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The Australian Thread: Part Six

Rainbow Sky

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This is pavlova.............yum!!!





Basically it is like a massive meringue, hard on the crust but soft insde (it's made from egg whites and sugar) and then topped with cream and fruit. Really light but sweet and sooooo yummy! I would shiip you some over, but it would be rotten by the time it

got there!

drool.gif I simply LOVE pavlova. It's one of the best reasons that I'm glad to have Aussie citizenship. :lmao:

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Pffft, I'd like to see you try to convince me to remove even one sock. I take out all stubborness titles between here and California. :lmao:


FYI, Boxing Day. When all of the good sales are on!


Thanks for the link!


I can't wait to see your face when you wake up and realize your bra is missing.:naughty: I also have an impressive history of stubborness.

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I know I seem to be constantly be whinging about the weather, but it got to 43 degrees by 1230 :boxed:


OMG! You poor thing! We had a gorgeous QLD day - it only go to 27 and was cloudy for most of it and now today is all showery! It is so beautiful :D

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speaking of online shopping (I am a bit of a shopaholic!) this is a great website and I love their clearance items. I actually bought this dress here http://www.freez.com.au/shop/product.php?productid=121&cat=10&page=2 and there's heaps of other lovely, cheap things here also!


Oh, it's gorgeous! Thanks for the link!

(And it's ok. I'm a shopaholic too; this is a safe space for your addiction.:naughty: )

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I'm a shopaholic too... It drives my mum nuts... Cause I end up spending so much money :naughty::bleh:


I wish my parents still paid for all my stuff.:naughty:


I've been resourceful, though. Unless it's cheap and/or I've had my eye on the particular item for a long time, I get all my clothing from thrift stores, vintage, Goodwill, etc. That's where all the really interesting and original stuff is anyways. Except for underwear or swimsuits; you don't want those used.:thumbdown: And shoes. I refuse to buy used shoes. Something about that sickens me.

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I wish my parents still paid for all my stuff.:naughty:


I've been resourceful, though. Unless it's cheap and/or I've had my eye on the particular item for a long time, I get all my clothing from thrift stores, vintage, Goodwill, etc. That's where all the really interesting and original stuff is anyways. Except for underwear or swimsuits; you don't want those used.:thumbdown: And shoes. I refuse to buy used shoes. Something about that sickens me.


My parents won't be for much longer... I'm getting a job as soon as I turn 14

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My parents won't be for much longer... I'm getting a job as soon as I turn 14

Oh, that's young! Mine paid for my clothes until I left home a year and a half ago! It is rewarding, though, getting your own money, because it allows you to spend it however you want.:thumb_yello:

hey everyone!

ohhh, that dress is really nice, mink pink always have nice stuff

and i loooove 'i love billy' shoes, has anyone seen them?

i can't wait until i can shop online :naughty:


Hi Armande! I think I've heard of the brand, but I haven't seen any of the products.

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hey artsy, they are pretty expensive, but its good when the sales come around :naughty: they are quite eyecatching styles to say the least lol, i love my pair :wub2: i can't find a pic of that pair on the net, maybe i'll take one and show u later

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I'm losing my voice :(


I've really got to start taking care of it better


Cause I've lost it quite a few times this year from performing (I do alot of theater work) when I knew my voice wasn't in the best condition, which now I think about it, isn't very clever

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hey artsy, they are pretty expensive, but its good when the sales come around :naughty: they are quite eyecatching styles to say the least lol, i love my pair :wub2: i can't find a pic of that pair on the net, maybe i'll take one and show u later

Ok! Now I'm curious.

I'm losing my voice :(


I've really got to start taking care of it better


Cause I've lost it quite a few times this year from performing (I do alot of theater work) when I knew my voice wasn't in the best condition, which now I think about it, isn't very clever


Ouch, been there, done that, gotten kicked off a leading role for over-stretching the voice. Take it easy, darling. Remember, you can't perform at all if you don't give the throat a rest every once in a while.

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I'm losing my voice :(


I've really got to start taking care of it better


Cause I've lost it quite a few times this year from performing (I do alot of theater work) when I knew my voice wasn't in the best condition, which now I think about it, isn't very clever

well at least you have realised that you need to take better care of it, it would of been worse if you just ignored it.


Ok! Now I'm curious.



Ouch, been there, done that, gotten kicked off a leading role for over-stretching the voice. Take it easy, darling. Remember, you can't perform at all if you don't give the throat a rest every once in a while.

*is taking the picture now*

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Ok! Now I'm curious.



Ouch, been there, done that, gotten kicked off a leading role for over-stretching the voice. Take it easy, darling. Remember, you can't perform at all if you don't give the throat a rest every once in a while.


Ohh... I don't want that to happen, not at all...

*throat takes a holiday in Fiji in order to get the rest it deserves*

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here 'tis, i'll take it down later... so there isn't a pic of my foot for the world to see lol


they are a strange shape, quite square, but if you see the whole foot it looks better EDIT: they are the toe part if no one can work it out :lmfao:


EDIT: hey rbsky, how are you? you get to share a post with my foot, lucky you :naughty:

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