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Could it be? PART 8!! Pink Pony riders club. Insanity is welcome, sanity is not.


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'' i hate paparazzies... i'm so mad i'd just want to... clap my HANDS!!" sara said angrily

they all look at her like a weirdo

'' ah.. you mean... a wish '' M smiled

'' bad idea... it makes you sick '' said michael

'' yeah he's right, sara!'' finn said kissing M

'' okay, well, can i sleep with you and finn tonight?? '' sara asked '' i am scared''

'' I am sleeping with them tonight, sorry darling! '' dav said smiling at M

'' what?? but... M... finn... pleaaaaaaasssssseeee '' she begged '' don't leave me alone with the little green men ''

'' sara... you're not a baby... you can sleep alone... '' M said '' same for you dav! sleep with him if you don't wanna be alone... finn and i have some plans :das: ''

'' with dav!! no way... i'm going outside to take a walk then ''

'' no! it's too late we're not in our country... '' michael sad as we got off the elevator

'' ok, now finn and i going to OUR room ALONE! please, we want some intimate moment, is it possible?? ''

we all nodded and they left to their room

'' i thought we'd never be alone! '' M said as she started kissing finn. he kissed her back!


'' michael?? '' sara asked with big puppy eyes (:naughty:)


"I have a spare armchair..." She added, making her puppy eyes even more irrisistable.

"How can I say no then?" Micheal smiled. "I'll make sure no one gets you."

Sara smiled and they walked to her room, where Micheal made sure she was asleep before he could sleep.


Hmph. The man thought to himself. They spotted me. M came out to see though!! Maybe she thought it was me... Maybe I should have stayed... We could have caught up. That husband of hers doesn't look like a man to mess with. He clearly doesn't have a problem with his looks, coming downstairs in boxers. M seemed slightly embarrassed though... Yet they clearly loved each other, depite M's thought not completely on him. I can read her like a book. That's the best thing about being close to someone...


"Morning." Becky, who was feeding Kairi, smiled. "Nice sleep?" M had entered their kitchen (they had hired it, along with a small lounge room with all of the rooms. Special deal when there are a certain number of people in a group, apparently), yawning.

"You're up early..." She mumbled, as she glaced up at the clock. 7am.

"As are you." Becky smiled. "Early bird here wanted to get up." She tickled Kairi's tummy.

"Oh. I'm just... Noh...Noh... Not tired." She yawned.

"Yeah right." Becky laughed.

"I know, I know. It's just.... I don't know. My feelings for Finn have messed up ever since David turned up. And after my dream last night, I didn't particularly want to continue lying next to Finn."

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Yeah, could be those guys you have eating out of your hand now you've upped their egos and given them presents :fisch:


:lmao: I know, right? But luke still hasnt gotten his present, he has just heard about it. But I did up Luke's ego A LOT! :lmao:

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"I have a spare armchair..." She added, making her puppy eyes even more irrisistable.

"How can I say no then?" Micheal smiled. "I'll make sure no one gets you."

Sara smiled and they walked to her room, where Micheal made sure she was asleep before he could sleep.


Hmph. The man thought to himself. They spotted me. M came out to see though!! Maybe she thought it was me... Maybe I should have stayed... We could have caught up. That husband of hers doesn't look like a man to mess with. He clearly doesn't have a problem with his looks, coming downstairs in boxers. M seemed slightly embarrassed though... Yet they clearly loved each other, depite M's thought not completely on him. I can read her like a book. That's the best thing about being close to someone...


"Morning." Becky, who was feeding Kairi, smiled. "Nice sleep?" M had entered their kitchen (they had hired it, along with a small lounge room with all of the rooms. Special deal when there are a certain number of people in a group, apparently), yawning.

"You're up early..." She mumbled, as she glaced up at the clock. 7am.

"As are you." Becky smiled. "Early bird here wanted to get up." She tickled Kairi's tummy.

"Oh. I'm just... Noh...Noh... Not tired." She yawned.

"Yeah right." Becky laughed.

"I know, I know. It's just.... I don't know. My feelings for Finn have messed up ever since David turned up. And after my dream last night, I didn't particularly want to continue lying next to Finn."


I felt crap, I had just slept on the sofa in the lounge room, and it was icky and lumpy, that and nearly every room had a sickening about of love and lust coming from it. I wondered, if I was turning sour just cause, I had dated such a jerk. Or if it was cause Rosie had kicked me out, cause her and Niko/Alek were finally admitting their feelings for each other. Either way, I so needed coffee. I went out into the kitchen, and saw M and Becks talking about something, and let them be, I didn't want to upset them just cause I didn't sleep well. I went over to the coffee machine, only to be pushed aside, I glared at the person, only to see a very hurt Mika. I shrugged, and let him make the coffee, while I went and looked in the fridge, for my king sized block of chocolate... to find it NOT there, now I was cranky. I vaugely wondered who would need such a big block to eat it all in one night, however, I was taken aback when the fridge burst into flames right before my eyes. "JJ! You blew up the fridge!" Becky yelled

"I didn't mean to, I swear" I said and teared up

"Ohh, I didn't mean to yell" she said "It's just that you bew up your whole room at the hotel, you can't let stuff get to you"

"I swear, it was only that somebody nicked my chocolate, that shouldn't have happened" I said weirded out by my rapid mood-swings

"You've been pregnant before, haven't you?" Becky asked

"How did you know?" I asked, wondering if it had been leaked

"You had a fight with Reece, while back, he was saying stuff about your powers seriously messing up, and we listened, not on purpose, but you guys are loud, and we want to know" she said, looking down

"Know what?" said Finn with the rest of the PPR's behind him bleary eyed

"My biggest secret" I said softly "If you guys wanna hear, you better get whatever now, cause once I start, I cannot stop"

They all sat on the nearest object and waited for my story.

"I was fresh out of uni. Did you know I studied, enviromental science? I wanted to save the world, in my own way. Anyway I went home, for the first time, in two years, and I had a house down there, I had been saving for years, and Mum and Dad chipped in a fair bit too. The guy who sold me my house, his name was Thom Stumps. He was a photogrpher in the making, but did real estate to pay for it. We dated for awhile, and I feel pregnant, he seemed so happy. He went out for drinks with his mates a few months later, around my fifth month it was I think. Anyway, he said to come pick him up at 10, I got there and he had his tougue down some hookers throat. I just asked him "why?" He said, "cause I wanted to", all slurred, you could tell he'd been drinking alot. He dropped the hooker, and said "you won't do anything anymore, and slapped me, it got pretty bad, one of the punches lost the baby, my eyes wouldn't work, and then Reece, who was in the bar with some of his friends, saved me, got me to a hospital. I went into depression. I got better, now it's three years onwards and I can tell this story almost." I began to cry very hard. I wasn't sure what to do, or what they thought...

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I felt crap, I had just slept on the sofa in the lounge room, and it was icky and lumpy, that and nearly every room had a sickening about of love and lust coming from it. I wondered, if I was turning sour just cause, I had dated such a jerk. Or if it was cause Rosie had kicked me out, cause her and Niko/Alek were finally admitting their feelings for each other. Either way, I so needed coffee. I went out into the kitchen, and saw M and Becks talking about something, and let them be, I didn't want to upset them just cause I didn't sleep well. I went over to the coffee machine, only to be pushed aside, I glared at the person, only to see a very hurt Mika. I shrugged, and let him make the coffee, while I went and looked in the fridge, for my king sized block of chocolate... to find it NOT there, now I was cranky. I vaugely wondered who would need such a big block to eat it all in one night, however, I was taken aback when the fridge burst into flames right before my eyes. "JJ! You blew up the fridge!" Becky yelled

"I didn't mean to, I swear" I said and teared up

"Ohh, I didn't mean to yell" she said "It's just that you bew up your whole room at the hotel, you can't let stuff get to you"

"I swear, it was only that somebody nicked my chocolate, that shouldn't have happened" I said weirded out by my rapid mood-swings

"You've been pregnant before, haven't you?" Becky asked

"How did you know?" I asked, wondering if it had been leaked

"You had a fight with Reece, while back, he was saying stuff about your powers seriously messing up, and we listened, not on purpose, but you guys are loud, and we want to know" she said, looking down

"Know what?" said Finn with the rest of the PPR's behind him bleary eyed

"My biggest secret" I said softly "If you guys wanna hear, you better get whatever now, cause once I start, I cannot stop"

They all sat on the nearest object and waited for my story.

"I was fresh out of uni. Did you know I studied, enviromental science? I wanted to save the world, in my own way. Anyway I went home, for the first time, in two years, and I had a house down there, I had been saving for years, and Mum and Dad chipped in a fair bit too. The guy who sold me my house, his name was Thom Stumps. He was a photogrpher in the making, but did real estate to pay for it. We dated for awhile, and I feel pregnant, he seemed so happy. He went out for drinks with his mates a few months later, around my fifth month it was I think. Anyway, he said to come pick him up at 10, I got there and he had his tougue down some hookers throat. I just asked him "why?" He said, "cause I wanted to", all slurred, you could tell he'd been drinking alot. He dropped the hooker, and said "you won't do anything anymore, and slapped me, it got pretty bad, one of the punches lost the baby, my eyes wouldn't work, and then Reece, who was in the bar with some of his friends, saved me, got me to a hospital. I went into depression. I got better, now it's three years onwards and I can tell this story almost." I began to cry very hard. I wasn't sure what to do, or what they thought...


"Oh JJ!" The majourity of the girls cried, all hugging her. This was excluding M, who looked like she'd been slapped in the face. 3 years ago?? But...

"M, are you okay?" Finn asked, interrupting her thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just shocked." She lied. "Losing a baby is - must be- horrible." Finn looked at her oddly, but did not pursue the matter. Trying not to be suspicious, she joined in the comforting of, the now sobbing, JJL. The other girls were tearful too, especially Artsy. She knew what JJL had been through, yet felt comforted when Calvin put his hand on her shoulder.


"Why did you tell us now JJL?" Mika asked, once she'd calmed down.

"I think he has something to do with all the weird pictures and notes we've been recieving. He took the pictures of us at the hospital (right??), and I think he has some kind of deeper... Connection, or so he believes, to the PPRs." JJL explained, after a moment of hesitantcy.

"He sounds the type." Becky agreed. "But why? To get back at you?"

"I don't think so." Jack said heavily.

"Well, it seems like he's trying to get in with us, rather than get at us." Alek told them.

"Yes, like I was, before..." Jack mumbled. "He begins by watching us-"

"Maybe it was him last night then!" Sara exclaimed.

"Huh?" Artsy asked, confused.

"Last night, someone was waiting outside in a car, looking up at my room. By the time me, Micheal, M and Finn got there, he'd dissapeared. We assumed he was a pap, but maybe it was him." Sara explained.

"Yeah, sounds right. Now, though, he's going along the blackmail line. Maybe he'll make out he's saved us or something, and expect to get in on us in return." Jack continued. The PPRs nodded.

"So... We have to catch him in the act then?" Becky asked. "Otherwise we'll have no proof."


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I am sorry! I have catching up to do! You guys dont hate me, do you? and:




The Real Way that Angel Dumott Schunard Died


“Honey, are you ready for the best love that you have ever gotten?”

“I am in the bathroom! One minuuuuutttteee!” says Angel coming out in a tight corset and short, lacy shorts

*a knock at the door is heard*

“Why do people have to interrupt?” mutters Collins running to get his leopard print bath robe on.

*a louder knock*

“Wait dammit!”

Collins runs to open the rustic apartment door to see a small dog with an injured skull.

“ow ow owwwwww!” barks the pup.

“Oh no!” says Angel falling to the ground

Collins runs to her side wondering what is wrong when all of a sudden the dog attacks Angel’s face, sending blood rushing from her eyes.

Just then Collins grabs his rifle and goes to shoot the dog but misses and hits Angel’s leg.

“Oh my goodness! Angel! Angel!” Collins screams grabbing towels from cupboard and wrapping Angel’s leg.

“I have AIDS now!” says the dog as she wipes the blood off her paws

“Wait, you can talk?” asks Angel through her pain

“Who the hell is this dog?” screams Collins frustrated

“Akita…” is all Angel can get out before Collins interrupts

“Evita.” Finishes Tom with a sigh

“oh! But I am not who you think I am!” says Evita as she/he rips her/his fur off

“Benny!” Collins whispers as he holds Angels cold hand

“I was Benny all the time! Angel made Benny fall off the 23rd , the Benny you know is actually Evita!”






it makes no sense, because Angel died in the hospital. But it is an interesting twist.

I posted it cuz I figured you guys like randomness.

if you havent seen RENT,

Angel is a tranny and Collins is her gay lover. They both have AIDS :tears: and Angel dies from it. Angel killed Benny's dog (The Akita-Evita) by drumming so much that it jumped from the 23rd story of a building.

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Who hasn't lost a baby in the PPRs?:naughty:


Me! Me! *jumps up and down*


Maybe that's one of the PPR "requirements"--losing a child at some point...:fisch:



And Phunks...it makes no sense to me cause I haven't seen Rent, however we did sing Seasons of Love in choir once...:roftl:

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Me! Me! *jumps up and down*


Maybe that's one of the PPR "requirements"--losing a child at some point...:fisch:



And Phunks...it makes no sense to me cause I haven't seen Rent, however we did sing Seasons of Love in choir once...:roftl:




"Just then, the group heard a scream outside. They ran out to find a girl clutching her stomach and whimpering. They rushed her to a hospital and she immediately went into surgery. Four hours later, the doctor came out.

'Your friend is ok,' he said, but he had a dullness to his eyes that belied bad news, 'But there was a problem. It's up to her to tell you.'

'She's not our friend-' Phunky started to say, but I clapped a hand over her mouth. I wanted to hear what the problem was. We hesitantly walked into the girl's room, where she was lying on a bed looking pale. When we got closer, we noticed she was silently crying.

'What's wrong?' I asked quietly.

'I lost the baby.' she said flatly, 'I've lost my sweet baby and now I'm totally alone.'

'Oh, well....that sucks. Wanna be a PPR?'"


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Becky! Ah I have missed the old PPRC so much. Remember the old days?:wub2: and I am gonna start putting the song analysis together tomorrow, so could you get the address Becky? I will send that to him with a note of "The PPRC to come..."

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Long time! We always mis eachother. Haha, I cant complain, but I would love to. And u?

Oh, same old, same old. Just trying to get through school with my sanity intact.

So, is ya back for good Artsy? :biggrin2:

Nope, just for the weekend. BUT I only have two more weeks (or 8 school days) left! Then I should be back for good.:thumb_yello:

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Becky! Ah I have missed the old PPRC so much. Remember the old days?:wub2: and I am gonna start putting the song analysis together tomorrow, so could you get the address Becky? I will send that to him with a note of "The PPRC to come..."

Mmm, the old days were fun :wub2:


I think it's a bit too early for the address, because I barely have the first page done (of 11) and nothing else has been sorted, really. Sorry :blush-anim-cl:


And Artsy, yay!! :biggrin2: Maybe we can get the cogs going 'round again :naughty:

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"Just then, the group heard a scream outside. They ran out to find a girl clutching her stomach and whimpering. They rushed her to a hospital and she immediately went into surgery. Four hours later, the doctor came out.

'Your friend is ok,' he said, but he had a dullness to his eyes that belied bad news, 'But there was a problem. It's up to her to tell you.'

'She's not our friend-' Phunky started to say, but I clapped a hand over her mouth. I wanted to hear what the problem was. We hesitantly walked into the girl's room, where she was lying on a bed looking pale. When we got closer, we noticed she was silently crying.

'What's wrong?' I asked quietly.

'I lost the baby.' she said flatly, 'I've lost my sweet baby and now I'm totally alone.'

'Oh, well....that sucks. Wanna be a PPR?'"



:lmao: :lmao:


"NO, STFU. I want ice cream."


Imma maybe post after dinner...:das:

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