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The Australian Thread: Part Six

Rainbow Sky

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Hehe, thanks. I think I might make it black and white though, to match a bit more.


I love your new avatar and signature (or 'outfit' as happikali would say) too!!


hehe, thanks, i felt like something that matched for a change

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its all to hard for someone with the lazy disease


my kitten loves me 2nite, it wants to sit on my shoulder

awww, that's so cute, like a cat-pirate lol


I use Adobe Photoshop CS. It can be free if you are erm.. clever. :wink2:

:wink2: cool, thanks

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I'd believe that at the moment. It's really cold where I am. I'm actually wearing my winter pyjamas!!


You're not the only one...


wow- snow on xmas day! We have a forecast of about 36 degrees in Perth for xmas day!


Meh... it snowed in Orange on Chrissy day one year when Mum was a kid... we're expecting low 20s on the day...


*hangs pics*








I love these 3 sooooo soooo much. They are my new favourites.


Mmmmmm.... lovely...


HAHAHA. "dear Mika. GET NEW PANTS. You do realize you "grow" right? Dude. We see your winky!"





Dare you to put that on his myspace page!


Oh, they are nice- when were they taken?


On a random note I am watching chaneel v2 and they are doing top cameos in video clips, and I have never seen this one from Fat Boy Slim with Christopher Walken in it- he will never have that "scare" factor to me again!



Weapon of Choice... love that song... and the film clip too!


I think everyone is busy food shopping now.


Yeah... tell me about it... *looks down at Franklins uniform*


OMG Teegs- you didn't hang out with his guy did you? :shocked::naughty:


Fron ninemsn news:


The extradition of a suspected killer has been thrown into disarray after a violent clash with US marshals on board a plane at Sydney airport.


Lawrence Rivera, 35, is wanted in California for the strangulation murder of 26-year-old mother-of-one, Kristina Garcia.


Rivera allegedly killed his work colleague in 2002 after she refused him a second date, dumping her body in the Mojave Desert.





He allegedly fled to England, Germany and Holland before NSW homicide detectives tracked him to Orange in the state's central west a few months later.


For five years, Rivera fought his extradition in the courts, only to be ordered home earlier this month.


Sydney detectives yesterday handed him over to a team of US marshals and officers from the San Bernardino Sheriff's department and he was escorted on to a United Airlines flight to Los Angeles.


But once on board, he began lashing out and kicking at officers, threatening to kill them.


Lieutenant Gerrit Tesselaar has been on Rivera's trail ever since he found Ms Garcia's body in the Californian desert.


"He's gonna go back and face the music in America and there's no doubt in my mind he'll be in prison for the rest of his life," he said.


"This was an innocent woman who did not deserve to die this way.


"The look on his face was 'how in the world did you find me?'


"Had he not been found here he probably would have killed again."


Rivera, who's also a "person of interest" in the strangulation murder of a three-year-old child in Germany, was taken off the plane and placed back into Australian custody.


He'll remain in a local jail for at least a fortnight as the US marshal service prepares to send a Lear jet full of tactical officers to Sydney to collect him.


For the full story and exclusive footage, watch National Nine News in Sydney from 6pm tonight.





Erm... no... thankfully... though we've heard nothing about it here... mostly about child porn peops getting arrested...


I went looking for more Cons, but the only ones they had in the store were fugly.


I love the word fugly... best word ever...


BTW- what is this? :rm_fett:


Boba Fett...


that interview was stupid , it was just another typical example of djs liking the sound of their own voice


I was never in any doubt that Jabba likes toe soun of his own voice... though I think Kyle Sandilands and Andrew G are worse...


Must admit, he's got a good face for radio...


Yep. Probably Boba Fett. Possibly Jango.


I'm such a nerd.


Well... technically... it could be either... seeing as Boba was a clone of Jango... and he wore Jango's bounty hunter outfit once he died... but didn't care for it like Jango did... I still say Boba...


I'm an even bigger nerd

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Hmm. I think I might tidy my room so that it's ready for Christmas Day.


Meh... mine's a pigsty but that's because I went away for the best part of a week and there's clothes everywhere...


I refuse to say "It looks like a brothel" like my mother says... but my room is not full of prostitutes... or she's saying I AM a prostitute... :shocked::sneaky2: and in that case I may have to MSN slap her...





Night to all who are still on...

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