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The Australian Thread: Part Six

Rainbow Sky

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I miss the Verandah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :crybaby:


So do I.... maybe we could wish ourselves back there :blink:


We definately need to go back soon.



*sneaks in and puts Christmas tree up as a surprise for the mikamites*





Wow thats so pretty



*briefly curses all people who decide to go to Maccas on Christmas Eve.*

I swear, apart from just before I left, there was only 1 stage where no one was waiting for food. Around lunch the lines were huge and we needed more people on.


That done.... only one sleep to christmas. Must watch the carols tonight (its tradition here)

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*briefly curses all people who decide to go to Maccas on Christmas Eve.*

I swear, apart from just before I left, there was only 1 stage where no one was waiting for food. Around lunch the lines were huge and we needed more people on.


That done.... only one sleep to christmas. Must watch the carols tonight (its tradition here)


wow, that sounds like a very busy day


something is really annoying me at the moment; whenever i mention that i like mika's music people have to point out (what they they think is a fact) that he is gay, i think the only thing people know how to say when i mention mika is 'he is gay'. I really don't care. I don't mean to start yet another discussion on mika, It is more peoples reactions to someone liking him as a singer.


in other news, my bird is on my shoulder almost asleep as soon as happy ending started playing

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It will be Christmas Day in 6 and a 1/2 hours. How did that happen? :blink:


I actually don't feel Christmassy in the slightest. Shh. Don't tell anyone.


Tonight, I shall be watching the Edinburgh Military Tattoo.:punk:

*does highland fling*


i don't feel christmassy either, maybe that will change tomorrow


i love watching the tattoo :punk: i usually just pay half of my attention to it though lol

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i don't feel christmassy either, maybe that will change tomorrow


i love watching the tattoo :punk: i usually just pay half of my attention to it though lol


Yes... I think it probably shall. :naughty:


I luuuuuuuuuuuuuuurve the tattoo!!! :punk:


*gets cushions and pillows ready for a soft landing*


*gets drool bucket into position*



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wow, that sounds like a very busy day


something is really annoying me at the moment; whenever i mention that i like mika's music people have to point out (what they they think is a fact) that he is gay, i think the only thing people know how to say when i mention mika is 'he is gay'. I really don't care. I don't mean to start yet another discussion on mika, It is more peoples reactions to someone liking him as a singer.


in other news, my bird is on my shoulder almost asleep as soon as happy ending started playing


actually i get that reaction 2 but after i say "i lurve mika. me and mika are married" i also get a lot of worse reactions eg: the other day i told someone the devastating news that he cancelled his oz visit and the reply was " coz no one bought any tickets??" i nearly slapped the girl





and now for my daily rant: i chopped so much crap today that my wrist hurts so much i can barely squeeze out a sponge. end rant!!!

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