! :naughty::roftl:

:biggrin2: Well... I'm here for a bit .... then go to town & will be back .... I have heard from Akateisakate & it seems My hotseat will happen tonight (I hope :sneaky2: ) ......so HIYA !!!:biggrin2:

ohhh, cool, i hope i am around for it


Sounds like a load of fun.


(Haha, get it...Load...as in heavy load of branches...god I really shoudn't be finding that funny.)


haha, i always get *that wasn't funny* looks for saying stuff that is really lame


and that reminds me, the other day i was on a tour around a winery and this guy and i got to the door at the same time, and he waved his hand saying i could go through and said 'there is already enough bottle necks around here' :roftl: it was so bad hehe

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